The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, November 17, 1898, Image 4

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to (toe* ithoottt. ■blood means Casearets, a cleat? clodyCa eWg. thar- Ne irstssiiSf.MiinSiS from the body. Begin to day to unples, sickly bilious boil*, blotches, blackhead* benuty for complexion by AH taking drug ten ceuts. iifaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 30c e cost ot running a big ocean liner from rpool $90,000. to New York and back la saine over To Cure A Gold la One t>ay. ke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All pgists refund money If It fails to cure. 25c. Mjbacord. bard N. < 1 , the now eott •» mill o? & Shealey will be equipped with pplndle*. UrtTebuxe Spit ui Smoke Tear Life Away. » quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag¬ ic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-T’o \ **» wonder-worker, that makes weak men mg- All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran I Booklet and sample free. Address lib* Bemedy On, Chicago or Nsw York. Sliiler, ugens*t of one of tlmgre it Wl, lines between New York and Liv gets 450,000 salary. 'uuxanteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak A strong, blood pure 60c, II, All druggisia ,iaJ*n A. McCall's salary as president of York Life Insurance Company is # Go's “Pick Leaf ” Smoking Tobacco Is at tie top for its delicious aroma as can be mode. Try It. M. Schwab, president of the Carnegie and Steel Company, gets 460,000 a r So. 43. To Cora Constipation Forever. Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 2R0. C.C.C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. F. If. Toucey, general mauager of the uuterbiit system, gets $50,000 a year. Hntte Ten Bowels With Casearets. Dandy Cathartic, cure constipation refund forever. } e.SSc. It C C. C. fail, druggista money. W. Bok, editor of the Ladies’ Home says he receives 426,000 a year. Cure ouredme of a Throat and Lung table of three years’ standing.—E. Cady, intington, Ind., Nov. 12, 1894. i| 6 s permanently cured. No fits or nervous. W after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great ago j||t Restorer. SStrlal bottleand treatise free H. Kline, Ltd,, 931 -vrch St. Phila. Pa raMFinslow’s ^j'jimofteng Soothing Syrup for children ^ "Hs pain.cures the gums, wind colic. reducing 25c. infiaina- bottlle a -chants insure their Stock and peglect xher’s heart their Children. and Baby’s Why life not by * a box of DR. MOFFETT’S STeethino Rethina Powders)? Other HNaud Aids Digestion, Reg makes teething easy. ema urning. Smart -Hood's Cures. I^everely ^Uiim afflicted Hood’s Sar Hk. NVe always m-jtit and I her fdOtMlpita- hafe\akea r helpeQp»r.” pi kirilfe rfx for $5, meats. AGRICU LTURAL. T OPICS’ Pure Breds l'»y. I find that I take a far greater in¬ terest in beautiful thoroughbred barnyard fowl* than in the common stock. They are much more attractive, too,' being all of same color and size. Neighbors passing by and seeing them cannot resist the charm and straight¬ way buy from one to five sittings. Late in the season the grocer kept mj eggs on sale for hatching, and quite a number of sittings were sold for donble the market price. My experience is therefore that it pays in cash returns to keep first-class thoroughbred fowls, even though you do have to pay large prices at the beginning. More than this, it pays in the increased pride and interest you will take in your poultry; and when fair time comes yon will have something worth while to put on exhibition.—W. Ii. Smith, in Now England Homestead. Weed* For Horb. The hog is as much of a grazing ani¬ mal as the sheep, but raised as it usu¬ ally is in pens and small yards, it has no chance to feed as its nature de¬ mands, and frequently suffers lor want of green food. As a rule, hogs are not particular what that green goods is, and will eat weeds with the same avidity as corn fodder. In the early autumn when'the weed growth is so rank the hog pen ought to be kept liberally supplied with cut or pulled weeds, as well as with the unsalable product of the vegetable garden, all of which hogs will consume and thrive on. A usual source of vexation may thus be turned into a source of profit, and the hogs be all the better for this variety of food. In feeding w eeds or grass, have them fresh; do not allow them to wiit and get dry before offer¬ ing to the hogs. Let them have the benefit of all tbe fresh jaiees in the stalks as soon as possible after they are cut or pulled. Marketing