The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, June 09, 1898, Image 3

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HAMMACK LUCAS & CO., DRUGGIST, Washington, GA. Our friends from Lincoln county are always welcomed by us. When in need of anything in our line give us a call. Our motto is to please all. We carry a complete stock. JOURNALISMS. The election Monday was a very quiet affair. No sales were made by the sheriff Tuesday. Gardens are burning up for the want of rain. Miss Lula Humphreys is on a visit to friends in McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Smith visited relatives in Wilkes county Sunday. Mr. M. B. Lewis, of Goshen, wa s in town Tuesday. Lincoln county moonshiners me hard to catch—in a foot race. Mr. Tom Burch, of Elbert county, was in town Monday. Messrs J. M. and S. K. Dill, of Clay Hill, were in town Tuesday. Mr. John Matthews, of Chennault, was here Tuesday. Mr. T. it. Hinton was up from Amity Tuesday. Mr. 'Tell Wilkerson has returned from his studies at Mercer University. Tax Collector Moseley was up from Double Branches one day this week. Mr. C. M Ferryman made a brief visit to relatives at Bordeaux, 8. C-, this week. Several from here will attend the picnic at Col. N. W. Stevenson’s Saturday. Now that the election is over Col. Crawford ’till will not fall. visit the schools £?) any more Mr. \V. C. Whitley, representing a machine agency, was in town yesterday. Mr. Z. I. Fitzpatrick, of Albany, is down in the interest of the Amer¬ ican Book Company. Hon. T. E. Massengale and wife, of Norwood, are visiting Col. and Mrs. N. A. Crawford. Mr. J. II. Dunnaway, the watch¬ maker, will be at Double Branches next week. Rev.: J- W. Gaines and Prof. Lee Perryman have returned from a pleasant visit to Due West, 8. C. Hon. J. R. Hogan, accompanied by ids son Prof. Lutlier Hogan, were in town Tuesday. Mr. W. M. Car Hedge went off on another one of those mysterious trips Sunday. This time it was towards Leathersville. Miss Clara Perryman is off on an extended visit to relatives at Wil¬ ling ton and other points in South Carolina. Prof. Otis Ashmore, of Savannah, will conduct the teacher’s institute for Wilkes and Lincoln counties this year. Rev. R. E. L. Harris was down from Crawfordville to fill .his ap¬ pointments . at the Baptist church Saturday and Sunday. Dr. John Sims and Mr. T. R. Hannon were elected delegates to the state convention by the Demo cratic executive committee at their meeting held Tuesday. Rev. J. E. LeRoy was up from Leathersville a short while yesterday. Mr. LeRoy informs us that the wheat crop in his section is the largest that has been raised in years. Washington is becoming quite a trade centre for the farmers of Lin¬ coln county. We notice several prom¬ inent citizens from there every day or so.—Chronicle. Dr. J. C. Brown, the well-known Indian doctor, has moved to this county, where he can be convenient to his patients. neighborhood. He is living in the Leathersville Judge E. I). Beard, of Danlnirg, in town Monday. Judge Beard Wilkes county Populists are for to a man, and that vitli a aggressive work he can carry the county. Mr. John Zellars and family have returned to Lincolntcn for the sum¬ mer. They are occupying miles Hie old home place, Mr. Zellars about two decided from town. has not yet to make this his permanent liopie, but his many friends hope that lie Avill. ‘•There is no use in talking,” says W. H. Bvoatlwell, druggist, LaCygue, Cholera| Kas., “Glmmberlain’s Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy does the! work. After taking medicines of my ! own preparation and those of others’I I took a dose of Chamberlain’s ai|d it lielped me; a second dose cured m-. Candidly and conscientiously t can t recommend it as the best thing on j the market.” The 25 and 50 cent! gijes for sale by Price & Nash, Heath of an Aged Couple. Mr. Thos. Kendrick, of Double Branches, clietl Monday; 30th ult., inst., ami on Sunday following oc¬ curred the death of his wife, Mrs. Francis Kendrick. Mr. Kendrick’s age was eighty-three and that of his wife seventy-six. They- were tlie oldest couple in Lincoln county and were both highly respected. They leave no children. Notice to Democrats. The democracy of Lincoln county, Ga., is hereby requested to meet (the in mass meeting on dune 24, 1898, day of consolidating the last primary returns) for the purpose ot selecting delegates for the convention of the tenth congressional dish of Georgia to nominate a congressman. Also to select delegates for the senatorial convention for the 29th senatorial dish of Georgia, and any other legit¬ imate business. By order of Hem. Ex. Com. d. H. Hinton, Ch'in. R. A. Ware, Sec'y. This Juno 7, 1898. Humlreds of, thousand^ have been indnced’to try Chamberlain’s Cough Reinedv by reading bus done for others, and, having tested its merits for themselves are to-day its wannest friends.