Newspaper Page Text
Prepare for cold weather.
^ The cotton crop isn’t near
Bring merchants report good
BWh: H. C. Walton was down from
tlie first of the week.
' Mr. Enocli Johns, of Washington,
was here Monday.
Mrs. T. II. Remsen is visiting
relatives in Augusta.
Master James Murray, of Mc¬
Cormick, visited relatives in town
this week.
Private C. L. Branch, Co. E.,
2nd Ga. Reg., visited Pottle and
Rem Remsen this week.
Mrs. S. F. Murray and Miss Lucy
Dawson visited at Judge Kenisen’s
Alonday and Tuesday.
Hon. Geo. II. David left Monday
for Atlanta to take his seat in the
lower house of representatives.
Miss May Sale entertained a num¬
ber of her friends with a candy
pulling Wednesday evening.
Miss Nellie Price, a sweet young
lady of Double Branches, visited
Aliss Natalie Crawford this week.
The registrars met this week and
made out the list of qualified voters
dor the congressional election.
jALfine ■A|L Mr. little W. boy T. arrived Norman, at the
gnei^ast week.
■ iss Nathalie Crawford has closed
»ry successful term of the Double
finch,os school and returned home.
Mr- Harry Smith, a, popular sales¬
man with the firm of liines &
Tooiney, Washington, was here dur¬
ing court.
Mr. Reid 0. Nash has purchased
the residence where Air. T. A.
Quarles now lives and will move in
the.first of the year.
Congressman Wm. If. Fleming, of
Augusta, was in Lincolnton during
court friends. shaking hands with his many
See W. T. Johnson’s mam
a stock when in Wash
Two negroes were lynched in
Edgefield county this week for the
murder of Airs. J. 51. Atkinson, who
resided not far froM McCormick, 8.
C i
j Before going to press we learn
That Air. J. Al. Barnes has decided
mot to make the race against Hon.
H. Fleming for congress. This
Mr. Fleming without any
Tim Journal desires to thank
those of its subscribers who remem¬
bered us with their subscriptions
during court. We hope to see others
follow their example in the near
future. Pay us some if not all.
The residence of Judge W. AL
|Ueesc night at Washington was burned
last week, with all the
furniture and the Judge’s
fine library. All the family were
asleep at with the their time and narrowly
escaped lives.
The young men of the Salem and
Amity neighborhoods have flourish¬
ing Wood debating lawn societies. Academy They meet
at every Sat¬
urday night in debate. Our friend
Pap Rodgers is a member of the
Salem contingent and is have
enveloped into a finished orator.
Hon. Thos. E. Watson, on account
of the sickness of his daughter, was
unable to attend court this week.
This is the first time Mr. Watson
Nias missed a session of our court in
several years and his familiar face
RdiReady wit was greatly missed by
alrihe attendants.
frost has put in his appear
snee and away goes the last rose of
Oapti E. W. Hawes spent Monday
last at Busby.
Air. and Airs. Josephus Powell are
receiving congratulations from-their
many friends on the arrival of Joe
Powell, Jr., in their home,
J$r. Albert Hawes and wife, who
^Capt. have been spending the past week
W. C. Ward, have re
their home at Bordeaux,
Vr, A Fannie Air. E. V. E. Brown Rrown, and made her
■BA trip to Augusta last week.
■fsTOoks a little auspicious, Miss
™inie, please don’t forget 11s for we
re fond Broadnax, of wedding cake.
Mr. the ghost story
,ian, spent a night at this place last
reek. It almost made our hair turn
Ley [ition to hear had him with tell the* of dead the conver
he man at
ferry, Ga.
1 Since Wilkes county went dry I
|ink old Lincoln has overflown.
■Si} PBPhte are sorry we did not have time
t np the dots from this place
’ last week, hope, however, that it
will not be out of place to mention
our appreciation of the call we had
, from two of Lin coin ton’s best look
lUl ■phi, young boys, men the two latch weeks string ago. is Gome al
■viiys outside. Little Mail
SPOT COTTON vs © 3 Sli.
Dry Spot Cotton brings the spot cash. The spot cash bring Bargains. Bargains in
Goods, Hats, Shoes, Caps, Trunks, Blankets &c., bring joy, wealth, health and hap
pineSS in youf Household.
Below you will find a partial list of the Money Savers of which our BIG STORE is
crowded. We extend a Cordial Welcome to the citizens of Lincoln to come and look
over them. Bring your lunch and stay all day.
