The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, February 17, 1898, Image 2

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Be Home Journal. f Published every Thursday. SUBSCRIPTION JtATJSS. p>ne year. - - One dollar. LSix Ip’bfee months, - Fifty cents. months. Twenty-five cent*. ADVERTISING KATES. >ne [’wo inch, per year, $4 7! j Six in**. per year, $"2<) ** “ Twelve inches, 35 Phrce “ 44 10 ) One column, (10 Local notices five cents per line each insertion. Ml bills are due after first insertion of advertise pent. t All checks, drafts and other business letters hould be address d to t J AS. 11. BOYKIN Editor a PuHishers. Entered in the postoffice at Lincoleton, Ga., as lecond clues matter. = OTK’E, PEOPLE'S PARTY! T. II. Rf.msex, Oh. Executive Committee. JVO IMPROVEMENT. f In another coin mu in the Jour we publish the views of Mr. H,J. 0. Caldwell in regard to our sys of primary elections. Mr. Cald¬ well, as we understand his position, the abolishment of our present I (primary plan of nominating eounty and in lieu thereof presents plan *f his own by which three lectors from each militia district an re to have the sole prerogative of aying who shall he the nominees of party. | Air. Caldwell, as well as “Re¬ {former,” has become horrified at the of a large number of office¬ -seekers this year, and the ostensible pnrpose of the plan suggested by is to reduce them to a minimum, Upon a close inspection, however, is easily seen that the effects of tench a reform would he of no con sequence in the reduction of office seekers, and would be of incalculable harm to our party. Suppose we to adopt the plan and give men (three from each the right to name our nom x-—. 1 ij-aot.(ffie candidate can ass each ict then as he does Slow and get the voters to pledge themselves to vote for electors lavor »ble to his candidacy? It is im¬ possible for any candidate to see and talk with all the peopla in a short like we have, and to an extent is keep in the dark as to how the election will go. This is the case now, and would be were the change ^(suggested adopted. Most uncertainity. candidates, .therefore, run on an phis being true, why should a man Lbe anv more afraid to risk his luck mien than now? But the most objectionable feature of Mr. Caldwell’s plan is that it is a [step backwards should have A good Populist (be Peo¬ as »-f is, lie read ple's [ting himself party platform to system before which commit- that a party long ago repudiated and de¬ nounced as being corrupt. The Peo fple’s party stands for the election of [every I officer, from populai president down ol t he to coroner, by a \ote people. This has always been one of | its fundamental tenets. It stands 1 irrevocably opposed to any system ' that takes the elective power away jfroni the people and places it in the bands of a fe w representatives. This is true of the party nominations as well as general elections. Today the referendum plank of our platform is ’ dreaded by the common enemy worse i than all the rest put together. And .why? Because it gives to the people | that which justly belongs to them' the right to reject or pass any law, instead of leaving it to a few rep¬ resentatives who frequently prove unworthy the sacred trust reposed ' them. It is the guiding star lo m r Populist ascendency! The right ' the people to rule in all things is the reform motto. There we stand, lt matters not , if the entire county turns to office seekeis. i In conclusion we will say that we I Bee no good reason why Mr. Cald kvell mi ‘dtefonner” Ml moh . line mi «7 about so mm, candidates being hi die field. We are ratlier of the opinion of [/that it is a stable ambition fo, a I man to aspire to serve ins iellow citizens. And further, the more candidates we have the more certain are we to get a good man in office. Mr. Caldwell’s Plan. To the Editor of the Home JoiiiinaL : In looking over the Journal of 27th inst. my attention was attracted to “Reformer’s” letter, in which he expresses candidates a fear of an overproduction of for the next primary, as one neighborhood has five candi¬ dates and several prospective ones, ami asks if it is not too much of a rush for the pie counter. If I am allowed to say a I would say that Reformer has sound on the key-note to the situation, only that he has not said quite enough, as already an active canvass is in pro¬ gress throughout the county by as¬ pirants for office. If we would change some of the features of our primary elections “v^Tiodnction of aspirants and the lures, would be far more satisfactory than the present plan of primaries. Here is the plan as plain and sim¬ ple as I can give it: On whatever diy and place de¬ let cided on in each militia district, an election he held for three electors from each district vUiose duty it shall be to cast their votes separately in a ballot box prepared for the same, at die Ordinary’s office, elected for their choice of officers to be not later than 1 o'clock the next day, and alter their election then with their assistance the Ordinary shall procede