The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, October 27, 1898, Image 2
— Journal. VERY-THURSDAY. v KIPTiON RATES. . One dollar. , Fifty cents. iiiths. Twenty-live cents. advertising rates. per year, $4 ] I Six in’s, per year, $20 * h *• 7 Twelve inches, 35 “ 10! One column, - 00 lotlce* [are five cents per line each insertion, due after first insertion of advertise SCks. draft8 and other business letters ■ addressed to ,S. II. BOYKIN Editor & Publishers. URSDAY, October 27, 1808. Stercd in the postottlce at Lmcoluton, Ga., ns ►nd class matter. [and Jury Presentments. , the Grand Jury drawn and for the October term, 1898, leave to submit the following presentments: Through various committees our the dockets of the notaries public and justices of the peace have been examined. The committee reports that the fees charged failed are legal but that all the officers to make tiie proper entries as to date, etc. We request officers to be more care¬ ful in future in this regard. The justice of the peace for the 188th district G. M. failed to submit his docket and we recommend that he comply with the law. We recom¬ mend Lhe following appointments: 182nd N. C. Moss, N. P., for G. M.; J. P. Bross, N. P., for 188th G. M.; W. M. Gartledge, N. P., for 186th G. M. The committee on public buildings report that the exterior of the court house is in bad repair. The blinds and shutters need repair badly. On the interior the plastering needs mending and one lock is broken. We lecommend the proper- author ities attend to the matter. We fur ther recommend that the Ordinary be required to keep the shutters closed and doors locked when the court house is not being used for legitimate business. We find the roads in the county in a fairlv passable condition except the following instances, to wit: The bridge in the 188th district needs tion and we recommend that the commissioners of that district the contractors to keep said bridge according to terms of oon tract. The bridge over Fishing creek needs repairs and some roads Goshen district have not been worked. We recommend that the attend to this matter. We recommend that the proper au look after and repair prop the bridge leading from Lincoln to White Rock. HdVe recommend that the commis pjpdge of the 184th district have neaf Tyler’s mill repaireu at We further recommend that the roads be opened to the re width. We recommend that fl(l or eo much thereof as may be be appropriated by the Ordi to build a bridge over Little near Raysyille, as the grand of McDuffie comity has pro to meet the Lincoln antiicr and bear their just proportion expense of building and keeping repair said bridge. pauper’s We have examined the istt and find all the beneficiaries ^serving amount ami recommend paid each. no changes We M the rec vmmend that Henry Dallis, col., be ®laeed on the list and receive $16. Sso 'creased that Jim Wynn’s pension be to $20. It REPORT OP SPECIAL COMMITTEE. carried over from if April term $1847 49 of T. II. Remsen, Or dinary. hire of convict 45 00 . Total $1892 99 credits: HHerm. amt disbursed since April $1165 25 IMS. as per vouchers on $1195.95 ill 5 per cent 58 26 Kfli fund ou hand to date 60S 98 $1894 49 Mn view of-ths fact that in con¬ fluence of having a jail to build Ll fimediate other public matters demanding and proper attention—all Railing an increased taxation—we ^commend retrenchment, and not '.tending in the least to reflect on lie efficiency of these officer? we [commend [the General that Assembly our representative introduce special act reducing the salaries of ferk [tariff and treasurer, ordinary and one-half of the amount the they pw receive in addition to per hisites of said officers. [ We have appointed and W: B. A. Murray I?. Sims, J. gHIiidson Hfc&ittee examine books of clerk on ^■easurer, to ordinary, tax collector, Hfbner ■ceiver, sheriff' and school com flLgjmd and report to next grand we recommend that they each per day. We ivc Igltliat pay of jurors be $2 and day. bui jexfc Lre year per the fact that lawless ■re increase. From time ■ Lincoln comity has been aw and order and her lie nas been a synonym of moral rth. But disguise it as we may are confronted with the stern t that infractions of the penal e are becoming alarmingly too •lent and the perpetrators cor bolder. Whether this — Remember! MARKWALTER, The Watchmaker and Jeweler of Washington, Ga., will do your work on Fine