1,000 yds summer calico 2 7-Sc Men’s Sunday Shoes 99c 49c only
2,000 yds winter calico—every pat- Ladies’ Sunday Shoes t!9c White and grey Blankets, full double
teyn—a beauty 3c Children’s Shoes 25c size, sell elsewhere for 75c
1,000 white cloth 3 3-4e Without a doubt our shoe room has
2,000 4-4 sea island, good and more bargains to the inch than a 10 balls thread for 5c
heavy 4|c pumpkin is full of seed, 2 spools machine thread for 5c
1,000 yds good ginghams, fast col- Me y s j ean Pants B9c Knitting cotton, best on earth, 15c
ors 4Jc Boys’ Suits, good and heavy, beauti¬ Remen.ber we are the
2,500 yds heavy checks 4c ful line of styles, worth $*1, now 75c Bargain Store. All prices
5c only 5c Ladies Skirts in beautiiul designs, based 4e cotton, and
Beautiful outing, on cur
plain and brocaded 98c motto ic :
White flannels, Ladies’ Capes for the world from
Beautiful Dress Goods. 29c up, Think of such a bargain ! “LIVE and Is! LIVE.”
60 1
v 4Z> 3
The Iliitertaimneut.
The entertainment given at the
Lincolnton Academy Monday even¬
ing of this week was a well complete
success. The house was filled
and about thirty dollars realized,
which will be expended for school
fixtures and repairing the building.
All who were on the program
did admirably well and more than
a little natural talent was seen each
time the curtain was raised. To
Prof. Godard and his efficient assist¬
ant, Mrs. ituden, belongs thegreit
credit for this pleasant evening’s
entertainment, because it was under
their careful training that the young
people learned to obviate the diffi¬
culties and embarrassments of the
*5 OS
On Thursday, October 20, at the
home of the bride’s father, Miss
Janie Hogan and Mr. Robert L.
Colvin were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony, Rev W. A.
Hogan performing the ceremony. only
The wedding was a quiet one,
a few friends and relatives of each of
the contracting parties being pres¬
ent. The bride is the eldest daugh¬
ter of lion. James R. Hogan, former
representative from this county, and
is a young lady richly endowed with
all that goes to make a model wife.
The groom is a son of Mr. 1). J. E.
Colvin and is a young man of excel¬
lent character and great sterling
worth. lie is a prosperous, enter¬
prising farmer, and now since he
has won so amiable a life partner,
the future is indeed bright. The
couple have our hearty congratula¬
The superior court opened at the
usual hour Monday morning with
Ilis Honor, Judge Seaborn Reese, on
the bench.
Besides Solicitor Lewis, who was
on hand promptly, the following
attorneys were in attendance: Messrs
J. T. West, of Thomson, AL P.
Reese, F. II. Colley and W. AL Sims,
of Washington, W. D. Tntt, of
Elberton, J. E. Strother and T. II.
Remsen, Jr., of the local bar.
After the organization of the juries
Judge Reese delivered a very able
and comprehensive charge—said by
some to have been the ablest this
learned jurist has ever before de¬
livered. He addressed the juries for
about two hours, and without at¬
tempting to outline a policy for
them, made the law so plain that
none could help seeing the path of
duty. Ilis denunciation of crime
in any form was as unanswerable
as was his argument in favor of
the upholding of the law effective,
it was an able charge and fell with
much force on all who heard it.
The disposed following criminal business
was of:
SState vs. Henry Parks—murder.
Not guilty. Snap Jones—burglary.
State vs.
Found guilty and fined $50 and cost
of court.
State vs. Joe Bussey—burglary. $50
Guilty and fined and cost of
State vs. Frank Bussey—burglary.
Guilty. Fine $50 ami cost of court.
Ren Davie—misdemeanor. Case
110I prossed. completed the criminal dock¬
et. On the civil docket no cases of
any consequence were tried. The
case of G. W. Partridge vs. B. S
Wright et al was'compromised out
of court. Mr. Partridge gets half of
the original amount. The case
Alarv A. Shumate vs. J. O. and
A. F. Chenuauft was referred back
to the commissioners with orders to
carry out the first decree of the
On account of many important had
matters which the grand jury to
deal with that body remained in ses¬
sion one day after the common pleas
c .njrt had adjourned,
Our Sunday school superintendent absent
Mr. J. L. Bnrdett, was Sun¬
day, but Mr. J. I). Muligan filled
his place splendidly.
Glad to report Miss Susie Candler
some better. Hone she will be al¬
right soon.
Miss Leona AIbea is sick, we are
sorry to say, but hope soon to note
her recovery.
