Newspaper Page Text
Washington, GA.
Our friends from Lincoln county
are always welcomed by us. When
in need of anything in our line give
us a call. Our motto is to
all. We carry a complete stock.
Mr. T»en Ivey was down, from
Goshen yesterday.
Dr. \V. B. Crawford is in Norwood
this week visiting relatives.
Mr. J. S. Rhodes, of Washington,
was in town several days tins week.
T. II. Eemsen, Esq,, went up to
Gcshen yesterday on professional
Miss Lillian Rernsen left, this week
to visit relatives at Dalton and other
points in north Georgia.
All the candidates spem deter¬
mined to fight it out to the bitter
Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Nash were
among those who went from here to
Washington this week.
k All who have not already registered
nr the approaching election should
K so at once. The books are now
■ iu the clerk’s office. '
f The second regiment of Georgia
Volunteers has been ordered to Tamps,
Ela. From there they will probably
be sent to Cuba. The Lincoln boys
are in this regiment.
While out riding one day last week
C.tpt. J. \V. Busby was thrown from
his horse to the ground and received
quite a painful and serious injury by
the breaking of his collar bone.
Gel. N. A. Crawford left for Macon
Tuesday to be present at the annual
convention of county school com¬
missioners, which met in that city
Wednesday. Colonel Crawford car¬
ried with him a carefully prepared
address, which ho read to the con¬
How uncertain is Life! How sure,
swift and remorseless is Death! So
the death legends of the ancients pictured
as a monster astride .his pale
charger bearing away alike the young
and old; wise and foolish; the good;
the had. Gome when he may his
advent is generally unwelcome. Be¬
strewn as the.ieartb is with the wrecks
of blighted hopes; beset as it is with
corroding,cures and trials and dis¬
appointments-—yea, though our joys
are mixed with sorrow here, yet this
earth is beautiful and pleasant and
delightful. Deny it who may the
soul ne’er forsakes its earthly tern -
meat without an instinctive shrinking
back. Yet (blessed thought), let us
re/iiember that it is “only the soul
taking flight” to the regions of fade¬
less jov. Here we “have no abiding
city” but o’er there, thank God. we
have a “building not ' made with
hands”-—a “city whose maker and
builder is God!”
These reflections came to the writer
as lie thought with saddened heart
on the death of Miss Emma Well
maker, which occurred May 11 while
on a visit to relatives in Alabama.
Just a little more than sixteen bright
sunshiny summers had passed by
since she first gladdened her home.
Front her infancy 1 had known her.
When not more than six years she
became a pupil in a school taught by
the writer. Bright, winsome and
sunshiny her mission seemed to glad¬
den every circle in which she moved.
A general favorite at school and in
society she was idolized at home. A
more dutiful child never lived. In¬
deed her last rational act was to
write But a Emma loving message to her mother.
was a Christian. Never
can J forget when in early youth she
gave her heart to God; her bright
and convincing relation of her expe¬
rience of grace; the joyous look
when she walked down into the
watery grave beside her gray-haired
pastor and put on Christ in baptism;
and last but not least, her consistent
godly than walk! Blessed lieirage! Bet¬
ter Golobnda’s mines—than
Opliir’s wealth is this memory to
stricken ones.
Her funeral was preached by Rev.
John Hogan and was largel y attended.
Though she breathed her last iar
away from loved ones; with no
mother’s hand to cool the fervid
brow; with no sister’s gentle caress
to re-assure her as she stood upon
the dark, dark stream; to hear no
murmured tearful farewells from
loved lips; yet loving hands laid her
1 quietly yard to rest in the old church
near the resting place of loved
ones gone before.
When she sweetly sleeps that
dreamless sleep to an awakening on
the glad resurrection morn—till
then, adieu!
‘•They have not perished—no!
Kind words, remembered voices once so sweet;
Smiles radiant Ion# ago;
And features*—the great souls apparent sent;
AH shall come back, each tic
of pure affection shall be knit again—
Alone shall evil die
And sorrow dwell a prisoner in thy reign.*’
J. T. Hudsox.
Slimly Attended—A Number of
Resolutions Passed.
