The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, July 31, 1923, Image 1

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..'5 m if — —............ .—-----< ARTS FROM OOM BRING OF IMPROVEME , ENT RESTFll IGHT.IS STATED rily woke Feeling Belter BETTER READ Vi NINO NEWSPAPERS dAlL^'T.HV^d .. VU^-, ■ -%%2 Eleven at lackjihis MofeMg is of an Eipouragjrig If NatureHn Every __Jtail. :i| fa_■ a ppm v Pramisro, July 31.—liefi nife infer mist ion of improvement in the condition of- President Hardin e «rfi contained in an offi¬ cial Bidletih (issued fit 11 o’clock this morning by attending phy “The President has had a fair¬ ly comfortable night with con t atufifi; Bfl j j S wy of le the restful patient sleep. 11 Temper d’cio’ck at W^gpjne hundred; pulse twenty! spiration forty and regu lay,; - There has been expansioirdf action pfiRamoniit definitely areas and the hearts is improved,” the r bulletin says._ ardi^g Sari 1 Franriisebi .July 31.—Resident Wgs so refreshed fey’;-sleep hich;iasted more than sik’hoUrsNast 'Anr-fc Ijight^iat he said this ... the day and sent out for the morning paper*, all of which were ^ devoted largely ■ to. an account _____ J of Ins' illness. ,_____ ] The rnti „ TY----r President .liwt -T^n fell asleep shortly after midniglff •......... and. had night ' ’ ■ which ’ • ’ a was regarded uy/ivatchrirs a s encour¬ aging and a decided improvement in his condition was noted. , v ; ; From midnight in the cjfijet. presi¬ dential suite, broken only by the fre quent visits of Lieutenant Command rir Boone, physician who had' direct, charge of ‘he patient throughout the s night, to the sick room. Each visit was the same quiet opening of doors and equally'quief closing of portals. No comment was forthcoming after any-of these visits but as the nighfi .iWOl-e: on an air ofi greater cheerfulftess thun had attendilfe been evident last night Wttf worn by physicians. The president’s'lsick room is on thris -ighth floor of the downtown hotel to hich he went upon his arrival here Ifily yesterday after abandonment or trip to Yosemito. fevery effort been made to give him as much t as possible and early this morn vrders W were given to presidential Iqt no one members of the arty<E>n the eighth floor. Dr. Saw¬ yer wT'sin attendance upon the presi¬ dent, or close at hand all last night, assisted by Lieutenant 'Commander Joel T. Boone, a naval surgeon, who since Mrs. Harding’s illness last fall has been assistant White House phy¬ sician. The real cause of the executive’s illness, as explained yesterday by T)r. Sawyer, lies in some crabs he atri aboard the naval transport Hender¬ son just before reaching Vancouver, B. C. The crabs, in the opinion of Dr. Sawyer, were “copper tainted,” or, like sea food taken from several small areas of Alaskan waters, had become impregnated with copper from the deposits of that mineral along thte coast lines. Eating the crabs gave the president a touch of ptomaine poisoning from which he seemed to be recovering unti] liis vis¬ it to Seattle last Friday. The exer¬ tion caused by the strenuous program he followrid there aggravated the . poisoning ian/1 the disorder became more serilus heat^Saturday than before. The as the presiden¬ tial train tlvaveled through southern Oregon and\ northern California He got also worked to hinder recovery. a fair night’s slleep Saturday aboard the train, and, oil arriving here yesterday morning, walked from the train to an automobile idoking remarkably im