The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, May 12, 1898, Image 3

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HilMMACK LUCAS & CO., DRUGGIST, ashingion, GA. Our friends from Lincoln county are always welcomed by us. When in need of anything in our line give us a call. Our motto is to please all. We carry a complete stock. JOURNALISMS. Two announcements this week, Mrs. Wyatt Sale, we regret to sav, is quite sick. Miss Addie Lee Mitchell returned to Milledgeville today. Dr. J. J. Seigler, of McCormick, is in town on professional business. I)r. J. C. Brown, the noted Indian healer, was in Lincolnton this week. Miss Bessie, Graves, of Leathers ville, is spending the week with Miss Mattie Carl ledge. Miss Essie Du Bose, of Lisbon, was the charming guest of Miss Lillian Remsen last week. Messrs. John T. Bentley and J. R. of Leathersville, were in town Monday. Mr. John ITollenshead, of Willces county, is here in the interest of the Augusta Chronicle. Messrs. Nathan Norman Wright, A. down N. Glaze and G. A. were from. Goshen 'Tuesday. Mrs. Dinkins, of Lincolnton, Ga., lias moved to McCormick, and is making her home at VV. O. Starkey’s. —McCormick Herald. W. T. Johnson, Washington’s big merchant, is now making a run on buggies and wagons. See him before buying. Mr. John O. Caldwell, of Goshen, was in town Monday shaking hands with his friend's. Mr. Caldwell is now out for the legislature.» The Lincolnton school will close Friday afternoon amt evening 20th inst. with short entertainme»t. A nominal chafge will be made for the night exercise. Miss Mamie Murray, of McOorini-k, spent several days ill town Ibis week, the guest of Air. and Mrs. W. S. Boyd and Air. and Mrs. W. B. Mur inv. A very good congregation Davis, the was out to hear Lev. Mr. new Methodist minister, Sunday evening. It was his first appearance before an Lincolnton. audience. We are glad sto learn "that Mr. been J. T. Bolder, of McCord, who has dangerously ill for several months, is now greatly improved. Mr. Bolder is again in the race for tax receiver. We are informed by the Ordinary a number received of applications Lincoln have already been fer county bonds. 'This speaks well fir the county. Messrs. Rem and Pottle Remsen, sons of Judge. T. II. Remsen, went up tq Washington last week and enlistbd for the war. Both are plucky young men and we expect a good repeat, front them. They have the best/ wishes of their friends for a safelretuni. According to the newspapers, an CDhio husband became the happy father of seven children not long ago. Or the seven all lived but, one. It is to lie hoped he laid in a supply of Ohamberlain’s Cough Remedy, the only sure cure for croup, whooping cough, colds and coughs, and so in mired his children against these dis¬ eases. For sale by Price & Flash. 'The Westfield (J nil) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: the ‘‘Frank JloAvoy, for many years in em¬ ploy of the L., N. i\. & 0. Ry. here, says: ‘I have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme¬ dy for ten years or longer—am never ■ without it in my family. 1 consider it the best remedy of the kind manu facturecP I take pleasurse in recom¬ mending it,” It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Nash. tot ice. 'Bho public is hereby warned not to hire or harbor John Albea or Etta Guitars, col., as they are under con with me for the year 1898. be punished disregarding Bo the this full notice extent will of law. 1 Ike Cullaiis. May 9, 1898.V ■ Suffering humanity should be sup plied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we print the following: “'Phis is to cer¬ tify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of best bbysiciai ',18 in Bell, our city and to no avail. l )r. our drug¬ gist, and after recommended taking two Electric bottles Bitters, 1 was entirely cured. I now take pleasure in recommeiiding* them to any per suffering front this terrible mal j ilin gratejfully yours, M. A, Ilogartv, Lexington, Ky.” Sold at l>il drug stores, j LOCO. Mr. LaFayctte Goldman