The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, April 28, 1898, Image 2

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The Home Journal PUgt-ISHED EVERY THURSDAY. sppscnjpTiON jutes. One- yes>r. - One dollar. £ix ppoftths, Fifty cents. Three tenths. T'vepty-fivf* cents. All cheek*. drafts ivs^ct other buirttyfc** inters should be addressed to •IAS. U ROYKIN Editor ,* PuWMerx. Thursday, April 28, 1808. in flic pot*toflice at Lincoln.ton, On., ai» TPi coiia clafti mutter. __________ _____ __' rite, Isiggor '. _____ , or the Woodpile, ~ T , ,, „ 'l'o the Editor Qftiic homr jouhnal; Under the heading “Educational Etchings” occurs the following : “Are not county line schools a source of much trouble? and would it not be advisable to abolish them?” <1 cpiote from memory). Under the present system (the salary system) in Lincoln we grant that county lipe schools do oti casion a great deal of ;rouble; others, however, get along smoothly enough, «o far as the Board is concerned, Some teachers can teach a con my line school, have pupils from word the adjoining counties and not a is said about it; others, sit least I know one, receive about as much for >i0 pupils as those who are so forlnn late as to teach a m>!e or two further the countv line get for 18 0 r »0 pupils! Yes, it causes consider* able friction sometimes, but this friction is caused by personal and not local consideration. Under the average attendance sys ton no such contingency would arise, AYe may be 'toft” in many things, and perhaps we are, but candor com pels ns to admit that our mental is blunted that ' C mmen so we are l.teriv uijible to see the between a pupil from VViJ kes county attending the Linednton .School and one from the same county attending the Hepzibuh Academy. Lincoln Bounty does not pay for hip) cut of its distributed share of the state funds. I can conceive of no earthly difference and the man who can has reduced reasoning to such a fine point that lie could point difference out wit h mathematical precision aiul northwest the side between the west of % hair! The truth of the matter is this: A deep laid plot is being inaugurated to centralize the schools; regardless of distance these certain favored lo¬ calities shall h;iye tfiejr permanent¬ ly located schools to which all the children must either attend or stay at home Jt is a matter of little moment to them whether the chil¬ dren attend or not. Fewer schools— bigger money! is the slogan of these would-be reformers, The class (the poor) for whom thp public school system was intended is cut off from ;tny eartljly precipitation in its bene¬ fits. ifLinoolnton wants to build tip a school let it be done jn a legiti¬ mate way; Jet the village, and town schools prosper if they can but not build them up on the ruins of the country schools; and I here say it, if it is the program to build it up or increase its patronage in any such way, it is doomed to fail and deserves its doom. “Abolish them!” Yes, gentlemen of the Board, we want you to do a little job for us. We see a way by which we get a few more shekels. [Start your “destroying angel.” Don’t ♦‘start at Jerusalem” to preach the doctrine of tearing down, but go out in the “regions round about Jordan.” The people won’t patronize us! Make ’em gentlemen, and if they just won't, why let them keep their children at home. It is a mortal sin for a pupil in another county to at¬ tend any but our (my) school. After you’ve pulverized the rural schools we’ll “civilize’’ the whole Concern. “These be thy Gods, oh Israel?” JI OOSfEK, FFET. My big store, covering lour floors, is headquarters for everything needed by Bankers, lawyers, Poctors, Preachers, School Teachers, Husbauds, Wives, Boys, Girls and Sweet' hearts, Prices to suit every one, Give me a ca’I when in Wash' jngton and he convinced, Get my Prices,' See my big stocK, w, T, JOHNSON * ill p. Naval Ilatttle Expected at aijy Hoar N*ar Pliillipine Islands. Madrid, April 37, 10 a. nr .