proved althouirh noticeably weak and pale. For several hours after arrival Vit the hotel all seemed to go well but Tat« in the afternoon the new symp¬ toms indicating\ complications became noticeable. Mr.) Although Harding’s illness at the present stafce is not comparable mt.'f m ' ^ : , '-j*' > - Welsh, . Senator Thotnm .1. of tafia, .who stands . fdr re-ylectk»n a''general next yea^ gnd tictoryJp||^ predicts PemocraUc #- mm; -r CH ARGING OF a fOE ** .1 T V H ‘ A ■" " F •S 4 • . ' OIL INTO ?V! RYLAl ID , REFINERY'! Ills' STOFS : ..... . Ponca Okla., i~ irifii) Miller, .... . director o fftery, pounced n-> n o„,J tjiat the fi.» shrib effective 4 prpbably 'during 1 . . . ........ t _. % . month T of August; )j. ; - Gasoline will be furi-;fro,m W^tk^Bftg '#.qwever, To fill 'all. the period, Miller sahf. . ; will 'DuJ'ing be given the vacations*#® fhij&jjjSign will be ori oli rudMbn.-. cleanup and repair'Vtbi'k'* and. ' V s? ••• Miller Spd. that no contracts will be .broken, TAX-REFORM LAW t NOW OR AN EXTRA m > i > JOLONS GOVKR?}iDR TtTAT..TAX‘MK%URES c'VKCLKER iNSiSTTliTCf . fE'lENACTED TPs-, - . ^p’reflSg..) - » ; , (By Associated less foupdati<fitfirir 'Stfite e ta^ reform measures is cofiiplethd':. during the present session. Governor/Walker de clared inf A message prepared, for livery in both houses late this after north. ... . ■ •• . - It is generally believed that legis¬ lators who- agree with, the’ governot; •WgL legislation succeed and -in in. passing this’ e&ent the desired there ■will, of course,' be no extra session. -'/rr a at- all wijth . that of President Wilson during his League of Nations- tour in 1919, there is somewhat of a> coinci-, dfjice britwrien the two.. President .Wilson cpntinue/I Ran.,- \vith abandoning his 'trip ifc to Wichita, before OH breakdown sliebtly in San Francisco. San Francisco demoristtated yes terday and contintted today to that as a city she -is equally willing to act as a host or as a nurse. The cityhad been preparing to act as host, abah*nnient bed®g»iL’<t ,tomorrow, but with: . the of the Ycsemite and the arrival of the president here she became a nurse. Filling that part, her citizens have remained away from the hotel where the president is and have shown their solicitude by numerous telephone calls to the hot^I inquiring as to his tion. The inquiries today were mented by numerous telegrams from all over the country expressing the hope that the president may soon re cover. V 1 - “Presiiienf Harding passed the (Continued on page 8.) : £ES& Jl SENATE PASSES BILL TO REGULATE POOL PARLORS ^PENCE’S ... m BILL .. IS:4feC®PTED Ms&g! AS ^•'r SUBSTITUTE FBr.WOOD- f HUFF MEASURE - L -" - - ’ .'attanta; July' Sl.-^The Spence hVL I'regUlnting Afimmercigi’ pri^dingfliat ppol robins j and .billafd parlors % of%ood only American citizens char aetera-may ■ be issue# license# and - that • yieriodical inspectipris shall; .liras'-pass- bo made by tlie sheriffs of'the- state, etl g^t-. yesterday afternoon by ’the Geor sen a te , 454 to 0. TlvO senate accepted the hill of Sen¬ ator Spence as a substitute for the UekaTbi'Heiieb' hill, by /-Representative Wob.uruff , of would haye,.the effect of .fd T )piish%g- all pool rooms.. The Spence lull now goes to the house, •fott where ^ "Mf Woodruff his tneasdre will make enafcted. an ef -Xe ve own ' S<!i»&tcri' Kennedy’s bill,, providing for ipliysical examination qf all males :A<efoi^'marriagelicenses rthet|jfS.tvas passed by tlj§| vote”of are issued 30 to