lost a tine young colt last Saturday at the Mountain church. It got entangled in the reins ot the mother's bridle, and was choked to death before as¬ sistance arrived. Old Ivan has had lots of sickness at, his house this year. So much so that lie has wot been able to fulfill his promises in the optician business. We have tt line stock of lenses on hand, and will exhibit them in the near future. Messrs Alvin and Geo. Nichols, who accompanied the remains ot their cousin, Emma C. Wellmaker, returned to their borne at Brantley, Ala., last Sunday. DIED ON THE -I.TH 1NST. Emma C. Wellmaker, Alvin and Bettie the.beloved Well daughter of place. While maker, of this on a visit to relatives in Alabama, where she lmd been for four months, after a, sickness of but a few hours with an affection of the brain, her spirit wi*ged its flight to the God who gave it. Her relatives lost no time in communicating the sad news to her parents, and when it became known that a telegram had been re ccived announcing her deal!) it spread a gloom over this entire vicinity, such as the writer has not seen here for a long time. Everybody family. sympa¬ thized with the bereaved Her relatives brought her remains to Washington on the fith, from whence she was con veved to Ilepzibah where she was interred the same day. A large number of people attended her funeral, which was preached by Lev. John Hog; consistent n. member of Emma was a Ilepzibah church, and was beloved by all who knew her; in tact, to see her was to know her and to know her was to love her. Innocence it sel f, yet she was the life of an v com pany she might he found in. Her loss will be greatly felt by the peo-. pie around here. At the time of her death she was ag‘d 18 years, 0 months ami 3 days. Though far from home tier relatives did ail for her that kind hearts and loving hands could do, and c one with her remains here and saw them laid peacefully al rest. joy of her home when She was the she was here, And to her kindred she was dear; But now she’s gone to realms above To be with God, where all i: love. I v a x. h DOUBLE BRANCHES. Well, as 1 have recovered from my “beastly drunk,” I will endeavor to pen a tew more dots from this see lion. First, in reply to the great tetotalor, Mr. Crocker, will say that I think it far more creditable to be a beast when drunk than to act a beast when sober. '.This is the difference between lie and mvself. Mr. John Price’s gin house, sit¬ uated ou the Columbia side of Little liver, was destroyed by lire about noon Friday, the 6th inst. The machinery, including a new gin and press, was also burned. As no one was around when the building caught the origin of the lire is not known. It is thought, however, an incendiary had a hand in the work. Loss about $600, with no insurance, off for Cuba Robert L Reid is on his wheel at last—Rousseau Springs, I should have said. The cold winds of last week in jurM cotton very much around here. Bicycle riding by moon-shine 1 as become quite fashionable, Messrs. J. ( '. .Montcrief and Will Goosby were in our town Sunday. Politics have been relegated to the ss i i m y I I Hy big store, covering four floors, is headquarters for everything needed by Bankers; Lawyers, Doctors, Preachers, School . Teachers, Husbands, Wives, Boys, Girls and Sweet¬ hearts. PriGes to suit every one. Give me a call when in Wash¬ ington and be convinced. Get my Prices. Sea my big stocK. W. T. JOHNSON. rear, leaving the war question the sole topic of conversation. had better look Perhaps Moore. someone rid¬ after Jack Me was seen ing with a voting whirl’s lady Sunday—-ami old no one knows in an bachelor’s bead, no how. Earl Bussey, was up from Lockhart Sunday. Z. Bussey, candidate for Capt. E. tax receiver, was m the war four years, and never stole nothing remarkable? but a shoe knife. Is not that Boys, let’s vote for him; in; is the man we want. Old Blister, LEVEL’HW!'