Mrs. M. B. Pilcher, with her sweet
little children, returned to her moth¬
er’s, Mrs. R. A. Candler, Sunday,
after a pleasant visit to relatives at
Mrs. G. W. Kendall and her pretty
niece, Ruby, of Adasburg, visited
relatives here Sunday.
Messrs Walter Candler and Whit
Ferguson, of Loco, were here Sunday.
Mr. G. J. Tyler made a flying trip
to Lincoln county Sunday.
Mr. T. A. Haynes, of Possie, was
here (as usual) Sunday.
Mr. Tobe Booker and wife were
here Sunday.
There was a pleasant gathering of
young people at the hospitable home
of Mrs. J. T. Harris Saturday even¬
Air. Robert Dunaway visited rela¬
tives at Adasburg Sunday.
So; -v to say Miss Vina Wolfe (an
old in id of seventy) is quite sick.
We hope she will again pe restored
to good health.
Dr. II. G. Walton and wife went
to Possie Sunday. J. and visited
Air. W. Garrett wife
relatives at Aonia Sunday.
An abundance of grain will be
sown in this locality this fall. This
is a wise step our farmers are taking
and we sincerely hope they will reap
a great harvest next summer. ride
The sheriff has begun to in
our neighborhood. Oh ! my, that’s
too bad. Boy and Girl.
Any druggist, will sell you a bot¬
tle of Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic for
50c. and tell you what it is good foi
free of charge and “don’t you forget
The cool weather has been quick
beneficial to ihe sick of our section.
Mr. W. P. Tankersley and little
brother Ellis, of Metasville, visited
friends in this vicinity Saturday
We regret to say that Atr. L. B.
Myers is sick at this writing. Hope
he will soon be up again.
Dr. Caldwell, of Augusta, was
among his many friends here Sat¬
Aliss Liulel and’Emma Elam, of
Leverett, visited Aliss Beulah Green
Sunday. went’possum
Several of our boys
hunting last week and cut down a
supposed bee tree, which, however,
was found to be inhabited by yellow
jackets. The boys are at present
so sore over their find we withhold
Mr. John Elam is having a nice
cottage put lip near Ferguson’s ferry.
Airs. F. E. Tankersley, of Metas¬
ville, who has been spending relatives, some has
time with friends and
returned home.
Air, Edcl Green, who has been
indisposed, we are glad to say is up
again. Butterfly,
If your bicycle becomes frightened
(and relieves itself of your avoirdupois,
ap . )ly Dr> Tichenor’s Antisepic i'm
mediately—not to the bicycle—blit
to that part of your anatomy most
feelingly affected by the law of grav¬
itation. You’ll be delighted with the
result of the application. Keep a
bottle in your “kit” for personal re¬
pairs. Only 50 cts. at druggists and
couutry merchants,
Our Fall St IN
It is-a splendid assortment of the latest styles and the finest
nil marked at the fairest figures ami combines to make a popular suj)
11 monev-saving triumph. Ren-ember every dollar spent with us burl foi
e°°ds will bring you all the value and merit 100 cents can
Low E-foes prove that we are the Leaders for Solid Goods at Lowest 1
I Liulics’ Doiigola Button Shoes TSctf*. Gents’ Buff Bale Congress $1.00*
Ladies’ Dongola Button Shoes (ail solid) $1.00. Gents 1 Buff Bala Congress (all solid) $1.25.
Ladles 1 Genuine Viva Kid Button Shoes $1.50. Gents 1 Genuine Calf Buis Congress $2.00. 1
Ladies* French Kid, hand sewed button $2.00. Gents 1 Genuine Calf hand sewed Bale Con. $
Gents’ Felt Alpine Hats, all colors, at 7 nets, worth $1,25.
Gents’ Felt Alpine Ilals in all latest styles and colors at $1, worth $' X
907 Broad Street j Auqusla, Ga.
FALL, 1898 o
As the Season has arrived, so our Fall Stock is now
complete in every department.
We take tins opportunity to inform the public of the reception of
our Fall Clothing, consisting, indeed, of the very best woolens made
into the latest and most stylish suit designs. There are many who will
like to take advantage of the time to make a choice selection of a Suit,
Overcoat or Hat from the many varieties on hand before the rush of the
season begins.
It will afford us great pleasure and will be a delightful task to show
you the many new and handsome suits in our men’s and our children’s
1. C. LEVY’S SON & CO.,
Tailor-Fi" Clothiers, AUGUSTA, GA.
Arrington Bros. & Co,
Floor, Tobacco, Kerosene Oil and Lime.
Consignments of Country Produce Solicited.
803 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia.
