The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, July 14, 1898, Image 2

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e Journal *ZT„ Wk ■ £ HO THUHSDAY. U MOKI VTION KAT 2 tS. - one dollar, l! UP. Kitty cojitw. i •iu-Hp. Twenty-nvy coiUn A DA Kimst NO ItAt KS y C ar, - wjo'ne cidumn. - ^ potiocft r»rct5titJ r-fT ?iitc; <*»xr!» inpor s VH>n. after4ret ;?i«Artioo <» 1 * mlvwitimt ..hocks, 1(1 i X* Idr drafts t \ nmi other bu' li '’^ r tl' - rit f j J,-VS, 'Ji. "BOYKIM .KtUtor ?*uMKhcr^. Thct. ;r-v, July. 14, ISOS. — —— nseco*ift .‘Rnfercd in unit the j>o«todice at Lmcolnton.. ’hi., tin d»»* t ■;. l* Peapis’s Pm mis Ji'ti p’or (i’ovcrnor, J. U. itOGA7\ r , .Lincoln. For Secvciary of Docs'ur. State, L. 0. JAtdFSON, Dor (kmintrollOr General, CO 'Mi I.T'KIS, IVovuo. K®.' For rvftt'urer. W J. H IT,AV!.OK. Troup. T Eor Attornr-v General. FELIX N. '.Obi!:, G-rrrsJl. For Oommis.sioiver of Agrreiilrru;:. ; W. F. (;J OVFF, H'.hb. ;,k,r oreooi v'c-«i))i-. --Viei'ier. Ik ii.WHTTLWk Fulton. l.‘VV Fbr Prison 'OornniiMiioevr, J. A i)A\J'j’T, Fmk. *T“ J ” "■N— S»ofs»Ur,. i , ir.nic A. N.--c>w.i?.y. It Vs Mu p ■ -r the bei 1 1 ok, e’d V- kh .-■- '-Vt“ pie it it- yet. T.’eopV wlio hav< ne.ynr given present. socDl imlustrial q tions any semas t-h eight inifigirK: tliat it slk>ws profundity 'w. them to allude to IV-guNd-: u whiskered lusyscede cd sen timenfcalists. Yet it h' suq.....nt 11 -i the leaven of g-.-pnli grewieg, and as condiD'u 1 ,?- c mm- ■ t* grow ■worse, people think mors and con¬ sequently learn the truth. Aa soon as this point is reached they are Populists, md-.-se wholly Selfish considerations lead them 'to '^oiaselvcs popnlism. It with be the iioU:d opiionents that of may ail the ripest thinkers, whose posi tio'.is ; w- "Jones do not require tbepi to suppress tl cir r-tK-u^hts, Populists, as well as th.- vast majority •of farm.-who arc independent and these questions as many businesslneri have not. Honi the truth of populism is spreading is well exemplified in the editorial v iich upjse.ufc-1 .u yesterday. In ali the couu T try there was not - which was mere fanatically oppcseil to populism, M-riJiN-imn-v (.rwiu.jwi.oA a - *• "btvk-dnounm! *' '•‘f ' Wipni.-vs, than .our momi-ng con X ■■ even it P [ J( 3 >)oinfe-w here xt Aays, that bo far ub nA.L.L w-A ffneevned poptiUam w^s »»£,!. an- dc-mccrocy j in its opposition to state ■ for a change of government. j v/hal the , d,j 113 ace I . ..... itaj 1.1 our cut G..V 01 -;:- AtUinsoa Htarte fx»tiay! for New York to borrow money to pay ourrev.t x acdaL'n the treasury j being .enr ( .-u. For a quarter' or . eentury the .1 nrmocrata n- "e hoc n\ t ■ ccojj'lelo ] 'jisessiou of i-ycry briiiun • of Uk* :.!taU 4 govA’ivmeut, and it is entirely fair and just, to honl ii:< srty respo. .