. After a long absence I will try and give you a few dots from these dig¬ gings. W. Newby made flying Air. P. it trip to Augusta this week. What has become of all our cor¬ respondents; fixing to go to war? Mr. 8. ft. Burdasliaw and family have returned from Augusta and are occupying the old Elam homestead. We are glad to have them back with us; they are good neighbors. There will be a picnic at I’ergn- fourth smi’s ferry Saturday before 'lie .Sunday in this month. Everybody must come and bring well filled baskets. Mr. 11. Freeman and his charming sister, .Miss Willie, of Plum Branch, S. O., passed through this vicinity last week. The Plum Branch correspondent, “H. II,” is getting ready to leave for Cuba. I suspect bis girl lias some¬ thing to do with his leaving, lie can’t drown his sorrows in a bottle of rum, but thinks he can in war. Do not.forget the picnic at Fergu¬ son’s ferry May 21. Stka wberry dal. AMITY. Another cold wave Saturday, which caused the candidates to draw on their overcoats, Children’s Day at Pierce’s Chapel Sunday was a grand success, and was attended by a large congregation of people. The services opened at 10 o’clock with prayer and singing, which was followed with recitations by the little ones and scripture read¬ ing by the Sunday school. This over, th.’crowd was invited to partake of an elegant repast, which had been spread upon the table below the '•huroh. After dinner the congrega¬ tion again assembled in the church, where they were again entertained with recitations by a number of voting ladies. A collection was then taken. There was no feature of the day’s exercises that wasn’t enjoyed. Misses Millie L’lnnenkohl, Lula Matthews and Lbzi • Edmonds, ac¬ companied by Mr. U. B. Edmonds, was in Washington Saturday. Mr. J. F. Bentley went over to Norwood on business last Friday. Miss Ella Smalley, our efficient teaehei. will close her school next Friday night, the 13th inst, with an exhibition. li. W. K. MARTIN’S X ROADS. Mr. Jess Bolder, of McCord, was in our ville Saturday evening. of Mc¬ Mr. Louis Chamberlain, Cormick, S. C.. visited relatives in our ville last week. Mr. D. J. E Colvin, of Leathers¬ ville, passed through our ville last Saturday ou his return from Troy, S. ('., where he purchased a fine Jersey cow. L. Myeis visited relatives Mi. B. at McCormick Saturday. Rev. Mr. Davis preached a very fine sermon to a large congregation at Pine Grove Sunday. Mr. Gee. Cloy, of Columbi t comity, visited his son Will Cloy, of Keuuti, last; Saturday and Sunday. Tankersley Mr. and Mrs. J. M. visited the family of Mr. Thomas Albea, near Leveretr, last Friday. Quite a number of young attended people, and some old ones, the meeting of the Epworlh League Parks at the residence of Mr. A, B. last Sunday eve. Be a ns. METAS VILLE. Ilurrah for Dewcv! Some of our bravo soldiers want the war to close, as Dewey will get all the praise. As for our part we would like for it to cease at once. Saturday was certainly cold for May; overcoats were neighborhood brought out, The sick of our are somewhat better, we are glad to say. Metasville was well represented at Pierce’s Chapel Sunday, bicyclists went Of course all our to the Chapel Sunday. Rushy, spent Mr. John Stone, of Saturday night with Mr. Willie Brown. visited Mr. Will Tferren and family Dr. If. C. Walton Sunday. 'Pax Receiver W. T. E. Jones was here Monday. smashed his Mr. Walter Hinton bike six miles from home Sunday. Oh. my! Sal lie Tankersley and Mat Misses tie Lou Ilogan, accompanied Willie Tankerr- by Mes SI'S Jule Garrett and ley, visited relatives up on Broad river last week. Mr. Truitt■ Smith went over to Possie Sir inlay. and Mrs. Miss Lucy Butler Latimer visited Mrs. V, L, J. K. STROTHER, TltOS. H. llE.MSKN, JK STROTHER & HEMSEH Attorneys at Law. Wilt practice in the courts of Lin¬ coln, Wilkes, McDnffiepuni Columbia counties—and the Supreme Court of! the state. This April 30, 1898. ! Sunday. 