—For sale by Price & Nash. Mr. Hogan Accepts. We understand from a reliable source that Hon. J. R. Hogan, who was nominated for governor by the People’s party state convention, lias sent his letter of acceptance to Chair¬ man W. F. Carter, of the notification committee. Mr. Hogan will not at¬ tempt to make a thorough canvass of the state during the campaign, but will congressional speak one district. or more limes lie in each lias already received a number of en¬ couraging letters from different parts of the state, and with the aid of a tew good stump speakers who have volunteered their services, he pro¬ poses to make things pretty warm for the Democratic nominee. The Democratic Primary. The Democratic primary election held Monday resulted in the nom¬ ination of the following Gaudier; ticket: For governor, Allen 1). for sec¬ retary of state, Philip Cook: for comptroller commissioner general, \V. A. \Vtight; for of agriculture, 0. B. Stevens; for state school com¬ missioner, G. R. Glenn ; for attorney general, J. M. Terrell; for prison commissioner, J. S. Turner; for state treasurer, Yv. .1. Spear. In this county the total vote polled was 115, and out of this number Gaudier got till but eight, Berner receiving four and Atkinson two. Stevens carried the county over Nesbit by fifteen ma¬ jority. A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Iiuliamipolis, Ind., writes: ‘T have never before given a testimo¬ nial in my life. But I will say that for three years we have never been without Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, anil my wife would as soon think of being without flour aS a bottle of this Remedy in the summer season. of We have used it with all three our children, and it lias never failed to cure—not simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all right, ami anyone who tries it will find it so.” For sale by Price & Nash. Buoklan’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, 8ait Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively It cures Piles, or no pay required. satisfaction is guaranteed refunded. to give perfect Price or money 25 cents per box. For sale by ail Druggist. ®®®9»0C»®®®OO®®©0O®«O©@O i A A. A. A. A. A A. A A. ^ ^ . j. ^ ^ ^ A. .. . j OME © persons say t® -o it is natural for them to lose flesh fg during summer. >e» 5® But losing flesh is losing ground. Can you afford to approach this another win ter in weakened con dition? Coughs and colds,weak V i» throats and lungs, come y a quickest to those who are a thin in flesh, those * to eas- i© ily chilled, to those who have poor circulation and » feeble digestion. -3 ►« Emulsion ■ of cod liver oil voilh hypo- [3 @ phosphites does just as ;• much good in summer as ■® | in winter. It makes flesh J; in August as well as April. ■® *• You certainly need as 1% ■ e ® strong nerves And in July as in © January. your weak • '* •- ®; throat and lungs should be healed and strength¬ >• •• ened without delay. ® ' All Druggists, 50c. and JI. ( SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York w-r-kO •••9S9 , C0RIESP0IDE1CE. LITTLE RIVER. Crops are very small in this com¬ munity, but looking well. Oats generally that were sown in the fall arc good ; spring .oats are sorry. had Dr. \V. T. river Ramsey Thursday an urgent call on the last night. 