Pursuant to call ,, o( the executive .
committee the Democratic party ot
When Chairman Hinton called the
meeting to order there . we only
fourteen members of the party mvs
This number was
swelled by an addition of two;
iug a total of sixteen, Below we
give the report of the secretary ver¬
Ltncocntok, convention Ga., May called 13.
The Democratic
to order at 10 o’clock by Chairman
J p. Hinton.
1. Elected the old committee to
serve for the next two ensuing E. years.
2. Moved by Ool. J. Strother
that June 6 we hold primary to nom- and
inute candidates for governor
state house officers, and on June 23
to nominate candidates for the sit
preme bench.
3. Moved by Col. J. E. Strother
that both primaries, of June 0 and
June 23, be held in all the militia
districts of the county; but if not so
held in any militia district that
voter may come to the county site to
vote in Resolved tiie primary. further, that each
member of the county democratic
exec ifive committee be a manager
in each militia district to open the
polls and hold the primaries of June
ti and June 23, 1898, or appoint some
one in bis place, and that there bo.
three managers oi these primary
elections who are freeholders, or a
justice of the peace. and two tree
holders; and that said elections
held with the same formality as
other election and the retiwns to I e
made by 12 o'clock next day to the
county executive committee at Lin
coluton, Ca.
5. liesolved that the county deny
oc/atic executive be appointed to
furnish the tickets in sufficient quan
titles and style to suit any voter and
transmit the same to the executive
committee of each district' of the
county ten days before each primary.
(i. Resolved further, that the coun¬
ty democratic executive committee
m oi at. Lincolutou, Da., on June 7
and on June 24 to receive the returns
of the. various militia .primaries -su'd
that they consolidate the same, keep¬
ing one return and transmit the other
to E. <J. dviBignon, chairman state
democratic executive committee, and
that they appoint the delegates to
the conventions of June 29, 189.8,
and of July 20, 1898, as required by
state democratic executive committee.
Resolved further, that any dem¬
ocratic voter can vole at the primary
at Lincolutou whether the polls be
opened in his. militia district or not.
7 . Resolved that we return our
thanks to the editor of jLhe Home
Journal tor his past kindness and
request that this action of the coun¬
ty democratic convention of May 13,
lb.98, be published in the Hoke
Journal. J. IL Hivion,
Chm’r. Dem. Ex. Coin,
T. P. Wilkekson, Sec’y.
Mr. J. Dunaway, the watch-maker,
arrived iu Lincoln ton this week and
opened an office in ML B. Murray’s
store. Mr. Dunaway will remain
here the rest of this week, after which
lie will return to Tignall for a few
davs. He will be at Double Branches'
the 2nd week m June.
According to the newspapers, an
Ohio husband became tiie happy
father of seven children not long ago.
Or the seven all lived blit one. It is
to be hoped lie laid in a supply of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, the
only sure cure for croup, whooping'
cough, colds and coughs, and so in¬
sured his children against these dis
eases. For Side by Price & Nash.
^ ggi aa8i i
^»&ta aa
F T.
My big store, covering four
floors, is headquarters for .
everything needed by Bankers
Lawyers, Doctors, Preachers,
School Teachers, Hi^sbautis,
Wives, Boys, Girls and Sweet¬
Prices to suit every one.
Give me a call when in Wash¬
ington and be Gorwinoed. Get
my Prises. Sea my big stocK.
uS&.s^u rinded the mill . and . store i- bouse. pi
They captured a prize of about 25
bushels of corn, 1 or 2 boxes of to
banco and snuff, etc. An alarm
quickly given by our seminal and
1 Admiral Hoiiowav with his flying
squadron ran in mi them and cap;
•nred three jpf their officers, as fob
lows: ('apt. Joseph Bussey, Lieut,
Prank Bussey and Sergeant
dimes, all colored. After given a
preliminary hearing before
Moore, the prisoners were taken to
Washington and lodged in jail lor
safekeeping, The contest between Well Hogan
and Pig Reese came off Friday nigh t.
durv decided tha«- Moll was mdy
entitled to the seat and two or three
nK ' 1 'f
Wm. betd , ... lie id, Jr.,„ L-;
Sr., uni.
