The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, November 03, 1898, Image 2

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"he Some Journai —j • ►U&LlSHEn EVERY THURSDAY. SURNCRIPTIOS KATES. r k yp«/ - - - Onfi Fifty dollar. cents. mtfiithff, Twenty-live cents. months. K Re ADVERTISING KATES. | Snelt, per year, $4 \ Sis in’s, per year, Fwo " 7j Twelve inches, -i> htce “ 10 ! One column, 51 ‘ Local notices live cents per line each insertion, ill Wild are duo after tire t insertion of advertise rent. All checks, drafts and other hnslncss letters Mould he addressed to I JAS. II. BOYKIN Editor & Publishers. Thursday, November 3, 1898. r Entered in the poetoffl- <? at Lincolnton, Ga., as second class matter. llVE XOTES. |n| v|ut\ Nleming opposition will he re next » *■ HHhL *1 D\‘‘inoerais of the epfected an organ - ■l per ate with the Irefi'ini measures hilioiiyv. Bidle'r in his inaug ■ kc out painty against Hision. The Atlanta ■ i chief organ during vors it. ■ :•? ' uds eeem to ; * ' jin . Europe, is ■ ted that be¬ w..r -D an d France is in W:;r b: . * ^^^9 re•-s to the general or tters * *,t \ §1 y Itur I lie re of the !fc i,5! i^' ca,,t are: MBBI p . fl 1(1 eijii'i’i/iation of > be hoped that the “^^■[tbe session ll subjects. Belegrapti offers a Hi in gold to the or south Georgia I ■best yield on four mw- ■be sown this year. R an ably edited >.V»QV arid !>-> Dills ■gan inlucemeiit to the ■H diversify their crops it ^■'ing the state a great service. -- r sentiment in favor of a board jalizatiou to assess the property pse who are in the habit of V in their taxes too low is ■HHng and is not confined to any W 5 th a non-partisan board ^^■ Hffliicli r millions dollars worth of pr.ip is now returned at about His worth will be placed on the H^sooks at its true valuation. sue- ■ V> Those tjonnty Bonds Again. ( the Kdltoi'«f the Home Jolt.nal; 1 am aware of the fact that I have been caliel a perpetual kicker, but tiiis olnuge has been made against all true reformers since their first, efforts to reform this polluted world, hence wy see the charge is no new one but ihnost as old as time itself. Every a:e has bad its kickers, many of vv'lioi, have accomplished much good, may kicking, never accomplish any¬ thing y to but I intend to continu remonstrate so long as I tee, or think I see, our public ser vunts in default. Tile question of county bonds is one that concerns each tax payer in our county, then why is it that they have had no chance to express their wislies in n g t-d to issuing those bonds.-' cast Monday was set apart by the ordinary for an election to-be held to dek-i niine this i i■... ■ "r. Why was it not n *!df The notice aj» geared for in the columns than of the Jour in the last more a month; it was issue. Some _ went lo the places of voting and found one to receive their ballots. Tbfs the case in our district blanks or pap-rs of any *#d were sent out we J'ai.ed to hear ■if Rii<-where .v nr, liii-j-f must !.r a uro and somebody is respon pie ltended for it. Now-, fa-.ce? was Many all of this as a of the •■LMook upon it as sucli. Bw B B fc - ikUtlk with ©ii^n'p resen- Remember! MARKWALTER, The Watchmaker and Jeweler of Washington, Gs., tv ill do vour work on Fine Watches, CioGks & Jewelry Cheaper and Better than von can have it done elsewhere. He understands the business thor¬ oughly and will guarantee the work and prices to be all right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. J. E. STROTHER, TIIOS. II. KE3HSEN, JR STROTHER & REKSER, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Lin¬ coln, Wilkes, McDuffie and