11 reports a great deal of sickness in the country. Mr. Dave McGlarmnery went to Lincoln last, Wednesday. He is one of our expert horse traders, and if the boys don’t mind he will leave them behind. Col. (J. E. Ramsey went to Mistle¬ toe last Wednesday. Mr. Sam McDaniel, after spending some time in South Carolina with his daughter, Mrs. J. ii. Wi.Ionian, has returned home. Messrs Horace. Clary and Fortson Fubanks spent several days on the river la«t week. Mr. A. S. Cliatt, of Mistletoe, is now traveling for a Chicago linn selling a patent bed brace. It is a line thing. With it an old bed can i be made as strong as a new cue. lie attache* a wire to each corner of the railing and fastens the ends to a drum in the centre, which has a lever arranged so that you can tighten your bed so tight that a chintz can’t enter a single crack. Quarterly meeting was held at the Aramathera Methodist church last Sunday. Mr. Spink McDaniel, of Leah, at¬ tended quarterly meeting Saturday. Oilier attraction than the dinner. Overton is one of our best vo.uig farmers, and any young lady will do¬ wel I to make him her choice. M isses Flossie and Eubanks Blanch¬ ard attended quarterly meeting Sat¬ urday and Sunday. eitss Elbe Cliatt, tlnit charming little beauty of Mistletoe, has been spending the past .week with, her sister Mrs. II. R. C. Ramsey, of Martin town. A Sunday school picnic will be given at Martin’s X Roads’ next “Saturday, lltli inst. Epliriam will as usual send to the Journal a program of his annual picnic as soon as time will admit. As he has changed his abiding place for the present year, of course the picnic ground will be changed, but the way will be easy to find. El'HRIA m. MET AS Vi RLE. A refreshing shower Saturday eve¬ ning. Capt. Barrett, with his charming twin daughters, Misses Susie 'and ljobet.ii Maud, of Ncw-lWu, were at Re Satu'day and Sunday. Several ’cyclests Sunday. from Washington were at Rehobeth Mr. Wade Ivey and family, of Goshen, visited the family of Mr. W. B. Albea Saturday and Sunday. Mr Mcll .McCord and .\liss Mattie Lou Hogan, of Agnes, spent Satur clay night at Mr. J. A. Pell’s. Mr. Robert Cade, of Chennault, spent one day last week with Mi. R. E. Smith. Mr. R. E. Smith, Jr., called on his best girl at Goshen Saturday. Just ask Messrs. Frank Harris 01 lie and Cicero Wolfe if they gut lefr Saturday night. Mr. Geo. Butler has a stylish new buggy and enjoyed a ride with his Maliorsville girl Sunday. 'The many friends of Rev. W. A. Hogan are glad to have him back among them again. Walter Candler was over from Loco Sunday. friends of Miss The many Dempie Albea will be sorry to know she is not getting on so well. The children’s day exercises at Rehobeth Sunday were a complete success, opening with prayer bv .Mr. J. L. Bimlelt at 11 o’clock and holding the audience spell bound lbr two hours with beautiful sengs and recitations—such as our children are capable of rendering. One hour’s intermission was given at i o’clock, during which a sumptuous dinner was served, but after dinner we were ! sorely disappointed preaching by Rev. expected, Am. | Hogan not he interesting as we talk. although which gave Bro. an Win. Cloy closed after with prayer. This day will long be. remembered by our Boy people, especially! Girl. the children. and MARTIN’S X ROADS. Blackberries getting ripe. ; are We lmd a good shower ot rain last Saturday, which was much needed. Mr. Wade Cothran, of McCormick, | was in our ville last w*ek. | Mr. J. 0. Caldwell, of Goshen. W 'Ugj*. A tended children s day at Rehobeth Sunday. Among them were, the writer, Migs Lumih Myers, Ed Gresb am, Miss Ossie Tankersley, Mr. Will Nat Bailey, Miss Lizzie LeRoy, Mr. Gresham and wife, Mr. Ed Green, Mr. Hub Gresham. Mr. Will Cloy and Mr. Claud Goosby. The exer cises were good, and a large crowd was present. The dinner was fine, and there was an abundance of it. Several from this place attended quarterly meeting at Amather.i last Sid urday. Bears. J'. JS. STROTHER, TUGS. II. ItEMSES, JR. STROTHER l REMSEN, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Lin¬ coln, Wilkes, McDuffie ami Columbia counties and the Supreme Court of the state. ’This April 30, 1808. Notice. I wi ll bo in Lincoln ton the first week I.r every month for the purpose Of repairing Watches, (’locks, Jewelry (AC. r ine wntch rCipHirillg ' «l spe ' L 1* L111 1 If y. Lvei it, , J piece Ot . r WOlk , ..i. g /v „ 11 ill ... - a-11 * teed. • J. H. DUMAWAY, i/raeneal Watch-maker. 