—An official dispatch from Manilla, capi¬ tal of the Philippine Iloilo, Phillippine Islands, says Is¬ the governor of lands, announces that the Spanish gunboat El can o has arrived there having captured the American bark Saranac, Captain Bartabay, from Newcastle, N. S. W., oij Febuary 26 for ilolioli. The Sarnac had 1,640 tons of coal on boad. An official dispatch from Manila announces that the Spanish fleet has sailed fco take up its position to meet the United States squadron. The hit tot had not been sighted when the cable message was sent; but the Amer icitn warships were expected at any moment. 6 P'm—An official dispatch has just been received from the governor ot Manila, capital of the Phillippine islands, in which he announces that he expects between hourly to the hear Spanish of alien- and gage me nt the There American squadrons, rejoicing here the is gr-at at news of the capture of the American hark Saranac, at Ilolilo, Phillippine islands, 8 m,—There is , report in . . p, a circu¬ hitipn here that some of the Spanish Manila cruisers used now gathered about the Pacif will he latter to scour j ( ' !l,) d destroy American commerce ' n those waters H !’• ni. As a counterpoise to the growing lists sympathy the people toward since Don the Car¬ Car among los raised a vigorous war note against the 1 nitod States, the Spanish car¬ dinals and prelates are now assem bling here to visit the queen regent collectively, declaring their adhesion to the support of the reigning dynas tv. T'hev will endeaver to convince the peoj'le that (hi queen regent has never advocated peace at any price, but thoroughly participates in defend the enthusiasm of the people to the honor attitude and rights the of Spain, will This of prelates cause a sensation throughout the country greatly irritating the Garlists Tonight Madrid is absolutely American unmo¬ ved. The capture of the hark Saranac by a Spanish gunboat near Manila caused momentary ex¬ citement, but, the town is expectant of the result of the action likely to occur off the Phillippines and awaits the outcome with perUct eonf.denc is . This confidence in the navy an article of faith with the Spaniards. The papers politely chaff the Amer cans on “Their want of dash in cap¬ turing only fishing boats and ocean tramps.” expectation of There is a strong European complications and increas¬ ing doubt in the “assumed neutrality of England,” It is believed she would join America tomorrow were she not deterred by a fear of uniting the powers in a crusiade against the Anglo-Saxon.” AFTER AMERICAN YACHTS London, April 28-—According to a fpecial. dispatch from Cadiz, the new accompanied torpedo boat destroyer three Destruct¬ or, by torpedo boats, sailed yesterday (Wednesday) Tarifaand Ceuta, probably to attempt to capture American yachts in the Mediterranean. TO BOMBARD NORTHERN PORTS. Bayonne, France, April 27.—Ac¬ cording to a letter just received here srom Madrid, dated from the Spanish capital on consisting Tuesday, a Span¬ ish squadron, three torpedo of four ironclads and boat destroyers, sailed for the United States. It was rumored that the sqadron was to steam direct across the Atlantic and bombard nothern ports of the United States. The port from which this squadron sailid was not mentioned. It was added however, that a sec¬ ond squadron, consisting of four ironclads and two cruisers, was be¬ ing formed at Cadiz. Its destina¬ tion was unknown. Americans are the most inventive people on earth. To them have teen issued nearly third 600,000 of patents, or more than one all the pat¬ ents issued in the world. No dis¬ covery of modern years have been of greater benefit to mankind than Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffering. J. W Vaughn, of Oakton, Ky., says: I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol¬ era and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family lor several years, and find it to he the best medicine I ever used for cramps in the stomach and bow¬ els.”