The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, October 20, 1898, Image 2
Journal. VERY THURSDAY. IPTibN RATES. - One dollar. fh*. Fifty cents. nulls, Twenty-live cents. ADVERTISING RATES. k CTy S ar ’ | « >• 101 One column, - 00 lotices live cents per line each of advertisc- insertion, are duq after first insertion Reks. joe drafts and other business letters addressed to IAS. H. BOYKIN Editor * Publishers. 'HUR3DAY, October 20, 1898. entered in the postoffice at Lincolnton, Ga., as :ond class matter. EDITORIAL. NOTES. It seems to be the concensus of opinion that our coroner should withdraw his resignation. If the Populists of this district fail to nominate a candidate for congress they will not yote lor any ltepubl ican can did ate. Lincoln, Columbia and McDuffie are the OUfiGuard of Populism and “may die but never surrender.— McDuffie Enterprise. —---- ----«« ««<»»»»-- The Augusta Chronicle is author ity for the statement that the Re publicans of this district will put out a candidate against Congressman r Fleming. idly. The talk of opening a barroom in this county is all stuff. We hardly think any sane man would be so foolish as to make the attempt in a county where the prohibition senti¬ ment is so strong. Col. A. E. Boone, of Zanesville, tkc veteran railroad builder, still at work on his proposed railroad from the coal beds of Ken¬ tucky, by way of Knoxville and Augusta to Savannah, and he is at present going over the route ol the proposed road with a party of Eng Jish capitalists, with a view of their putting money m the undertaking. The road, if built, will traverse a fine section of country, which for the greater part of the route, is undeveloped, and will be one ot the most direct routes from the coal teds to the seaboard. The result of the state election is not encouraging to Populists but not so bad as our friend the Con¬ stitution would have us believe. The principles we have fought for are still alive and we see no reason why Populist's should quit the fight. If the reforms we demand are enacted into law and if by reason of dissensions among the leaders the party nationally should be torn assunder, it will be ■ time enough then to talk about new alignments. It will be well to go slowly in such matters. Even- our political oppo¬ nents will have more respect for us if we carry our fight right up into the mouth of the enemy’s cannon and get moored down in defeat than if we prove turn coats and are allow¬ ed to become scavenges under the protecting arm of the enemy of our fellow comrades who were slain on the battlefield—McDuffie Enterprise. Washington has at last gotten a long felt want. The opening of the hi Atlanta Dental Rooms is an event the history fitted' of Washington. They have up elegant rooms in the new King building and will be per maneutly located There. The chairs, instruments engines and other equip¬ ments are the latest and the best. All new, everything neat and clean as a pin. On account people of high had price denistry a good many to neglect their teeth, as they could not pay high prices, but the Atlanta Dental Rooms have opened a branch office at Washington and no doubt will get all they can do. Dr. their inaneger, is a fine dentist, up to all the latest methods in dentistry. He gives a guarantee of all work. Give them a trial is all they ask and you will be pleased. We predict a big success for them in Washington. Read their advertise jjient in other columns of this paper. ) Remember! MARKWALTER, The Watchmaker and Jeweler of Washington, Ga., will do your work on Fine Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper and Better than you can have it done elsewhere. He understands the business thor¬ oughly and will guarantee the work and priees to be all right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. J. E. STROTHER, THOS. H. REM SEN , JR STROTHER & REMSEN, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Lin¬ coln, Wilkes, McDuffie and Columbia counties—and the Supreme Court of the state. This April 30, 1898. DR. ¥. B. CRAWFORD, Physician and Surgeon, Lincolnton, Ga., Offers his professional services to the people of Lincoln county. SOME SUGGESTIONS From the County School Com¬ missioner. To the Teachers and Patrons of Schools