to & . cAnto Tag jiill Basses sheriff Settritbr Duke’s’ feift'authorizing df ^jpeals the pvoye^apitlications Of thp court to ap ’ for tomobile li oerisV tags, passed with t opposition, After.a debeate,- the b : of Senators, Duke' -and Boyd, design ing 7 a. m. to fi,p. m v as the unif hours for holding: elections in : Ge gia, was ta¬ .bled .on motion of the at bors: They Wi’l .fltigfe an effort to p, s it later in the session, they said, 1 Wlmn thwsenate co ened at 11 o’clock, Senator Stoval offered a piivilogod resolution, seating sto-. published general) fin the'news- of the state on unday to the ’tfiat there wak tie likelihood *Mmplish that the present lej* latnre would anything; instructive It i , &&*&*<>*.'■■ was adoptecl with onl| i ,j ‘These Resent pessimist Do-NoJ ing statements;” Talk 111 1 ?' saif “are not fealeu to to do’goo do good. time for something to m accomplished and fqjf ifirih the jS^uragwc-;.^ newspapers or , | we”tm gjyen Wchance, the assembly Session.” jr. mv opiniodr will have a successful declared that, so e senate was concerned, It had full faith in the hottse of re.pre and believed that it. would pass , eonstructiye legislation before .adjourning. It further recited that the senate already had passed an in *ax bill and in audit hill, both , of which arc expect to afford state ' wide relief. COURT RETU«S CHILD TO MOTiy FA#ER’S ON STORY OF TRICKERY Atlanta. J- 131.—Judge George L. Bell, of T superior spurt, has ii. signed an r giving to Mrs. I. Allen the e. ody of her ten-year-old child, 1 after Mrs. - Allen had her husband, E. M. btained fiosseSsibn of the chjld ly 23 by alleged - fraudu lent, me ds, Mrs’,,, charged she - has been 50 ^ ort of the little girl for the years, contending that tfie as done nothing to support he alleges that on July. 23 she e child to her aunt’s in th* y for a brief vacation, and that lien took the child away by rep iting to the a,unt' , that he had sent for the girl by Mrs. Allen. ? charges that her husband is habitual drinker, and is not the ier person to cure for the little . Judge Bell, in awarding Mrs. Hen the custody of the child, speci ?™, that :lne ; thri father ^ aw fT. should s ~ be “ per . B. McCallum, representing Mrs. All¬ en, and Attorney Jerome Jones, Jr., representing Mr. Allen. FILIPINOS OF HAWAII DEMAND REMOVAL OF GENERAL LEONARD WOOD 0 . (By Associated Press.) Honolulu, July 31.—Immediate re | moval of Leonard Wood as governor general of the Philippines is askeff in | a resolution adopted here today at a mass meeting of 2,000 Filipinos rep¬ j resenting all the islands of Hawaii. In i the resolution particular objection is ! made to his insistance that the gov ernment of the islands release the TTTTTT7T77 e , >/' > '. ■ . ♦ TWENTY-SEVEN AUK - ♦ KILLED, MANY HURT ♦ ♦ IN GERMAN KAIL WRECK ♦ (By Associated Press.) . Berlin, July '3,L—Twenty-seV ♦ en persons were reported killed ♦ ..._______ and twenty-five injured in a col ♦ lision between the Hamburg ♦ R fed Munich express and a tipnary l ain at Rrenstein, a sta-.+ R;tibp near Oassel. * T*. * T + *■* J y♦’ ♦- ♦ ♦ ' --- .it . 1 —- - y Uf It ALlVrJt A I ffTn CrMI\C OLinlla ; •* :: ;f KJirnn 111 SNA 1 111 /ir ITI/\T\ I II) Al « «» r « TO BOTH HOUSES - - Reminds the Solons That Two* thirds of Session Has Been Consumed ANDllTTLE IMF IRI>NT LEGISLATION Uf h O PRESENT 1 Tells Lawmaker! That Some* thing Shouldp^ Distril^tion Done Look; ing Ito oLthe Ta| Burden Mor# Ecfuitabiy. Atlanta, (By July^l.