-Nui. for what is *■ •■•-ng in state jdfnirs. Everybody knows that - taxed now are at the highest notch, that tlsev kave increased from year to ye ir a -A: d|, : .y have reached ..- I u i O' s mv i.v now. Wor is th. t all. Not only h»«: the T , a ' - a M-:"M-7 h.,a| cm;stm:t:N ... hut . , FN ' muivas. • ' , which pmviously wan noc taxed ; s | now coirp* ik-J-to contribute larg- *v; -to the M l-’- iUp-M-t. . other cen-ordiOM row INI the h .-vy ■ assessments mm the cofl'-u’s of the state. Tics N ’.m for . prop ,-ty of every kind si.ouici be taxed alike; Bht t.hi.i large ad-Jil.c-na; Mnoaut now paid into the Mate treayury Nho’kd make the burden lighter on all'.- The tax IFt'bdug increased the A■< rate should bo rod.icM-st. But instead cf reducing the tax sate it has'steadily increased. tnaddiu- .; to taxing more property the i- from the Sf.-de road i,,\s bran iner’-assd. This s’ .1 y strevnil of n-oney which llo-vvs into, to ...c .te | treasury without ces-ging, has been j • . auf; 1. itl v l , I from state investments also have can ;»;-d »reduction <•>'taxes. But with* an i ■ ill •r 1 mud from The -bite vmnl. and with heavy put on-mwiansiy mituxi'd the tax rate lie;, been raised higher higher,- amt nor cornea as a lb* aUtenK-fc* that the tram , )r y j s empty, and our governor has * v,-. \ i iU * -? 4 g01)(*- tO ew \ MA, hii< , v , .O - s supplicate Wall street, for a loan. Money is cheap, they say, and he *rot it Oil cUSV tenr; -, This is sugar coating to the bitter pill . that with all the- , increased , taxation wc h«vo now owdwd the jioiiit wher we must resort to bond issues to money for ordinary state expenses, Every man. who looks upon tax paying as a. burden, necessary it is true 'but. which should he made as light as possible, is interc-hed in this question of . late taxation, ttiti ,<s under Democratic government tho tax i-urden has been constantly in cic'ive:! I.-.- wiil want to know . ■' i-.i. . j ! opu':s‘ - v:.' tk s wv- 'ki : •■ changed. We llirect attention to the fact that every state w!t long time In U-d C< ’nsd the same (NjV'nejici* we have In itcnublicin Ksnsis this applies just (is it sloc-s in i -'emocrale-crgi:!., and if the FopuiKs [■ uiy vae y.ain ahsolnto control a; d hold it h r a tmu viDioufc epposi!:-'.-: 1 y,.-ae! Oe. toe ■ MIL 1 v 'a ■ Ti W V : '.-..• pm V. M act as a o.lieck upon 1 i6 donun, :.t. ijarty and an occasional C|, r-/: governrnent mast degencnit ■ ring rale and the ii>tftrc-.N "? t people most sufi'er. Incr iih iS pie ulOfk mm. 