—For sale by Brice & Nash. $250.00 REWARD. ~YST \ V HEREAS, THE GRAND JURY OF the last April terra of the Court recoiji ipended that a reward of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollar** be offered fo]? the capture, with proof to convict, of the party or parties wbp on Sunday night the 25 of April, 1898, did net lire to npd burn up the Lincoln County Jail. It it» therefore or dered that the said reward of $250.00 he and ia hfpehy offered by Lincoln county for thp guilty paptlire of and conviction of said party or parties said offense. Witness my hi>nd apd official signature this April 28, 1898. T. II. REMSEN, Ord’y L. V. ! Subscribe to The Journal ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements intended for this column will be published for #4. strictly in advance. No variation fropi tlijs t.ul<3 jiudpr any circttipsiapcea. FOR SHERIFF, l hereby announce myself a candidate for re? election to the Qfljoe of Sheriff of Lincoln county, and if elected wijl endeavor to faithfully the perform the duties of the office as I have done in past. I ask the support of all my friends, the and Populist pledge myself to support the nominees of primary elp&ipp. " ~ ‘ t.. CUI.LARS. T. The many suitably friends etjiididnt,efpor of To«$ lAPariidiHe Sheriff announce of Jjjji him aw a subject coin County for the ppHtiing election, to the Peoples' Party poininati Oil. .many voters. lacing solicited by my friends, I hereby an¬ nounce myself a candidate ft ffii Sheriff of Lincoln county, and if elected subject to will the endeavor Peophufrparty discharge nomination, the to duties of the office to the best of my ability. WKIGHT. NATHAN FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Lincoln county, subject to the People's party nominatibn I am it candi¬ date on my own responsibility and am seeking the office for the money. If elected I will en¬ deavor to so deport myself as to win the honor that is bestowed by an impartial public upon all faithful ami efficient- officers. I respectfully ask the support of m> friends WILLIAM WOODS. I hereby announce myself tv enndidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Lin¬ coln county, subject to the People's party nom¬ inations. If the people, whom 1 have tried faith¬ fully to respectfully serve, think me deserving of another term. I solicit their support. S. T. -MOSELEY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Lincoln county, subject to the People’s jHtrty nomination. If elected I shall faithfully endeavor t,o perform the duties of the office. I solicit the support of mv friends. M. 15. LEWIS. FOR THE LE&ISLATURE. Hoing solicited for by my friends. I have decided proaching to make the primary race election. the Legislature 1 pledge at myself the ap¬ to stand by the nominees of the party. \v. (’. ward. The many friends of Cant. F. M Wright an¬ nounce him as a suitable candidate for represen¬ tative of Lincoln county in the next General Assembly, subject to the People's party primary election. MANY VOTERS. 1 announce myself tvs a candidate for the Leg islature from this county, subject to action of People's party primaries. If elected I promise to look well after the interest of my county and state and I respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. T. 0 . STROTHER. FOR TAX RECEIVER. At the solicitation of friends from every sec tion of the county, I- have decided to announce as n candidate for Tax Receiver of Lincoln County. People's 1 pledge myself primary to support the nominees of the party election. A. . 