Watches, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper and Better than you can have it done elsewhere. lie understands the business thor¬ oughly and will guarantee the work and priees to be till right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. J. JS. STROTHER, THOS. H. KEMSEN,JR STROTHER & REffiSEN, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Lin¬ coln, Wilkes, McDuffie and Columbia counties—and the Supreme Court of the state. This April 30, 1898. BE. W. B. CRAWFORD, Physician and Surgeon, Lincolnton, Ga., Offers his professional services to the people of Lincoln county. sad and lamentable state of affairs proceeds from a failure to enforce the law is not our province to en¬ quire. Suffice it to say that an enlightened safeguard public the conscience is the only national to perpetuity ot our institutions and the interests, of the community can subserved only when each individual citizen fully realizes that concert of action is the only solution to the perplexing problem that each of the subpress ion of crime; citizen real¬ ize the duty he owes to society to rise above the base ends that end with self end fully conscious of his individual responsibility unflinch¬ ingly exhaust every effort to suppress crime. In this connection we desire to thank lion. Seaborn Reese, the pre¬ siding,judge, for his manly behind charge and assure him that his denunciation of crime and lawless¬ ness he has the moral endorsement of the law-abiding citizens, it is our earnest desire and steadfast hope that an awakened and aroused public conscience may assert itself in a public sentiment that shall be a terror to evil doers. In Hon. R. H. Lewis he has an able and efficient coadjutor and we thank him for his courteous bearing and valuable as¬ sistance rendered ns. We favor his candidacy for re-election. We regret that the press of official business called him from us before adjourn¬ ing court but are pleased to have had the counsel of Hon. F. 11. Colley, for whom we entertain high regard as an able, safe, conservative solicitor pro tern. We recommend that these pre¬ sentments Journal. be published in the Hojie S. L. Wilkes, Foreman, J. T. Hudson, Secretary. Ordered that the foregoing pre¬ sentments be published as herein recommended. Seaborn Reese, Judge. Oct. 20, 1898. What Shall Populists Do. The time has arrived, when the question presents they itself to the Pop¬ ulists, as to what shall do. The announcement of J. M. Barns as a candidate for congress from the 10th congressional district against the Hon. William II. Fleming, the pres¬ ent incumbent, makes it necessary that the Populists shall make up their minds at once as to whether they desire to see the old 10th dis¬ trict represented by one whose in¬ terests and feelings are identified with the white people of our section or by one who represents interests diametrical to all that we hold dear and sacred, in politics, morality and social relations. I know not how my Populist friends may choose, but as for my¬ self I shall by my vote stand by my own people, and my own section. To do this, 1 conceive it to he a duty to myself, my family and section, to cast my vote for the Hon. \Y. 11. Fleming in the coming election, and would advise all my Populist friends to do likewise, and by so doing thereby secure a gentleman to rep¬ resent tiie grand okl 10th full district of Georgia, who is in sympathy with our people and section. T. H. Bejisest. Lincolnton, Ga., Oct. 27. Bucklan’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pry required. It is guaranteed refunded. to give perfect Price satisfaction or money 25 cents per box. For Side by all Druggist, V n Hllltlf C9TTM or the old factorage plan with the best results and charging reasonable COmmis sions. We obtain the best results* because we i have the ,ii best , mar- j ket here — more buy ‘ ers, 7 sharper 1 competi- 1 tion, and larger lots OL P cotton ,, to , Oiler at , I time. . I here one may also be something in OUJ- classification, our Ol ... handling, manner {Hid * lodgment & 111 sell- ! : ino' A1I b* Win ’ ±J QOT TflTT y ^ VHTTP lol It UTTQTAT U DUN LOO. T?QQ .Davison & i’ argo. Augusta ® * Ga. I j 0^3 i ! j. i l , - ki t:- I tS O JS h d “3 SkmH . msb L2 s Mil IMliCB. ^[]g{] ||j fUlfijiiStel Go to H. vi. Kearsey s wagon yard and saloon, 1203 Broad st SOLE Again For Cooper’s Laurel Valley Corn Whiskey. Tax Collector’s Notice. T will he fit I/iijcplnton during the the October named term of Superior Court aid at following places on the dates given below: 183 dist. ColvinV Store a. in.: Salem p. m. Oct. 31. Nov. 14th and 28. 