—Governor Assisted Press.) W er’s special meaage was deliverp both houses eatny this afternoon tnay to result action." in ^timing, up leftiali^rs some that “You will tw#thirds p|ji-mit me of to the remin#you tipe of over the present has been cfsnm [ualization law kf not been repeal and no mea re has ,_ t _, burden enac ; e< that will mor4„ disti iUte';the itabiy”- f of tjon .... v the Govern *#&hin&*rt$ihs& said in his iMpsage. • He bold¬ in the face of pro it financii ■sufferirig wijfeAtot R. would be a lamity:'^ ifjSs :h soon be fori :rin full full cofistitu- ropstitu tional is exhausted time ol ipPsOnt wut remedial legislature action of forcing upon the already heavily burdened people the heavy expripse. ah extra session. m LEGISLATURE CHAPLAINS IN PRAYERS FDR RECOVERY OF PRESIDENT HARDING Atlanta, (By yifuly AsjS&ifitejt ^ 31.—Chaj£ain§ Press.) of both houap of (he GeorgMr gewral assembler PresiddSt prayed Harding for fodj® thcjjBcowiy ut' . ; cerd^-egret GojKrnrir Walker at’-th«v»n» uf : .his the sin- ria tiofs pathy. chief ex^^vfiJIficl: JF jf ’ feriderrid ■ ACTIO. >N TA#MEASUREB Atl; and McMichael th^, reso^mn by all Fleming g action on tax reform BSUl postpon ed until next ye vas mail oday by the house rules . fimmittee. MANY G#)D TALKS HEA ROfARIANS’ _____J meet MAYOR M’KINNON STAWS-’&F EXPLAINS EXACT jPROjIsCT iSTATE PORT A. ; M. uorentimdh, . the ■#!#:%%, firm of fif meeting of the Rotary Club. This well known young merchant spoke of his own business and made one of the moat interesting talks heard in a long time. . ■Major S. R. Brown took occasion to address the meeting on conservation of Georgia forests and asked that all Rotarians get'behind the bill looking to this end that', is now pending, in the **.--------i genera! Guests of 'were City Man»-, ger George Neelt, of 1 ance was ai't Dusenhury i see that more attei f, L. Church led the sii ipe, ^rery body saMi ; ;, Mayor talked interest ingly of trip to Atlanta and I-state ir port _,. fight [bint ^ in detail. were to the ow understand the project. IT TAX ? hSOUNE IF f ,'f "* BILL PASSES * •' ■ j TEXT 'OF feSURE Ivied SIMILAR TO *'ONE OFF Ailynn by.Manx. . OP , • v ~’(By Associated’Press.) .MU’ Rouse , Atlanta, Ga„ .31.—The npw bill providing » or u tajt ef three ^cents m.gallon on 'gapdline,'tlio funds to the coun-! : and'the' highway : department for; road-Wprk and., toward #erHrn .the payment ' the .discounted and At lactic. Raitway rental notes, will meet the-Contention uf. some members of 'iMe /lower assembly branch, ted by MfMichael, of Marian, affair that the cotm tids do not receive amount of appropriations for highway construc¬ tion, according to the' Erinis, authors, Burt, of Daugherty, and of Baldwin. The gasoline tax -funds would be ! distfibuted one cent .to pay the dis- j counted rental 'notes uritil completed ! and then go to the lugbway cornmis sion, while another One cent fwill gw direct to the comities for,; road work Und the remaining one jjjrint to the highway commission to m'filch federal highway appropriations, ®n?ler ;.pro-, visions of the,-measure,' Bp-. MclVScli ,'aef has confApded that tie courineh* have not , brienReceiving M fair and equitable: fkxt distribution Burt-E^nis of we-funds. ( The of the bill, is said to be similar to o#C- offered by Manri, of Glynn. ....■ ! ... .... ■ LOCAL DOKEYS ^AVE FOR SAYANN FOR BIG C •MONIAL Local Dokeys of iris wick Club, No. 2, left this afteri for Savan nah, wher-e they wij attend a eere monjal to be stage. , r the club cr£ .that t-ity tonight. 