The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, May 22, 1923, Image 2

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V RECOVERY OF PHILLIPS 01 “ 15 Years s ■£» Standing===Mississippi !" d Bl-.Syrup Man Ms Hadn’t Stomach Hit Lick Work In 5 YearS**-No\V On Job Every Day. •After suffering for fifteen years from stomach trouble Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup relieved all my troubles and I am a well ;uul strong man today,” was the interesting statement made the other dav bv • • W. H. Phillips, living on Route 1, Guntown, Miss. . “1 had jiist about given up all hope, of getting over this trouble,” con-! tinued Mr. Philips. “ for 1 had tried | any number of treatments and other medicines without getting any better. The agony I would feel after -eating anything was almost unbearable, j Why I felt like I had swallowed a hall of fire I would burn so inside. | then in 1914. I had an eruption to break out on me that 1 was told was pellagra, and for fiv e years I was too weak and miserable to do a lick of work. ‘‘I heard so much about Dr. Thaclt er’s Liver and Blood Syrup that 1 de¬ cided to try it, awl my first bottle made nie feel so much better that I just kept it up a n d after taking only - < ", 111 )_i_- ..j e-______ . LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS PUBLIC SALE Georgia, Glynn County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, of said County, granted at the May term. 1923, there will be sold at public out cry, before the court house door of said County, during the legal hours of sale,' to the highest bidder for cash, the following rea! estate, situate in the City of Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, to-wit: “The north¬ ern fifty (50) feet of the western one half (1-2) of Old Town lot num¬ ber four hundred and sixty six (406). the same lying forty (40) feet north of Monk street, facing west (50) feet on Albany street, and extending back east (90) feet, with all im¬ provements thareon: said property being sold as the property of Eddie Cain, deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and making distribution. This the 10th, day of May. 1923. J. W. BIGGS ' Administrator, Estate Eddie Cain, deceased. FARR & POWELL, Attorneys for petitioner. 5 11-15-22-29. CITATION Georgia, Glynn County. To All Whom It May Cupcen: Mrs. Bertha Isaac and Mrs. Ger¬ trude Weinburg having, in proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the es¬ tate of Mrs .Rachel Myers late of said County, this is to cite all and singular creditors and next of kin of Mrs. Rachel Myers, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, why per¬ manent administration should not be granted to H F. duBignon, on said estate. * * This 10 day of May 1923. EDWIN W. DART Ordinary G. C. Ga 5117-24-31-0 7 NOTICE Brunswick, Ga., May 5, 1923. To the pilots of the Brunswick Bar and St. Andrews-Bar and Masters of Vessels, and whomsoever else it may concern: The Commissioners of Pilotage for the port of Brunswick covering St Simons and St. Andrews Bars have adopted new rules and regulations also scale of charges for vessels en tering the above harbors, which shall become effective on and after June 1, 1923. The scale of charges can be seen at office of the Brunswick Pilot Association. F. D. AIKEN Chairmat CITATION Georgia Glynn County. To all whom it may concern: J. L. Andrew's & Nick Mescure, hav¬ ing, in proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Michael Coovelas, late of said County, this is cite a d and singuar the creditors ar.d next of kin of Michael Couvelas, to be and appear at my office within time allowed by law, a nd show why permanent administration should not be granted to J. L. Andrews & Nick Mescure on said estate. This 7th day of May, 1923. EDWIN W. DART 5j8-15-22-29. Ordinary, G. C. Ga. MARSHAL'S SALE State of Georgia. County of Glynn. City of Brunswick. VViil be sold before the Court House door in said county on Tuesday June 5, 1923, between the legal hours >f sal£AfihegfpHowing described proper tyTthaj^certain lot or parcel of land lyiiigzand being in the City of Bruits wick, County and state aforesaid, .and known and described on the plan\of aid city, as follows, to-wit: The Eastern one-third of the Southeast •rn one quarter of Town Commons three bottles of this wonderful remedy 1 "as completely relieved and was k ear ty and strong enough to do a hard da >” s "' ork "-ithout its hurting me or making me tired at all. My friends and neighbors all think it was a most * ike a miracle the way I got | over m - v troubles, and I am always when anybody speaks to me about it to tell them all the praise should go to this wonderful Liver and Blood Syrup of Dr. Thacher’s. Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Sy¬ rup is sold by leading druggists with the positive guarantee that if the first bottle does not benefit you the pur¬ chase price will be refunded.—Stella Vitae & Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup are sold iu Brunswick by the City Drug Co. lot number 123, between Albany and Amherst streets. Levied on the property of W. M. Magwood under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by N. D. Russell, Secretary of Commission, of said City, against said W. M. Magwood for taxes due the said City for the year 1920. Taxes, 35.70 and Costs, and transfer¬ red by m.e. to Geo. R. Krauss, the plaintiff in executiop. J.’e. REGISTER Marshal City of Brunswick Brunswick, Ga., May 4 1923. 515-12-19-26 PUBLIC SALE Under and by virtue of the terms of a certain deed to secure debt made by C. A. Dunlap to the Lawrenceville improvement Company, under date -f February 19th, 1920, and recorded in Book 3-L, folio 5S0 of the records of Glynn County, Ga., the undersign¬ ed will sell before the Court" House ii or in Glynn County on the first Tuesday in June, 1923, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of the following described real estate, situ¬ ate, in the City of Brunswick, Glynn Count, Georgia, and in that portion or sub-division of said City known as “LawrencevilleoS, and described according to the maps of said City as follows, to-wit: (1) Lot Three Hundred and One, bounded on the north one hundred feet by Third ’Avenue; on the east forty-five feet by Brailsford Avenue; Southernly one hundred feet by lot three hundred and two .and wester¬ ly forty-five feet by an alley. (2) Lets three hundred forty-nine and three hundred fifty, said lots ly¬ ing adjacent within common bound¬ aries, and the whole being bounded is fellows: Northerly one hundred feet by lot three hundred forty-eight: asterly ninety feet by an alley; southerly one hundred feet by Fourth Street, and westerly- ninety feet by •'ranklin Avenue. Said property being sold to satisfy in indebtedness due under said deed o secure debt by the said C. A Dunlap to the Lawrenceville Im¬ provement Qcnipany of $1209.04. to¬ gether with interest thereon at the rate of eight percent, per annum from tlie 19th day of April, 1920, and the further sum of ten percent, as provided for in said deed to secure debt as a commission t othe attorneys for preparing necessary papers and directing and conducting the sale. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for title. This the 9th day of May, 1923. L.UVRKNCFtViLLE IMPROVEMENT CO W. C. LITTLE, Atty. 5 10-17-24-30 SHERIFF’S SALF State of Georgia County of Glynn Will be sold before tiie courthouse door in said County on the 1st, Tues¬ day in June 1923, between the legal hours of sale the following real es¬ tate to-wit: The \y astern one half of ‘‘Town Commons” lot number Fifty nine (59), same being seventy-five j by one hundred (70x100) feet in di j mensions, and located in that block “Town Commons” lots bounded by Stonewall, Cochran Avenue, ”G” and “H” streets, as shown upon the of- 1 fical map of the City of Brunswick. made by Howard J. Simmons, C. E. in the year 1S91, said lot being bounded as follows, to-wit: On the North by *‘M” street, on the East by the Eastern one-half of “Town Com¬ mons” lot number Fifty-nine (59), on tiie South by ‘Town Commons” lot number Fifty-seven (57) and on tiie West by Cochran Avenue, together with the improvements thereon. Sain property being levied on as the erty of Samuel K. Holmes to satisfy j an execution issued on the 17tji day j of February Tsrtffi-'fi^iu saiiUComity, .theTityVGdnU | of Brunswick, ijt in vor of Leighton \Y. Burroughs against Samuel K. Holmes for the: principal sum of Four hundred and’ Thirty-five dollars ($435.90) with, in teles: i'iom November 26th, 1919, at- GOOD GARDEN GIGGLES Planting a garden is often a lot tery because amateur gardeners waste time in mere pottery. Nurture your plants with diligent work and then when it comes time for crops they won’t shirt. Of course, all your vegetables won’t look just like those pictured in a book. But good, green "5 whether you garden always once in a while, gardening joke? l!! ^ OW P 5 ” a S 9? ile / A ' ld thls sml,( ^01 grow into a l.,g hearty laugh ami ea&e Y ouiway a o ‘!f ht ® s pa th ’ No uam tor Pams . . Bimbo—Did your garden win an\ prizes last summer? Timbo—Indirectly, yes. My neigh¬ bor’s chickens took first prize at the poultry show.—“Topics of the Day’ Films. Worth Trying Biggs—What do you mean you’re going to reverse the practice this ycai when you make your gaiden? Jiggs—I’m going to plant a variety of seeds and see if vegetable’s will come up.—New York Sun. Strategy •Tapers—How did you get your gar d?n dug so quickly? Bubbs—I told my son he could stay home.from school and go fishing if he dug fir bait worms in the garden.