1 'There will l e another picnic at ’ Grave’s .Mountain the 20th bust, ! hope, it will not rain as hard as it did '^Mrs.'wik Aibeaw.ii! go down to \ Augusta this week to see her (laugh- 1 , ■ • i v • i , ., , t01' 9 .'ils'S i/empie, who H(*IIG tlKTOj J some time ago for medical aid. It IS Sill (.1 .Mr. AlOSeJev \\ rjffJlfc of j Lincoln county, happened to the misfortune to get his horse badly cut on barb wire .Saturday , coning. • i&spending M iss Clara the Harris, with of her this place, week cousins, the Misses Dunaway, at Adasbnrg. Bov A Nil G 1 111 .. CLAY HILL Lev. T. A. Nash tilled his regular appointment at Salem church Sunday and preached a forcible sermon to a large congregation on the subject of consistency among church members. Lev. J. E. Lellov preached an able sermon on the same line the Sunday before at Loco. We a>o glad that the preachers are giving ilieir for atten¬ the tion to this important matter, churches of this country certainly need reviving or remodling, as it 1ms become almost impossible to fell many of the so-called Christians from the worldlings when you sec them avvav from the church. 'Lite great need of the age is true manhood. When von make a profession stand to it ; don't be hypocritical, Of all the detestable things in this world is a person that hasn’t got the man¬ hood to deline his position in any avocation of life. There were many sad faces at Salem last Sunday caused by the news of the tragic death of t hat good man, Rev. 'Tiros. West, of McDuffie, who was well known and much admired in this section. Well, Mr. Editor, contrary to my prediction some time hack, it seems that we are in the midst ofwar at last. Our congressmen were blood¬ thirsty ’lighting; and were just obliged to do a little or at least order the people to do it. But what are they lighting for? It seems to us that. they have left the main issue and jumped upon another hobby. It looks like Pncie Sam has an elephant on his hands at present, is <i politician’s war and the pcop’e are not catching on so fast as fcuev ex¬ pected, hence their dileinna. Wo are no lawyer nor the son of one, but it looks to us like they would have a hard time forcing the subjects ot this government to war against nnotlur nation, when the rights and Iibelli’S of this country have never been molested by them. Now, my advice to all Populists is, don’t let vour minds be drawn off by the excitement of war, but let us be more alert for in this hour of gloom and bloodshed may appear t he golden opportunity for the slic¬ cess 'd!' the grand reform principles for which we have been struggling so long. RjiFOim Eli. J. H. DUNAWAY, Practical Watch Repairer. Will he in Lincolnton the first week in each month. Bring me your old watches and clocks and have them made new. Every piece of work guaranteed. Admi nisiral or ^ Salo STATE OF (I EURO IALincoln County: }>,v virtue of an order from the court of ordinary of Lincoln county, Ua., will be sold tit public out cr\ before the courthouse door of said conn, y on i - Tuesday in June the following described tract of land: The place whereon the late d . B. Ken jiedv resided, aojoinint; lands of Niiss li. \ . and M --rs Ii. to Kennedy. T. It. Roberta. R.R. Iiam - ... ,\t Dill, and W. 11. Pollard anil containnif; Three Hundred and Thirty i»») Acres Saul tr i t of land sold subject to a trust, deed held hy i 1 Tmu eaKh. I'lirchaser J. t« iwy Kennedy. t.>rpapera j. ,m. dill. Adiu'r. of m. April 20, 1808. For (jtuiirclianwliip of ’roperty, STATE OV (UCOIiGIA—Lincoln County: To all whom it may concern: O. M. C’hermault having in due form applied to the and undersigned for the guardianship ot' the person person and -property property -"minor chi Id of A. F. is < hereby liennault. late that of -eid conn tv. deceased, notice given her application will be heard at my office on the 1st bondav in June. l^TS. ... Given under my hand and official . signature this 2nd day of May, 1SD8. 1 • H- liFMsKM, Ord >. For I.ifittere ot DisiniHHion. ST ATE OK (IEOKOJA—Lincolii County: Wherons. Mattie I,. May, administratrix of M May, represents to the court in her petition duly filed and entered on record, that she lias fn tfv administered C..M..May’s estate. 