1 <•. local Dokeys represented .Daniel’ by L. As-Robinson Ref;;teter,-U. anff-L.'Eudwig., A. T ’ el, f .Wo automh-; 'biles ertfl e* ec|po JRfrmxm. YWW.--. in Sevang ... nah 'late this The ceie monial' wil! 'bdptteiided by membefis’j of of the organization from a number neighboring , v „. r „ and will be of towns ope. thfi most largely attended and plea<g ’ij affair? of the organization in this; district: MAYOR M’KINNON AND FRED G. WARDE LEAVE J FOR ATLANTA TONIGHT 1 ’ —. . Mayor Mr. B. McKinnon "*■ #(id Fred Wards will ’ for At G. leave lanta; where they . everal daisf looking aftevJBe mwies bf if sev era! bills ’ aff<>ctWp' looal pending probableJRha(^The in the Mgisbfcn-e It is bill , a 01 ; r lying debt Brunswic-lffit^fririrease seveffl^perfeent ii “ i 1 ® authorized, to bi . amount now pp l f to the be construction presented during off municjl tjw i present doc s .may ^ McRae nfeij Warde wi!1 be<i iresent io ^ p - eyery way 0 . ■feage. tem - There P are .......,yf|ii|i sevj ^ othe^mat- ifflllfl 111 tested up. duringjQrTemaining the^fgm .....I I’d to days co^> of j .the'.legislSWwsession. C. ANDO. NOW ONE OF BEST EQUIPPED PLANTS IN SOUTH GEORGIA It Would prove' a revelation to any Brunswickian ho visit the C. & O. Pressing Club^5M Monk street, the, establishment < tlis MM. Ml note the splendidly equipped plant] where this popular firm . is | turning out the highest class bf work ! in their line ; It was but -a short time ago that Messrs. Calnan and Owens, proprie¬ tors, installed the very latest machilL ! ery to handle their large and daily , growing volume of patronage, being used the; inJ most modem machinery their various departments. Nothing. in the way of washing or dry cleaning;! wash-i done by hand. A Palm Beach er and wet cleaner are patterns of theq latest design. In the. French ,-Irva cleaning department a huge steam, “ does the work of dozen T a or : hand-warkers. An extractor is £ one of the most important ad- a-i jUlicts of ■PPP the establishment, as is steam heating dry room, A sanitarj' I Steam presser completes the garment before it is dispatched now,the to the owner, equip-[ j , C. & f), is best dry cleaning and pressing estab- j section, ,of the state, j the investment in the machinery rep- j the expenditure’ of several i j id dollars. „ UNDERWOOD iwn SA’ WILL BE CANDID. FOR THE PRESIDEl SENATOR OSCAR UNDERWOOD , ■ Distnguishod Aifabam- statei who made a phtableftalk to morning Ration of'xVIahama in Mobile. ^islator G.H. SMITH SE' CONNECTION WITI STRACHAN 0 ! ■____ 1 ” wir» remain in b,runsmt| ASSISTANT TO PRESIDENT! OF ICE COMPANY of ■ It will be interest tq the friends of Goo. H. -Smith to learn (paat efferitiye August St’raehan 1st, he will retire Com¬ from-the Shipping pany, with which company hh has been associated since 1917. It will be pleasing Mf'. Smith will probably not leave Brunswick. He will continue his con connection with the Glynn Ice Com pany, a,s assistant to tjie ppesi-ient, “ During- the many years Mr. Smith has resided in Brim.-wick he has oc¬ cupied vary important business posi¬ tions. anffihas been prominently iden tified with every movement lo okin the development of this city. presidrint of the Board 'of Trade for two years and during his incumben cy-of ^ this office that organization did much in the upbuilding of the city as at any other time in its history.