^ M • Bolder,. Is. L, Reese. ami Ale 11 j
Logan has joined M. II. Holloway s
beet. J hey will piobahly capture
prize this week.
Ou> Luster. ^
_— -
j> a j u j s p a dlv needed in this sec
t j on>
Farmers leave a very poor stand -of
HptH cotton and of corn,
Pat Kelley, iSutimiav McCord, passed
through our ville C. eiiroute
to McCormick, S.
Messrs Miller and Lee Perryman,
among their manv friends at
jj 0 j, e Sunday,
Mr. Vince Walker, accompanied
by Miss Addie, of Leverelt, attended
poaching at New Hope Sundae,
There seems to he some attraction
qvcm' this way for Vince,
Mr, W. p. Gresham and wife, of
Kenna, visited relatives at Busbv
this week,
Miss Ruth Steed, of Wilkes county,
is visiting relatives near this place.
Mr. Ed Gresham made a business
trip to Washington last and week. -
Lev. W. II. Green family are
visiting in Columbia county.
Messrs Herbert Gresham and Mor¬
gan Holloway returned from Wash¬
ington Bunday. Butterfly.
Hot weather is upon us.
Chickens are dying so fast, if we
don’t hurry and have our picnic they
will all be gone. Cholera is the
Let everybody that hasn’t a stand
of cotton plough We it up believe and if plant this
corn in its place. would blessing.
was done it prove a
Mrs. Standard, of Danburg, is on
a visit io her daughter, Mrs. P. G.
Frazier, this week.
A good many from this neighbor¬
hood attended children’s day services
at Smyrna Sunday. All report a
pleasant time. ML Wave, of Aonia, at
Mr. C. was
Anthony’s Chapel Ware, Sunday. been
Miss Nannie who ha
teaching school at Tyrone, has given
vacation and is at home.
Mr. J. IL Gresham, of Kenna,
spent Saturday night with his son -at
this place.
Miss Mattie Lou Hogan, who lias
been teaching a school near here,
gave vacation and returned to her
home in Lincoln county last week.
Miss Ciaia Harris returned home
Sunday, after a pleasant visit to
relative,- 1 at A .-asburg. Kenna, called
Mr. Ed Greshatn, of
on his best girl here and took her to
ride Sunday.
Mr. Joe Latimer, of Washington,
was here on a visit Io his best girl
Sunday. M. E. Smith and family, of
OheiUiault, Visited the family Of Mr.
R. E. Smith Sunday. :
Prof. ML A. 1 learnesberger & closed
illS , . , OOl , . here , 1 cist . week. ,
SC .11
Mr. Hick Sale, representing a
washing machine patent'., was lil our
\JlJe •ii til fi,; lb , VT Week. _ i.
Mr. E. S. Johns, of Possie, was in j
Monday. ...
our town I
an... \iy« \y n. r i. p otanua.u «it.u ord children uiinixui, !
Ot Tiguali, I.,L visited relatives here
DUlRUy. ......
Prof. He’arueaberger’g scliool picnic _
will not come off the 21st inst. as
published. Will give tiie correct
date later.
Mr. Simon Bailey and son, Frank,
went down to Augusta last week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Frazier arc the
happy parents of a tine son, torn
Mr. Thomas Albea and uis mother
went down to Augusta, last week.
say Miss Dempie is improving
Messrs Bob Dunaway and Frank
Harris went to Adusburg Sunday to
the marriage of the former’s sister,
.Miss Mattie Dunaway, to Mr. Effort!
Dunaway. The couple happy have and our best
wishes for a long, pros¬
perous life. •
Remember children’s -lay will be
at Antheiry’s Chapel on the 3rd
Sunday in June instead of the 5th
Sunday in May.
Messrs. Geo. Butler and Ii. E.
Smith, Jr., went to Mai lore ville Sun¬
day. 'Mrs. What was the attraction, visited boys?
Joseph Wolf, of Possie,
Brother * bessek
Attorneys at Law.
Will wiclice iu the courts of Lin
the '‘ '
tius.&pni ,iu, !&.»».
relatives bore last week.