Garden Vegetables. Only half, or often less than this, of the gardener’s work is accomplished when he has successfully grown his crop. Their marketing in good con¬ dition and cheaply is of the greatest often importance. There is more failure here than anywhere else in gar¬ is dening. Frequently such failure* made inevitable, by locating the gar¬ den where its produce cannot find a near market. Such places are also generally difficult to manure, and the necessary help to harvest the vege¬ table crops as well as to market them cannot be easily secured. The pro¬ ducts of the garden are much more bulky than those of farm lands in or¬ dinary crops. The difference of a mile or two miles in carrying each load to market .becomes an enormous burden when applied to the bulkiest garden of vegetables. It is this that makes land near cities and villages, that is suitable for market gardening, so dear as it is. And yet, the market gar¬ dener who is wise will prefer this highest priced land rather than the land that is much cheaper because it is farthest trom market,—American Cul¬ tivator. The Cause of Mottles. The prime cause of mottles is the use of voo cold water in washing the butter ,i’id the manner in which it is Introduced into the churn. By using W) cold water the outside of the but ■^klike H^ranules the becomes shell of crusted while or hard- the ^H^is an egg, soft. Now when this mass is ■ktogether\tliose little shells re ^Khe working same condition, tempering and salt, no . or Hxibution conditions. o f salt when added, ■Hgahe They do KK'” ■I ^^^pnseqiu-.itly ’wine threadlike do not streaks take which tl^e water is Lcliurn is responsi ffi^les, or seeming throughwut the kof creameries jftthe water is Bfcurn, either ■Hfow, when ^^B^r these like VA hard ns^A vW 1 ’ 'vMc l SlM« 1 d £ II THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also, to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to th£ California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the ijnportfpnce of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ¬ ties. The high standing of the Cali¬ fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi¬ cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty is of the excellence of its remedy. It far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver ,-and bowels without irritating or weaken¬ ing them, and it does not gripe beneficial nor nauseate. In order to get its effects, please remember the name of the Company— CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. LOUISVILLE. Ky. NEW YORK. N. T. Bolivia is said to have the richest silver mines in the world. Catarrh Cannot Cat^^J'-ood"^ be Cure.l SS tSe disease. 3 ’ and in order tP cure it constitutional disease, remedies. s La you musttake internal tarrh Cure is taken internally, surface. and ac ^ Hall s rectly ontlie blood and mucous s prewSbe^i ' 1 bVone°of the'^est^phyj'ioians'fn and is re^ ular Pf©“ this country for years, a fhToVp flers, acting directly on the mucouf* Mirlaces. incuring ontoFs what catarrh. produces Sendfortestimcymais,free. such^vondeTf'. 1 1 ^results Hall’s s .K;S?SSaXS’""-" Family Pills are the ' corn® IN A WOMAN. \ 31 ^ \ Women may a Bt their troubles to Mrs. Pinkham and 0 m ei> questions of a male physician. \ \ I The questions asked of a woman by a male bhysician are embarrassing’ and frequently re rolting to a sensitive nature. In consequence the whole truth is not told! This makes it dif¬ <^e- ficult for female troubles to be successfully f treated, and is the reason so many women grow worse rather, than better, _ % Mrs. Lucy A. Loughery of New 1 Lebanon, Ind., describes how wretched she was until she received Mrs. Pink ham’s help: f Dear Mrs. Pinkham; —I propped myself in a chair and f S wrote to you, and as soon as I commenced to take your Vege table Compound I began to improve. I had suffered with severe pains in my hips, back and head. The doctor said I had bladder trouble and falling of the womb. I had spells J d when, if I I did not troubled sit down, with I would leueorrhcea fall. I was and sleepy itching all piles. the time. was also People thought that my end was near. Had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and advice, I would £ have been dead and buried long ago. I hope that this letter may be the means of helping all women who suffer as I did. Women understand women better than men can. The whole truth is freely told to Mrs. Pinkham, and women only see the letters received by her at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is