1 . 4 (list Amity a. m.; Loco p. m. Nov. 1,15 and 29. 185 dipt. Busby Nov 2. 16 and 30. 17th find 188. Grab a. in.; Lisbon p. m. Nov. 3, Dec. 1. 187 (list. Goshen Nov. 4, IS and Dec. 2. ISO dist. Lincolnton Nov. 5, 19 and Dec. 3; 19 and ’70 269 dist. Double Branches Nov. 7. 21; Leverett Dec. 4. S. T. MOSELEY, T. D. L. O. Notice of Infection. There will be an election held in Lincoln conn \ on October 31st to vote upon the ques ion : issuing bonds to raise the money ;o build a new jail for said county. The amount to be raised will be $3,000 and accrued bonds interest to be raised by taxation yearly. 't Said shall bear 8 per cent per nuuin, and said bonds and Interest shall be fully and Said completely paid olfby held 1 st day December, 1904. election shall be un¬ der the same regulations said and rules covering elections for officers for county and the re¬ turns shall be made to the Ordinary of the county. official this the Witness my hand and signature 27lh day of September, 1898. T. IL KEMSEN, Ordinary. Application to L>eAdministrator. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln County: To whom it may concern : J. F. Wells haying made application to me in due form to by tip pointed administrator upon the estate of Ollie Wells (nee Goosby) late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application wiil be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, robe held on the first Monday in November, 1898. Witness my hand and official signature this 3rd day of October. 1898. T. II. KEMSEN, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lincoln Comity : To whom it may concern: Ilcnry.McCord hav¬ ing made application to me in due form to bo appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Ceo McCord, col’d, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will he beard at the regular term of tju: Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on first Monday in November, 1898, official Witness my hand and signature this 3rd day of October, 1898. S li e rilF’s S a 1 e. STATE OF GEORGIA—Liiuvln County: Will be sold before the court house door m the town of Lincoliitou on the first Tuesday In November, 1898, within the IchuT hours of sale to the highest bidder one biack marc mule name ‘■Kit,' 1 levied or aa the property of W. W. Sprouse and sold to satisfy a note given for purchase money to Woods & Mackey. TMfl Oet obes 14, 1898. It. T. CELLARS. Sheriff L. C. MANSBY & COMPANY, 57 South Forsyth St s Atlanta, Qa. YY ^ A. ; GENERAL AGENTS FOR I E,ie l ' ily r "" M L/ "Works, QeiKr UTg. f Go., The New Birdaill . - ‘ , V ' 1 / ' Go., 3ilinger Iniprov V • Henry Disston & Sons, ’ Olileen & Sons, J limes : ' '■* Gardner Governor Go., Pemberthy Injector o Go., Foos Mamifiictur ing Company. Carrying -Mills, a complete line of Engines Boilers, Saw Mills, Grate Separators, Bars, Grist Cotton Seed Crushers,-Saw. Pumps, Injectors, Steam and Pipe Fittings. Prompt! attention given 10 orders and Catalogue free by mentioning Iris paper, CONTRACT BETWEEN THE AMEKlCAN BOOK CO. AND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. OF LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF GEORGIA. This is to cert ify, that on the 28tl» day of Jniie, 1808, tlie Board of Education of Lincoln county, state of Georgia, did adopt the following books, jmblishen by the American Book Company, and hereby contracts and agrees that said books shall be and remain the exclusive text books (in their respective subjects) in the schools under their control in said county, for the legal period of live years from (this) date and at the prices below specified: BOOKS. PRICKS. Swinton’s Word Primer ♦9c **15c Swinton’s Word Book of English lie 18c Baldwin's Spelling School Beading (Five Book Edition) first year 15c 25c Second year 21c 35c Third year 24c 40c Combined Fourth and Fifth year 30c 60c Combined Sixth and Seventh year 39c 65c Millies Elements of Arithmetic 18c 30c Milne's Standard Arithmetic 39c 65c Conklin’u Practical Lessons in Language 21c 35 c 0iamm * r and Comp °- 36c COc Kellogg’s First Book in Pfivsi ology mid Hygiene 24c 40c Kellogg’s <>iogv and Second Book in Physi- 48c IJariie’s Hygiene book—to 1, 80c vertical copy ‘i.fd, 4 ;of «na prices 15C the f«»g *«*» »*>d dUcouM*, it is mutually 