Mitchell’s Farm Wagons,
New Finn, But Methods the Same.
mm, an i mm.
(Successors to A. J. Goulet/.)
800 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
100 e//a, u/xjOn un uyi
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
We are now offering to the trade one of the best selected stock of
Shoes ever shown in this city. Dealers will consult their interests by
calling to see us before making purchases.
Remember, our rule is Honest Shoes at Fair Profits and no misrepre¬
sentation. We only ask the renders of this paper for a trial.
Cashin, Gouiey & Vauahn.
C@“Agent for Hanan & 8011s Fine Shoes.
yoi! H 0 CL/'tS m 1
l. 1
Easels, Furniture, Chamber sets, Fancy Chairs, Dining Tables, Trunks,
Sewing Machines, Pictures, Sideboards, Dinner Sets, Lamps,
Parlor Suits, Rugs, Safes. Stoves, Alatting.
913 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
E. L. Holland & Co.,
Successors to Holland Bros., Washington, Ga.,
Say to the people of Lincoln and adjoining counties that they are fitted up
to build and repair
We guarantee first-class work and reasonable prices. E. L. Hollaed
is manager and no one can logic more closely after customers’ interests.
Our success for the short time the business iias been running is
proof that we give satisfaction.- Give us a trial and you will come again.
•For Ginning and Saw mill outfits we can’t he beat.
Jenkins Valves—a full line on,hand—the best in the market. Also
Pipes and pipe fittings, Injectors, Rubber and Leather Belting ami
Packing, Manhole Gaskets; Cylinder and Machine Oil.
Second-hand machinery for sale very cheap.
Orders by mail will have prompt attention.
Lincoln Co. Medical Associal ion
A meeting of the physicians of
Lincoln county was held at this
place on Monday,-the 24th instant,
for the purpose of reorganizing the
County Medical Association. This
association was organized some yeais
ago and for a time flourished, with
an active membership consisting of
every medical practitioner ni the
county, bit during the past two
years no meetings of the association
have been heiit owing to the death,
change of residence, or indisposition
of some .of its former most active
and enthusiastic members.
There was a full attendance of the
medical men of the county at the
meeting on Monday last and are
organization was effected under most
favorable auspices and with most
encouraging John prospects. On motion
Dr. Sims, the former president,
was called to the chair and Dr. W.
B. Crawford was elected secretary.
Dr. 11. L. Culbertson stated the ob¬
ject of the meeting and briefly set
forth t ■ advantages of associat'on
and ] Tinmen t organization, A
committee on constitution and by¬
laws was appointed to report at the
next meeting.
Various matters pertaining to the
interests of the profession were dis¬
cussed and the following resolutions
of interest to the general public
were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, it is common practice of
many persons residing in this county
to completely ignore our bills for
professional service, and
Whereas, we cannot in justice to
ourselves continue to serve such
persons, who make a practice of
employing 0110 physician and then
another without manifesting a dis¬
position to pay any. Therefore, be
it r -solved
1. That each member of the Lin¬
coln County Medical Ass< nation be,
and is hereby requested to report to
the secretary the names of rich per¬
sons as make no effort 10 pay him
for professional aervices.
2. That the secretary ' e. and is
hereby instructed to su >ply each
member of this associa on with a
complete list of the names thus
furnished him.
3. That we, the members of the
Lincoln County Medical Association,
hereby bind ourselves not to render
professional service to the persons
whose names appear 0;: said list,
except for a cash consideration, or
until their names sla’l have been
erased from the list for cause.
4. That we advise those who are
in the habit of mortgaging their
entire crops to the merchant l'or sup¬
plies during the year to reserve from
such mortgage an appropriate amount
of from ten to twenty dollars,
for the payment of their medical
5. That in the adoption of thc«e
resolutions we disclaim any purpose
or intention of depriving those per¬
sons of our services who are really
the hoijest objects of charity or who make
an effort at payment of their
bills, but we are actuated solely by
a the desire deposition to protect of ourselves that class against who
manifest 110 disposition or intention
to paylus. John Sims, AL D., Pres’t.
; •
W. IL Crawford, Al. D. Sec’y.
Don’t forget to go through
W. T. Johnson’s mammoth
Store, when in Washington.
He w:li be glad to see you.
Botfoi/ have a good medicine and
not neet it than to need it and not
have it./ See? Then just before you
get lmi l. buy a bottle of Dr. Tiche¬
nor’s Antiseptic. jar It is a record
breaker Wounds, Burns, Bruises,
Scalds, die., for man and beast. 50c
a bottle it all live druggists.