^ He was the first president of the' Brunswick Rotary club. At the i-e Assooiation he was electe d 11 | Has been very active in rganization througl ' ^ this ^ svs-, - tern, and the formulating plans for vrilopraent of. these great waterways, whiefi will rifean so much to Bruns wick and to all the cities and ties in the territory. Mr. Smith .has also been actively identified with various-charitable, or¬ ganizations - and movements and was memberof . the executive .... committee ., a his fissociates tTjS±!jT has made a-most de termmed effort to save this in.stitu <:lon - Every cause espoused by him has had active support and attention. Mr. Smith expects to take a vaca¬ tion of a month, or more, visiting in Georgia, and later going to the North for a stay' of several ”®5 rs - p AI • iTilCTTf 1 rir UL nha ”Uu CTAMIYC I AW I/O x J GUARD, QVER MASTER MLLtL) f IW |U ALvlUtll . /, r , nruT 1 v 3A | Carrollton, Ilk, July .--Standing over the body of his master; ( yesterday when-a tram struck , •?. dog. owned by Thornas Gaff-I refused to 'cave the body when) hacked tn the scene of the j accident. ' The dog stayed the,Baggage car f the body of Saffney nntil the arrived at Kanq,- aftd then took I up his vigil beside, hist master’s body ! in the bijggage room mftil the coroner ; IF ALABAMA SA SO I WILL LEAD DEMOCRACY’S FIGHT — ■' . . Tells Legislators He Will Exert Every Effort to -Carry Baiinef to Triumph ‘ALL MY FIGHTING SPIRIT TO BE ENLISTED,” HE SAID Montgomery Extends a Welcome to Her'Brilliant Son And His^Presidential CancKda ' cy Received With enthusiasm Montgom^F ,.r,.v - , f'Wj Ala., July 31.—Ip his address #emre the Mobfie delegation . of -the AMpima legislature this morn '.inV^'Senjpr daredjphflt “if Oscar the' W. citizertry tlntfeiAvood of Ala equested it my hat is in the , for the presidency.” G It is not for me to name an AI*- 1 a candidate for the president Of he, ’United -Stktes,’ i>ut If this .greAt . State .names me as'the. standard bear¬ er .aff'the fighting spirit I have will be efilisted to carry’ Democracy, to td- . , uiSph,” he said. ;t 11 - • Montgomery;, -Ala. Oscar. W. .7 ~ ator nfer a ^ U ^^//nefnbers^f.^Nf legislature.'.< h rfii ■re a' jpiirtj'a^sion 'of the tegfiij length about his &ropcan trip and. affairs there from art-economic point' of. view'-'- - ; -Bfiribably never in-,the histoi-y of Alabania has such . an enthusiastic welcome lPron\irt'ent been given.a native pf-thls state. men from all see tions are here .and heard the an derwoocf^ 1 ' *+ ^ A wiiTi • bama ci^ hirii.'pA'ces ...Democracy’s in the test for stan dardJl NDICATE PIL,_______________ )S1TK)N TO REWlCE EXPORT RATES1N0T ENDORSED I V . jjiily 31.—Chief executives of.appri nat.ely twenty western l-ail roads the ni^ aw L 3*,*u sug .... Omaha teifiess men that a 2.5 per c-ent-ire tion on expegt % Be fnto. merits- wheat arid flour pal effejjffs an eme*-g*ncy measure, to, the- grain trade, adJourne* onight without without making making a a definite definite an- au nouncement nouncement ouncement -of- of of their action en the - matter. latter, ;*»•&>• iy #£& ; informally iy'.#y- ‘ It was indicated era! participants in the discussions that the’proposition was not endors¬ ed. . / cy - .. ; The proposition advanced* by' the Omaha - cammittee called for a spe-, SL’Z ZXjSSZ i local markets. NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY OFFICIAL Hont?p._. . , highway > sioner of the g spending - the. guest ef C. F. 1 north Reynolds Mr. ! Bryan, as v of the Tpr notable npi as' an 1 ! building. ” look 6' the i i __ other m