1. That the American Book Company shall supply these books for first introduction at the Exchange -iven in columns and Introduction 1 and II and the Exchange mailing prices Price ; being BiUdflUion the Mini the pupil shall ]>ny for old the new to delivering the book in exchange, like and the old book so being exchanged in lowing of to the gra/|p time of kind, exchange; aim introductory actual use Price up being t he sum the pup!! shall pay when no old i »<>lv is Otiered in exchange ; and the Mailing Price, being the sum, on receipt Of which, the I^bliBhcut, will mail tlie hooks, postage paid, to any address, no extra charge being made for the ex penso of postage. That the American Book Company shall pay ail freii lit charges on books sent for first intro¬ duction, and on all hooka taken in exchange as vouchers. 3. That, the American Book Company shall con jig i for firs:, inuo Inction and for the period of thirty (30) Bays, such numbers of said books, as may in; advisable, to the Board of Education of Lincoln county, and to such dealers therein as and may the lie advisable American and Book are financially shall responsible, tled Company be enti¬ to a report and settlement at. the end of every lliiriy ( 80 ) clays, for books sold to date by said (oio-.gnees, the new books that remain On hand ’o be re lulled by the American Book Company f >r thirty (30) day periods, not exceeding £ (id days in if s* time i.e liece-.’-ary in which to com [Dele lhe iiiinKlueli'G,; mwI ;ii tlie end of this term the American Book Company shall be en viced t;--) a i u; 1 sell lenient. •b Thai the American Book Company shall allow a commission often percent, of the cash proceeds for li.,lulling said books during the introductory period. 5. 'I hat after tiie Introduction is completed, the American Book Company shall supply the said books to t he Board of Education of Lincoln county, and to any responsible dealere in the county, at .10 per cent, discount from the prices name •d m column II, provided, that all purchasers shall soil tile books at the/prices named in col¬ umn il, and shall pay tin usual tr.inspJHion charges. 6. i hat the American j Book Company shall mail or express to any person in the county any books herein adopted on receiving the prices named in column ii. 7. That the superior mechanical execution of said hooks shall be maintained; and that there shall be no advance in said prices during the continuence of this contract. 8. It is furthermore agreed, in con si d err tion of the foregoing prices and terms; that the County Superintend nt of Education shall give sixty ifid) bays notice to the Manager of the 'American Book Company, at Atlanta, Ga.,-of any desire, or intention on tiie part of the Board to alter or amend this list of adopted books; and that the Superintendent *hall give like notice to said Manager, of Education of the will date on which the County Board tion re-adopt books at the expira¬ of this contract . J. K. HOGAN. Pros't of Board. N. A. CHAW FORD, Sec’y of Board. JNO. O CALDWELL, Mem. of Board. A. E. 8TKOTHEK, Mem. of Board. G. S. SIMS. .\!cm. of Board. A. S. WILLINGHAM, Mem. of A>oard. J. II. FRY, Agent of American Book Company. NOTE.—The column with the one star is the Price; the column with the two stars Introduction, List and -Mailing Price. Chailestoii & W. Carolina Ry. AUGUSTA & ASUVII^IS SHOUT LINE. Schedule in effect October 3rd. 1897. Leave Augusta 9 40 a in 1 40 p in Arrive Green wood 12 17 p m “ Anderson 6 10 p m “ Laurens 1 15 p m 7 00 a m “ Greenville 3 00 p m “ Glenn Springs <1 05 p in “ Spartanburg 3 00 p m Saluda 5 33 p m Hendersonville 0 03 p m “ Aslieville 7 00 p til Leave Ashville 8 20 a in *• Spart an burg 11 45 a m 4 30 p m ki Greenville Glenn Springs 10 50 00 a m 4 “ 1 1 a m 00 p ill Laurens 1 30 p m 7 10 p m l * Anderson 7 00 a in Greenwood 2 28 p in Ar Augusta 5 00 p m Leave Greenwood 4 44 p m Arrive l.'aleigh 12 20 a ill Korlolk 7 30 ii m “ Betersburg liiehmoiid 6 20 ii m *• 7 20 a m Leave Augusta 2 55 p ill Arrive Allendale 5 00 p ill Fairfax 5 15 p in Yemassoe 9 30 a m 6 20 p m Beaufort 10 35 a m 7 20 j> in ** Port Koyal 10 50 a at 7 30 p in ** Savannali 5 00 p m Charleston 8 08 p rn Leave Cb.arlesion 6 50 a m Savannah 6 50 a in Beaufort i'Trt Koyal 1 55 p m 8 15 a m *• 2 10 p in 8 25 a in “ Yemassee 3 15 p m 9 25 a in Fairt':!