The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, May 29, 1923, Image 2

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Mrs. Burke Says Help Arrived Just In Time Scarcely C I Had h j Ci Strength ii. t To Keep 1 / Going And Couldn’t Eat With= out Suffering, Says Savannah Resident, Praises Tanlac For Restoration The evidence regarding the value lot Tanlac in the treatment ol’ stom acll trouble with its attendant ills ac trouble with its attendant ills is too conclusive to even admit doubt. Upwards of seveuenty-five thousand well known men and women; have publicly testified to the remark able merits of tli e medicine and the list of endorsements continues t0 ; grow daily. Among the thousands (v , ! people who have realized the powers of Tanlac is Mrs. Rczzie Burke. -CO West Broad Street, Savannah. Mrs. Burke relates her experience as fol “Tanlac has undoubtedly saved me from a complete breakdown. I suffered from stomach and new. disorders for nearly a year and scarcely had energy and strength to ; 'kekep me going. I could not eat even the most delicate food without suf¬ fering from indigestion. "My sister, who had taken Tanlac with splendid results, persuaded me to try the treatment, too, and before 1 had finished my third bobttle I was delighted to find that I was feeling like a new person. I had good appetite CASTORIA For Infants anq Children. mi Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria j AAo^clablePfeparaboniurAs ALCOHOL-3 PERCENT. jj Always f byKc-guta.- • similatin^theFaod - ; tir4 the Stomachs and Bears the Cheerfulness Thereby ftomoUno and RestGoiitaics Digest® , Signature : iilineral. neither Opium, Not Morphine Narcotic; nofj Jhatpkin S 0 * SeMM* Saits JhchelU Set* , tsgr Carried Mist SWT In l & JtB &ryTren/ hnr Use ?<jasaa!ss-j i ; 1 resultin facsimile £ meref'rom4nMw Signatured •. For Over iGoHP-O® Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTQRU THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. From Oranges Lemons ^rape Fruits the Heart of the World s Greatest Orange Empire in no other section of the world, do oranges lemons and grape fruit reach the high point of perfection of those pro¬ duced in California, Every condition is ideal for the production of quality fruit. Continual sunshine and clear skies during the growing sea¬ son develop the very finest flavor and gener¬ ous sizes. Remember that we ship direct from “Grove to consumer” thus assur¬ ing absolutely fresh fruit full of health-producing, energizing qualities- Co-Operative Fruit Exchange *57 West Ocean Avenue LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ’ A p«»t card addressed to Dept. “H” will bring to yon an interesting booklet “Dried Fruits”. 'at. every meal anil could digest solid ;f00d , the firs t time m many |stXa?iT\“oubirMd finest tonic I have ever known any¬ thing about and I never miss an op portimity to recommend it.’ A dull, dragging feeling of the body, a sluggish mind, depression of spirits, nervousness, stomach trouble, head ;ic j 10i backache, pains in the pit of y, e stomach, sides and kidney region nI1( j general debility, are among the nume rous spmptons of a condition from which thousands of people suf , , r -phey simply need Something to (tme llp the system and assist the Y ; r .,] or g al!S in performing their prop j,"' '-.nedons. Tanlac is a powerful re-, constructive ton;, and always pro¬ the most gratifying results.” Tanlac is for sale by all good drug *«■;• ^ Over 37 *> ttles Vegetable Pills are Nature’s ^ r fQr constipation . For saie everywhere. ♦ CONTRACTORS AND ■f BUILDERS ♦ Eagle Brand cement in wood ♦ barrels, paper lined tongue and ♦ grooved barrels. Less than sacks. White ♦ BURNS & HARMON ♦ 5-19 Savannah, Ga. ♦ ♦ ¥ ¥ ¥ *> FOUR=SPECIALS SEND US S2.00 AND WE WILL SHIP YOU DIRECT EITHER ONE OF THESE FOUR SPECIAUS ONE CRATE OF ORANGES— Holding from ten to twelve dozen of oranges according to size. ONE CRATE OF LEMONS— Holding from twelve to fifteen dozen of lemons according to ONE CRATE OF GRAPE FRUIT =“Holding from three to four dozen or grape fruit according to size. ONE COMBINATION CRAIE— Holding four dozen oranges— four dozen lemons—one dozen grape fruir. THEATRICAL PHOTOPLAY IS “ROMANCE OF MARRIAGE” ■a A "romance of married-life” is the given to “The Danger¬ Age,’’ a First National Attraction bp John 11. Stahl, which is . . ,.e\\ enjoying . a prosperous engage i l t at *he Bijou Theatre. ; The l story revolved about the ad of a married couple, John Andrews and liis wife, Mary. John ,iad leached the age of forty years—; the ‘dangerous age"—and believed j implicit} in the truth of the adage j a man is as old as he feels.’’ ] John U\t pretty young, anil he | was keen for the pleasures and! ree T® at t,ons of the pouiig,. but his wife i could not be induced to see the mat- : ter in the same light as he did. Re-1 pulsed in that direction, John min- j glged with the younger set, and the j complications which ensued would': hove ruined his home had it not been for a series of dramatic, events that included a transcontinental racee. Lewis S. Stone plays (lie part of John Andrews a married man who when in the “dangerous age,” sought diversion in far-off fields. Hhis at¬ tempts to find gayety result in a series of adventure that go to make up one of the most absorbing stories ever shown on the screen. Tile ac¬ tion ranges from California to New York City, and includes a orse race and a. sensational ace between a transcontinental train and an auto¬ mobile. Recipe to Clear a Pimply Skin Pimples Are Impurities Seek ing an Outlet Through Skin Pores. Pimples, from sores and boils usually re¬ sult toxins, poisons and impuri¬ ties which are generated in the bowels and then absorbed into the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment _ to sustain the body. It is the function oi the kidneys to filter impurities from the blood and cast them out in the form of urine, but in many instances the bowels create more toxins _ and impurities than the kidneys can eliminate; then the blood uses the skin pores as the next best . means of getting rid of these impuri- I ties, Which often break out all over ; j the skin in the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the skin of it}-, these eruptions, 'says a notc-d author is to from pharmacy ’ get anv about four ounces of Jad Salts and'take a 1 tablespoon nil in a glass of water each morning before breakfast for one week This will help prevent the formation ! of toxins in the bowels, ft also stim ulates the kidneys, thus coaxing them i to ci. filter - the vi: blood a of impurities i—_ ••• and . ; clearing the skin of pimples. | Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon : i juice, combined with lithia. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent drink which i usually helps make pimples disappear. I j Sure Relief | | FOR INDIGESTION j 1 I Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS and 75<t Packages Everywhere Remember, that fruit, with its healthful ^miner¬ al salts and natural light bulk, supplies just those elements most needed to regulate the body aft¬ er the long winter diet of heavier foods. Serve fruit in some form every day. Its easily and eronomically obtained under aur plan. CO-OPERATiVE enables you to serve the very choicest fruits—when¬ ever you want them— at truly economical cost. OF | EPISCOPALIANS TO j GATHER IN CHICAGO! (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Mfty 28.—Arrangements are already in full swing for the re¬ ception here during September of the largest gathering of laymen of the Episcopal church to be held this year, w hen the fortieth anniversary of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is cede- . brated. 11 xfot only will every Episcopal par j s h jn the United States be represent ed by men and boys, but almost every parish of this denomination in Eng ] arK i, Scotland, New' Ireland, Australia, Canada. Zealand and the AVest indies a i so will send delegates and i ?] me mbers. The gathering is known as t he International Convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, xhe organization of the Brother hooc) of g t . Andrew was insoired by i the late James l. Houghteling of this city j n 1S g 3 a nd f rom a very meagre beginning it ] tas spre aa to be one of the largest organizations for men and hoys in religious work in the world. “Since its birth it has been and al¬ ways will be the heart of a movement j to spiritually vitalize the man and boy I power of the church,” sadi Courtenay j Barber, of this city, chairman of the j convention committee. The national , body has held 37 conferences, none of i Which is restricted to members of the Brotherhood, but to all church men j and boys. J. ¥¥■¥¥¥¥¥ + ¥ + ¥¥ t . WILLIAM T. McCORMICK Real Estate and Engineering Developing St. Simon Island Drugs Excite the Kidneys, Drink Water Take Salts at First Sign Bladder Irritation or Backache The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much Our blood is filled with acids which the kidneys strive to filter out; they weaken from overwork, become sluggish, the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine i ’ s cloudy, full of sediment, or you dimes are obliged to seek relief two or three during the night; if you suffer with sick ? headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, acid j stomach, or if you have rheumatism ! when the weather is bad, begin drink- i ing lots of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts. Take a tablespoonful in a glass of watev-feefore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com