The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 16, 1932, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PACE SIX mmmmnuwmmrnx'mm i " - if WE CALL IT I TEAKWOOD | j 1 1 A B LACK - BROWN SHADE | y/A ' | J HOLEPROOF HOSIERY The very deep roMume r«l*-i »« , iti • sore ’ hi*,: !“ oM in (he line id ho> let , tmt tint! h> voAc cl<< ■ ;l licl.sood. ii > our own «|K-rtal hmntl o! MB - Hade" (o harmoni/e wish (he (Mii«le (ones. 79c and $1 The Guarantee Shop “Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices” ■ ■i i 'aiii ~ nimn — — — tsvifrirW, HEATROLA 3 npi I his great heater will make your home more comfortable, and is more economical than any heater on the market in hie same price range. HEATROLAS are selling for just half what they sold for last year, and th^ new models are more attractive, too. A SUPER RADIANT Gas Heater or an oil heater can he delivered quickly if you prefer one of these. THOM COMPANY 20i» 20/- MONK . MuM ; ■ M ,jp * w. V, I** MY _ 1 ... L Daily Gross-'V..-rJ Puzzle —i 1. Tow < l lit Obi® 4 « 11 1 Hi¬ K, r.tb • 1 Ti bi s ll OX 12 M »! Gimu 1© SiSMc with N Cl .-.dl 35, Ih l ! *i 1«. Vu\ > !■■■• i i up or n In a J-HAS VA ExilM ■ Ka»-u? . knv J *." ■ < 1 rtf Raf« ii. r . v ? \ t \ h'%„ t»r*a t cvh m .w \1 » k t! 111 M in Kfajr s* r. I m \ “I: ,9 ,1 ( (gr-fl ' a; W" ‘ ”Ego , 1. , in. { ¥ . U ' 7 i]... ' $3 Solution of Ye*terd.iy’t Puzrt# b]aN p] jo, m jpjk’.l |^/A,|f2jl ,\j a iCl yi r joL, S OM N ch. i '.it flu c-!oii- YpYfDV'A irm> r Ni C 1 r • S i Y|*', A!I [n;7 . ktv-'AD-v^ -t ‘ ip :f AfTj 1 t U'M,0 4r eldt -A > Si I 'L IPS. m oV a krdj- gfc a pt’.s^wt A'P'Pf A a c :- f i P a-: i II \l A Isl£ n’F-MP R& A'P'.PT j IJRgMfS >>,,.1 I ;N0 L A s r.!> Vp v y w m 40. IniUed to 43. A«Uoiw .1 parti. it. Ai-v.rt 4 k WtnraWft 40 tliieHlitg r-0. Mri.U 14. liliU j, Aim Wt 3, Uv) »t of Hw wjiii 4 Port h. j-Yiia IS i ■. iii !y V. 8, li-r. .> 9. Tt ■'*3® turd 10. AW 11, \ M. » a. • 1 !'■ b 'try Mi wind forth 31. Pu t o, TP. . i d ot (It* U . t « i st l.,ik all tW~ Pit htiy Hu lr;i tuU tv Ts’,1 3RUNSWICX HEWS $tr-yr gj) v a B aaa rsrxrzjaraam:.z&zmKKJEmam »irr^ wmsk Tira na# S OCIETYW CLUBS 1 \i I FR THE I. \I.E Who ha. not walked upon 'ho short?, And who doc not ' ho morning know, Tlit* day the angry gale i o'er, The hour the wind ha- 1 “d to blow. The /-white clouds northward elm. oil Urea!, into phallic,:;, line and hand: All one way to the iouth they haste, torn distant hilf their shadow, crei'p, Arrive in turn and mount the lea, And flit aerors the downs, an<i leap Sh<‘«-r Oil' the cliff upon the -eu; And sail and eul far out of right, Mill -till 1 watch their fleecy Ira ins, That, piling all the nuth with light, Dapple in Kram e the fertile plains. Robert bridge.. i HOI (.