The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 06, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PACt TWO LAST TIMES TODAY TRAPPED At his own game! In The- Grand Rliman.c H[ GMAT LOVER fjjo — am with I K M'S I TOliKIM i : NEIL H \MILTON 1! M L \ .NOV A al'ii I'ftK Nrwa I.,i-11«>l ami Hard) [ omorrow— l overs! Laughters! ave fun in IT PAYS 10 mourn u Quramouni OWuir RI TZ Special Matinee 10c-25c MARKETS Now York. Oot. 0, i ’l‘) Sir k.- t ush ed up hurntnily m the* oatly today, hut losi putt of thru \ to 5 point gains in profit faking. The advance, stimulated by new - tonight W hite House conference and by farther tv .lotion - on diort sell¬ ing, was so brisk that sales in the first half hour approximated iMHMMW shan . I . S, St«s i t limb* ti 1. Ameri¬ can Telephone b'. and American Cun ft, but ihest gains were shaded. Several prominent rails were strong. Santa IV jumped i points and I nion Pacific and Norfolk and, \YV tern about 5. New Y>rk t ent.raS \ t dm ed an ex¬ treme t i o of more than I. Eastman. K*W . Bethlehem, Wa'st inghoi?M\ Allied Chemical and Baltic moie & Ohio, (.Vs* and American To* biiceo “B” h d one to two points of slightly larger advances Dupont was heavy, mat r e. a r- a low. Call mom 4 ) ; onowod at ! • cent. The advance was participated House by news of tonights While confer¬ ence of e»»ngn • tonal leaders, and gained impetus on announcement of di: I<ijr-* eouo • a i egular $ k.*0 quart or Vy ds\oivud by Santa Ee Hail w a > Saute »*V e.mvnen stock sky ri.Tel ed to f 1 ? ’ fol, w here it was S|h higher, Union ’*o im : vMcd to Slid up $11.To. N s;-Vo]k a W s-uu-n climbed mo? e t ha v i 12 ’ •' a h ov c 121. I )\ it ed Si n*« S* eo 1 * mmon c vos sed $t»8 1 or .. '’isr of m . v i • while Ameri¬ can Telephone, aim:: ! was also more than above f:he previous close. Othvi k :v • uo ' . > > '. .vtuvieii American than. Ao.O' or T ohaceo "B M Coen Cola, NoCk Vmerkuu, Western 1 V r V . h ■ Allied Chemu I ruh i : .. o oi New York. Ne s i rr!. which the - lshed yesterday at $50, sold about $50. NAVAL STORES Savannah. -V: 6, Turjiuntitu’ firm ;»»'?: sales- 2K;: vmm- 1.172; sUfimroui 1,21 sale- -lm K 1-1 a'.7.J. Rosin firm; LUO: iwi;>t;» 403; ahipwen - 4,571; F. >i>» V *22i'.iJ-’2. 250; Quoit*: B. D, I ;.»:i li 1 *25'.’ 1 -•: K 202S A' 275 \ s: . \VG 505: WW ami X 537>. MARTIN’S 2 HITS ROBS HURLER OF WORLD’S RECORD (Continued From Rage 1.) No runs, no hits, no errors. Athletic RUhop died out to Wat kin • fr ■ Han fanned, swinging lustily at hard one. Cochrane walked. Simmon- singled to center and Coch¬ rane laced to third and Simmons went to ei ond on the throw in. Foxx up and Wilson conferred with Lindsey on whut to hand the big Mugger. Foxx (lied out to Martin. No runs, one hit, no errors. Eighth limine. i ordinal Martin drove a long double against the left field wall, his < cond straight hit. Wil.-on flied to Miller in dim i right; Cochrane made u :sc;oi!l ional catch of (ielherl's foul at tli< edge of the land behind the 11 plutc. Collin, hatted for Lindsey and lie crowd roared when he struck out. No runs, one hit, no errors. , Allilct.ii Derringer replaced Lind in the iiox for tin* Cardinals. The ! count; pitcher's nose was taped as [ ned; the lexult Dyke; of went an uhsceRs. Derringer Miller fan¬ to out. Dot*oniicy; Williams flied out to Wat .l:im. No runs, no hits, no errors. Ninth Inning Cardinals High flied to Simmons in left; Watkins fled to Miller; Frisch J flied to Simmons. No runs, no hits, no ei form [ THEAT RICAL IRENE DUNNE SINGS IN THE GREAT LOVER’ YViiih “The (Treat Lover/’ a eonie <!y uli unia, is in no sense a “singing jiietm' ’ the beauliful voice of Done l)untu‘ of “Showboat” fume will be IhuhI m it, prosonti'ig thicc charming and popular operatic numbers. J Mi Dunne’- role in the M-D-M .picture, which is now at the Kit/ The j nlr«* for the last day, is that of a voting Finger whom is trying to make u hit in grand opera. Two of her ; ong> a re nag t > Adolphe Menjou, playing Paurol, a great French bari jtmie; the third she sings at an in i formal dinner of several opera stars. The