1 . -MURRAY. sections Having of bee the i w>Hcited I have by friends from various allow county consented to my name Tux Receiver to go*before of Lincoln the public as a subject candidate for county, to the will action faithfully . of the discharge Populist primary. If elected the duties of the office to the best of my ability. P. A. IjODGEliS. The friends of E. Zed. Hussey respectfully an¬ nounce him as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Receiver for Lincoln county at the coni: ing election. Subject to the Peoples party pri mary. MANY ALTERS. nounee At the myself solicitation a candidate of friends for I^Skeby ver an of Lincoln ejection county; subject to People L. shirty witlGHT. pri mary For Iiett.ei'H or Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: Whereas, John Sims, administrator of Ben¬ jamin petition Fortson. duly tiled represents and entered to the Court in his he on record, that This has fully is, administered Ranjamin Fort son’s estate therefore, to cite all persons couaerned. heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from lus administration and receive let¬ ters of dismission on the first Monday in May, 1898. T. 11. REM SEN, Ordinary. This 7th day of Feb., 1898. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County : To all whom it may concern: Whereas, W. O. Gill, admintrator of Maria L, House, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record, that lie lias fully administered Maria L. House’s estate; this is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from His administration and receive letters of dismission on the 1st Mendav in May. 1898. T. II. REM SEN. Ord'y. This 7th day of Fob., 1898. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: Wheross. Mattie L. May, administratrix of (’• M. May. represents to the court in her petition duly tiled and entered on record, that she has fully administered C. M. May's estate. This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be discharged from her administration and receive -.fetters of dismission on the lirst Monda V in Julv. 1898. T. 11. REMSEN, Ord'y. READ THIS! It is a good idea to buy CHEAP FURNITURE. It is a better idea to buy GOOD FURNITURE. It is the best idea to biy GOOD CHEAP FURNITURE. WE KEEP ONLY THE LAST NAMED. 913 BroaD StreeT, AUGUSTA, GA. E. L. Holland & Co., Successors lo llohiul Bros., 1 Yashington, Ga., Say to the people of Lincoln uni adjoining counties that they are fitted up to biild and repair ENGINES, BOILEES, GINS, PRESES, GEIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY. We guarantee first-class vbrk and reasonable prices. E. L. Holland is manager and no ore can look pore closely after customers’ interests. Our success for the shot time the business has been running is proof that we give satisfaction. Give us a trial and you will come again. For Ginning and Saw mil outfits we can’t ho beat. Jenkins Valves—a full life on ham!—the test in the market. Also Pipes and pipe fittings, Injecbrs, Cylinder Rubber and Machine and Leather Oil. Belting and Packing, Manhole Gaskets, Second-hand machinery for Side very cheap. Orders by mail will hale prompt attention. E, L. HOLLAND & CO., Near Depot WASHINGTON GA Remember ! MARKWALTER I The Watchmaker and of Washington, Ga„ will do your work on Fine Watches, Clocks & Cheaper anti Better thait yon can have it done elsewhere. fie understands the business thor¬ oughly and will guarantee the work and prices to be all right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. We Keep Our Customers Posted on the Cotton Market by mailing them our market report regularly. IV’e want your business. All shipments Personally attended to. Liberal advances., good Weights. DAVISON & FARGO Cotton Factors, Augusta, Ga. Charleston & W. Carolina Ry. AUGL'STA & ASHVILEE SHORT LINE. Schedule in effect October 3rd, 1S97. Leave. Augusta 9 40 a m 1 40 p m Arrive Greenwood 13 17 p m *• Anderson 0 10 p m ** Laurens 1 15 p m 7 00 a m “ Greenville 3 00 p m “ Glenn Springs 4 Oo p m Spartanburg a oo p m ^ 5 33 Saluda . p m k * Hendersonville 0 03 p iu ‘ fc Asheville 7 00 p m Leave Ashville 8 20 a m “ Spartanburg 11 45 a m 4 SO p in ki Glenn Springs 10 00 a m “ Greenville 11 50 a m 4 00 p m “ Laurens 1 30 p m 7 10 p in “ Anderson 7 00 a m “ Greenwood 2 28 p in Ar Augusta 5 00 p m Leave Greenwood 4 44 p m Arrive Raleigh 12 20 a m Norfolk 7 30 a m “ Petersburg 9 20-a m Richmond 7 20 a m Leave Augusta 2 55 p in Arrive Allendale 5 00 p m Fairfax 