The Georgia record. (Atlanta, GA.) 1899-19??, October 14, 1899, Image 4

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EVERY woman suffering from any female trouble can be helped by Mrs. Pinkham. This sta'- ment is based on sound reasoning and an unrivalled < jeord. Multitudes of America's women to-day bless Mrs. Pinkham for competent and common-sense advice. Write to her if you are ill. Her SAFE COUNSEL FOR SICK WOMEN leucorrhoea, had a continual pain in abdomen. Sometimes I ■could not walk across the floor for three or four weeks at a time. Since using your medicine, I now have no more tear- ing-down pains, or tired feelings, and am well and hearty. I shall recommend Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vege- ( table Compound to all my ' suffering friends as the greatest remedy for all female weakness.” Mrs. Susie J. Weaver, 1821 Callowhill St., Phila delphia, Pa., writes: '•Dear Mrs. Pinkham—l had inflammation of the womb and painful men situation, and by your | advice I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. Have taken four bottles and used one package of Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. I thank you so much for what your medi cine has done for me.” Mrs. M. Baumann, 771 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111., writes: "After two months’ trial of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I can not say enough in praise for it. I was a very sick woman with womb trouble when I began its use, but now I am well.” W, La DOUGLAS $3& 53.50 SHOES t Worth $4 ta $8 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,900 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES THE GEMIKK hpre W. L. Dougin.’ mure end prlee stamped on bottom. Take no substitute claimed to be aa good. Largest makers of $3 and >3.50 shoes In the world. Your dealer should keep them—if not, we will send you a patron receipt of price. State kind of leather, size nud width, plain or cap toe. Catalogue <J Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mass. Williutf to Risk Thein. She was shy of germs in the water, She boiled and killed them by steam; fihe wae shy of germs in the butter And microbes that flourish in cream. She was shy of germs in the sirloin. Os germs in the marrowfat bone, She was shy of germs on her money And germs that you meet at the playhouse, Os germs on the car transfer slips; But she wasn’t a bit shy of the micro bes, If there were any on Archibald’s lips. —Chicago News. Are You Using Alien’s Foot Kase? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alien’s Foot 'Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Stores, 25e. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. It was Rents who said “A thin" of beauty is a joy forever.” Tdacnte Your Bowels With Casoirets. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. He. 25c. 11 C. C. C. fail, druggibtsrefund money. If some men knew what they were talking s.bout, they wou'.d not talk so freely. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the oar. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets In flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafnes* is the result, and unless the inflam mation can he taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be de stroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are ■Aused by catarrh, which is nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cause of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney <t Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Every man is the architect of his own character. fon’t Tctficco Spit end Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or sl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreaa Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. If we do not fasten our attention on what we lack, very little wealth is sufficient. We think Piso’s Cure for Consumption is theou 1 v meiiicine ior( ■(•ugh s—.1F.nnlePinck- AHD, Springfield, Ills.. Oct. 1,1834. Folice Court Trial and Judgment Judge Andy E. Calhoun, of the police court of Atlanta, (la., recently passed a sentence of much Importance to dy-peptk’S. Here it is : “I am a great sufferer from nervous sick headache and have found nu remedy so effec live a® Tyher’fi Dyspep-ia Remedy. Lt taken when the hen ia< he first begins it invariably cures, a E Calhoun.” Price 50 cents per bottle. At all druggists, or sent for price, express paid, by Tyner Dys pepsia Remedy Co.. 45Mitchell st.. Atlanta. Ga. Send Five Cents in stamps for Sample, FREE. Not hing costs lass nor is cheaper than the compliments of civility. Stew in (hr Time to Plant Strawberries. Our free Publications tell how tomeke money < n them. P. Co. .Strawberry Specialists, Kittrell.N.U. A man’s vanity te Is him what is honor, a -man’s conscience what is justice. address is Lynn, Mass. Absolutely no charge is made for