of Lincoln County: Bv order of tire Board of Educa¬ tion I have published in this issue of the Journal a contract between the Board of Education and the American Rook Co. It will he seen from this contract that there is to be some changes in our text books, but the changes are not compulsory un¬ til the year 1900. In other words both the old and new text, books can be used in our schools at the discre¬ tion of the patrons and teachers unfit then, when the new text books only will be used. It is to be hoped that all the mer¬ chants in the county will provide themselves with a supply of the new textbooks, but individuals can buy these books direct, from the pub¬ lishers if they see fit to do so. 'Maury’s geography, which has re¬ cently . been adopted also, can he procured from the University Pub¬ lishing Company on schools the same will terms. As most of the soon be in operation for the year 1899 I notify the teachers and patrons that I have blank contracts between teachers and patrons. Experience ought to have convinced both that such contracts should be made. Complaints come from teachers that their patrons are apathetic in send¬ ing their children to school; and in some schools to such an extent that the schools have to be discontinued for want of a quorum. (7 pupils). Another complaint and a general one is the irregularity children. of attendance of many of the A teacher cannot be expected to learn a pupil that comes two or three days in a week and loses as many. A child cannot be kept in classes by such irregularities. To obviate this each patron should put down only such scholars as lie can send regularly. The complaints of the patrons are “that the teachers loose too much time”—too late getting to school house and too soon leaving it. Every teach of should teach at least seven hours a day, but this question of time can be settled by contract uitli the patrons. In regard to vacations do; it school board has nothing to is a matter between patrons and teacher. The patrons should have control in this and it should be settled by contract at the beginning of the school year. Other matters, such as fire wood, school furniture, etc., could be con tracted for. To conclude, both .patrons and teachers will at once see the necessity of these contracts. As it now stands they are .independent of each other and it is a source of annoyance to the School Board and an injury to the cause of education. N. A. Cra wford, p. S. C. Card of Thanks. It is with great pleasure that I thank the board of education of tin's county for the courtesy shown the teachers in the recent adoption of books for the schools of the county. It is a pleasure to aid in such im¬ portant matters when the educational interests are involved. Very “ respectfully, Geo. D. Godard, Ch’r School Book Committee. If your bicycle becomes avoirdupois, frightened and relieves itself of your apply Dr. Tichcnor’s Antisepic im¬ mediately—not to the bicycle—but to that part, of your anatomy most feelingly affected by the law of grav¬ itation/ You’ll be'delighted with Keep the result of the “kit” application. personal a bottle in your for re¬ pairs. Only 50 cts. at druggists and country merchants. BUIE on tlie old factorage plan with the best results and charging reasonable commis¬ sions. We obtain the best results because we have the best mar¬ ket here—more buy¬ ers, sharper competi¬ tion, and larger lots of cotton to offer at one time. There may also he something in our classification, our manner of handling, and judgment m sell¬ ing. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS.! Davison & Fargo. Augusta, Ga. laon ■ WEIGHS. n ; p gary BBi ■ B • When in Augusta Go to II. jr. Kearseys wagon vAKJ3 and saloon, 1203 Broad st SOLE Agent For Cooper’s Laurel Valley Corn Whiskey. Tax Collector’s Notice. T will l'c fit Lincolnton (Turin." the October term of Superior Court aid at the following named places on the Colvin’s dates given below : Salem Oct. 183 (list. Store a. m.: p. in. 31, Nov. 14th and 28. 184 dist Amity a. m.; Loco p. m. Nov. 1,15 and 21). 185 dist. Busby Nov 2. 15 and 30. 188. Grab a. in.; Lisbon p. in. Nov. 3, 17th' and Dec. 1. 187 dist. Gosben Nov. 4,18 and Dec. 2. 385 dist. Lincolnton Nov. 5. 