5 15 p in 14 Yemassoe 9 30 a m (> 20 p in “ Beaufort 10 35 a m 7 20 |» lit “ Port Royal 10 50 a m 7 30 j) m 44 Savannah 8 00 p m 14 Charleston 8 08 m Leave Charleston 0 50 a m 44 Savannah l> 50 a m k * Port Royal 1 55 p m 8 15 a m *• Beaufort 2 10 p m 8 25 a m • 4 Yemasseo 3.15 p m 9 25 a m 44 Fairfax 10 32 a m • 4 Allendale 10 47 a m Arrive Augusta 12 55 pm 1:40]) m train from Augusta makes close coil nection at Calhoun Falls ibr all points* on S. A. L. Close connection at Greenwood for all points on S. A. L. and C. »v G. railways, and Spartan¬ burg with Southern Ry. relative tickets, For any information to rates, schedules, etc., address W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Pas. Agt. E. M. NORTH, Soliciting Traffic Agt. T. M. EMERSON, .Manager. Augusta, Ga. We are determined that no other store shall give better Shoe voNBls. at lower prices than we do. You cannot invest your money in a better way, or so it will bring better returns than by snapping up some of these many Bona-fide Bargains, gdflBtR'jj gREIJ QEFIRTME1J JT0B[ ■ 1106 and 1108 Broadway, Augusta. Sehneider’s This store lias always enjoyed the confidence of the trading§|>nn Its liberality to its patrons, its superior class of merchandise is alnj universally known. Studying every day to make it better, embracing i thoughts, new ideas, new methods; new merchandise. Our policy i progressive one—and with our superior facilities for purchasing and elea storeroom for the sale and display of goods, together with the most van and up-to-date selection of Spring Novelties shown in Augusta we coi dently say there is not a better shopping place South. Here is a place you can buy as cheap as your neighbor, or yd neighbor as cheap as yourself-—and injustice save money on every purchase, to p| the place by is an inexcusable to your pocket book. This is so because we say so, but because the goods and prices make it so. See i prices, you’ll find no such values elsewhere, unless you dive a full th deeper into \our pocket book. Prises are Right, Styles are Correct. Merchandise the Be Schneider’s Dress Goods Department. 10 pieces Mohair Sicilians Plaids, should be $1.50 but to go this week at 85c. 13 pieces French Novelty Suitings, stylish and catchy, sells elsewhere 75c 4 , here 39c. Fine Silk and Mohair Bengalies 49c. 11 pieces Satin Bourbers, all the new shades, a real $1.25 quality at 59c 10 pieces W ool Check, pretty and takv, new colors, 25c Fine All Wool Plaids, did sell at 69c, hut now 25c 38 inch All Wool Serges 19c 98c Black French Crepon, wide pretty, and fine Hchriettes 4s inches silk finished, in colors and black, 39c 62 pieces double wide Dress Goods, good colors for spring at 14c 29 pieces single wide worsted at 7c Silks—Brocades—Silks. 22 new colors in Mouseline de Sole, fine quality 7 , 25c $1.25 grade, all Silk Satine Ditch esse at 75c $1.25 black Brocaded Gross Graines and Saline 59c. Black Taffetas, worth $1.00 at 59c Taffetas in all the newest;shades 39c $1.25 Taffetas in the check plaids at. 75c 34 inch All Silk Chines, all shades, 75c Beautiful grades at line 35c of Silks for waists, this week at 49 12 Silk Waists, new designs neatly inside at $3.00 bought them 18 Silk Waists, we as a job lot, some in the lot is worth $9.00, to close at $4.90 Domestic Department. 1,000 yards Fine Sea Island, full yard wide at 3 7-8e 1,000 yards Columbus Bleached Cotton, yard wide, Good at Mattress 4 7-8c Tick¬ 1,000 yards ing, at 5c Brown Shirting 1,000 yards Simulant Prints, blue at and 21 c 1 case light colors Lodi at 3Ac Prince, light colored 1 case of Shirting at 3c Bendy Made Skirts. 16 Brocaded Tafleta Skirts, worth $10. to go at $6.50 12 Brocaded Black Silk Skirts, worth $8, at $5 48 full width latest style black Brocaded Wool Skirts, $1.89 37 Skirts left from last week sale, at $1.38 33 Skirts black Mohair, 48 inch wide, well made, at $1.60 37 Skirts black or fancy the $4 ones at $3.25 185 Sidrts, a job black and colors, not one in the lot is n orth less than $1.90, long as they will last at $1.15 New Spring Clothing. 