Mr John Ware ofl’ossie missed
throu-di WoTiear here Saturday on In's bike
one of the Washington
volunteers, Mr. Hugh Harris, was
killed in uunp last week,
Willie "Tankersley called on
his girl near Busbv Sunday.
Boy -and. Gtiu,.
It begins to look like dry .weather
ai’oun<l here.
y lessrs w. N. Spires and A. A.
Turk returned from Augusta Sat
Dorsey Reid says be has a variety
f squash that grow in the ground
]j| <e potatoes'. He recently goto! a
dozen seed at a drug store in Wash
ingtou "Our for old ten lriend cents, Joe Hawes, who
has been teaching school near Nor
wood returned home one day last
week, much to the delight of his
many friends
Mr, 1). J. E. Colvin is oh for An¬
gneta this week to purchase new
supplies for ids store. the.misfor¬
Mr. J. 11. Gumby had
tune to lose a very line colt last
Vote for me, if you arc in for
Vote for me, if von are in for
Wright. did have
Vote for me if you ever
any hope of Paradise.
Farmers are busy chopping cotton
in this section.
Rev. T. A. Nash filled his regular church
appointment at the Baptist
Saturday, preaching an aide sermon.
Sunday his pulpit was filled by Rev.
Joe Shank, who preached The on the sub¬
ject, “tile Devil in Ink.” speaker
showed in a very forcible manner the
many evils that grow out of this one
thing. night when the
On last Friday fade
crimson red streaks began to
away over the western horizon, the
streets of Amity were crowded with
people, waiting with anxious eves the
opening exercise of the exhibition.
About 8 o’clock the Btrother-Ed
mends string band opened music, the after¬ ex¬
ercises followed with delightful speeches, di¬
wards by the
alogues, etc., of the school children,
which were highly enjoyed by ali
present. Smalley, accompanied
Mr. Snap Ella,
by his lovely sister, Miss at¬
tended children's day at Smyrna
Min day.
Mr.’J. F. Bentley, one of Amity’s
highly esteemed young men, left
Wednesday for Norwood, where he
will engage in the mercantile bus
i ness. Onr best wishes accompany
him to his new field of labor.
ii. w. K.
I will bo in Lincolnton die first
and Double Branches the second
week of every mont'i for tiie purpose
of repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
&c. Fine watch repairing work a spe¬
ciality. Every piece of guar¬
Practical Watch-maker.
Administrator's Sole
STATU OF CEOimiA-Lhiw.hi Coumy:
lly virtue of .-ill order from tli« court of ordinary
of Lniroli) comity, (Li., will Lc-soul ai public out
(TV before the courthouse door oi' said count y on
nedv resided, adjoining lands of Miss II. V. and
Messrs K. N. Kennedy, T. K. Roberts. IL IL Ram
sey. >). M. Dill, and W. IL Pulhtrd and con lain in g
Tlirw lluudml and Thirty Aqq Sahl
tnicl ol laml sold subjert to ii tn:>a doed hold by
Christmii O. Goorijia and "iv«n by.I. rworded M. Kennedy in Book
during hrs lire Wine, said deed
,, ;iLri . -mu iu cu-hu- oilier <.fsuwri<>M'<mri fcws
Unrolu county. <la„ for the sum of Mid in
lor,'St. Term* cash. 1'urchusur !u pay tor papers
,J. Al. DILL, Adrn’r. ofj. M. Kotiiiotiy.
April 21), 181)8.’<liarisUip of’ Property.
UKORGiA—-Lincoln County:
To all whom it may concern: O. .M. Chennauit
havinjr in due form applied to the underpinned
for the naardhtiiBliip minor child of of the person F. (’Den and If, property late of
A. nan
county, deceased, notice is hereby given that the
her application will be heard at. my office oil
1st Monday in dune, ISOS.
Given under my hand and official sicrnaturo this
day of May, 1898. T. II. K EM SEN, Ord’y.
For Letters ot J ) ism ins ion.
STATE OF GEORG I A—Lincoln Comity:
Whcress, Mattie L. May, administratrix of C.
M. May. represents to the court in her petition
tiled and entered on record, that she has
fully administered c,-M. May’s estate. This is,
therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs
and creditors, to show cause, if any they can.
why said administratrix should not be discharged of
from her administration and receive fetters
dismission on the first Mondav in July. 1898.