10 and Dec. 3; 19 and 20* Branches Nov. 21: Leverett 259 diet. Double 7, Dec. 4. S. T. MOSELEY, T. D. L. 0. ISTotice of Infection • There will be an election held in Lincoln county on October 31nt to vote upon the ques ion of issuing bonds lo raise the money io build a new for said county. The amount to be raised will be$3,000 and accrued interest to be raised by taxation yearly. Said bonds shall hear »8 per cent per Vnnum, and said bonds oil'by and interest shall be fully 1*904. and completely election paid shall be held 1st day December, Said un¬ der the same officers regulations said and rubs govering the elections for for county and re¬ turns shall he made to the Ordinary of the county. Witness and official signature this the my hand 27th day of September, T. 1L 1898. liEMSEN, Ordinary. Application to beA<l2ninistrator. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: To whom it may concern : J. F. Wells having made application administrator to me in due form to be ap¬ pointed upon the estate of Ollie Wells (nee Goosby) lute of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said comity, to be held on the first Monday in November, 1898. Witness my hand and official signature this 3rd day of October, 1898. T. H. HEM SEN, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: To whom it may concern: Henry McCord hav¬ ing made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Coo McCord, col’d, said late of said county, notice heard is hereby the given that application the will he at regular term of Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on first Monday in November, 1898, Witness my hand and official signature this 3rd day of October, 1898. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA—Liner In County: Will he sold before the court house door jn the town of Lincolnton on the first Tuesday hi November, 1898, within the le val hours of sale to the highest bidder one black mare mule ■ .one “Kit, levied or as + lie property of W. W. Sprouse and sold to satisfy a note giver for purchase money to Woods & Mackey. This Gcl obes 14, 1898. It. T. CELLARS, Sheriff L. C. MANSBY & COMPANY, 57 South Forsyth SL, Atlanta, ga. GENERAL AGENTS FOR m Jj Erie City Iron it# JM A % Works, Geiser M’f’g. *« : I(ft • ; 1 2 ' = Q r fr- JJ z ■ O 02 . Co., Gardner Governor I Pemberthy Injector M- JiLa AArassUN Ay,' -aaaA K Co., Foos Manufactur¬ < ing Company. Carrying a complete line of Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Separators, Grist .Mills, Cottoi> Seed Crushers, Saws, Pumps, Injectors, Grate Bars, and Steam and Pipe Fittings. Prompt attention given to orders and inquiries. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper, CONTRACT BETWEEN -THE AMERICAN BOOK CO. AND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF GEORGIA. This is to certify, that on the 28th day of June, 1898, the Board of Education of Lincoln county, pinto of Georgia, (lid-adopt the following books, publishen by the American Book Company, and hereby contracts and agrees that said books shall he and remain the exclusive text, books (in their respective subjects) in the schools under their control in said county, for tbe legal period of live years from (this) date and at the prices below specified: BOOKS. PRICES. Swinton’s Word Primer *9c **15c S win Spelling ton’s Word Book of English He 18c Baldwin’s School Beading (Five Book Edition) first year 15c 25c Second year 21c 35c Third year 24c (b<: Combined Fourth and Fifth year 35c 500 Combined Sixth and Seventh year 39c hoc Milne's Elements of Arithmetic 18c 30c Millie’s Standard Arithmetic 39c 65c Conklin’s Practical Lessons in Language 21c 35c Conklin's Grammar and Compo¬ sition 36c 60c Kellogg’s ology First Hygiene Book in Physi¬ 24c 40c and Kellogg’s Second Book in Physi¬ 48c 80c Barne’s ology and Ilyg icne . 1, vertical copy book—to 2,'3, 4. 5, (3—per dozen said 75c And. in consideration of prices is and the agreed. following terms and discounts, it mutually 1. That the American Book introduction Company shall supply Exchange these books for first at the and Introduction and Mailing prices -riven in columns I and II ; the Exchange Price being book the sum the pupil shall pay for the new in addition to delivering the old book in exchange, like grade the and old book and so being exchanged being of kind, in actual use. up to the time of exchange; introductory Price being book is the sum the imp'd exchange; shall pay when the Mailing no old offered, in and Price being the sum, oil receipt of which, the publishers will mail the books, postage paid, to any address, no extra charge hchig.juade for the expense of postage. 