1 his is. tlie-efore. to cite all persons eoneernecl, heirs ami creditors, administratrix to show should cause, riot it' any ho discharged they can, why sat'd and receive .niters ol from her administration July. RS'IS tli-mission on the first Monday in T. 11, BE.MSEN, Ord'y. Says So. Coscarets Candv Catbavtic, live most won¬ derful medical discovery of tiie ago, pleas¬ ant and refreshing to the taste, act. bowels, gently and positively on kidneys, liver and cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of a G. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. STOP KICKING UNT DULL TINES. Put life into business by creating trade. Don’t keep up the old about business being on <t standstill. It’s not that way with ns. Things livening up considerably. We’ve been pretty busy for the past month. Uttr process is simple, we sell at low prices. Low Prices Create. Trade. Iiow about your Shoes and Hals? - - For Thi& Month We Will Sell - • Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes at 55c Ladies’ Dongola Button Shoes at $1.25 Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes at 75o Ladies’ Genuine Yioi Kid Cincinnati Ladies Dongola Shoes at $1.00 custom-made Shoes at $1.50. have just received 500 Gent’s Sample Hats, all the latest styles lor Spring, worth $1.50 and $2, we are offering them at $1.00. be Fooled, but Gome and Look at Them for Yourself Mon , 8 lace amt congress shoes all solid $1.00 Ladies Kid Hutton Shoes good * 1.00 m oil’s luce and (‘OHgrpss shoes vfo(»:l 1 .*J."> 1 tidies Kid Hutton Shoes extra 1 .25 25ft {£ “S 2SSb l ..*0 indies Kid Button Shoes superb 1.51* 2.00 our 2*20, 3.00 Ladies Shoes are <;<*nniii«' mlfvhott in all atvle* perfectly magnificent. Bahies Children nuiti We never forget the and Habit s Shoes front a5e up. ChlldreWa ■•t.vir*i»tbe»am« »* ..tiiers*«*ii at Shoes—any addition quality Shoes, you want. Carry Full id now we come to the Ladies Shoes: In to we ft nmton si.wm 75c Line of Ilats, Caps and Trunks. GREAT EASTERN SHOE COMPANY, R. G. TARVER, MANAGER, Broad Street •5 Auqusta, Ga. GREAT OPPORTUNITY For BUSINESS and PLEASURE. The great, Merry Makers Week will soon be here, and you must not miss this season of joyous festivity; and at the same time make your trip one of profit to you, by buying your Clothing from us. The largest and handsomest stock ef Clothing. Hats and Furnishings—for MEN, BOYS and CHILDREN; also novelties for LADIES. We will give you the best goods, the best fitting suits and at the LOWEST PRICKS. Make our store your stop¬ ping place, where you can find ail the convenience for Gentleman and Ladies. A cordial welcome to you. J Tailor-Fi" Clothiers, AUGUSTA, GA. All Persons Calling on Dr. Alford for treat¬ ment from April 1 to May 1 will be k treated for Five Dollars per month -Stas i£ until cured. i h ;\ eases Special of the attention female sex. .given Consultation, to „b - and invited. I and examination free _________ 'x write no prescriptions, but prepare Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M A. Sundays by previous engagement. / m 8 a a a 5 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. 8@to)tli door above Campbell St. Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. LINDSAY S. ARRINGTON. LUTHER L. ARRINGTON. Arrington Bros. & Co, GROCERS AMO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OUR SPECIAL! IES Flour, Tobacco, Kerosene Gil anil Lime. Consignments of Country Produce Solicited. 903 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. r AGENTS FOR / Mitchell’s Farm Wagons, “THE BEST." New Finn, But Methods the Same* osu. uem t mm. (Successors to .1. J. (fonlcy.) 808 Broad Street, Aucjusta, Ga. w ’jct. 'Sr* z/r-wn "jrr. zoo Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SHOES and HATS. We are now offering to the trade one of the best selected stock of Shoes ever shown in this city. Dealers will consult their interests by calling to see us before making purchases. Remember, our rule is Honest Shoes at Fair Profits and no misrepre sentation. We only ask the readers of this paper for a trial. Cashin, Gouley & Vauahn. 8S)" Agent for llanan & Sons Fine Shoes. >