— “Topics of the Day” Films. Ambitious “Can’t I do some gardening fo; you,” asked the worthless one. "No. thanks. My husband does the gardening—at least he loafs arounc and pretends to.” kipin; “Couldn’t ypr gimme a job ’im ?”—Australian Bulletin. Often Happens May—Were you successful will your war garden in 1917? Ray—No, it turned out to be : piece garden. 1-picked one radish.— Topics of the Day” Films. Dance Act? Mrs. Nuwed—Mary, I think we” have boiled mutton with caper sauc for dinner. Are there any capers i :he house? Mary—No, ma’am. Mrs. Nuwed—Then go into the ga; den and cut some.—Zit’s Week! Newspaper. torney’s fees and costs. Tins the 6th day of April 1923. R. S. PYLES Sheriff Glynn County, Ga *8-16-23-30. PETITION FOR DISCHARGE United States District Court, East ern Division, Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of L. D. Wilkes Brunswick Ga., Glynn County. Bank ru-pt in banruiptcy To tjhe Opeditoi.s uf th,e Above Named Ban-nipt: You are hereby notified that the above named bankrupt has applied Cor a discharge from all debts prov¬ able against him in bankruptcy. The “aid application will be heard by the United States District Judge of said division and district at the United States Court room in the city ol Savannah on the 9th day of June, 1923,. at 10 o'clock in the fore noon. All creditors of said bankrupt are notified to appear at the time and place stated and show cause if any they can why tiie prayer of said petition should not he granted. Dat.ed at Savannah, Ga., this 9th day of May A. D., 1923. L. M. ERWIN, Clerk BY CORINNE OLIVE, Deputy Clerk 5-11 SHERIFF’S SALE Georgia, Glynn County. Will be sold before the Court House door of said County, on the first Tuesday in June, 1923, within the legal burs of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property: An undivided one-half interest in and to that cer ain tract of land situate in the city if Brunswick in said County, and tles eribed a s follows: Beginning at the Eastern side of the road or drive¬ way known as the Boulevard, at the corner post of the fence forming the Southern boundary of lands now or formerly owned by one Willowby, and running along the Eastern side of said Boulevard, in a Southerly direction, one hundred feet; thence turning and running in an Easterly direction with a uniform width of one hundred feet parallel with the Southern boundary of the lands now or formerly of said Willowby to a dam ;said body form¬ ing a parallelogram with ends of one hundred feet and sides of about four hundred and thirty feet; said land being more fully described according to the ma,p of “Maratime Sub-diisifen” made by W. T.«McCormick and W. A. Jeter as Blocks 1 and 2—lots 1. 2. 27, 28, 29, 30 a nd 53 of said Maritime Subdivision. The said one-half un¬ divided interest levied oil as the prop¬ erty of W. T. McCormick under and p v virtue of a n execution issued from City Court of Brunswick in and for said County in favor of J. H. Walton against said W, T MA or-I mt ,-k a i)d “tiie same yviiUhm skid to said execution/ No ,person in possession of -the property, This May 10, 1923. r g, PYLES sheriff City Court of Brunswick of said County. FAIRBANKS PICTURES KING OF ROMANCE N-c character in history or legend >ver appealed more to the imagina ion for his preponderance of dash ng romantic nerve than Robin Hood, whose exploits in the Twelfth Can¬ ary serve to mark that era as n which the spirit of chivalry reached its zenith. No character in he memory of mankind ever was riven such a magnificent opportunity I to be impressed permanently so bril-; iantly. Douglas Fairbanks’ masterly ; oortrayal of this character in his 1 nhotodrama, “Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood.’’ at the Bijou theatre to 'ay for the last. That Robin Hood 'as was a great 'over,- every version of his meteroic •areer indicates. He was noted for. he manner in which he so rigidly ■nforced the highest respect for all women. He was gallant to a maxi-: mim degree and he never failed to esent any show of masculine mis •ondnet toward the gentler sex. His S manner of resentment, was always nost unpleasant for the offender, oo. In order to appreciatewhat find of ardor was characteristic of his heroic defender of womanhood, me has only to contemplate one peech accredited to him. i ‘‘I love you with all my heart and 1 sioul,” he declared to the Maid, Vlarian. “Your eyes are to as the tars on a dark night to foresters , vho have lost their way. Your voice | s sweeter to me than the must of finis. I would sooner be in your company than in the merriest meet tg 1 ever saw on May day.” As. . visualized in the matchless Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood.’ his character becomes the very king -f romance in all that the term im¬ plies, and