to count the votes and an¬ nounce the result. The election of electors takes the place of the pri mury and the aspirants for office, or as Reformer lias it, the rush for the pie counter can’t know who these electors will be, consequently will not annoy the community with his everlasting presence and solicitations for support and the election at the Ordinary’s office the following day will take the place of the consolida¬ tion, so you see it doesn’t make it any more complicated than the pres¬ ent plan of primaries. Jons C. Caldwell. Goshen, Ga. Air. Ward L. Smith, of Frederick town, Mo.,, was troubled with chron¬ ic diarrhoea for over thirty years, lie had become fully satisfied that it was only a question of give a short time until he would have to up. He had been treated by some of the best physicians in Europe and America but got no permanent relief. One day he picked up a newspaper and chanced to read an'advertisement of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He got a bottle of it, the first dose helped him and its continued use cured him. Civis Again. To the Editor of the IIomk Journal: Tt seems to us that the mountain Hoosier must have his eyes on some plum in the future, or he would not jump at us panther-like. It must have hit him, for we are told that it is the hurt dog who does the yelping. Now. Bro. lloosier, you say in your epistle that you see through the mist some office-holder as tiie author of my first letter. Now, we can alle¬ viate your troubles on that score by telling you Civis is not an office¬ holder. never was nor never expects to lie. He is a straight Populist, though, and believes in the rule of the people individual in all things. the Aside from our opinion, letter in question was written for the the sole purpose of drawing out people on the question of changing our county officers. In this we think we have been eminently successful. Civis. Persistent Coughs A cough which seems to on m spite of a t the remedies you have and applied sensible certainly needs energetic For twenty-nve years that ard preparation of cod-liver oil, Emm&msi SCOTT'S f 'I 1 has proved its effectiveness in cur ingf the trying y ^ affections of the and j u gs> and t fo s is reason why? the cod-liver oil, par tia.Ily digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys ZJUASZ, and % fehiuta! oWrin* soothes SS and thiuk of any «m,W nation so effecUve as this? Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. See that the man and fish are on the wrapper. 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 , all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. New York. IF YOU i WANT I GOOD COOK STOVE Buy the EXCELSIOR Or GARLAND. For sale by C. B. Allen, 831 Broad St,, Augusta, Ga. Remember! MARKWALTER ) The Watchmaker and Jeweler of Washington, Ga., will do your work on Fine Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper and Heller than you can have it done elsewhere. He understands the business thor¬ oughly and will guarantee the work and priees to he all right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. GOOD ADVICE. When buying Monumental Work it is well to first be assured of the honesty and ability of the Dealer. Patronize your home dealer if pas¬ sible. Avoid agents, as they are unnnecessary, and are an additional ex, rose. Be sure the contract speei lies what you want, and more certain the work fills the contract before paying. Remember there is no ex¬ cellence without great labor, and great excellence without skillful labor. You should therefore buy a proprietor skillful who is a workman. most and artistic workman¬ ship on the best of material is too good to mark the graves of “the loved ones gone before.” C. E. KOII LltUSS, Augusta Marble, Granite and Stoiu Works. Cor. Washington and El¬ lis btreets. We Keep Our Customers Posted on the Cotton Market by mailing them our market report regularly. We want your business. All shipments Personally attended to. Liberal advances, good Weights. DAVISON & FARGO, Cotton Factors, Augusta, Ga. Free to Our Headers. !, re . ldei . s wi n be pleased tc that the eminent physician and Bcientigr Dl , Kilmer, after years regearo h an( q study, lias discovered and given to the world a most re¬ markable remedy, known kidney as Swamp Hoot, for the cure of and bladder troubles; the generous offer lo send a bottle free that all may test its wonderful merits without expense, is in itself sufficient to give the public confidence and a desire to obtain it. Swamp-Hoot has an cs ; tnblished reputation as the most successful remedy, and is the hearty endorsement of all up-to : ‘^c physicians, hospitals and homes. hnSrf” mediol'Te'of' mime «'ne *<-» and a<| >? dress ■«*>» to Jftyf Dr. Kilmer .VnTSolS <*. 