The Georgia record. (Atlanta, GA.) 1899-19??, September 30, 1899, Image 4

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gfei»W El 11 tSs^?s^^W ? Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels fLEA NSES the System EFFECTUALLY D15P,5: s S «®> ° *'?H EA ?rI f Eve >sr OVERCOMES C ' 1 Habitual C° N F avy the genuine -man's d oy (AliipßNiAjfatoH®. V «?.'*£ «*%.s?** fOR SALE BY All OKUGGUTS PRICt 30c PIRBOTIIL ISSSESPiV I??' piE REASOI WHY ' SLOAN’S AINIMENTI i I | Excels —is that it Penetrates s a to the seat of the trouble im- | | mediately and without irrita- la I ting rubbing and kills the 0 J pain. Famltjt arirl Stahls S’zso Sold by Dealers generally. S Dr. Earl S. SJotsn, Boaion, Aiasa. 9 L ' v -£sxA.... v. . < r.~\ .I Worse Off Than He Thought. Shadbolt—“Well. I’m .SSO worse off than I was yesterday.” Dingus—“ How’s that?” Shadbolt—“l was held up by foot pads on my way home last night and robbed.” Dingus—“l’m sorry for you, old man, but they didn’t get that $5 I bor rowed of you before you started home, anyhow.” Shadbolt—That’s so. I forgot that. I’m $55 worse off than I was yester day morning.”—Chicago Tribune. Fcii't Tcbacco Spit 7.r d e Yrur Life Away. 3 o cult 101 rcco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigO”, take No-To- Ea<‘, 1110 wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or sl. C'ure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. A $20.000,000 iron trust has just been formed in Nova Scotia. Supreme Court Decisions. Chief Justice Bleckley, of Ga., has tried Ty ner's Dyspepsia Remedy. His decision : “Atlanta, Ga.. March 11 —Dr. ( has O. Tyner, Atlanta. Ga : I have used, and am now using, Tyner’s Dyspepsia Reno dy. It Is a mental as well as a physical elixir With its aid an i a pair of spectacles I can frequently sou the law in i spite of unsuitable or to:? mucii diet. 1 OGAN E. Bleckley.*’ Pri ’e 50c. a t>otllo nt all druggists; or sent for price, express paid. by lyn -r Dys pepsia Remedy Co., 45 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. New York’s debt i< twit hundred and forty minion dollars. NS GUARANTEED 1 iith Premier type-I oar from 7 Statcß. I . Address, Dep* (22.1 C” artermnk Take r>o other—it is the best that Ik can be made. A IHF' All forms of skin disease, such a- ! Tetter, Sa t Rheum. E- zema. Ring r ' 1 worm, etc , qtti kly cured by Tetter itaji I .1 • u .'gist, hasn’t got it, Illi 50c. in stamps to the inanufac lylU| furor. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, rtaxTTrV 1 V box postpaid. Te>ti- IT CH Y: I {^:X[ g peoplß cured ' Cl N REPAIRS Wfflß SAWS, RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &c, FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO, ALSUSTA. GA. Tubnlitr Chimes. The clock In the Keney Memorial Tower at Tunnel Square, says the Hartford (Coun.) Couraut, has begun to toll the hours, and the tubular chimes which are connected with the clock mark the quarter hours by re penting in measures of four notes the famous “Westminster Chimes,” The set in the Keney Tower is made up of five tubes, which hang in a frame suspended by Manila tarred rope, and are struck by hammers oper ated by the clockwork. The largest of the five tubes is nine feet eight Inches in length and five inches in diameter, weighs 230 pounds and is keyed to A natural. This tube Is simply for the (Striking of the hour, and has nothing to do with the production of the chime music. The next smaller of the tubes Is four Inches shorter and weighs 220 pounds. The key of it is B natural, and it is the heaviest of the chimes. The other three tubes are: E natural, seven feet eight inches, ISO pounds; F sharp, seven feet, 160 pounds, and G sharp, six feet eight inches, 140 pounds. The tubes are of soft brass and are drawn in the usual manner by hy draulic pressure, the tone being gov erned by the length, the diameter and thickness of the metal forming the tube. The tone is soft and melodious, and has a radius of about one mile, under favorable conditions. The vl- ; brations last for two n inutes, whereas the vibrations of the largest bell last for only one minute. Looking for a Square Proposition. | An Australian, coming up on a re cent steamer, fell in with two sharp ers, who led him Into many wagers. They were so Invariably successful that he became suspicious that they were “fixing” the bets, but each new proposition was so tempting that he I could not resist it. At last as they ap- j proached the Golden Gate, he counted i up the remnants of his roll. “Gentlemen,” he said to them, “I i Cud I have just $22 in American , money left. Now, I will risk it ad if you will let me name this last bet.” The others were curious, and, know ing they could not lose much, consent- I i od, and asked what bls proposition i was. I “it is this,” he s,!d; “I’ll bet you $22 ; | that I can yell louder than the ship's ( ' steam whistle. Os course, I'll lose,” ho added, “but. by jingo. I know the I whistle can't be fixed.” —San Francis- i co Argonaut. Croquet's New Name. The game of croquet has just been ; ■ the subject of legislation by experts, i j and as a result the scientific game— ! ; played by men who insist upon hav- ! Ing the lawn as smooth as a billiard : I table, the balls perfectly rounded—is i no longer croquet, but roque. « GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES j® Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic V*’'’' 1 * ' •■// are being sold daily to the people in the malarial sections of the United Slates. The 7 demand for GROVE’S is three times greater than all the other Chill Tonics combined, A LARGE JOBBER’S TESTIMONY: K!gSHfc2W!RI BROS. DRUG CO., of St. Louis, write about GROVE’S: [T CcuPARIS MEDICINE CO.. St, Louis, Mo., Gentlemen:—We find we are again in need of Grove’s Tasteless Chill //•’W’ :<t \ 1 Tonic. Please rush down 100 gross more at once. It might be pleasant for you to know that we sold during the l/\"; . u chill season of 1898, 2660 dozen t'.Z«l>V©*S Tottic and our sales for this season arc steadily increasing. This is a record to be proud of, and we congratulate you on such a showing. Yours tiuly, MEYER BROS. DRUG CO. W ” W E-" I§ 3 X^- e f ortnu la of GROVE’S is plainly printed on each bo tie showing what it contains. “*« vu.-i’ A be reason the imitators do not advertise their formula is because they know the people W s Ur*w ■fcatiMHMa!lKiESSßMßK£aaet3B would not buy their medicine if they knew its ingredients. i-pi 1 cP- ft YOBB MMasT HAS SOID GE ® ¥E 'S FOB YEARS. JGST ASK HIM ABOUT IT, Grove’s is a prescription that does cure MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. Rubber Tired Policemen. Washington, Ind., has a gum shoe j police force. Every policeman in the department is required by the Chief i to wear shoes with rubber soles and I heels, in order, like a fairy godmother, > to slip up noiselessly upou any person ■ who may be in mischief and nab him when he least expects it. If a patrolman reports for duty without his gum shoes he is immedi ately reprimanded, and is compelled to give cause for such base neglect of duty. If the offence is committed three times the “copper” would better be on the lookout for a new job.— Louisville Courier-Journal. | Plantation Chill Cure jiGimfiil To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it ? Price sOc. I Dhinion! Dril'a. The enrbonsjused In diamond drills nre not renl diamonds as Jewellers un derstand the jrord. They come from Bahia State, praatll. To reach the field one goes |>y boat and rail to Ban delin, thence on mule back ipto the mountains called Sierra des Lavras Dlamantlhas. The carbons nre found In river grnvot and also in a clay stratum In the mountains. In 1873 the government of Bohemia granted only 900,000 florins for educa tional purposes. Last year the sum was 13,500,01X1 florins. Ask Your Dealer For Allen’s Foot-Ease, A powder to shake into your shoes; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen. Sore, Hot, Callous. Aching. Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Kails. Aden's Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all drug gists and shoestores, 2F> cts. Sample mailed FREE. Adr’s Allen S. Olmsted, l.oiloy, N.Y. It is easier to bold on to timo by the fore locks than ills to hold on at the heels. Fducnte Your Bowel* With Cascarrts. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Kr.ttc. it C.C. O. fail. dnigglFtßrefund money. The wool od the back of a sheep la the shepherd’s barometer. SIOO Reward. SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleaded to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science 'ms been able to mre in all its stages, and that is < ata rrh. Ifsii’s Catarrh • tire is the only positive cure now known to th»* medical f raternity, Catarrh being a con stitutional diseas?, requires a constitutional treatment Hall’s Catarrh Cure I«taken in nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation oi the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in dolnur its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollar- for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Chensy & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Hall’s Familv Pills are the best. In cert lin partsof Africa crocodiles, toads and spiders are eaten. To Cure Constipation Forever. i Take Cnscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. JI C. C. C. lai 1 to cure, druggists refund money. The harder a woman’s husband has to work the madder she gets when she sees a azy man. [• GrWt « ? tir 11 Hw £ Docs yourhead ache? Pain back of youreyes? Bcdtasie in yourniouth? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation, headache, dyspepsia, and all liver complaints. ~2;c. All druggists. ■, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful J brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM’S DYE Whiskers | i go crt. of CRuo6igTs, R. P. sail. A Co._na«hi»», n. | Charged Accordingly. “I never wear any of my diamonds to my dressmaker's.” “Why not?” “I did it once, and she put them in the bill.” ————— No-ToUtac for Fifty Cents. Gunrnnterd tel cccc bn bit «in e. makes weak I men strong, bleed pure. tOe. sl. All druggists. ' Few men are enough at home in their ow n ■ houses to go into the pm.try and look for pie. 1 Now is the Timo to Flant Strawberries. Our free publications t II hew to make money ou them. Strawberry Specialists, Kittrell, N. C. In Naples 80,000 people never know today where they shall get their meals tomorrow. f—llls of wotnen overshadow their whole lives. Some women arc constantly getting medical treat ment and are never well. ‘'A woman best understands women's ills," and the women who consult Mrs. Pinkham find in her counsel practical assistance. ” Ly “- P/MO77OJU. Mrs. Mabel Good, Correctionville, ELfIRZ’S O la . tells how Mrs. Pinkham saved BfJfiaot&siar a' 'fU’Sti I you enough for WFFOTOT what your medicine has done for me. I can recommend it as one of the best svXiZiS ‘J medicines on earth for all women’s —— ills. I suffered for two years with female weakness and at last became bedfast. Three of our best doctors did me no good so I concluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was able t 0 do all iny house work. I know that your me d> c i ne raised me from &&& a bed of sickness and < C \ perhaps death, and am X 5, -- /(\ ver y thankful for what it has done for me. I hope 1 '‘Y that ever y suffering y woman may be per- •-VkR stiadisd to try your medicine. ” G** r ®' Plakham’s advice as soon as y° u begin to be ptizziq/l. The sick headaches an d dragging sensation come f / G from a curable cause. Write | for help as soon as they ap. 'n? ' ~~— pear. Mrs. Dole Stanley, I Campbellsburg, Ind., 'J? \ wr ' tes: “Dear Mrs. /' ! \ \ y Pinkham—l was troubled /1 \ / 6 \ \ with sick headache and \ / H \ V’was so weak and nervous, ' I I I could hardly go. A ' friend called upon me one evening and recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, saying that she knew that it would cure me. I then sent for your medicine and after taking five bottles of it, I was entirely cured. I cannot praise it enough.” QEED WHEAT IQU4LLL We again offer the cleaneat seed wheat on the market, and from probably the largest crop yield in the State, if not the United Spates. We bad 855 acres in wheat this year, and the crop averaged 20 bushels per acre’ Where we had a good stand, not winter kil led, we bad over 40 bushels |er acre. One hundred bushels of our wheat will contain less cockle teed than one bushel of ordinary seed wheat. Price $1.15 per bushel on cars at Charlotte. Bags hold two bushels and are new—no charge for bags. Terms: Cash with order. CHARLOTTE OIL & FERTILIZER CO. Per FRKD OLIVER. Pre.’t. CH A K LOTTIE, - - - - • N. €. L—_ Re v. (kg w Bishop; Jos. S. Key, F * I M I 0” c h a ?S M 113 BA Wrote: "We gave .vour tikthina 8 E 8 HIH! I ® (Teetilng P, wders) to our llttl, i IL L 8 63 m /-I / & (T6Bftlß ß Pcwdsrs - } onJ ? 25 CeDts * if not found at ysur mail 25 cents to C. J. MCffPETT, M, D„ St Louis, Mo. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Are the best. A'k for them. Cost no more than coentnon chhnnrvß. Al! dealers. FITTSIIL’IU; (.LASS CO.. Uiogbeny, Pa. i CLOUD’S ' PTV’ Ft P & ’d, Louisiana Xarket btruwberry. I M J Xt 2 E -y f As L den r. 1 a • 1 i Thompson’s Eye Water I ffiL Tails, ■ nd Heat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Us© l - Ww * p tluie. Scd by druggists. Krl PITTS’ Antiseptic Invigorator FOR The Stomach, The Liver, The Bowels, The Kideys, The Blood, The Nerves, Contagious Diseases. Antiseptic Invigorator is a germ-killer, a diuretic, a blond purifier, a stomach and nurve tunic, a fi imnlant for the liver and j bowels. Manufactured bv Bins’ ANTISEPTIC INVIfiORATOfI CO., THOMSON. GA. w. lTdouclas 53&53.50 SHOBS "“'®g Worth S 4 to SB compared with oihsr makes. 3?; Indorsed hy over h wearera. -St *6l ALL LEATiW'. S. ALL STYLES I' N /*’•/ TnK rtiNUINB h»<® w. L. Druglae* name hm.l price staaiped on boiioau 7 Take no rubstltute claimed >T- 1 to be us good. Largest makers «f S 3 and 53.50 elioes in the world. Your dealer should keep ’ them—ls not, we will send you sSr’S•*><S’ a pair on receipt of price. St ate I kind of leather, size and width, plain or cap toe. Catalogue C Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. 8.-ocklon. Mass.