his manner of impressing is commendable traits of standing tnabashed as the bold fighter in be¬ half of frail Oman is one which : vill not fail to remain fixed in the •find of every person who sees the ■eincarnation of his spirit by Mr. Fairbanks, foremost of romanti' tars. It has been predicted that his film ill go far in reviving a vorld-wide interest in romance of h e dashing sort a nd chivalry of the ■abituai kind and there seems to he m pie grounds for anticipating such i beneficial result. Nor is it to he ’onbted that the world today needs sore of this combined spirit of such meat power in making life more worth-while. Mr. Fairbanks’ masterful interpre¬ tation of the romantic vole of D’Art ,gnan in “The Three Musketeers” has ■stahlished him beyond question as a player with few peers when it ■omes to portrayals of this sort. NURSE SAVES 2 PEOPLE FROM OPERATION “I had two patients that the doctors teemed unable to reach with their nedicines and in both cases advised : he knife. A friend who had tried Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy for stom¬ ach trouble proposed that 1 recom¬ mend it to my patients, which i did. Both are now entirely well; 1 am /ery glad that I was able to recom¬ mend it.” It removes the catarijial mucous from the intestinal tract and allays the inflamation hich causes practically all stomach, liver and in¬ testinal ailments including appendi¬ citis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Sold by all druggists. To Drive Oat Malaria And Build lip The System ake the Okl Standard GROVE’S TASTE ESS chill TONIC. You know what you re taking, as the formula is printed on very label, showing it is Quinine ar.d .-1 in a tasteless form. The Quinine ives out the malaria, the Iron buiifia 14 ie system. GO cents. We Have a beautiful assortment of Toilet Requisites in the famous French makes GUERLAINS CQTYS ROGERS and GAILETS HOUBIGANTS WOODWORTHS VIOLET Our Line - of Compacts ARMANDS WOODWORTH C0LGATES HUDNUTS GOLtiWOGG the square leather box Phone 518 ‘We Deliver’ ‘ "V ( The Southern Railway System Announces the following new schedule, effective as of May (ith, 1923, between Brunswick, and Savauuan, via Southern Ry. to Leverrt, thence Seaboard Air Line Ry. to Savannah. Leave Brunswick (Union Station) Sou Ry No 26 9:25 a. m. i Arrive Everett Sou Ry No 26............ 10:05 a. m. Leave Everett SAL RY No 24............. 10:05 a. m. Arrive Savannah SAL Ry No 24 —......... 12:15 p. nt. READ THE NEWS ADS B. F. LATHAM Woodyard and Transfer WOOD DELIVERED “RIGHT NOW” Our transfer business is noted for promptness and reliability Nothing too large; nothing Loo .-mail for us to hand'e PHONE 177 AND 1006 CEMENT We Have a Cargo of 10,000 Barrels of Cement Ar¬ riving at Savannah, Ga. in the Next Few Days. Get Our Price on LaBONNE ESPERANCE high grade Portlond Cement for reinforced concrete work and concrete roadways. EAGLE PORTLAND CEMENT testing around 400 to -150 lbs., 7 day test. This EAGLE CEMENT was formerly used in large-quantities all over this territory and is well remembered by lots of the trade as the most reputable Belgian Natural Portland Cement on the murket. DROMEDARY low grade Portland Cement, testing 150 to 200 lbs., 7 days test, is much cheaper than Hydrated Lime at many points in Georgia and a tremendously better. DROMEDARY is an excellent Cement for common and fancy brick laving. No Matter Where You Are Located Get Our Prices. Special Prices While Vcsse i Is Discharging. ] Carolina Portland Cement Company | Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE By J. S. PETERSON, Owner Phone 1087 . Two story brick building, Cor. Gloucester St. ami Cochran. Two story brick building. Cor. Gloucester and Albany Sts. Two slory brick building, I30M 306 Oglethorpe St. Two story dwelling, frame, 1528 Stonewall St. Two story dwelling, frame, Cor. “H” and Johnson. -One story dwelling, frame, 1303 1=2 Mansfiefd.St. -One story dwelling, frame. 1305 I 2 Mansfield St. One story drveiling, frame, 1721 Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame, 1118 Wolf Street. One story dwelling, frame, 1709 Lee. One story dwelling, frame, L62I Cochran Ave. One ston/ dwelling, frame, 1719 Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame, 1700 London St. Store, frame building. 1701 London. One story dwelling, frame, 1706 London, One story dwelling, frame, 2002 Ellis St. Two story dwUing, frame, 1203 “I” Street. Two story dwelling, frame, 1205 “1” Street. Two stores, frame buildings, 1304-1308 Gloucester St, Two vacant lots, Corner Johnson and “J’’ Sts. AVIU. Eiffe mi INTEREST IN FOLLOWING PROPERTY: 15 ML SYrtrei.1700 Cochran Ave„ Corner “G” and Ai bany Sts., 1723 Amherst St. All property on Gloucester Street can be bought less than cost. All property listed clear of any debts.