36 Men’s Suits, light colors, the finest on earth at $5 24 Men’s Suits, Scotch patterns, the best made sroods for the money, they are worth $10, at $6.50 48 Men’s Clay Worsted Suits in brown or black, straight or round cuts to go at $7.50 18 Men’s Suits, blue or black diag¬ onal, made for trade $18 only, satin lined, they are worth anywhere, $10 us a starter will sell them at 1 lot of 165 Suits, they are left from the manufacturers many lots, as suits they are alright and perfect, Lmt we are short in some sizes, we will clear them at $5 Children’s Clothing. 250 Children’s Suits, to go at C5c 1 lot of Children’s Suits to move at $1.25 $3.50 Children’s Suits 1 lot of to go at $2 $4 1 lot of Children’s Suits to go at $2.50 $5 Children’s 1 lot of Suits to go at $3 $2, $3 500 pair of Pants, and J kind, at $ LAO You are Fine cordially Millinery. invited t / this Department this week. W you to see introducing the prettiest tin’s hat seasod idej we are latest French creations specia^^^ signed and gotten up for this tbl season. We venture to assert there is nothing duite like these na designs shown elsewhere. Ribbons—Ribbons. ‘ 200 pieces all Silk Ribbon, 21 4 inches wide, pretty bright i'uL*r Moire, Plain Taffeta, not a a the lot worth less than the, worth 75c a yard, all in one lot this week selling at 19c a yard Wash Fabrics. 1 case new color Dimities, 5c t 40 inch English Batiste, fast color* go the at best 10c wash yard goods, worth 12-jc t| f per The choicest dress fabrics, th Dotted Swiss Mulls only 12£c Our whole line of 35c French Or gaudies we will run at 25c White Lawn in remnants : j^you own price Ifoisery and Furnishings. i There is a stamp of reliability or on every pair of Stockings sold morj by us. Your money could not be judiciously before invested. Iloisery bough! the advance in tin iff and sold upon old price basis. Misses and Boys fast black ribbeda Hose, double knee, Heel and toe, atS 10c a pair Misses and Boys fast bh brown Maeeo Gotten and Lis Hose, 35c quality at 15c Ladies’ fast black Seamless IloseJ double heel at 9c Ladies' fast black full fashioned double heel and toe Hose, worth 25e, at Gent’s 16fc pair. Imported black an tan, full seamless Half Hose, at 12’c a pair.. 60 dozen our Celebrated Unionn dried earth Dress for Shirts the price, just in, the-^Ust on 50c each Gent’s Negligee Shirts, collars and. culls attached, 45c each Schneider’s Shoe Department. Boys’ Fine Calf Laced Shoes, has the popular coin toe or -,-eedle toe, will regularly bring $1.75 in any Shoe Store in the laud. Special price now $1.25 Shoes Boys !’>es( Black or Tan Laced don Goodyear welt, and with Lon¬ Coin toes, the regular pric4r of these shoes anywhere is $2.50, as a special we make them at $1.75 Men’s Finest Gordovau Lace Shoes, on account of them beingf, pointed almost foes we hall'price, nr going lo sell them at they $2.50 were for ip ally $5,. are now light Men’s Finest luiudsome Willow Calf S^oes„ sole, shade of brown, narrow bull dog $5 toe, they are latest and mother of Slices, to close out this week at $2.75 Men’s Satee Calf Shoes, lace or congress, the $2 kind at $1.50 Misses Fine Ki 1 Button Shoes. Either cloth or kid tops, either square, narrow, pointed opera, or coin toes, either light or welt soles, an as¬ sorted lot which have just been re¬ duced from $2 to $1.25 Youths Fine Calf Slices at $1 114 pairs Ladies’ Fine Kid Seain- " less Button, coin toes, patent tijis, very stylish, light welt soles, opera heels, worth anywhere $3 a pair, but now only $1.60 Tip\ 10 cases of Dongola Button Ladies’ Shoes, as a flyer at 75c 3 cases Ladie’s Dongola IhituKr Shoes, $1.50, nicely trimmed, in all toes, worth as a leader at $1 5o0 pairs Ladies’ Tan Slices, but¬ ton or iace, all size's, guaranteed sole,' they are worth $2, as advertised $1.25 10 cases Hand of Baby Shoes at loc 6 cases Sewed Baby Shoes at 35c 200 pair of Children’s Shoes, from 5 to 8, they are worth $1, price 50o