1 ov I .letters or Dismission. STATIC OF O KOBO IA Lincoln Coniuy: AV her ess, aI at t i e L. May, administratrix of C. M. represents to the court in her petition duly tiled and entered on record. that she has fuiiy tlp'-efore. administered c. M. May'* estate. This i*. to cite all persons concerned, heirs ami creditor*, to show cause, if any they can. w hy said administratrix should not he discharged trom her administration and receive .otters of dismission on the first Monday in Jnlv. I STS. t T. II. 1JKMSF> £ Not ice. STATE OF GEORGIA Lincoln County: Will be let to the lowest bidder before the Foil ft House Door at Lineolnton on Saturday the 25ili day of dune. ts'J8. the contract to build a pui'iie bridge across Loyd's Creek at the old Booker mill on the Raysviile road: the party seen ring the contract 10 give bond and good se¬ curity to keep said bridge ill good repair and safe from traveling condition for the term of seven years date e >f bond. Rip-lit reserved to reject tiny and all bids. T. II. RE ‘ .VISE A. Ord'y. This May 21, 1898. She riff's Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA-Lincoln County: w ILL Tuesday BE in SOLI) July next, OX at THE public FIRST outcry at Gwithin the court-house the legal door, hours in said of sale county of Lincoln*, bidder for cash, certain real to the highes. estate property, of which the following is a full and complete de¬ scription, to wit: One farm lying in a body, known as the Elisha McCord home place, in the 183 d dist. G. M.. containing Eight Hundred and Thirty (830) Acre*, and bounded on the North In¬ lands of Bennett and Davie. East by land* of Air*. Bolder. 1887. Soil h by Little River and land of Geo. McCord and West by lands of Bennett, and Davie. 1 <s*:7: situated in said conn tv of Lincoln ami 183d (list. G. M., state of Get Tg i r iu. i • Also the McCord Mill place anti Land and Ferry, also sit¬ uated in said county of Lincoln and state of Georgia, .McCord Aiill (except a small part of said 5 acre* (the Little place) that Ison the South side of river, situated in the county of Columbia •and said state of Georgia), containing (in ail) Five (5) Acres of land on both sides of Litt e river- the Lincoln part of said mill place bounded North, East and West by lands of estate of Wal ker Hawes, 1887, and South by the middle of Little river (this part of said mill piece, land and ferry being also in the 183d dist. G. M.. Lincoln county and state of Georgia), the other part of said mill place being as aforesaid described on the south side of Little river, bounded by the land* of E’l Gumby and Ceasar Bond and meets the said Lincoln part, in the middle of said Little river, situated in Columbia county, Ga.. contain tabiing in all five (5i acres of land, lying as aforesaid, on both of Little river, forming one tract, of land known as the McCord mill, The-aid land and ferry. of land, The Mc¬ two tracts to wit: Cord home place, and the McCord mill place, land and ferry levied on a* the property of estate of Elisha McCord, J. M. Cartlodge being his adm'r. and defendant- in Ii fa. to satisfy a li fa issued on Nov. 5. 18517. from Lincoln superior court in favor of *dve Georgia Loan & Trust Company for the use and berielL of E. W. Parsons. J. E. Bushnel! and Thomas P. Tenney. The title being placed, the as required by law, by a quit claim deed in said estate through J. >1. Cartlbdge. administrator as aforesaid, for the purpose of lew and sale to s;it isfy said li l'a or execution, which is issued against J. M. Cart-ledge, adm'r. as aforesaid. The said property being in the possession of said adm'r. and pointed out by J. E. Strother, attorney at law for plaintiffs, And written notice has been given to said J. M. Cartledgo as said administrator, as required by law. R. T. (TLLAIIS, sherili'L.C. This 28til day of May, 185)8. •eSTuptid .tccI sjxta, £3 0n !- I J •uojripnoo ui os.toi: b gnd pooj og ssu iu issq aqg ’pun ’oSn.jim.iaA oiipipaui gnq goix am Xeqx pm? poo;q ‘oiuoj, ’noigipiioo pi?q ut uagAV spaan asaoq v gmxAv gsnC a.iB ‘s.iop.uoj uojgipuoj .i(i •xoq .led’sgo eg -soko 9 . 10 s orao.iqo pm? eogiq ‘ea'pldtu gso.ij ‘suiuiqipp '.log ‘sputiq pscldaqo sajul 9.10S ioj A'pamaj eguoAnj : v pm? Stiiqogi'iigirauum.tad gusiogja Xj p;nba si II 'T 'pt?q Xq uegq 0AT?q sosno 2 C. 10 A Xui?h •giisinguio “miqddi? apjg Zq pm? o ig s.urepiaqmaqQ ‘sosnasip p3.£«n« Xigiregsni si asesq i ogguap -pin ‘Snigiumspui? Satqogi astragal 3qx •muozo'.i puts umoii;x-4iJ?s ‘aojjox sSsCASIINCS. K-Iilroml, Aim, Machim-t.o anil Uait»:v H,. ti-'tr, I’a- kina, iiiji-cior-, I’.in Finf'itr*. Sauvix, Files. Oubcs, f* f '< ’. 