selections are the “Walt/ F tig, “felu* l.iebe Dich” (sung in Engli sh) ?tnA “There Is a Voice That I Ivn.Mirine.” Angers Whistlers llei c'e tlu man n ho Mal ted that S outi e\ci s. ahmil whistling, lie is j Charles Crai Shave, \e\\ lurk l ni icisitj philosophy professor, « ho said w histk'i -. « di e morons. i DO YOU GO THROUGH THIS An Hour After Eating? Do you begin to liftvo pain in your t stonmeh or nr rose your Imek ? (ins lumlding m your stomach and bowels pressing on your heart until you think you . ie going ti* suiimate ’ A sour : liquid coining up in your mouth, with : lots of undigested food? Belch? Try a tablospoonfu! of Dare’s Men : *ht» I’epsin before you eat and see if I that doesn’t help. i You will note a lug difference after I the fit s; meal. No pain. No disco; fort. No belching. Y ai’re not eon¬ 's : us of your digestion in any way I With each succeeding meal you feel ihettoi and better. Thiee days toils the story. Go to ’. I.. Vndii;\vs or any live druggist and as': tlu. guaranteed relief money ieok it' Dare'.- fails to fix vou up. - j Adv. ~ Boys-With Pimple Faces j Here’s Quick Help for You —__ i Here's the way to get rid <tf those embarrassing pimples in short order. .lust bathe your face with soap and hot water just as hot as you can stand. Then apply Moone’s Kmetald tCi. Massage i: gently into the skin, i Leave a tittle of the oil on your ;ali night. j In the morning, repeat the treat¬ 1 ment, hut not quite so strenuously. la « few days you’ll see an am a/. ! ing difference not a pimple on your t face! But don't waste any time just thinking about it get right today, after these ugly, disfiguring pimples tie: (T~hettle of Moone’s Emerald Oil Mom J. I . Andrews, Druggist, or any . other > Tst-class druggist. Ho will give yosii ntoia-y back if Emerald Oil doesn't e'ear your face.Adv. COUNTRY MOURNS SUDDEN DEATH OF DWIGHT MORROW (Continued From Page One) _____ ter a daughter of the senator, ed , to disembark , , from the , British „ ... , craft, carrier Hermes at Woo.sung late today and proceed to Shanghai by inoiot cat ...... •*. A launch conveyed the couple shore from the aircraft carrier, which had brought them and their disabled plane from Hankow. The plane was damaged last week when it capsized alter being lowered from the Hermes and Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh were thrown into the Yangtse river. Asked whether lie planned to con tinuc his present aerial tour Lind bergh said: ‘Cndei i lie circumstances I would rather wall a little while before ing any announcement.” i.. _____ Washington, Oct. (!. (/P) Remember all things necessary ami forget those which were not was the rule upon which Dwight Whitney Morrow built successes in all he attempted. He ignored formality. Rings and chiefs of states have waited while he stopped another moment to settle a troublesome question. In working he was indefatigable. Every piece he undertook received his entire time. Other questions waited. He was restless in all efforts at ree rcation and play. Although he ed reading, he seldom took t ime for One of the most outstanding works in his career was that on the drafting in' the London naval treaty. He aecom plished in three days that for which dip)......... niceties would have requir ed three weeks. In the midst of fii t drafting session, hi.- foreign eo workers remarked it. was lunch time: "Lunch time?” Morrow asked. “There will be no. lunch time until MOISTURE-PROOF CELLOPHANE Sealed Tight—Ever Right The Unique HUMIDOR PACKAGE Zip and it's open! See the new notched tab on the top of the package. Hold down one half with your thumb. Tear off the other half. Simple. Quick. ZipiThat’s all. Unique! Wrapped in dust-proof, moisture-proof, germ-proof Cellophane. Clean, protected, neat, FRESH!