Columbia counties—and the Supreme Court of the state. This April 30, 1S98. tative last week on this subject. lie expected, afld desired the people to vote on this issue, before he placed it before the legislature. As this lias not been done we think that the special act, when passed, should be submitted to the people for ratifica¬ tion before going into effect. While on the subject of omission of individual duty I beg leave to submit a clipping from the Augusta Tribune, “We Reap what we Sow,” and hope some one may be beuefitted by its perusal. Reformer. We Kean What We Sow. The wages of Southern mill bands will be cut. The price of the farm¬ ers’ products has already been cut. Depreciation of everything produced in the South will continue. But the South is not alone in this fix. The wages of Northern mill operatives were cut a year ago. Wages of other skilled laborers are being constantly reduced in the North and West. Last year a lot of miners were massacred in Penn sylvaiiia because they did not sub¬ mit quietly to their wage reduction. A lot more miners were massacred in Illinois last week because they ob¬ jected. to negroes taking Everywhere their places at reduced wages. it is the same. Wages are growing smaller LA: duce Final L’vjf mil the- and price less. of pro¬ is growlin' less This is a tgeat hardship on the people, for tljiisgeneral shrinkage of wages and valies affects everybody. goods, The merchants will sell less equal in amojurt to the loss to the farmers of 4 to 6 cent cotton and the loss to mill operatives in a 10 per cent wage reduction. The landlord will be compelled to reduce the rent of his houses, an'l his income is re¬ duced while taxes go up. The wood dealers, laundry men and women, butchers, .in short everybody who works or carries on any sort of business will suffer a diminution of their income while, fixed expenses remain There the is samp, hielR j for this. As the no Tribune falling has repeatedly [inseparable pointed from out, prices cnr'reiley, are and under a gold contracting volume is a standard, jsm(niler hi jmonqy gold bound to grow as the prod action of thej wdirld does not keep pace with the increase of population and expanding Liinnncrcial needs. We, as a people, ■ responsible for ment. the financial for choosHcur systW§ of our law makers. govern¬ we Wcople As an intcdligent we know that the gold standard must bring cuts in wages and willing prices for cotton. With our liavlp eyws open we have this. We sown with a knowledge bfwllmt would the harvest be. We be . fools to or growl ifvhen I we reap we have sown. It is true that soon V of onr people voted against the tnl'O I old parties which were openly gdfebug|| or secretly con¬ trolled by the s ) but the ma¬ jority though were it in favc mijuJ : -J|of ; them; make and seems a ; 1 men Suffer which who leads voted to wage! ag;j j‘cd reduction the thing and business stagnation, sder r our form of government this c< .'qnonce can not be escaped when tlie majority of the voters favor it. It is a good thing know that it this, lies with and the people tli j|l- 0 majority change all of so soon as m them grow tired of faCAig wages and falling prices for prodK K: t>, with the decreasing business revei-fcse 11Iwy bring, just so.soon can they these con ditions by putting a p;ft'. r< v ' fl P°wc j r which will abolish the I n . Id standard and put a sufficient amt] '-cut of money in circulation to meet r i t ^ e require menfs of the people. ''-.That time Jmay comoku > 1J D-'bb. or at least a chance wilH offer jt elf then. Whether a 11 '^}' of the people shall then favor l I or wluuiicr tin-majority iBelse. '> lower, wages and everything i util _to then go will then appear. nothing can be done but grin and bear what the majority ■■insisted on having.