(( I TOR I HE D U The world i- U>« rtnn li with us. Dale and noon, fletting and /pending, we lay waste our powers j l.ittle we ree in natute that is Inn's, j VVe have given our hearts away a sordid boon 1 h’or everything we are out of tune, j Wordsworth, o f O O V. tv. < . A. ( \ TEN D Mi (.It I \ I'OR I III. \\ I I K WEDNESDAY j Rii! sinn presented by !Woman’s program, Club, iic.'iO p. m. THURSDAY j <;. Ki-Wn It, Ser Club, vice ii Club, ■'! p. m. p. m. I Fair anil Square Club, ii p. nt. FRIDAY i Young Men’ Club luncheon, 1 p. m. n o a c, C M.END \R OT S<H I VI, I ’ I N rs Ot I'll 1. w i t.K !WEDNESDAY | Crescent Hrldge t'lub, Mrs. Lee Kran r, horde: , li:l>0 p. ni. Ru mil program of Woman’- Club, I Y. W. C. A., ii-.ilh p. m. llridge tea. Mr . '! . .t Dickey, ho-t jcs-. t.'uale t’lub, 10 p. in. jn 1). in rsi A. i U. ,\ y Chapter meeting at home ; •of Mi s lies ie Wright, ftRtO p. m. Ur'idge tournament, sponsored t; j Mi Mallory K. Aiken, Copper Ket llle, H p. m. it l!IDAY j Amity Club, Afrs. William Dei wotly, hostess, ii:'!0 p.. m. Mal Jeolm j Friday Afternoon Club, Mr- . Fleming, ho-Ie. •, 3; 150 p. m. T'lrldhu ' convention at :,>idi*io 'em, isponsorer! t»y F fl T, 0 V-. a H:ftO’ p». in. p M I I I l\t; TOMORROW t It It\N V tl VROEN t It I! Tire tlrbaim (larrlen Cluli will,lie en¬ tertained tomorrow afternoon at !!:!!(> ! (iMoek b\ M: U. M. Samlifei' and Airs. ,1. I Frith at Mrs. Sandifer’s dome in Urbana. A program of in | ten*: I ha been arranged and all mem ; 1 h 1 r; are enr,bally invited to he pi e ; ant. DODD Vt MCI lit I II Iftt In WOOD TO ( I ! EHK VI 1 It I HI now Mrs. Fred Lockwood has issued in¬ | vitation-; \ in a large number of chil Ireu to attend a party Friday after¬ noon from dr.'IO to ar.’id o’clock at her home, i Ml I Fnioo street, honoring lur little daughter, Mary Reth, the oeea sion to celebrate her seventh birthday anniversary. O 0 o o D. V K. < It VI*Tl K MFFTINC TOMORROW The November meeting of t.he limn’ wick Tl a'iter Daughter of the American Revolution will Is 1 held Thursday afternoon at .'LUO o’clock nt the Ilium of Miss ties it Wright on t vmice . ; . wisp Mr.. F \Y Flout tug and MV U. R. Hopkins as host. An interesting prognim has been arranged for the meeting and all chapter members are cordially in¬ vited to t>e present. O O 0 t> IN 1'FRF.S H\t; ME I TINE HR VT! s ( I l li V|OND W The I’iiates Cluli held an interesting meeting M mdav a ft 11 noun at i he \ tors’ Club, which wa attended tiy all the members. Among the business features discussed was the organb.a iioii of a junior Dirates Club to work in cooperation with the club, the details to he perfectly! at the club meeting Monday afternoon. Miss Cretch e;i William and M'-. Rosa lee At¬ kinson were elected as two new mont* ?cis of the tint'. 0 0 O O M VRSIl FS OF (,l V \N TO (It Ftllt VII VN \ 1V FRS VRV 1Ot Marches Giynn Chapter nuiubor (hrnty tier of Star. u;i! coio■ it* i linth anniversary Thurstlay even in if \v i th a <kUirbtfuI musical pw g riim and MH-jstl hour at the regular nmetinjr the chapter at the Ma<onu hall at s o clock, luterrsimjr features are beinR u ranged by Mrs. T. S. Gil chiist am! M v Wiley O'Quinn, who nw in ehargv ot the celehmtHtn mn ; ruifvmu of the evonintf. All rhaptei momln’i> and others interested an urgvM to ho present. r> c o o MRS. t U HOW MU> HONOKKO \ \ S V \ N Ml The many Brur.swk k it -ends of Mrs. Ire Howard, of Savannah, will hi teivsted in the Ghhovinyr extraets of a eliirnnc f?u>m tbe Savannah Vic »: "M\s. Iao Uowani was oiulorsed fi r: o'nhoi of the Hoard of Kdueu 1= ti at the fall fnetrtinjf of the Public ;■ e Goinn-H o| ; he Savannah' Womer.A FeHioraiion this monung' at the