'vs 11 '. e.i u this dieiegaru of tre people j 5 usamilvit. '•••■ i ;J.ik-:S ei d in- ' p a , ,iisi8 huv. gaiiied control of scu-tv affairs. Each of these states 1'ad previously been uudtr T» Leg.m r ...,;V,Oa ica ,, i rule for many vears, vkica aad place ,1 V ;n -. • about tk, J-.. ;J iix n. Democrats have got our state. In each ;’>f these Popub:k :;twt;r i - have been inutitoted vhidr hare re¬ sulted in lax reduenon. i'he i’op nisste :*t N-m!" b.’iw ’ Nv.r ; g>-ii iuo-l- tel:, .'". f v- can trusted to do as well. Every tax payer is interested in t j ie tax question. The JDemocn48 have increased taxes, bankrupted the treasury and reached the bond issue Ulg point. Jftheyare continued in m jiower they wili surely keep up record. The Populistsare pledged to tax reduction; wherever they get ifi controltbey have done so, th-xv fort f co ,a be eoSu^K/J ... t^vv M , a., ..gidoth, same in Georgia d place:: in ---*---------* Esassna why Ghamherlaia'-i Colia, khkN: eod aarrhoea Seaiody is the Bert, 1 . because J aU’-niH, u ^ mm mm . ■ cases of dysentery ana uiarraoian .A j d ’ ■ ' ' ” r • A,; . ,^uSe . .. v r B it is the -mly rom^v that will cure epidemical the only* dysentery. remedy 0. Because it is that cah a!wavs'be deirended upon ;n - cases of cholera in;' :;tt«ra. * d IN<m. 7 is the meat .prompt an u most reliable medicine m uk* bowel ,] complain w mi'i .Mis it is! produces -bud 8. Because no results. y< Because it is pleasant and aaiO f 0 Because it has saved the hv*. of moyc people m.m any uher ttohI - icine in the world, To. >v’\ -d - ,v: >. for sal- i / Price ' ...... the for The Kvst S.i hY'.u, worm r t-- , p . . Ulcers, Nilt Therm. Fever Bore;- Tetter, Chapped a jfaiiL.-', Chi Sola. ns. Corns, and a m. , ' ■> . M - Mil -. - ky - ■ J'.: - ' ■ ' >' ’"'N :r H; /’ per box. For sAe by all Druggist A. H. Patter, with E. 0. Atxirs« & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., e never before .even i ) • ' ny ife - : wit; -.■•■ for ti-r-.- years-r-avc . --wr oee;: vPhour^i) url.< ri O - and mrSvife would as soon thi. '. W 1? Vm,o,'Ni,) , :m thi s Remedy :n the sunmii-r all three_ o-.-nsoii »f We have used it with onr children, and-it nas never Xaiiea to ram—not simply stop pain, uml diitdy. It is nil right, , ;>v ,, nt . , v | !r , 4Vies 1* will Gn-1 if -:o. For sn|e by Price & Nash. ' '• .'. A. * . V w . .* a * : 1 Tip 0 « i Yfh ! !■ mn - ' Utry ttta: ■ - nM -g 3 ° - s spoken l.U m L-..,,'' b. ’ C;tl L | . Wkth to . attention jj K ,, ,,,, U . ii/ffeint has no-.or ■ ’ '■ ■- JkI» g"- - ihe -Pi’ten y; -ytman^ an , _;.u tac ; , ; -el e > -il lU’t'.un 1 .■ . j\ ] \ \{af;-x that JlO. Wriffht, h«,i told ,M-. 3 :,vayau--.: h'h.-id 1'Unnatuieu I au<l euiiopted rent, from Lleed; the children t-ot authorized by the i and to furnivh further evidence | of Mr. Wright’s oticasations I append ^.itYiuuvit? which, you j , , uhiish. ieavii g the matter }'«,;• the public to judge M. na to B. who Lewis. is in j j ys ien; ni " t: r j T (:V ,J. F. VA :'TTI!' V-.'s, | Georoia—L incoln County j 1 eMunnj i\ apivareu heiore me, ! Kobe,fc A. V\ are, a justice oi tire Joseph Matthews, why on • jpakes the J/ lowing' Statement V r "or.o to the contfoyeve? ix b, g.f ! Mi'. ’tVrigioi • ; - - tour - ■ ■ o ':*. u : •■••-Vi-ifig i»:ut coiiv; r ?uti'm with me said , t'lllt MS OpMOH!!!: , V. :: t.u " ' ' weditoM .mil that va i man running for public...