'by fr-gf." fib fro. repllliir sizes may be obtained at drug stores. When liberal writing in The say you read this offer Linuolx Home Jouuxal. ANNOUNCEMENTS, ' All announcements intended fdf this column will ho published for #4, strictly in advance. No variation from this rule under any circumstance*. POE SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself Sheriff a candidate for re election to the office of of Lincoln county, and if elected of will endeavor I to faithfully perform the duties the office as have done in tl le past. I ask the support of all my friends, of the and Populist pledge myself t<» election. support the nominees Bcspt., primary K. T. CELLARS. The many friends of'Tom L. Paradise announce him as a suitable candidate for Sheriff of Lin coin County for the ensuing election, subject to the Peoples' Party nomination. MANY VOTERS. Being solicited by my friends, I hereby an¬ nounce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln county, subject to the People’s party nomination, and if elected will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. WKIGIIT, NATIIAN FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby npnounce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Lincoln county, I subject to the People’s party nominat ion. am a candi¬ date oil my own responsibility and am seeking the office for the money. If elected I will en¬ deavor to so deport myself impartial as to public win the honor that is bestowed by an upon all faithful and efficient officers. 1 respectfully ask the support of my friends. WILLIAM WOODS, I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Lin coin county subject to the People’s party nom hint i or.*. If the people, whom 1 have tried faith¬ fully to serve, think me deserving of another term. I respectfully solicit their support. S. T. MOSELEY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Lincoln county, subject shall to the faithfully People's party nomination. perform the If duties elected I endeavor to of the office. I solicit the support of mv friends. M. B. LEWIS. Ml OF TWO WAYS. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. The first wav is from tmperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local ireatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is tlie chief cause of bladdei troubles. So the womb, like the b adder, was created for one purpose and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except m rare cases, It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, there¬ fore any pain, disease or inconven¬ ience manifested in the kidneys, hack bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some -ort. The error is avoided. easily made and may be as easily ’To find nit correctly, set your urine aside for wenty-four hours, a sediment or set ling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. ‘The mild and the extra¬ ordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Boot, the great kidney, and If bladder remedy is soon realized. you need •1 medicine you should have the best. ’Sold by druggists price fifty bottle cents and one dollar. For a sample and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention the Home Jouuxal and send your full post office address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of the I.r N' Jcolx genuineness Home Journal of this offer. guarantee the Notice of Iioacl <’ it at ion. STATE OF GEORGIA-Lincoln County: Whereas, certain petitioner* have for made order their application to thi* Court, an Lrrantin^ the establishment of a New Hoad, com¬ mencin'' near J). J. E. Colvin’* and running through the lands of said Colvin, .1. T. Fuller, and J 11. Ware, intersect'ng with the Price Mill road near said J. II. Ware's. And, whereas, commissioner* appointed said for that, contemplated purpose have reviewed and marked out road and reported to ine that said road will be one of much public utility and conveyance. Now, this is to rite and admonish all persons that on and after the J7fh day of February. good ] 8 D 8 . be said shown new road will be granted if no cause to the contrary Given under my band and seal this 17th da y of January. IS 98. KEMSEN. Ord’y. II. Application, to Sell. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: To all whom it may concern : W. W. Bussey, executor of Nathan Bussey deceased, luis :u due form applied to the undersigned the for leave, said to sell de¬ the land* belon^in# to estate of ceased. and said application will be heard on the 1st Monday in March, 1 next T. 11. KEMSEN, Ord’y. This 7th day of Fob., mils. For Letters ol Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: Whereas. John Sims, administrator of Ben¬ jamin Fortson. represent* to the Court in his petition duly liled and entered on record, that lie has fully administered Banjamin Fortson’* estat'*. Thi* is. therefore, to cite all person* concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis char^ed frotn tiis administration and receive let¬ ter* of dismission on the REMSEN, first Monday in A ay, lb98. T. II. Ordinary. This 7th day of Fob., 1898. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: To all whom it. may concern: Whereas. W. O. Gill, admintralor of Maria duly L. House, filed and represents to the court in his petition fully administered entered on record, that he Inis Maria L. House’s estate; this is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs anti creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, why saiil his administration administrator should not he discharged from and receive letters of dismission on the 1 st Mondav in -Msv. idlts. T. H. itL.V•SE.N. Ord’y, Thiaffih day'of Feb., 18D8. Sheriffs S.'ile. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County; Will he sold hofor- the Court House Door in the ’owu of I.incoliiton on tlie lsi Tuesday in Marsh next within the lemi! hours ol’ sale the following described properto to wit: Seventeen ac res of land, more or loss, it being the one sev enth undivided into—est in the Benj. of 1{. Fendley Fend¬ lands. Levied on a the property 11. ley to satisfy a fifu issued from Justice Court 1ST riist. G. M. in favor of A. S. Anderson, the above lands lying on tile waters of Sate Mill creek and adjoining ~ iandltof M. G. CELLARS, Sale. M. it. Sheriff Lewis L. C. and others. ]{. T. This January 27,1898. I have $300.00 of ready¬ made Clothing that I will elote out for the next 20 days at New York whole¬ sale Priees. J. W. Busby. We Command Success —BY DESERVING IT!— Our Customers are Increasing; Our Sales Climbing Up We are Pushing Ahead as Never Before. With a Positive As¬ surance of a Bigger Dollar’s Worth for Your Dollar Here than Elsewhere, with Our Guarantee of Better Goods for the same money, or same < ’oods for less money than you’ll find in any other store Your Best Interests Purely Lie Here. CM ICE I FEU PRICES IOC THIS WEEK Men's lace and congresa shoes all solid $1.00 Ladies Kid Dutton Shoes good $ 1.00 Men’s lace and congress shoos good ! 25 l.nrlie.- Kid Hnlton Shoes extra 1.26 Men'* lace and congress shoe* extra I 50 Ladies Kid Hutton Shoes BU(>erl> 1.50 Men’s lace and congress shoos superb 2.00 our $ 2 , 1 . 0 . 3 20, 3.00 Ladies Shoes are Our $2.50 Genuine calf shoe in all styles perfectly magnificent. Babies and Children as good a* any $3.00 shoe in the city. We rover f< rget the Our $2.7:2 hand sewed Genuine ctlf in all Balms Shoes from 25c up. Children’s styles is the same as others sell at $3.50 Shoes—any quality Shoes, you want. Carry Full And now we come to the Ladies Shoe*: In addition to we a Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes 75c Line of Hats, Caps and Trunks. Don’t fail to call on us. We promise beyond a doubt to save you money. GREAT EASTERN SHOE COMPANY, R. G. TARVER, MANAGER, 907 Broad Street 'J Auqusla, Ga. 16,00 ■ $ $ 16,000 $ GREAT ASSIGNEE’S SALE AT S ffl BLOCK! Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &C. The entire stock of $10,000 worth of goods must be closed <?nt within the next SO DAYS regardless of cost. They must go at any Price. Remember this is a bon Hide sale—everything in stock to go. Don’t let this opportunity pass, for yon may never have another like it to buy goods at your own price. J. D. SIIEAHAN, ASSIGNEE. and UPWARD. Our business lias been Established for the last Fifty Years, and our Motto has always been “We Guarantee Satisfaction.” For we sell the best clothes money can buy, tints we con¬ tinually strive Onward to please our trade. Experience has taught us how to give them the right kind of Clothes— Clothes that wear well; Clothes that look well: Clothes that fit well, and we are selling them at the lowest prices, none equal us. We thank our Friends for their kindness in the past and will endeavor to serve them in the same manner in the future. If you cannot come here to see No. 2213. I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO., Tailor-Fi"- Clothiers, AUGUSTA, GA. LINDSAY S. ARRINGTON. LUTHER L. ARRINGTON. Arrington Bros. & Co, GROCERS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OUR SPECI ALT IES Flour, Tobacco, Kerosene Oil and Lime. CONSIGNMENIS OF CcUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. 903 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. AGENTS FOP Mitchell’s Farm Wagons, “THE BEST.” READ THIS! It is a good idea to buy CHEAP FURNITURE. It is a better idea to buy GOOD FURNITURE. It is the best idea to buy GOOD CHEAP FURNITURE. WE KEEP ONLY THE LAST NAMED. I l 913 BroaD StreeT, AUGUSTA, GA. E. L. Holland & Co., Successors to Holland Bros., Washington, Ga., Say to the people of Lincoln and adjoining counties that they are fitted up to build and repair ENGINES, EOILEES, GINS, PRESSES, GRIST AND SAW KILL MACHINERY. We guarantee first-class work and reasonable prices. E. L. Holland is manager and no o>re can look more closely after customers’ interests. running is Our success for the short time the business has been proof that we give satisfaction. Give us a trial ana you will come again. For Ginning and Saw mill outfits we can’t be beat. Jenkins Valves—-a full line on band—the best in the market. Also Pipes and pipe fittings, Injectors, llubber and Leather Belting and Packing, Manhole Gaskets, machinery Cylinder and Machine cheap. Oil. Second-hand for sale very Orders by mail will have prompt attention. E. L. HOLLAND & CO., Near Depqt WASHINGTON GA.