—'what could be more modern than LUCKIES’ improved Humidor package "•so easy to open! Ladies—the LUCKY tab is -your finger nail protection. J Made of the finest tobaccos —The Cream of many Crops — LUCKY STRIKE alone offers the throat protection of the exclusive "TOASTING" Process which includes the use of modern Ultra Violet Rays—the processthat expels certain biting, harsh irritants naturally present in every tobacco leaf. These ex¬ pelled irritants are not present in your LUCKY STRIKE! "They're out—so they can't be in!" No won¬ der LUCKIES are always kind to your throat. It’s toasted Your Throat Protection — against irritation — against cough TUNE IN-The Lucky And Moisture-Proof Cellophane Keeps Strike Dance Orchestra, that “Toasted” Flavor Ever Fresh ci cry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening 1? TF* Am*rL-jr* tohatco Go Mfr». over N. B. C. networks. , TUF BRUNSWICK NEWS !finish this treaty." I The other delegate, assented leaving and i worked the rest of the day, the i 11 ,llrl exhau ill. Mr. Morrov wofk I ed far on into the night without food, landI entinutd for three days working 120 hours a day in order that the docu finished. ' His reputation as a diplomat was Hpi . ead throughout, the world. Of some | ;;() foreign delegates received by King George, Mr. Morrow was the only talk, one |lt 'with whom the king took time to was then that Mrs. Charles A. Lind daughter of Mr. Morrow, was I being taught to fly by Colonel I hei gh. “How do you like your daughter fly j ing around the country?” the king asked Mr. Morrow, | “I don't like it a little," was the (senator's informal, but characteristic, reply, ! l,lis desk often was in disorder, but | weeks afterward he would remember where he had placed a certain valuable * Frequently during Diplomatic con | Terences in London and in Washing ton, Mr. Morrow would unconsciously place in his pockets valuable docu¬ ments from the conference table with the idea of studying them. Morrow's At. such conferences, Mr. secretary often would be asked to search the senator’s clothing when pa¬ pers were missing. They sometimes would be found in the pockets of the suit he wore the day the papers were missed. ( A valet went with him everywhere. j Despite every effort by the servant, however, the senator would appeal¬ frequently in public first wearing could odd trousers and coat the he j find in his haste to keep an appoint¬ ment or be at his desk. j ----—--- GOING TO YORK TOWN • - j [sell Atlanta, said today Oct. he G. would t/f’l Governor leave October Rus- 15 to attend the Yorktown sesquicen celebration at Yorktown, Va. MAKES NEW YORK STAGE DEBUT : j ; i 1 ' j < j i ' Ar.iartateS Press r/ioto Ethel Wynne, daughter of Dr. Shirley Wynne, health commis¬ sioner of New York City, Priestley’s makes novel, her ’The debut Good on the Companions. stage i:i^ 1 ’ the dramatization of J. B. BIG PROJECT STARTED Atlanta Oct. « (fP)-Actual work began today on the nev. $.>*A>00,000 TUFF"*AY, OCT. *5, 1 C ?31. ederal bt ■ . louuuation and tannelling job. rwo YOUTHS S IN BOOTLEG SLAYERS FUljjJ); ES^APt f T Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 6. t/P)—Les¬ lie Stratton, 21, an alleged bootlegger, , j j companion Enoch Wells, iy V.. I, dint and killed from ambush at ■|.: niivillc heights today. The slay escaped. Police said they believ¬ ed the heeling resulted from a boot I logger’s feud. DA KRIS OPPOSES TAXES \Y, in',Ion, Oct. G. CL 1 )—Senator liar; ie Democrat, Georgia, tax.” is opposed to "am foim of sales In a state¬ ment made just before leaving for his humi ye, terelay, the senator said “1 r.m unalterably opposed the to increasing farmer by one cent the tax on or laborer or an; man whose income is barely sufficient to meet the necessi¬ ties of life. For this reason 1 shall '.cri my every effort to prevent pa age In emigre, s of any form of sales i tax.” INJURIES F VTAL : Meinidii. . Tcnn., Oct. 6. t/P)—Injur¬ ies received ill an automobile accident near Ridgeway, a suburb, were fatal late yesterday to David Knight, 37, of Elko, Georgia. H. H. Taite, 26, Dan ielsville. Ga„ a companion of Knight, \vt, severely injured, but is expected [ to recover. KILLED BY RUNAWAY .MULE McDonough. Ga., Oct. 6. (/P)—A of mbit team runaway cost the life I William Willis Lloyd. 4 wears old, here yesterday. The child was riding in a - t ilt awn wagon with three other ; L aW*TSd °the 11 W fractured by a Wheel,