-office M. should straight, Hiul that ] Dovvis had taken adratiiage ot LiH. .Norman ohihlMii ;c iiiega] rent. b F W ATT lie‘VS. Svvnrn to and be, bscribod before «■•?, this Fth day of July. 0-98. j IkaiMAT '■ N ... ry ,J, iv >r v i;v. iu i . ! it.-- i f. ;S ■ * il last vvAUL WiR - he J. 5. 'KT ee:;:sr; ehildrei: If i Iwcj T py ; of ’ •" fL -At;-' * y ' - !Had '• ' i Mi [ - - turre t w> r . 4- . *_■ Vl -' CO tiiCIU, resui vtutf noth Lar V> for her* seaj „ :ii y tlUSG^nu, . i* r y ^eW)S, • ! V.*. - - ac ted ul mv, end as seen as the vo-i.i'e ■' child of J. J. \c be ... * eg, he : r- ad A «ct mv agent any lorigcr, thinking lb right But iO I July tended real tix*AUk& the litTiCl as con for tho rent I . . . to it , t i,i-ersuatlOu lnili r«?cei?€ lor 3 li 6 . T ljxn, rprr 4 r M J„. v ver A ve : A. Kworn to ao <1 tmhscrihoK tefon; hk, v 5 vvil M.:,y of J’4jy • 'N-I . rV.*>;• no- - —>■« A •...-•• ' / • * 1 " \ ov >i. Okohoxa— luncnln Coantv, Personally appeared- bOore me, a f IdyK^n ^ That ^ T n uty > says W T Wright Murray’ : Lewis ■ stuten/out to is him us tu th matter as T ’ L dJtN ''NNk JV-'• k M -^S- J K-'L ■ l etotoii ,, b. i\ LaW'U ■ | -ge ■ ■ the o’- :ld - r- of J. N aw I s nw.. R' uiw' - • - - . v -o- <■ • .;-i t. , die v, wd rookerg cgid ny me. iiere-u j tb f ' ; j cnargx = •• ;••■/ ij-.«.-’.Mtin? nl-ud r ' ,. . .. m, : ' ■ used responsible, • ribe | *' " ' > It s your --- o.wn-fault 7~P~" u v-vn use <•■•-1 t -* bijnuiaied, greasy salves' ai)d niun^y mat son your clothing, and’ yotir olfactories, when voo can S' et ' very pleasant and sraiidens liqu-.J, L'r.Tichanor's AntiMptu.. it hetiis Cuts, onrns, etc... qircker and . »nfieriiig tima aiyythnvg. ; v, k n jess Only 50 cte. ; at druggists and they | -i’xe tu sell J. .....>---- kAds-i-N-dfl ®®LUP.fey “Nl* 'k-d kk 'iih'Xhk -’--d Wo <>y tome !> 7 Hil w-ipld e ' * o v \ NNSkAF iNhalkNO iMASSR''7j \/f lvq ft A ; Jrx -N -\T\/ i N i J? Sixitq Forsyth Ah, Aa. A (ii-NmUi. xcrSNxs roii '■J k '^1%, ; SbTrh.- ■ Erie (hiy iron f! NtNm VCA '■ .iir Nkv §d'; • |f A ’■ W'AA AN-4A :i Co : ' r.:,,:. w li: i ' i gj .i j I Iff ■ vs, - NsSmA . | .k ■ CV;t1on, B. Hoc * Go., m:--;" ’. k. . -i; ' "'- A ,F.-k v k- :; At HenryDisstcn 0180113 4 -A , ' Jamw Onke; & Sous, • A -. f 1 jaranc . r Governor InV Co., J ' \ ■ Peuibeit’iy cter | n s, ■ 3- : ... ... N - ---■---1--—- ’ ’ 3 , 3 . N - 33 . -'M Uo.oFoes Map'sfadlur - j. j . _ m Carrying p com.- 1 ,-;'; line Mt ?, iioi’er,--, Saw Mills; 8 -i-MMC-rs, | and firist Steam ’sills, and L.djo'n i : ;eod.-.€r,.