of M'>. How kins. In addition to err dorsina Mrs*. Howard, the council proved havuui: another woman on the My Beauty Hint 15 y IIF.RYI, W Vl.l.At E (Stage Actre s) Careful Tuny will tell you that per fnine* s honId nev or level or distort one's p< rsona lily. When YolcctinK perfumes, n-me ni¬ h**f -the y .shoHid f/ivc a true pt >jec Uon of your l eal self, achiov ing full fr a^ram *e afltr they have touched ntie’s skin. The time and place, too, should Ik com ider' d, for there are inomorc. when a faint, subtle perfume is tin most effective. board, and decided to send a request to city council that she he to fill the vacancy which will occur on thi’ board next month. a o a a DIXIE III It 1 DROCRAM VT El.YN.N D.- T. V. M KKT1NE The annual Daddy’s Night tion ot the Clynn Elementary Teacher' Association was an ing affair la t evening at the Memo \ Auditorium, with a large number parents and teachers present. delightful meeting was presided by Mrs. \. O. Townsend, and Mis. Ernest Champion, of the program committee of the A., announced thd entertaining nutn hers on the program which I he interesting business feature.-:. Choral singing s as enjoyed, whi' h reports were submitted by various departments. Three ive children of the city, .lattice Paul Itenediet and Steuart Hopkin pnisenteil a novel comedy ski! was much enjoyed. Miv Elsie and Mi Stella Morton, lovely dancers, whose skill and grace are ways appreciated, enierljmed two beautiful dances, a Polish dance in colorful costume, followed a tap dance in white satin and costume. The little dances were companied by Mrs. Alfred V. Wood. Hemy .1 minings, one of sweetest singers, favored the with the beautiful “Sonny Hoy” famous by VI Jolson. Mrs. accompanied her husband, A composed of Mr. Jenning., Burn, Tom Witherington and Cai swell sang a medley of old “School Days," “My Wild Dish and “When You Wore a Tulip." li; usual inimitable oratory. Could addressed the meeting with discussion of beginning, advancement and comparable place in civilization, Could compared education as a with business, each providing and ceiving products for the other, nomic combi ion- effecting both prises, as when the business man not pay his taxes promptly, the Were the ones to suffer. Mr. commended the teachers for their operation in the present conditions isting, and again emphasized to the important fnctoc they iiud trusted to them, the child, for greater part of the day the child entrust eel, in their care, and -'hey only impacted the knowledge ,-f (t, three tt’s to them, hut their tor good or bad in character was lasting. Mr. Could’s address very interesting and was much ed. M's. R. E. Benedict appeared the mi‘H ingr and announced a h one i performance to he presented hy early in Oecemhei* for benefit of Glynn G. T. \ milk fund, ami the Ci'tiperat.ion of the public. A. Shelamler presented Mr. (iroover Hinesville. wh< fold in detail :■ tdue interest ini? features to he \ .‘Tit ed in the old- ashamed tiddiei vent ion to bo hold at tin Moo Auditorium Fr! day and Sato ibiav ring's, which 1 w ou Id ferine* hu ridre musician* tr v Bi ■ unswick for i Aie e Which is hei mg sponsored by the High F.