advice. "I suffered seven years and would surely have died but for your help,” writes Mrs. Geo. Bainbridge, Morea, Pa., to Mrs. Pinkham. “ It is wit-h pleasure I now write to inform you that I am now a healthy woman, thanks to your kind advice and wonderful medi cine. I can never praise it enough. I was a constant sufferer from womb trouble, and Ji; t ~.Stt-tT'-I • X'\ X J*******\3- y. I Ji® - n r 1 / JA- cs w Could Not Be Otherwise. ‘‘l hear Old Easymark has failed in business. Lack of experience?” ‘‘No, not that.” “What, then?” “Well, you see, his wife Is president of the Sisters of the Revolution, two of his daughters are in society, his son is president of a glee club, and his cook boards her family at his house.” —Boston Herald. Her Self-Esteem. “I love you,” he passionately said, "with all my heart, with all my soul, and with the whole strength of my being!” “I don’t see how you can help it!” replied the maiden, who was fully aware of her own worth.—Puck. The Philippine War. This contest Is proving much more stubborn than we had anticipated. It needs a vigorous contest to straighten matters out. We should tackle the Philippines and overcome them as Hostetter's Stomach Bitters does dyspepsia, indigestion, malaria, fever and ague, and liver and kidney diseases. The battle is short and decisive, and for fifty years the Bitters have always won. If you are ill, and don’t know what's wrong, try it. Your reputation shall be great to the ex tent that your wis lorn and actions allow. Ji fi'ila ufc li Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels f|EA NSES THE V „ Habitual constipation ' 1 UAU PERMANENTLY ,TS,! ««S e r« CTS Bvy THE GENUINE - MAHTO 6X dIIfvRNIA pG SYRVP® roa sau by su oßues'srs. rtnet sor pir bwtll refunded by your merchant, so why uot try it? Price 50c. « . Munle’a Effect on Animals, Tarantulas do not dance to the sound of the violin, but let the people they bite do the dancing; scorpions, how ever, enjoy fiddling, according to the Quarterly Review, and lizards go cra zy for music of nny kind. As for ser pents, the boa constrictor and python are senseless to melody, but the cobra Is fascinated by the flute and still more by the fiddle. Polar bears enjoy the violin; so do ostriches; wolves will stop in the chase to listen to a cornet; ele phants are fond of the flute, especially the upper notes; tigers, while appreci ating the violin and flute, cannot stand the harmonium, while the musical seal shows no emotion on hearing any in strument, not even the bass drum. The London Are brigade is called out more frequently on Saturday than on any other day of the week. Thousands of Itchy People Have been cured quickly by Tetterine. it cures any form of skin disease. Mrs. M. K. Latimer, Biloxi, Miss., ha<l nn itchy breaking out on her skin. She sends ♦! for two boxes postpaid to the manufacturer, J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga., end writes, “Tetterine is the only thing that gives me relief.” Send fifty cents in stamps lor a box if your diuggist doesn’t keep it. Constancy is the complement of all other human virtues. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clef.n blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casenrets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c- Fits permanently cured. Na fits nr nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline's Groat Nerve Restorer. <2 trial bottle and treatisefree. I)H. K. 11. Ltd.. 931 Aren St., Phila., Pa. Cares are often more difficult to throw off than sorrows. To Cure Constipation Forever. Taka Cascarets ( andy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. 11 ( . C. C. fall to cure, druggistsrefund money. A man of integrity will never listen to any reason against conscience. /Deßull’sX Cures alt throat and Lung Affections. COUGH SYRUR GM the genuine. Refuse substitutes, Xis sure/ Dr. Suits Pills curs Dyspepsia. Trial, nfor SC. GOLD E N GROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Ar. th. beat. A.kfo. thorn. Cost no mor. than common ohlmneya, All dealer.. PITTSBURG GLASS CO., Allegheny, Fa. CARTE R S INK It’s good enough for Uncle Sam ►- audit's good enough for you. I ■ | YOU KNOW WIMxOURE TAKING |® 1 When You Taka Ws||| I GROVE’S I CHILL TONIC |l“grl | because the formula is plainly printed on oaoh bottle, I'tllll 150 * M showing what U contains. The reason the imitators do not | ? |‘|| >' w advertise their formula is because they know the people would not buy | 5* j | their medicine if they knew its ingredients. | [lO '■'* Every druggist in the United States is authorized to sell GROVE’S | ML »»*i - 1 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC on a positive guarantee of NO CUR.E | ft' I NO PAY. Price, 50c. 1 I Your druggist has sold GROVE’S for years. Just ask HIM about it. I A L< ■ GROVE’S is a prescription that does cure I MALARIA, CHILLS AND AIM DE PA IRQ Jones—That new preacher knows bls fake; $lO paid for every ease proven that our $j 3s n r r Mln |1 . . goods do not give satisfaction In every leacect; FSJ jm gj Pl ■lfa ■ ■ ■■■■W DUSiness. agents coining money; everything legitimate; sea gs >g&i2 QAIA/Q DIDO Mrs. Jones— What makes you think Open and above hoard; send 15 cents stamps or WW ■ « OmiiOj niDOj so? I BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &o, Mr. Jones—He waited until Bobby I for any makb ok gin. w JKa?X r hti D h : ™ wr°on c r RIXIE ENGINES, BOILERS ANO PRESSES Vince him that lighting was wrong.