freely offered. f I Here is a convincing letter from a I woman in Bethlehem, Pa.: g Dear Mrs. Pinkham: — Words cannot express my ■ BA gratitude for the good that your Vegetable Compound 19 has done me. I have taken five bottles, and feel bet l ter in every respect. Menses heretofore lasted too gin. long and were very-profuse, and made me very weak, IgWi Your Compound is a miracle. Before writing to you I had tried doctor’s medicine, but of no avail. I StHk Rj||9R would plaints not for give all the up doctor’s your Compound, medicine for in female the world. com WBSk My friends want to know what makes me look so well. I do not hesitate one minute in telling them B Mr what has brought about this wonderful change. I cannot sing its praises enough. I hope every ■ V: - who suffers I have will give Lydia E. Pinkham’s r one as a Compound a trial; and I know that, if taken according to " directions, it will cure.—Mrs. Edwin Ehrig, 413 Church f Street, Bethlehem, Pa. / All women wjj^ gu g> er should secure Mrs. Pinkham’s counsel. Female troubles ar real trou hl e s, and must be treated understand ingly* For a. quartj er Q £ a C e n tury Mrs. Pinkham’s advice and Lydia E 3 cr ►—* more tha 1 million ’vimmen have been be|;efited by Z+ a* . - - Lydia E. Pink] iam ’ s Vegetable Compound A Womans Remedy for Woman’s Ills. : • ) 4 ^n4ijK> .SfaAVg»k R»id« A tain, t N»«to of mmU-Tarf Ant. B] ant is a slave-making mi * large red ant, and it y< low fainat neatg of the small __ ui J|t, a mild and docile qjurnwi. race, bff \ct 8 of w kich it ..... «-» jBi vantgSfcBut It does not itf*are ^ U{ ***' lS« tor M and a p ui tfey »°««- wouM What be use- the warrior JSlI^nts T is material,, wbich a raw T^ell trail! thJIBII # e turned t8- into So thoroughly it merely allla *. e * van appose whicl1 Btriv ® t0 self wiS' thilnSf UBdhns 1 ™ 10 "' home and <=<***** lts lt - nest wkfrh t0 own ants r 38 &nd pupae of the turf quishedT Srodii t ) 1 t, haa “* P thes utto fli •*** S ht 1103 and van °?‘ * coons ® er ers W)lieh atJts t^ / ce ful1 be e rown yellow work¬ Rn taught by th ® war ' maids] i I > act as nurses garden bou ln A1_ ® 8 ' Kiers er j >nce Baw m a betwe<fri thi j/.avemakers sf at P itcbet! battle going on of f and the family ground slavea * la whlCh the t4 a * s str9wn with the corpges of the ated sfmaH> Jr ants ed - was Not almost till the extermin- nest of did Ihey retire from the unequal conti. s- a ! id allow the proud invader to carry off their brother* and Bisters in tnei if- coct aslee , unconscious, , Occasions' 0118 ’ P aa <i . the ] ,.Uy, by dint of mere numbers, los-i i.ut off the invader with heavy ’ lnuch more often the !a r S e and str ong-jawed warriors, and des’ r r to worker the novv f a op vers' rieJ blif ,rces head8 - They with crust their their vise-like ad " man. Meanw hlle, within the the he' 8 ' nest visio t{\ hal iL of the workers-the di¬ ; hid „ off special et ie as nurses—are ! protecti 9 employed in defending and the fir* ig the rising generation. At pass d alarm, at the first watchword fS’ with waving antenae through ! “ A warrior host is attacking | j t he coc ,OOns >y ^rry Z. re to stored the chambers and bear where them ^ « . j u jheir mouths into the Of I The iiea“ recesses Jt, the , lowest , and mo»t inacces Mice t all the Chambers.-Strand Mag . ” , _____ S Reeling his way)-I wish we we ,,; 00 d friends enough for you to— ° ^ tm me along)— by my first Oh, name. She last (help¬ wik’ . your name a ,or “'- New M * WE PAY THE ALL FREIGHT IT COSTS. AND I15.8S 1 IS * This 5-piece parlor , sui div^ t, largest size rocker, v ffcfa, mii§, and -iNpr o,_ ‘ polled parlor ch &Jr high l y mahogany,and frame, * ' cd lour upholstered tapestry. in#f& or Suitable for any parlor in the land, $15 05 and all freight points paid to the. Mis¬ East of sissippi, West points equal on basis. Such a bargain have as this Mpq % you before, never Iffign seen no ^J &BP matter (Mr\ how old you and are, never will probably, again, if you reach the century mark, which vj O we hope you will. Further comment is O unnecessary, except that if you want to know of thousands of such bargains, send for our O 160 -page furniture such prices catalogue, dealers and if you can't want buy Q Q carpet at as most O for, send for our ten-color lithographed carpet Q catalogue, books will and what you'll find in that these two Q teach you something you'll Q want to remember for many a day. Remember Christmas sensible gifts is coming, which sensible and sensible people people give Q 0 most ap preciate. Something for the home is the best Q Q of all presents, and our catalogues will suggest to you what is best. Address (exactly as below) Q JULIUS Dept. HINES BALTIMORE, & SON, X g 3lo MB. OOOOOOCX 9 QOOOOOOOOOOOOC 9000 -PATENTS Procured on cash, or easy instalments. Broadway, VO WLE3 & BURNS, Patent Attorneys, 237 N. Y. BAD BREATH «I have been nilnv CAQCABEM and as a mild and effective daughter laxative afcd I they are bothered eunply won¬ with derful. stomach My and breath were bad. After sick our was rerv taking a few doses They of Casearets help we have in the improved family.’’ wonderfully. W1LHELM1NA are a great NAGEL. 1137 Kitten house St., Cincinnati, Ohio. . TWADE MASK WXOISTfWSO or Good, Pleasant, Never Sicken. Palatable. Weaken. Potent, Or Gripe, Taste 10c, Good. 25c, 60c. Do ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Compaay, Chicago* Montreal* New York. 315 HO-TO-BAC g£S a dB5ffiiSSgLSo^a5a** ^ ^OST^ERFECT ^OILERpEED^YET t|T® S9 P R qDUCED. And vary LOW PRICES. Large stock. AIs. fife, VALVES and FITTINGS. EN¬ GINES, BOILERS, MILLS and REPAIRS. Lombard IronWorks & Supply rc J Co,, ' AUGUSTA, GA. DRILLING kinds MACHINES all and sizes, drilling wells lor ho I H farm, City and Village SjSJEBS Water Works, Facto¬ ries, Ice Plants, Brew¬ eries, Irrigation, Coal and Mineral Prospecting, Oil and Gas.efe experience. Latest and WRITE Best. US 30 years WHAT YOU WANT. LOOMIS & NYMAN, Tiffin, Ohifr FREE and WATCH.! will 50 fine, long, Sf*nd your address we express §2.50 filler Nickel cigars. When sold, remit us and we will mail you, free, a handsome stem' wind and set watch, COa.^o. which retails for 42.50. WlWtSTO'SI CIGtAR do Mam Svt, Winston, N.C* The Best BOOK ^ $ free anybody uously illustrated!price subscriptions 2 at ), $1 each to to the Uveif two annual Overland, Monthly, SAN FKANOISCO. Sample -i ------------------------------------ nDnPQY !■# ■% ■ VP ■ new quick relief discovbry, and cure* un¬ m cases. Send for book of testimonials and lO da. treatment Free. Dr-H-ILOREEK's BOMS. Atlanta/ UNITARIANS tary Women’s Alliance, 59 Kay St., Newport, R. I, TTTANTED—Case V of bad health that K*I*P*A*N *8 t will not benefit. Send 5 cts. to Ripano Chemical Co., New York, for 10 samples and low tcatimoniala. If afflicted with I Thompson’s Bys Wafer •ore eyes, use HARLOTTE COMMERCIAL VacathW—Positions 0LLE6E, GHflRLOTTfc, H.G. No Guaranteed—Freecalcu Send 25 cents In stamps for pocket Catalogu XX ordering goods or making enquiries of a Xvertisers it will be to your advantage to So. nid tion this paper. { a = 3 - _ THE COUPES MARBLE WO ' i Established SO Years. 159-163 Bank St., - NORFOLK. VA. Largest Stock In the South! Low prices quoted on Monuments. Gravestones, Granite, delivered Etc., in Marble or at any Southern point. Write for Illustrated Catalog. "v LIQUID PISTOL SO Sy fits. msr ■ 'vv VST mr AMMONIA, WATER, ? • w ter COLOGNE, OR OTHER I III |3 LIQUID. vicious It Is a weapon and wbiob foot-pidai protects travelers bicyclists against og&lnit rob¬ bers and dogs toughs; homes against thieves and tramps, and is adapted to many other situations. handle; It does not kill of tfoiee injure; it is perfectly safe to makes ho Or smokb; breaks no law and creates pl I?MU no lasting regrets, al^ as'does the bullet pistol. W ro awhile instead of to the Intended victim. Ills the only laughter real weapon which pro tacts and also / makes fan, and lots of it; it shoots, not once, but maSy times without reloading; and will protect by its appearance in time of danger, al¬ though loaded only with handsome, liquid. and It does not get plated. out of order; is durable, nickel full dtreo Sent ; boxed and post-paid by mail With tions hdw to tue in Sc. Poet age Stonlps, Post-office Money Order, at Express Money Order. Dun’s Brndstreou' m«roantll«’ B. G. m agencies. NEW YORK ONION SUPPLY CO., 1W Leonard Street. New 4 erlt Clt* GHDVE 5 i S’ P.w i wm FAfi ms <2^ Fidi’.-r TASTELESS CHILL TDNDC 0 IS «HIST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. GALATIA, ILLS., NOY. 16,1893. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen:—We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three g rosa already this year. In all ovr ex¬ perience of 14 years, in the drug business.) have never sold an article that gave ga’ such universalsatia« I faction as your Tonic. Y( ours truly, . ABNEY. CAER ftfc CO* 2§c1fis sis uUhEO ViuCtiC nLL LLOt iHlLOi Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, Use in time. Sold bv drnpgttftti CONSUMPTION 2'2‘b-Lmi '