-;j^ I- Ptt tt *ii rfl 1 iii Catalogue >j>e free iitiiq r a i Hi: hi va a io o c vp a a i '-HiKAA 1 l^qfjK’lA ■F?Tv«r,':v-A'',M /V WlMM; | V<NRO?SSiOA T&X& k K -■•*<. -*> Bia/W7JT3®’'X!5K. ?b ^ VR D ONTP & ’•* N ? 4 U l\ xu iN I W i || h? TOILET * ” POWDER ' ■ ' ||j * . : - ¥ -—w%^v*vv-wv,wrv-t^.-^ if, n05T . W)rrA? , v A vo iM :n. 31 rot «ja>AKA. iox r nvinos ^ I ' AS AS U &oAU a ifniTrTrip ilr.lii-d # ■£ ■/ n$P ~r i , TTr , «r, rT t ^ v || ! v Guaranteed perfectly harnness; $ v W aad v| User! by people of rennciaent ^ | recommended : iy ail v-ho have v, ! !;i1 tested its merits, 11 I’Kk'cAe. r>o ocBts. h I, li - :Lj Bj ,YV! ?r at Pn:;Ki 3 :.) cv.j I (Sfff '.d drcnlar.} J- h L (lMEM 1£L L M’FS Lfei, : t K l L. P~/> W- - • & I KYdrrfeody ^-f5o i Gasoareta Clanciv ‘lathartiv, >:‘ac most won ayidiLal diaecn-Aiy at t!io af??, piesy ; n 'i paw.’ iIM V pnr,.: :’iy -nne! to i,:<o •->>•:. m.i: .g" hf-v-o;s, ■■ ■> ?*• i vl ■: tre, me the . ' V,, tguvjv.. 1 " - * - -*■ ana odiousaens. Pkaao any bents, aau try a j® t£ (X C. C. f,n-day; 10, &>, SU bold and vvmmmvm to odio bv ail avimgM NA>tic of Road C Atfitl • * v'i? Dir’ GKOUiriA■■■■itnrnlo OOB.nry : ... .r4>'F.N;> ftim u;.a«r? - ■ >; i • ! ;k; --vbfti ip :t oz a new pablir hi . •.mmciicin.-j nt kr.-: wa •. to A v/here it inti. The toiftl ■O Vi ' '.:iVv n t aftUi ttoi see-:: Ft, tc*e ia shown ot, ..... KK&B15N Orti'y. a i 3. O’ ;t t /; Lmoain Cu iinty: J !1 SOLD ’’uofuiay in An^itstsao^t s?H3d at pitbiic oj'FOin, ouk-ry ■OujUipHtH 1 d-d-W. IJi OOpllt)' Xu if; D-Jr./i- of -l,v id »' - • hiyhoBt 1 r V k -- i . M A.-d.M’.d M: . d ' T ' J ’ . .i F-Vd dlftr-F ' Vi f \0 :. ; ju diflt. vt A , CGfitaiB.?m.r Eight Rundrad and Aktify NAS; -f^j --.d : • on th’o‘North 1 >y of Fonucti ana Davie,, by iamltmi dN.-r tXA SoXi by Lictle Klver nmi land of S c k V-VOk-. JArt wvttt' J y * ,Im d WidAhi A,A. fNFb O' ■ w T dm ; RX,^k'u nitUGic'* no ibc coui.. ............... rive 8 (h) #? Acres ?*£ oi «f isao ot» both nac$ of Luve ,:W Lincoln part of e&IdEsUl plftco bciuiaed Ea^t artd Woat by of x*tMao? \ of' t aad ^mtb bv lb' id dd-o .; itue v-v- -twin.. -; ;V •->n . . d-..i VON, V- A-V B * , >W; . pdf oy&'u sl«^ of Uistit tu'.-ine, tu: Ns/pwi L v.» u;.. v; 0 t k? g . ‘r < ’,Yi'>‘’k.i-sc :!f ; iaR LA m :a,The r ; »?<«--. -jia* la e is., ty • •«»-* -.- ■ 'fa {■.?’.™ Ty ' mb' l ; ' Jy mANL^A'AR 'III ..M. . -- - - - - . i-- o ■ :dr. -k•. mu..-• * 0 ^. ~ ^•••,., >' . .A,' T " ."'if. NklFA., '-AbA »-•. * 1 a i vn . v kd.k' NjN fL ; kk :: " -•. . -1 of iwonw.; mui.-m, - :•■• ,, w , ,, .. ii; , . • ‘ k A/. ■ .. : w.fl«6sou 'in*, 'mo Vv bt '->ij.b-A ro tho teiurfh, - ^oor in tho of xAnColuiA'a on ttue 1st T>u:u,uy A; ..1 ...... thiscrib'-ri r.-.-x; v/iflijn tho Ibgai holin’- wlf’ of tho folk ! iirtcx tly. r.o 1? 