- ||| Al Send fost.l tor psrtieuUnt. And Repatr , for Bame . starting, Pulley., Kansas City Independent ~ ’ I Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valve, and Fitting.. w... ! «■»■ * KS * sm> Wy Crawford-Why don’t you adrlse MENTION THIS, anu w-4-iI avgusta. ga. your wife to save her money for a—— — p —-—— - rainy day? yHi DR MDFFFTTX b i rOl.vhariCS i. UUfu, A. in M Grabsbaw- She doesn’t need It then. ft J 18l . A Washington University st. Lo- . , U <A» Zr»w? -W’SSf H r f m 1? a P l ?lllftl fe. fe, Mo.,says; “We unhesitating- She never goes shopping when its —-jpx J g I 8 ■ | U 1 /■ ly attribute the recovery and wet-Town Topic.. ! LL I II 111 No-To-ltnc for Fifty Cent*. | % 1 1 POWdSrS. ) JJL mrtv" ‘° Guaranteed tola. ro bablt Mire. make, weak isKf 16 ’X „ , , . .. .. . . „ .7, „ Ar i a men .trong, bleed pur,. tOc, tl. All druggist., j — COStS Oill J 2 ° R °t Uil! * f OUr DfUgglSt S, 111811 25 CBfllS so It is very unpleasant for one to find his j C. I MOFFETT, M, D„ St Louis, Mo. self-satisfaction depreciated. | [ fool 1 IFuldl Look atyourtongue 1 If it’s coated, I your stomach is bad, your liver out of I order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your I tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make I your liver right. Easy to take, easy I to operate. 25c. All druggists. I Want yonr mouitaobe or board a 'bMutltuF brown or rich black T Then use BUCKINGHAM’S DYE ®®®®®®®®@®®®® @® ®® Sask everybody! ® TO SAVE THEIR TIN TAGS FOR YOU. 0 Iwa RJ-R | The Tin Tags taken from SO HhiA PPS and R. J. R. Tobaccos will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things, and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. ® @ Every man, woman and child can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have —FREE. Write your name and address plainly und send the tags to us, men- Honing ths number ot the present you want. Any assortment of ths Zgßm tsggy different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted. TAOB ' TAOS - 1 Match Box, quaint design, import- 21 Six Borers - Teaspoons, best qual. 2W CgKB ed from Japan 40 23 Knixea and For.s, six each, buck- @9 Kn re. one blade, good steel 40 horn handles 2W apSK 3 Scissor,. 4M inch, good steel 35 23 Clock. 8-day, Calendar, lherinoni- MSB# 4 Child’s Set, Kuiie, Fork and Spoon 35 eter, Baronis-, er. MO -.W/ •it. 5 tal: and Pepper, one oaeh, quad- 24 Remington Rifle ho. 4, 22 or 32 eal .10W) rnple plate on whit, metal 70 25 Tool Set. not playthings, but real ASr « Razor, hollow ground, fine English t 0015... 7W seel 75 26 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, 4SSL 7 Butter Knife,' triple plate, best very handsome WO Quality 100 S7 Match, solid silver, full jeweled. ..1000 s Sugar Shell, triple plate, best qual..lCO 28 Sewing Machine, first class, with e» Stamp Box, sterling silver 100 all attachment5..................2000 10 Knife, two blade. 100 29 Winchester Repeating bhot Gun n Butcher Knife 8-ixich blade....lCo 12 guage ....2600 12 -hears, 8-lncii nickel 100 80 Rifle, winchester, 16-»hot, M-ca1...2000 iSrlO 13 Nut Set, Citcker, « Picks, silver.... b 0 31 Snot Gun, double-barrel, hammer AA 15 Six each Rogers K ivea and Forks .Bcu 3a Guitar rosewood, inlaid with moth -16 Revolver, 83 or 38 calibre 1000 er-of-pearl 2000 T&F 17 Base Ball, "Association,'' l&o ©3 Bicycle, standard make, ladles or 18 Vi atch, stem wind and set, guaran- gents 3000 toed good tli» 34 After Dinner Coffee Spoon, solid 19 Alarm Clock, nickel, ’warranted.... -to •«!«•« mihiimul 100 TSwy 10 Carver., bnckborn handle, good . , ’ g „ This offer expires November 30th, 1900. Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., WINSTON, N. C. PITTS’ Antiseptic Invigorator FOR The Stomach, The Liver, The Bowels, The Kideys, The Blood, The Nerves, Contagious Diseases. Antiseptic Invigorator Is n germ-killer, • diuretic, » blood purifier, a stotneeh and nerve tunic, a e'lmulant for the liver and bowels. Manufacture,! by PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INYIGORATOB CO. THOMSON. GA. S Tuition low. All Hooks FBEE. ■ HEEMSEHsirUffTIONSGUffRAHThEDI H Ovor 50 Reminsvm and smith Premier typo- ■ ■ writers.. dM.tudsnta last year from 7 Statea. H Heth year. Send for oatahgua. Addresa. Dep 129. ■ 3 STRAYER'S BUSINESS COL'OE, Baltlmore.Md. Q