—Augusta TribiuJjDo. j COTTQNi P « On the following 50 BUGGIES, goods: ! i R > 37 175 WAGONS, BEDS, s 45 BUREAUS, ! C 115 STOVES, Call and see the above bargains. v E W. T. Johnson, s WASHINGTON, GA. I L. BARKSDALE, J. E. A EDITED. arksdale & Aldred, —WHOLESALE AND EETAIL Grocers and Commission Merchants. 1022 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. mi i, fVfi , 11 If , t © Wholesale Dealer in CANDIES © Washington. Ga. I make my own Candies and can sell to merchants so that they can make 100 per cent. 5 lb boxes put up in blocks for 5c—made especially for retail dealers. Please your customers by buying your candies from me. 3^ 116 -rf BBsaptBri ■aBOBBBH 1 CHIN 1 r ICES. O ild n s arge, AUGUSTA, GA. 'fax Collector’^ Notice, I will be at Lincolnton during the. October term of Superior Court, ard r.t the following named places on the dates.-given below : 188 disfc. Colvin's Store a. m.; Salem p. m. Oct. 81, Nov. 14th and SJ8. l; 4 (list Amity a. in.; Loco p. m. Nov. 1,15 and *29. 185 dist. Busby Nov 2.10 and 30. 188. Grab n. m.: Lisbon p. in. Nov. 3, 17ib and Dec. 1. and J87 (list.. Goshen Nov. 1, 18 Dec. 2. 180 dist. Lincolnton Nov. 5. 19 and Dec. 3; 19 and 20 Nov, 7, 21; Loverett >09 dist. Double Brandies Dec. 4. S. T. MOSELEY, T. D. L. C. SlxerifT’s Sale. STATE OF OEOliUlA—Lincoln Comity: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next at public outcry before the court house door iu said ei nnrv within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash certain property of which the following is a full and complete de script O-i, to wit: Searfs’ One tract of laud known as the lands, bounded on t he east by the Wallace lands; on the north by lands of Seaclfc’ estate lands; on ti e west by lands of I?. J. Trice’s estate Jand. c ; and Oil the'south by the home place of Nathan acres* Bussey in the 18.2d dist. (4. M. (containing specific legacy 400 of Mr of land, the same and being is a included in this levy). . Mahal a Bussey, not of land, the Also was levied on anot her tract re¬ mainder of rlie Nat han Bussey estate lands, nr joiiung lands of Mrs. M. A. Bussey, lands of .Mrs. Milas, lands of R. ,T. Price’s estate; and lands of others, containing in all, in both tracts, L400 acres more or less, (The said 400 acres • -veeped from this levy.) The said 1.409 acres of 1 aids are situated in' Lincoln county and said t ite of Georgia, in the 3tv?d '■mt. G a*, tlioieof. Said lands and property levied on (W. at* W. the,prop¬ Bussey erty of estate of Nathan Bussey; being dss.S. Bussey, and It. N. Bussey execu¬ tors of tie Haiti estate ef Nathan Biissey), to H.u'sfy an execution issued from ti c city court of Riehr.ic nl cofipty and said state, in favor of Pope a- FJeming against W. W. Bussey, Jas.'S. Bussey anil R. N. lb ssey, executors of Natlnin Bassev. Said ^property being in poefession of of said executors and occupied by .tcuiiats, Wib y Grant, Aneford 8 1 urges, Young Hun3errand Kan Sullivan, tenants in possession. Shcrijd’L. i H T. (T L.iAK8„ C. This 20th day ofOctobe-, VAV f j '• CONTRACT BETWEEN THE AMERICAS BOOK CO. AND THE BOARD (|f EDUCATION OF LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF GEORGIA. This is to certjff^jr^ 1898, the of Georgia Board ogj J state publishen by t.heM hereby contract® shall he and remH their respective 9 their control in JH of five years fro9 below specified BOO Swinton’s Swinton’s Word) Word. Spelling Schoo , Baldwin's Book Editiou)i Second year I Third year Combined Fourl Sixtlj Combined Eiemeul Milne’s Standarl Milne's i’ractj Conklin's Conklin's Language Grain! Kellotrim's sitior. First! j olojyy ;ind IIyj Kellogg's oloifV Secdi and liy: 1 Barne’s vertica ‘YTI;........ h\ 1 ■ -upDly flu se given E.xcliange in colli and in® H® ' hook being in tiie .-iddiiiiH^ MimK exchange, like j^rade the and ^9 ^9 to being the the time <B| ■■ ofi'ere(^9 sum hook is i’rice being r)n9H publishers \\ iilH9 ' :niy address, pos^9 mHH expense of v’^9 :l. That the diafl9 all frei hi duct vouchers. ion, and o^H 8 . That the 99 si j' i for first thirty may be (30) ucivisa^H dnvi^H . Lincoln advisaj^H countHH may be Ameri99 and the ri-por^9| tied to a dny^H x thirty (.30) tl'^H consignees, hiiicd^^H ur be re Ik for thirty (30) all, if sucli intrHBHj piete the AnHH term the eniit.ed*to theH9 a -L That m|^9 allow a coin jirocecds introductory for ^^9 Lie 5. ■AinericauBB That aft,c^9| said books to county, and |couiity, at poll® !;:.i!ivd ill 1 siiall sc:i the tiniM if, andfe .>,9|pF ^ mail ur cxpruB, (l ill coltfe S. That thoMf si.fv _jj£ said !*»>«.ks a|B: sit ail be no coin imufiice • •: -. : L 'P-.-m is furt9^^ rii.: days •ci)paSS99 1 D ■ U i of it')) on an :D<-r!>il<-o(iiH|HH if no. this ’ ; p|§i|t| " of >) n loi at iol;9plif of ^9 tt tioii of t lii. -i. h -iflB N. A. a sB Bp9 4- IIH ( NOTE.— r ll Exchange 1 J ; the fntroduc What Do You Think! m ,# i II imiuti pwgHSM U^'if r i—>v w, /t r *4 w About having a beautiful set of Teeth made for $8.00, one half nsvt price, at the ATLANTA DENTAL ROOM King Building, Washington, Ga. ’teeth extracted without pain. Gold and Amalgam fillings Artistically inserted. PRICtii jR EDUCED ONE-HALF OR ALL WORK. >°> Without r ithout health teeth you what cannot is life. have health. m i-ff [Strip CKH STC'CiS he he rest tit d cs Till W Cutlery, nisliing.. ... ----- CO i r* 9 •- G dlls, V. A- '1 fifissfiS Sj llSif Stras Tin Li 1 1 1 IPIISF ail Kinds. i m IJ ll. C. B. ALLEN, f 830 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. if YOUR Bugfies, Wacons * * * At Surveys, S, 1 ****** OWN PRIC ! * j: v enormous stock which must be reduced. I LOW m PRICE. S LOW IN PRICE. must be sold. High in quality and satisfaction gnaranieSR ■ STUDEBAKER WAGONS. ; and get yours now. TWO CARS just received. We likw kople of Lincoln for we never lost a dollar on a Lincoln nnn| I arnwell & Vickers J WASHINGTON, GA. BUT NEVER DEMONSTRATED AS IT IS THIS SEASON. WHAT? Rat Bligh has the Largest and Most Complete Stock in GUI 13, I TINWARE visit and store HOUSE will convince FURNISHING that this GOODS is the brej t A to my yon and see. Polite attention shown everybody. i ^ REMEMBER THE PLACE. I hi 9 h 809 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. j E. L. Holland & Co., A Miccessors to Holland Bros., Washington, Ga,, H offie ^ pcojTle of Lincoln and adjoining and counties that they are fitted up to build repair bs, BOILERS, GINS, PRESSES, GRIST AND SAW HILL HACHINER-Y. UYe guarantee first-class work and reasonable prices. E. L. Up]land lager and no one can look more closely after customers’ in teres 1 s. f fOur success for the short time the business has been running is lhat we give satisfaction. Give us a trial and you will come 8| ain. j ■For Ginning and Saw mill outfits we can’t be beat, % ten kins Valves—a full line on band—the best in the inayket. ^tiole p ine fittings, Injectors, Rubber and Leather Beltm d^Ogid Gaskets, machinery Cylinder for sale and Machine cheap. Oil. | 1 very j f \ mail will have prompt attention. u . HOLLAND & CQ j WASHINGYPl