billed with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate clogged kidnevs, to neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer relieving are a source of irritation, thus often blad¬ der disorders. in¬ Jad Salts is inexpensive; delightful effervescent can not jure, makes a iithia-water drink and belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mis¬ take by having a good kidney flushing anv time. By all means have your phy¬ sician examine your kidneys at leait twice a year. If Back Hurts Begin on Salts Flush Your Kidneys Occasionally by Drinking Quarts of Good Water No man or woman can make a mis¬ take by flushing the kidneys occasion¬ ally, says a well-known authority. Too much rich food, creates r.cMs which clog the kidney pores so the; the-. ’ ggishly filter or strain only part oi the waste and poisons from the blood. Then you get sick. Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi¬ ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage, or at¬ tended by a sensation of scalding, begin to drink soft water in quantities; also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a table cpoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid¬ neys may then act fine. ©This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com¬ bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to help neutralize the acids in the system so thev no longer cause irritation, thus ^ften(relieving bladder disorders.- . ifijure: . Jad 'Salts .is inexpensive' and; can not makes a delightful effervescent Iithia-water drink, which everyone can take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood’-pure, thereby often'preventing serious kidney compli¬ cations. B-- ail means kidneys have s our physi¬ cian examine your at least twice a year. I We Have a beautiful assortment of Toilet Requisites 4 in the famous French makes GUERLA1NS COTYS ROGERS and GALLETS HGUBiGANTS WOODWORTHS VIOLET > ■ Our Line of Compacts ARMANDS WOODWORTH COLGATES HUDNUTS GQLL1WQGG the square leather box CATE’S Phone 518 ‘We Deliver’ TUESDAY MAY' 2$*, The Southern Railway System Announces the following new schedule, effective as of May 6th, 1923, between Brunswick, and Savannah, via Southern Ry. to Eevcrit, thence Seaboard Air Line Ry. to Savannah. Leave Brunswick (Union Station) Sou Ry No 26 9.z5 a. m. Arrive Everett Sou Ry No 26............ 10:05 a. m. Leave Everett SAL RY No 24.............10:05 a. m. Arrive Savannah SAL Ry No 24...........12:15 p. m. READ THE NEWS ADS B. F. LATHAM Woodyard and Transfer WOOD DELIVERED “RIGHT NOW” Our transfer business is notcu N; promptness and reliabih^r Nothing too large; nothing too f/nall for us to hand'e PHONE 477 AND I006 CEMENT Wc Have a Cargo of 10,000 Barrels of Cement Ar¬ riving at Savannah, Ga. in the Next Few' Days. Get Our Price on LaBONNE ESPERANCE high grade Fortlond Cement for reinforced concrete work and concrete roadways. EAGLE PORTLAND CEMENT testing around TOO to 450 lbs., 7 day test. This EAGLE CEMENT was formerly used in large quantities all over this territory and is well remembered by lots of the trade as the most reputable Belgian Natural Portland Cement on the market. DROMEDARY low grade Portland Cement, testing 150 to 200 lbs., 7 days test, is much cheaper than Hydrated Lime at many points in Georgia ami a- tremendously better. DROMEDARY is an excellent Cement for common and fancy brick laying. Ng Matter Where You Arc Located Get Our Prices. Special Prices While Vessel Is Discharging. Carolina Portland Cement Company Atlanta, Ga. i ——mmm FOR SALE By j. S. PETERSON, Owner Phone 1087 Two story brick building, Cor. Gloucester St. and Cochran. Two story brick building, Cor. Gloucester and Albany Sts. Two story brick building, 1304=1306 Oglethorpe St. Two story dwelling, frame, 1528 Stonewall St. Two story dwelling, frame* Cor. “H” and Johnson. -One story dwelling, irame, 1303 1=2 Mansfield St. -One story dwelling, frame, 1305 1=2 Mansfield St. One story dwelling, frame, 1721 Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame, 1118 Wolf Street. One story dwelling, frame, 1700 Lee. One story dwelling, frame, 1621 Cochran Ave. One story dwelling, frame, 1719 Stonewall St. One story dwelling, frame, 1700 London St. Store, frame building, 1704 London. One story dwelling, frame, 1706 London. One story dwelling, frame, 2002 Ellis St. Two story dwlling, frame, 1203 “I” Street. Two story dwelling, frame, 1205 “1” Street. Two stores, frame buildings, 1304=1308 Gloucester St. Two vacant lots, Corner Johnson and “J” Sts. WILL SELL INTEREST IN FOLLOWING pfeWnidY: 1518 Ellis Street, 1706 Cochran Ave., Corner “G” and AD bany Sts., 1723 Amherst St. L ! v AH property on Gloucester Street can be bought less than cost. All property listed clear of any debts.