'as> •. vfo-y «;ay ; i80 Lands Lombard iron Works and supply Co ,vn: iista, ■ Mono; ^ NEWS and OPINIONS of National Importance. THE SUN Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail, - - 86 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, 88 a year Tlie Sunday Sun ... 'he . greatest , Sunday ,, , „ Newspaper m « the world. p r i oe 5 0 a 00 py, By mail, 82 a year T1IE Y “ k - cnaraberlairPs T? y o aril! Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rliettm, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. rjeta TO HOKSB OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy Powders. con¬ dition try Dr. Cady’s Condition They tone tipi, the system, aid digestion, chit loss of appetittY dis'mley.s relieve destroy constipation, correct giving kidney and worms, U-. life to aiy'ohl cv over-worked home. 2. ceiits per p^.-kage. For sale by (iruggists- STOP 111 1BBBT DULL x " m Put life into business by creating trade. Don’t keep up th* about business being on a standstill. It’s not that way witlnriHj are Our livening up is simple, considerably. sell We’ve low been prices. pretty Low busy Prices for th^^| process we at How about your Shoes and Hats? For ThL Month We Will Sell ~ Ladies' Kid Button Shoes tit, 55c Ladies’ Dongola Button Shoe#all | Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes at $1.00 75c Ladies’ Genuine Vici Kid Ciiul JSSVWe. Dongola. Shoes at Gent’s custom-made Shoes at $1,501 have just received 500 Sample Hats, all the latest style Spring, worth $1.50 and $2, we are offering them at $1.00. 3{m ’t ’ oe Fooled, but Come and Look at Them for Ycursi cong™ rt.«oK ail solid $1.00 Ladies Kid Billion Shoos good $1.1 Men s hue and congress shoe* o-ood 1.25 Ladies Kid Button Shoes extra .Men's iaee and congress shoes extra 1.50 Ladies Kid Button Shoos superb lot .Men's Luce and congress shoe* superb 2.1X1 our S2J0. 2 20. 3.00 I.a lius Shoes are Our $2.50 Ucnmine call'shoe in all style* perfoetIy m:ti_ ji ifieent. and-Children Our a* £*-172 good hand as Guy sowed $.‘100 Genuine shoe in eilf the city. We rover Shoe* !’< rut*t from the Babies 25c Children's in all Baliies up. style* is the same as ot hers sell at $7150 Shoos—any quality you w ant. A id now we come to the Ladies Siloes: In addition to shoes, we Carry a Full ..uidies' Kid Button Shoes 75c Line of Hats, Caps and Trunk*. GREAT EASTERN SHOE COMPANY, R. G. TARVER, MANAGER, 907 Broad Street, Auqusla, Ga. are embodied in our ‘-Warm- weather” Clothing. Onr stock o' 1 Serges, Alpacas and Crash Suits, ibis season is larger than ever With one of these cool suits and a selection Irom our assortment: of Furnishing goods von will be well supplied for tiieB Summer. And we have not forgotten the little boys either, but have lor (Item a complete line of washable suits, etc. JE&ifC'.ill on us. 1 . C. LEVY’S SON & CO. 1 : Tailor-F t” Clothiers, AUGUSTA. GA. All Persons II Calling on Dr. Alford for treat s meat from April 1 to May t will be m treated for Five Dollars jter month td JSE| until cured. If - Special attention gi* aaMF ma„ eases of the female sex. Consultation I ..Tt Ty and examination free and invited. I A ' write no prescriptions, but prepare ^ I I ■ n | r «J Office •»* inO'Uoines. Hours: • , 8 A. M. to 6 P. M mm VvAiA Sundays by previous Si »§ Broadway? Augusta, Ga. figr-Mli door above Campbell St. Nearly opposite Planters’ Hotel. m LINDSAY 8. ARRINGTON. LUTHER L. ARRINGTONS ' Arrington Bros. & Co, GROCERS AND COMMISSION OUR SPEC!AGUES Flour, Toliacoo, Kerosene Gil and Lime. Consignments of Country Produce Solicited. SOS Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. AGENTS FOR Mitchell’s Farm Wagons, “THE BEST.” Hew Firm But Methods the Same ElSSill, twi & ViUGItH. {Successors to J. J. Goulet/.) 808 Broad SIreet, Augusta, Ga. •XT. -/s', w u/iu/i mr* Wliolesale and Retail Dealers in SHOES and HATS. We tire now offering to the trade one of the best selected stoelUoi Shoes ever shown in this city. Dealers will consult their interests by calling to see us before making purchases. Remember, our rule is Honest Shoes at Fair Profits and no misrepi sentation. We only ask the readers of this paper for a trial. Cashin, Gouley & Vauqhn, Mr A gen 1 for Hanan & Sons Fine Slices.