-T. \ . for the milk ; fur In Pai wo: hav Follow the the wort •j amt e K. W; M? AT THE FIRST SNEEZE USE Mistol/m^r Essence r: Mistt { OK Ali» VOUR MANUK! RCHit? PILLOW IT’S NEW Mi . A. A, Tarrant, Mrs. ,1. L. Dug -1 gan, Mrs. Robert S, Browne, Mrs. < Frank Scarlett, Mrs. Edwin Recall,; Tor-j Mi. Ben Ramsey, Mrs. Fernando iap Mi-. S. K. Brown and Mr L. A. Stuckey, hot tea and dainty ssuid vvichc.- were served. a c a a J Mr . Mr 1 r! Pairi'h ha' arrived fr, m Windsor, Vt., to spend the vein vec at her home on St. Simons Island. 0 0 0 0 Mr . Nat Emanuel, Jr., of Darling¬ ton, S. ('., will arrive the last of the •a i ek to visit Air. and Mrs. N. Emanuel on Wright Square. 0 0 0 0 All . A. O. Townsend and Mrs. W. Fred Guyer left this morning for Sa¬ vannah to visit relatives and friends fnc y few days. 0 0 0 0 Mis- Mary Miller and Mis ' Louise Smith have returned to Jacksonville, after a several days’ visit with Mr. and Mr s L. A. Miller. 0 0 0 0 Rev. and Mrs. Roy Sampley and family left last evening for Albany lo attend the annual session of the South Georgia Methodist 0 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and tie sun will leave Friday for their home in Birmingham, after an ex¬ tended visit with Mr. and Mrs. N. Emanuel. 0 0 0 0 Mrs. Frank Stacy underwent a ma¬ jor operation at the City Hospital this morning and her many friends will ' ” 1 glad to know that she is doing as v eil as can be expected. 000 a. MV/. Dennis Kline was removed to¬ day from the City Hospital to the home of her mother, Mrs. T. D. Sj inrne-, and is improving nicely aft¬ er a recent operation at the City Hos¬ pital. 0 0 0 0 Mrs. J. T. Powell was removed to¬ day from the City Hospital to her home on Albany street, and her many friends will be glad to know that she is improving nic-t-ly after an opera¬ tion. 0 0 0 0 Mrs. Guy Ellis and Miss Virginia Ellis, of Sea Island Bench, who are now in Charleston, S. C„ will spend '1 Tuesday ami Friday in Savannah as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brant ley. 0 0 0 0 Mr. ami Mrs. Robert If. White, .Jr., have a their guests at “El or. Sea Beach, Mrs. Robert Troutman, Mrs. Henry Troutman, Mrs. Ti-oirs i liL-i, : ml Mi-. Walter quitt, all of Atlanta. Mr. White re¬ turned to Atlanta Moftdav evening. 0 0 0 0 ’>!r, and Mrs. J. M. lb-aid. Miss Her d and Elliot, Heald, of Held, Mass., arrived yesterday and will he the guests of Mrs. Hoald’s and Mrs. t■>: Elliot, for eral (lays while on route to where they will spend the winter. 0 0 0 0 Mrs. A. R. Craig and little daugh t.i : , Mary Ann, of Decatur, (la., Chime ami Miss Lilia Bellingrath, Decatur, arrived today and are the in¬ teresting gucsis of Mrs. Lawrence S. Miller at her home on Albany Mi's.'Craig is a returyed Dorn China spending a furlough this country. Mnddii Skins j fade Away i fM Dull ... drab complexions ... blem¬ ishes and those annoying defects... your skin assumes a smooth, delicate appearance of I exquisite Be i-utv. Tins new charm I is yours NOT,'____start to-day. r t yymd , , VN'hf^e. Flesh W ^-.x Hschel Shades Seed lOr io-TKIAL SIZE IdMI. |®Pr. 1 T. WKIMHII Hopkins & vemm Son wasm Few ataman York FITS—FIND \ WAY TO RELIEVE ATTACKS • j tics An amartng has treatment that epilep ■; state proved successful in re I their attacks has been snp • plied to sufferers for tlii vears by R. Lepso Apt. »M. E. Wright St., Mil¬ waukee, Wis. He now wishes to reach i ail who have not been helped and to | do of so trial is making (he FREE. startling offer •I a treatment Write today, giving sga. tadv) Did You Ever Physic The Bladder With Castor Oil? It ca.