2. That, the American Book Company shall pay 11 frok lit charges on books sent for first intro¬ duction, and on ail hooks taken in exchange as vouchers. 3. Thai the American Book Company shall con sig thirty j lor first intro.Uiction and for the period of (30) days, such numbers of said hooks as may he advisable, to t he Board of Education of Lincoln county, and to such dealers therein as may he advisable and are financially responsible, and the American Book Company slmll he entl tiod t o a report cud set! A mem at. the end of every thirty (GO) days for books sold to date by said consignees, the new books that remain on hand for to lie thirty re bilinj p->0} day by periods, the Americuii,J3<>ok exceeding Company 850 ali, if nor in days in such time be necessary which to com¬ plete the introducin'!’.: and at the end of this term the American Book Company shall be emit cd to a full settlement. 4. Thai the American 'look Company shall allow a commission often pe r cent, of the cash proceeds for handling said books during the introductory period. U.i/; 5. That afu.-r Introduction is completed, the American Book Company shall supply the said books to the Board of Education of Lincoln county, and to any responsible dealere in ihe county, at 2d per cent, discount from the prices named shall in <.o.umn li, provided, that ail purchasers sell the Looks at the prices named in col¬ umn II, and shall pay the usual treftsportion charges. American 5. That the Book Company shall mail or express to any person in the county any books herein adopted li. on receiving the prices named in column 7. That the superior mechanical execution of said hooks shall be maintained; and that there shall be no advance in said prices during the eontimience of this contract. 8. It is furthermore agreed, in considerrtion of the foregoing prices and terms; that the County 8uperintendi nt of Education Manager shall give sixty (80) days notice to the of the American Book Company, at Atlanta, Ga., of any desire or intention on the part of the Board to alter or amend this list of shall adopted books; and that the .Superintendent Manager, the give which like notice to said of date on the County Board of tion Education tills will re-adopt hooka at the'expira¬ of contract.. J. li. HOGAN, Pres’t of Board. N. A. CRAWFORD, Bec’y of Board. JNO. O CALDWELL, Mem. of Board. A. E. STROTHER, Mem. of Board. G. S-. SIMS. Mem. of Board. A. S. WILLINGHAM, Mem. of i.oard. «i. H. FRY, Agent of American Book NOTE.—The Company. column with the is the Exchange one star Price; the column with the two stars the Introduction, List and Mailing Price. Charleston & W. Carolina Ry. AUGUSTA & ASIIVILEE SHORT LINE. Schedule in effect October 3rd, JS97. Leave Augusta . 9 40 a m 1 40 p m Arrive Greenwood 12 17 p m 4 * Anderson C 10 p m 4 * Laurens 1 15 ]> m 7 00 a in 44 Greenville 3 00 p m “ Glenn Springs 4 05 p in 44 Spartanburg 8 00 p m 44 Saluda 5 83 p m “ Hendersonville 6 03 j> til 44 Asheville ■7 00 p m Leave Ash vi lie S 20 a »n 4 * Spartanburg 11 45 am 4 30 p ni 11 Glenn Springs 10 00 a m 44 Greenville 1 i 50 a in 4 00 p m 11 Laurens 1 80 p m 7 10 p m “ Anderson 7 00 a m 14 Greenwood 2 28 p m Ar Augusta 5 (h) p m Leave Green wood 4 44 p m Arrive Raleigh 12 20 a m Norlolk 7 30 a m 14 Petersburg Richmond 0 20 a m 4 - 7 20 a in Leave Augusta 2 55 p m Arrive Allendale 5 00 p m Fairfax 5 15 p m ' Yemussoe 9 30 5 20 4 * a m p m “ Beaufort 10 35 a m 7 20 p m 44 Port Boyai 10 50 a m 7 30 p in 44 Savanna’ll 8 00 p m 44 Charleston 8 08 p m Leave Charleston 6 50 a m Savannah 6 50 u ill 4 * Port Royal 1 55 pm 8 15 a in " Beaufort. 