5-t aCidF-i .jf. 1 more or in::N. it bo ivon’li umilviti :cvv- '. •/ v m. ?;;•? : 4 vied on tisi tlit joropei-ty q; fJoim * Fend i’ifa'H Isbufu fro u jvj'sti Cm; couir- to I ijivor Of Cl A -Xftbort.vq.ft. tlic rFgd .sxia v/o-.-d a Nj.>fiU- Mil:. prid'A ,‘t>»q McijF.mmix la ul ! ib - 'N T UJO, Jf«X. X». .teteV ;d .'i.~'dd. otii ,*V‘f R. T. CUL j TV/.v Alt •17 O f J if . ir-’K-A j 1' ON Aalr;. I Vo " A ik. , -* h -O' '• : .. :.;- Nndi’od fiJKi q;A‘lte Forty of J ftftOb five j - At : t • '-o.-nN uqd ijotitidod- by landt ': F i. 11 } X * ’f .* < •' ft!;. IIOBiiuriN Will be 'iow sOfCAsb'. A Aftr-i '.; N- U-A ■•/. riA.TC, A df: v. A. T'" A AN:ii’» b ;A'O£. &is EAs 5’ '■** . FOB 3HEEIFF. \ !- r. ■■■ vilio:: n-r, nii-KoV -, , int.- r or r ■ - ' ,.■*,• a,-.') - ; . c; ■> ian-in audit -!- . -.. V .:•!.*• -IT !.iii:-tliifui:y uertorm j „ - dutli-M ,>r the »■* I have done is the tdn jdijiport, of nii my irirmiti- aim jikaiii,: 1 tfi sn|iy» rt the nomitti'oc «! tin Payaii-t yimari el-.-iM ioii IMyT.. i 'i’fie'i’auy r,,\,X friontiia c-i niiivi,, : .-truRi**' ajuiOiiiH'v !LL 1 tu- i-w , ,u,,mm...;,,, MAi-fY TOTJSR 8 . Boin tz e-oi.U-ii'Yil i>y my frioruiH, I hosrU'y Llucoltt »nt mmrxc m-nl» a canrlkluto tor SlieTiii' af ’.; T - ro thi! PfOT)i<j , P pSYiy luvmirinTit >!., • , I -< ■** r <i 'Vil • }•;<!! :, v-nr tX mv' <i winr ' 'm of the ViVico *0 tho bopt of NATNA'N WFitiH'i'. FOB TAX OOLhUCT-Of. I Vie re • uiOU'tur- ih ir u n ro.for the ofiice o. ('oMeCvior county, pithinct to the jhrty.nomination i am ; <1jm‘ »’*•. r.r e ' • i/<» • -i!>i I. \ i ;ei via Ki-.othijr the office*for the money. If elce'icd i will on dufcVOT {'ibeitowed by myeaif iT a-- to i»eMlc -.. 1 u U; 111!] lor nil fuitUfrti i hat h- and efficient an olficere. 0 |>artirU I •.cspectfuily npou ask ihe support of my. Tr;ends ’A/ll, LI AM WOODS. T Jierehy rmnohe-” '. ■Jiy "aeiN a CBitflidate for re-cksctioiv to the ofiit tl ‘i'ftx i.'olieet'.J* oi'Lii; • >li; enn -r-. j ib)ec; to the rcople h Mr? V J»*em If tie: /e'oi-h' v. item 1 Imve tried tVHyytu i'orr’ HiiBk me deserving e..{ ter *n J r ■:■>. solicit ; u< .. suopet . ' T. Mlr.:'V lereby aniHem-;* my a ctmaidnio lor oin county. If nc t< < tie ct THirforw ttiti dntie-j ol of c«y frumdrt. V. B. LEWIS. POE FIE 7.ECrKMftJ?;y. 31ein?:f :-r my friem!?, I hftve .rtccitjorj ik rn ike i; ■it the j.p Ipr IXU'.L ; ; V' pidPliOD, j p:‘• p|crC TFVoCif to etand by the lKnmmHw • tho Tho nnny rrw-idj of Oapt. F. M, Wri/rht nmviCA him n- a 11 ji. ■: : .'-‘.vm:/!.•>to for r' tativc Of. .LLot count- i I . next th.l.’Ot ' . vV ' ' ■ T. - f-Fi(b; ’ ■ .-r' . evaior. Aw.Al Vu'i i/.BH. ;i cti’nflfdhto for a- from thij .-.oonty, eat to orimndci?. \\ia:VH\ J \ ) v; my coa: rostjoeifnilv TolicU- 'r-ha •-•-aie:-: :>f T. AvX-TdW Nik • ■ 1 1 ■ r I ! time hi ncr-TD to aanourojc oywii aa -a oaudv P I-''- ■ ■ •. UftN U'U K3 i bn j ■ ;* Nv.. -- - j ■,N " ' i M A . . ooim. r ;*i- font ' nl *!.?