- 10 32 a in •* Allendale •JO 47 a m A rrivc Augusta 12 55 p in ; 1:40 p m train from Augusta makes close con n c.ion at Calhoun Falls for all points on S. A. L. Close connection at Greenwood for ill 1 points on 8. A. 1.. and O. a G. railways, and Spartan¬ burg with Southern Ky. For any inf .filiat ion relative to tickets, rates, schedule,'', etc., address W. J. CRAIG, Gen. Ibis. Agt. F. M. NORTH, Soliciting Agt. T. Ai. EMERSON, Traffic Manager* Augusta, Ga. 'ianfad—An loss SSSSi Froteet J&HN vour ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write WKDDEItBUEN & OO.. Patent After aoya, I list Waaalngton, I>. C., for their Si,SCO priis # i'ffc, ’•’' cl two hundred inventions wanted g Cut Prices. I have just received the following. Must close out to make room' an immense fall stock. Prices Lower than ever offered before. 260 kegs Nails, 300 gals. Machine Oil, 175 Bedsteads. 22 Oak Suits, 360 Oak Chairs, 40 Bureaus 1 2,000 feet Rubber Belt. W. T. JOHNSON, Washington, Ga. ■ d r. b ■ i CELSI9I COOK STOVES M IKE BEST ■ ■mi Vi!” Tin a re, msjSM*™*** II House “'WE Fur - Of Tin Roofing. all Kinds. C. B. ALLEN, 830 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. * luggies % * * * * J *x Harness -x- n l n. 0 -X } * We have an enormous stock which must be reduced. COTTON LOW IH PRICE. BUGGIES LOW iN FRIGE. They must be sold. High in quality and satisfaction guaranteed. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Come and get yours now. TWO GARS just received. We like to the people of Lincoln for we never lost a dollar on a Lincoln man. WASHINGTON, GA. J. L. BARKSDALE, J. F. ALFRED. I yr J —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL— Grocers and Commission Merchants. 1022 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. You are Invited to Visit the Atlanta Dental Rooms, One of the Modern Dental Apartments of the State. (17 Offices in 17 Towns in Georgia.) We believe that progressive. Washington and vicinity, with its keen business judgment, is thoroughly apace with the times and recognizes the superiority of professional merit. In the era of almost vital competition tiie survival of the fittest is becoming more and more pronounced, especially along professional lines, this is noticeably so in denistry. To be successful requires constant study and application. Today the dentists who succeeds must have the latest ideas, the most cheerful surroundings, he honest, intelligent and kind, and use every possible effort to mitigate the suffering of his patients. This is our constant, aim. We fully realize that the time has passed when the public will be deceived by high sounding phrazes and promises that are impossible of fulfillment. So \vc claiu nothing that we arc nnaldc to do, and are not competing with cheap John dentists. We want to call your attention to a few facts in regard to our business in this city. S'iriit, ]>y use of onr Cataphoresis we can drill out the cavities of teeth and even take .out the nerve without the slightest pain to tiie patient. Second, That we alone manufacture'and use Arophene for the painless extraction of teeth. Third, That it is perfectly harmless, and can be placed on the gums of children, old people, adults, delicate or strong, with equal impunity. Fourth, -That, our artilicial teeth are true to nature, restoring lost contour ahd expression. Fifth, That in placing of gold, and porcelain crowns, and gold crown and bridge work, we havo paid special attention lo this new lino of work, and are using only the very latest methods and appliances. Sixth. That we fill teeth with Gold, Platinum, Amalgam, Silver, Guttcrpercha or Cement, artistically ana well and guarantee them to he satisfactory and to last. We take this method of letting the people know we are here to stay, and will for a short time give SPECIAL LOW PRICES ’ and invite the most critical examination of our offief and work. Call and have your teeth exam ined by a competent dentist. No charge. — 7. PRICES. Amalgura, Silver or Ccrnept Fillings, according to size 50c to $1,00 Gold Fillings, according lofsizc..... $1 00 up Treatment and Root Fillings ------ 1 50 Cleaning Teeth - ' ....... 1 00 ' Best Set of Teeth, either Upper or Lower Set . 8 00 A Good Sot of Teeth for - - '..... 7 00 A Partial Set from $3.00 to...... 0 01 ) Solid 84 K. Gold Crowds.....- - 6 00 Porcelain or Logan Crowns......- 8 50 Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain ... so Teeth Extracted tiki Way....... So G. W. SHACKELFORD, Manager, '“"tSSiteisai"'"- WASHINGTON,