T. H. ItEMSEN, Ord’y.
Kvervbody Says So.
Cascarets Cand.v Cathartic, the most v?on
derfui medical discovery the of tiie age, gently pleas¬
ant. and refreshing' to taste, and act bowels,
and positive^ on kidneys, liver
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, lever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by ail druggists.
stop fins liim m Tims. J
Put life info business by creating trade. Don’t keep up the old
a,M>nt &«*»»«» bein^f on a standstill. It's not that way with its. Thi
are livening up considerably. We've been prettv busy for the naSt moi
“™- J ..... M
- - For Thfo Month We Will Sell
Ladies’ hid Pulton Shoes at 55c Ladles’ Dongola Button Shoes at ___ $1.S
Ladies’ Kid Hutton Shoes at 75c Indies’ Genuine Vici Kid Cincinna
Ladu ‘ s Dougola Shoes at *1.00 custom-made Shoes at $1.50. J
lteir " e have just received $1.50 500 and Lent’s Sample Ilats, all the latest $1.00. styles fc
Spring, wortii $2, we are offering them at <
Don’t be Fooled, but Come and Look at Them for Yoursei
Men’s lace ami congrcpH shoon nil polid $1.00 Ladies Kid Hutton Shoes good a.
•Men’s lure and congress shues *j;ood 1.25 Ladies Kid Hutton Shoes extra 1.
Men’s lace aipl .cniiRri'ss rj4n>es extra 1.50 Ladies Kid Button Shoes superb
Men’s lace and 'congress wliucs ku perb 2.00 our $ 2 .( 0 , 2 20, Ladlvs Shoe* are
Our <»enuine calf nhoe in ?tll styles perfectly mu*_niticcnf. *
as Mood as any $d.0i) shoe hi the city. We mcr forget the Babies and Children
Onr$‘J.T:2 hand sewed Genuine ci)f in all Babies Shoes from Roc up. Children’s
styles is the same as others sell at $H.oO Shoes- any (juality you want.
A id now we come to the Ladies Shoes : In addition to Shoes, we Cabry a Full
i.adies’ Kid Hutton Shoes 75c Line of Hats, Caps and Trunks,
907 Broad Street 5 Auqusta, G
are embodied in our “Warm-weather” Clothing. Our stock
Berges, Alpacas and Crash Suits, this season is larger than ev
With one of these cool suits amt a selection irom our prej
assortment of Furnishing goods you will be well supplied for ;
Summer. ,
And we have not forgotten the little boys either, but have boitf Sj
for them a complete linPof washable suits, etc. | H ■
SAVA ’al i on us. m L nJI
Tailor-Fu- Clothiers, AUGUSTA, GM
All Persons I
Calling on I)r. Alford for t;
ment from April 1 to May 1 wij
\ f. • Wmz - treated for Five Dollars per mj
k'jfo- j until cured.
Special attention’ given to all
111' eases of the female sex. Cona&L
HiSi \ and examination free and inviti
npiii \ write no prescriptions, but pi
Item'S my own medicines.
Office Hours:
8 A. I. to 6
Sundays by previous engaga
Broadway, Augusta, Ga.
C®“f)th door above Campbell St. Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel
Arrington Bros. & C
Floor, Tobacco, Kerosene Oil and Lim :
i • ■ A '-A' L I L
.. . . .
Consignments of Country Produce Solicited. A '•Vi
803 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. : Lv : s; :
'la by
—--AGENTS fob 1
Mitchell’s Farm Wagons,
Msw Finn, But Methods th<
an, Sim & uuii.
(Successor# to .1. J. Ctouley.')
808 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
*jy?> 'jyz zoo i i/rxtf7i zoo zoo ^
AYholesale and Retail Dealers in
We are now offering to the trade one of the best sdiecti
Slices ever shown in this city. Dealers will consult their
calling to see us before making purchases. M
Remember, our rule is Honest Shoes at Fair Profits and
mentation. We only ask the readers of this paper for a trial.
Gouley Ai
Cashin, & Vauah
9®” A gent for liar an & Sons Fine Shoes. 7