•> ' .17 xht: NOr-OHrOHCf! Of j jtiitfb! or- t ; ■ i oiuiicd rafdiifti, 'uo i \dtlistiriiuUo a in -lb i3t:l pii'Ut s • ek / »V f. i i'r f'-vT id,-;! lb.- <:v id U hah hoejs CJ.ivvnF-.-cd by my ’opjAKio-ntei fcidkiaN vr;d ,va itreuxUm 'osmii f<«i« fu> ■ v that f k an 'u mn ; l wd-A-m • e Tnvvr: a ..iv v,A • Ov> chKi'Ce* »v,F vt ill .Of PF. id'.N 'Lk;-., Cot A-'-; ..'-: m: f Oi Air,- t •, ? -m Uw b?ixt Gemirsl X }cci U> w:ie i'voDiD - HBfiy prhn;t?y el-w-liou, ao(I add- t .d dkd: K.-0! ’ hr' »■.. UF N ' - -Ou a a. oALuu 1 0& -VN SBOEIvUS. At tt-p r.Mcitation of friends irom ever ’ v,.. • tioB «>f td-e county, X I have Rv<?dcd to ttiiiKrtmci: fta i Lute for Tax .Uecni*;e? of Lhicol:; County. oyseD t.o i-73pp-:;iN ?.'Uc n«i»on>d<'i» :i/» V ibk-'Jt iv/:-. A. .J. TiLViKiiAV i; ;t ’• *imn tsvi.-.>; ua.\ oy in-kiiAt: f?ozn varinm -f <n' Uk- -^Yut-ly ? bDV*:: dGNiAj U> a.iiow riiy namo Gf 1*0 Tk-forU tho- public tm d cj-iidMatb Dm v '; i. - Nine.r. d-M, •• -In I Ur- - A.:d -•? : A ; dii 7 ..: Aktek A’ —,N. d: V-': itod-tef Ny Nik \ i.-v; dbti\J« 'O't tbi-. OlHCC r ..... ; , v „ . ,k-:. ^ ‘ ^ kkN -.l^ct-dk 1, v ' -‘V . wiunirF.' N^ANU^NkALiLUoNik .'Ltd?'' : M- :.i’ W: , w fi ■■. • :s\ • •-L v-. •■> :l ■ --• t viA'o iM ^Vk, «to*2 “o y t . . r ^ ' * in ,J i. f coikuzu. j 7 —— .- ■^ife 7 " ' 1 '■ / j; r k ';;,:k kkNA'cNRA ’■ ■ eiuidUinte partiality, for ry-£A?e ' n - * rior ■ .-: ■ ■ d ihjuvt tO ' n uuy - ' ' cbo •- durhtB ■ a i to 0 tilco to th-o bf>«t 4!AKTT.£!;-0£.‘ ■ of N mv itbllitv •T.. AA A E. STEOTIIES: U. EEMSiv’v. JK m&m i mm, Attohk ays at A W, i Will practioo Lin- '• in the rn.• -.f coin, Wilkes, McDuffie niid Colanibia counties-—and the Baprhme Co,, the state. This r : :M 30. 1 '■>() X j ! •aoiice. ! oe n ineoliitcr; t lie hast lilicileS : !.- fib-CO > i a WCi for ... - purpose !/< rrp-urn'.g Watches, (':ocx:;, Jcwtery &a IV A k repairing of wtirk a spe¬ ciality. Every pjece- guar- j teed. ’ ' nil i J, rb py^Avyi-AV j Practical Watah-imiker . ___ . better, K«j»-B 2 »e«xa anil JScscHia. The io intense itflh'ng mm! wru.irtang mc, dent sr- ro dfeca&M, is instan tly £yo jillayyad aad •Skin by applying Gintirrint. Cbmibariain Many ‘ u had very cases •have been permanently cured it. It id oqnrdiy eiSci-.s’.at for itching pllds nipp’ea; aad a favorito retaedy for sore chaptn-'J huabs. ohiihlsim, froet- bites aiib sb■ ,■ gb cts. per box 30 ■ -c :Jr -.--hat <My’s j norx; CoaS^l^wUers, nq ml when 1 a l*a<» sje oocditioj). Toru-i. his/cd jmrhier rui v-mnifiMi; Thov sn-.i list food Ivat I -^conditmu. ■ 3- - frrnii; - } ' - ; fi^M’-rAh ■ ■ j SARK.WALT&, J V||A 390 . J**W3 _ m .... ........ ..... of V/aS h inotOn, Cr0., will do your work on fine Nafshss, fcis & i? a f ewelry I Cheaper and Better ¥ than you can have it dene elsewhere. > He. understands the business thor oughtv and wid guarantee the work and priees to bo all right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. ------- We Keep mt Customers . Kes^cl ah ihe frMm Aiarice^ by mailing them cur market '•eport, - regularly. We want i' business* N J ;aa ! .tk'' : n.: x:-a IF - J ... -I,,,? J • { i , x j,. N : vd! If gill ;iC»'id3^ 3 ry * kA 4 LA.;'-A2 _ 'I : K •".:•■ '• ,? J. a J ‘' x> ^ sidfemes' Nvkii a :? 5! L> -: U -.i -v XtNd kX'fe'Sv :;.:.;jkk-!iA Pi When in Augusta Go to d .ma Kk-dseyF vvaoo’-t A ida mid saloon, 1273 Broad st -N*NKK F' I'bbbl ^ ,, t \ :-m, k'fxg v'; ;,v.nd Nnniy k •' a W histey. V00DJD\ICB. When buying Monunreatal Work is we41 to first be assured of the honesty and ability of the Deujer. Slbic. ."OK, AgCilto, KoJv US Tliey KK UlO vjnn^ooessarv, .'Np/.w. a»d are*an additional urc the and contract certain speef ... you rant, more i^hc 'u ? '.>ri^ -ti tlB tlio coa.i'ict 'i? bciovo vayr-.w. ; - tb-vre no ”hx ww-af ' ' esoollenoc ; k ■ without siulllul rtn N’' : ? tbor* • should therefore hty of . . 1 is none I 1 , KOHLS SS, - ■ ' Loj " ---'Von aim Its.streets* . ■a o 4 A ;jv* to lAeK *;-ox*0 and (’ T'O-ditcrsA" AT ATI-; OF GEOEGXA---Lincoiri County : jMotlce If* horehv ;riv"CK to tli creditor!? th* . • : . ‘OUR . . . wHbht iuo ti:r«o .irovicdV'-dd by-law, prop; -.• d persons indebted .to .eitid 1 gag a - i OOTObV 7' TJ 11 l.d-f-Ca tC iiUtkC 7H1 m od i a to , viljF'J t tO the muiCrBik-Tiibi. BaDKNA F. MUKE-vY, Execnt.ri>: bi B. Gleii'-lv iSl^ Tbh? btb tiny b‘f June, Itm STATE OF (TvORGIT incolii County: >.:'i 3 --irr. ,j hoyrby givor. u» «iil orodlibra oi ih? .:,if. .jf ikk-Ao i Diif, late oi' 4 ? a id couuiy : , <k; • .-d-;,!. ■ v-ngAf A-i tine an account N-kriDdi ot by tli.oir lav/, densj^tl - li-UbGi iat .d orop - , v :. it; Gil-'. 1:terobyXv.qiibU'Ai '• ad ‘A 1 • ■: odobiod to Jttid rtc AvFisofi ?•<>make immotliiuo •'•oyuit:2T A 1 - Mid FndftrsfgiK’d. '•-. IIEMNAUT.T, ok . vN - Cb^idbit. - \ lm*id 4 ;: t: air is oi' a. IP. _ Tbi? TGBf :M), id'.;;A a:j -\ilr.i i--> r*' ' * l.iiicoIn counly. <.«•»..- -viil l>c jold at. n followii N'jpJCTlbctl^ CS a. :f ; m. - m 7 in Amn'N A:v rrarr -.A land TIic ituicc: T/irnrcoii^ the late J, B. • i!- f .' v r X . ■ . i i'.iJ'.....I. i : Auidb c? Ali-jj 11. V. .. oil - A. H. ■ • v. • - :N'l W. It A liV a itu'-l toil* .;•. ,i ‘ 7/1 «;»bl . *1 * 12.0 bjact Thirty (JJ trust 30 ) Acres. deed : .; -j.:. •;i ... •. hu ’. > a ■ .-A- • -A Xi-i-.n’Cl red riVCUity J.-Pi, ; i.: V NIL - N Jv. ?nAi lieed j’fttordett : • r . . 1 r>N NitiTCi-d. T nid- cv:-i: Purchasor <> j’fty for pqper.-?. 4. iU. ‘D.TLB- . a ; m .-it tor- of ■■. M. It eur.ody^ Tbit June 30, xm -- ; £ldp'z -v?»>ho j'i 7 v > • , v*«uuiiv OQ : pun ! “0 >*b«nft swn/l -:*n,»a 3 fa| ':‘nt- > 1:4 *««« SMirsliig - l X .nlvtnrtwn * 0 ^ QMilIfH J SI i 0 W -