2 10 p m 8 25 a in 14 Yemassec 3 15 p ill 9 25 a m 44 Fairfax 10 32 a in '• Allendale 10 47 a ill Arrive Augusta 13 55 p m 1:40 j) m train from Augusta makes close con neciion at Calhoun Falls for all points on S. A. L. dose conned ion at Greenwood for a)) points on S. A. L. and C. Jt G. railways, and Spartan¬ burg with Southern Ry. For any information relative to tickets, rates, schedule’s, cu*.. address W. J. CRAIG. Gen. Pas. Agt. K. M. NORTH. Soliciting Agt. T. M. EMERSON, Traflic Manager. Augusta, Ga. Wantad-fin Idea ISSS neya, hskI list Washington, D. C., inventions for their £1,800 wonted prize oil two hundred Big Cut rices. I have just received the following. Must close out to make an immense fall stock. Prices Lower chan ever offered betore. 280 kegs Nails, 300 gals. Machine Oil, 175 Bedsteads. 22 Oak Suits, 360 Oak Chairs, 40 Bureaus, 2,000 feet Rubber Belt. W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga. ......EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES M THE BEST ! Tii! Ware, V M Cutlery, .... House Fur¬ 1 “" Stoves nishing Goods, of Roofing. -I*- all Kinds. Tin : K m pi -©ip ■ C. B, ALLEN, 830 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. - Buggies, Wagons, * * * AT YOUR * -X Surreys, -X- X Harness * * 1 We have an enormous stock which must be reduced. COTTON LOW IN PRICE. BUGGIES LOW IN PRICE. They must be sold. High in quality and satisfaction guaranteed. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Come and got yours now. TWO CARS just received. We like to sell the people of Lincoln for we never lost a dollar on a Lincoln man. Barnwell & Vickers, \ WASHINGTON, GA. J. L. BARKSDALE, J. F. ALDKED. —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL— Grocers and Commission Merchants. 1022 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, EA. Yon are Invited to Visit O 10 Atlanta Dental Rooms, One of the Modern Dental Apartments of the State. (17 Offices in 17 Towns in Georgia.) We believe that progressive Washington and vicinity, with its keen business judgment, is thoroughly apace with the times and recognizes the superiority of proleeeional merit. In the era of almost vital competition the survival of the Attest is becoming more and more pronounced, especially along professional linos, this is noticeably so in denistry. To he successful constant study and application. Today the dentists who succeeds must have the latest ideas, the most cheerful surroundings, he honest, intelligent and kind, and use every possiblu effort to mitigate the suffering of his patients. This is our constant, aim. - Wo fully realize that the time has passed when the public will be deceived by high sounding and promises that are Impossible of fulfillment. So we clam nothing that we arc unable to do, and are not. competing with cheap John dentists. Wu want to call your attention to a few facts in regard to our business In this city. First, By use of our Catapiioresis we can drill out the cavities of teeth and even take out the nerve without the slightest pain to the pat,cut. . Second, That we alone manufacture and use prophene for ihe painless extraction . ol teeth. Third, That it is perfectly harmless, and can he placed on the gums of children, old adults, delicate or strong, with equal impunity. I Fourth, That our artificial teeth are true to nature, restoring lost contour ahd expression. placing of gold, and porcelain crowns, and gold crown and bridge work, we 1 Fifth, That in methods. paid special attention io this new line of work, and are using only the very latest appliances. Platinum, Amalgam, Silver, Guttcrpercba or tern Sixth, That we fill teeth with Gold, artistically and well and guarantee them to bo satisfactory and to last. We take this me tho letting the people know we are here to stay, and will for a short time give SI JXIAL LOW PRICuH invite the most critical examination of our office and work. Call and have your teeth exam ined by a competent dentist. No charge. * ’ PRICES. Amalgam, Silver or Cement Fillings, according to size 50 c tq $i.oo Gold Fillings, according to size..... $1 00 up Treatment and Root Fillings...... 1 50 Cleaning Teeth......... 1 00 Best Sot of Teeth, either Upper or Lower Set 8 00 A Good Set of Teeth for ------- 1 00 A Partial Set from $3.00 to......- 6 00 Solid 24 K. Gold Crowns....... 6 00 Porcelain or Logan Crowns...... 3 50., Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain Teeth Extracted Old Way....... DR. G. W. SHACKELFO Secon' 1 Floor, Rooms 3 and 2, KING BUILDING,