-.'t be done. You can <L> it with juniper oil, bu hu leaves, etc. .•ontained in Bukets, the M.-niiL-r sc. Drive out impt-.-ities ar..l excess i which cause irriation that in getting up nights, backache, ins, bladder weaknest vne ing*. Get a 25c it '•jit t'OX. After four ; it not satis tied, yo : druggist wM! refund your money, You nri hour id tc, feel betfe :-r alter hi- Means ir.£ and you get your re ular sleep, Sold by EemwU's Ih\ig ^ ore and J. L. Andrews, druggist. (adv) ’ . 'ONESDAY. NOV. 16, 1932. C A NDY . esh a Hi | - s' ni .M-K.e'l McP’cail Home-Made L’ne Chocolates 75c Per Pound JERGER’S CASH PHARMACY (Your Prescription Store) 2121 NORWICH ST. PHONE 23 “PROMPT DELIVERY” Catppe? Kettle ST. SIMONS ISLAND Open at all hours to serve you meals, sandwiches, tea, etc. SPECIAL Tht’vsfbys Seafood Dinners from 6 to 9 P. M. _ 50c iclay Noon Dinners - ............ 65c Sunday >• I* ht Suppers (Seafood) ..........50c . 40 c Get Ready Icy m giseraaa | 9 V \ele Tia of classic simplicity Black kid ... discreetlj piped with silver kid See our windows lor other smart styles $1.95 io $2.95 WHILDEN’S SHOE STORE Y(m; 1 Have to Be Rich to be Stylish 1411 Newcastle St. Brunswick, Ga. For Cough s Too Deep To Risk A Lesser Help Creomulsio-n was made to deal with coughs from colds which hang on. A three-day cough is a danger signal. There the utmost should be done. But a trifling cough may develop in totsomething think deep wise and difficult. Don’t you it to use (.he utmost help, even if a lesser help might do? Creomulsion combines seven major helps in one. The seven best helps known to medical science. One is best for one type of cough, one for others. Nobody can tell ;:i advance. So the best way seems to be to com-, bine all in one prescription. Creosote stands first. Here it is blended, emulsified and tasty. For soothing membranes and combating cold germs, the world knows noth¬ ing better. READ THE NEWS ADS Oft-HD FASH BONED SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY awaits you at FI ©TEL SAVANNAH the A distinguished hearr of the business, hole! in theatre and shoppinq district of historic Savannah 3 GO °JireproofSlooms RADIO IN EVERY ROOM ■'•9* (•'' aI X“ \ M 'fit Ala mi/* j j j j ; m .Vi : rl;! J I j j But some coughs best yield to white pine tar, some to wild cherry bark, some to menthol, some to ipecac, etc. So we combine ail these factors at their best in a single formula. For some coughs Creomulsion is better than you need. One of its factors might do. But don’t you feel safer when a minor cough is treated in the utmost way? If so, get Creomulsion. It costs a little more than lesser helps— $1.25. But your druggist guaran¬ tees it. He returns your money if von safer are disappointed. You will feel in any cough if this master help combats it. Use it promptly. CMEOMULSiOlW far ififtirnU f nntjhn from Colds