The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, June 26, 1902, Image 7

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Journalisms. Happenings of the Week .in Town and County—Perso¬ nal and Other Items. Let’s give the old vets a jollitica ton. A shower of rain would he wel¬ comed. As u “cueist” Charley Harris a success is. E. B. Lang, Jr., is visiting friends at Clarksville. The candidates are getting a move on themselves. ’Rah for the 4th ot July and the veteran’s picnic. Everybody invited to the picnic on the 4th of July. Mann Nadi is developing into an orator of no mean ability. Our merchants have hem short on meat, for the past l’.-w days. You will miss a delightful time if you fail to be with us on the 4th. Mr. Tom Florence, of Sybert, gave us a pleasant cal! this week. Rev. J. C Mays leaves for Monroe count,v Monday to settle a “court' Case. Rev. J. F. Yarbrough left today for Elberton to attend district con¬ ference. J. A. PaHerson is tire chief en¬ gineer of the new mail route to Thomson. Since the recent rain crops in this section look- promising and fanners are in fine spirits. We call attention to tire card of Fir. T. A. Norman which we elsewhere in this : ssue. There were several teachers other counties attending the teach ers’ institute here this week. Wayne Lazenbv, after a pleasant visit to relatives at this place, return¬ ed home Wednesday. Mr. It. T. Humphreys, returned jiome Wednesday from Atlanta, where •£ has been employed for the past ■feral months. _ d S- lfttB gfr go wHTTWteml lit the oratorical soP|tv. promise Some of becoming of the youngsters onfirs in the future. firs. ass The present excessively high price %I1 Tiuw ' meet the demand for. neat. A large delegation of masons went , tp MMiomson this week io participate The old savin? that “no news is good news” is not always true from rein editor’s point, of view, for some lia I news is the best sort news for him. The ladies of lire Missionary Soci¬ ety of the Methodist church gave an ice cream festival at, the school build * ing Tuesday night. They realized quite a neat sum. Miss Lima Dwyer, left Wednesday for Harrisonburg, Va. Miss J)wyer during, her stay in our village had charge of JUM. of Wright’s the mtlliiierv store” department ° rn J . he r Georgia , ... Weekly . . Press Am- . Ciatmn will be in annual,- convention at Quitman on July 15th and ltdh, and from there will go to for a few days on tang on too coast. Mrs. W. 1L Bennett ot Lincoln county, who has been spend ing a few days in the city as the g;rest of bet daughter, Mrs. J. M. .Caldwell, returned home.— Augusta Tribune T - , rq , , . , ^Stomach cleanse the and stomach Liver Tablets. and the liver and bowels, effecting Jl. a U, quick ................. capo. For .11 We return thanks to Messrs. ehank and George Strother for ad invitation to attend a picnic at Ravs ville on Saturday next, and to party at night to he given at home of Miss Pauline Strother in ............ ..... . * There seems to be serious trouble Ail the corn crops in this com,tv. Many pretty fields of corn are being bored to death by a small worm sim¬ ilar to tire bud worm. Some say it will not seriously injure corn and we hope it will not- A Coining Marriage. We are /equated to announce that on Wedensday evening 2d at 9 o’clock, at the Baptist church, Cabaniss, Ga., Rev J. C. Mays will be married to.Miss Susie E. Shannon. They will arrive at Uncoil)tou on t,he evening of July 3d in order to he present at the barbecue here July 4. After which thev will lr- at home to their friends at the residence ot Mr. John Zel htrs. The following, churches representing ami societies the of diiferent Lincoln toil, have been appointed Bro. as a special committee to welcome. Mays an(l his Indue to our town ami. conmninii.y: Rev. J no. P. Judge Yarbrough, H. 1 l)r. W. ]3. Crawford, \Y„ Bennett, Mr. John Wright, Misses Natalie Crawford, Mamie Zeilurs, Minnie .Perryman and Mrs. J, A. Patterson. How to A> out Trouble. is tin. 1 time, to provide your self - d i’.mfRv with a hot tie of Chamberlain’? Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost „ J certain to be needed before the sum j mer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the i night or in your busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to !><■ tire most i successful medicine in use for bowel i plaints, both for children and com j adults- without it. No family For side can by afford all drug¬ to 1 be gists. Nay Pauline, Mav. Some (if the heelers are working a scheme, the tenor of which seems like a dream; they hustle fo Hie country we arc told, ottering to buy anything that’s sold. We heard of one the other day who wanted to purchase everything that came his wav; he tried to bargain for anything in reach—he also tried to make a vote winning speech, But the voter caught on to the game and said: “I’ll be dad blamed; you can’t fool me with trying to buy my stuff, when 1 know you are trying to work off a lot of political guff. I also wish to say that, j don’t think it will pay to try and use me as a tool, or to take me for a poor old fool. We are on to vour little plot, and I think you’ll find that you cannot scope us 011 such a stand and make us vote for your m» n ” -----—«♦»* 1 A Decided Success. The meeting of tho.Oratorical ciety Tuesday night was an enjoy .pfair. Each and every one of |speech lhe speakers did excellent work. The of Mr. (Jlinton Perryman was “ 3 1 om'tmLe' who it We prc,.ict for Olintou brilliant future on the ros rmn. The next meeting o he society vv,ll be neld at tne sclmol house j Tuesday night, at which time the 3 - uva )- - - Citizen— - . “ . L. T '*■ /ellars. „ - n American Where are the Friends ol Our Youth—T. O. Btepheireou. Declamation — W 11. 'doves. Volunteer soevches will be made by meinbgjs of'the’society. — ^ —--- - 1 s vod Fr0 „i An A ■ fat Fate. ' j “Everybody , writes , , rdrs. suiu I lmd M. . SiuHe.-, ('oiisnMpt 1 ion,' 1 .v. “1 >>. : Chamber, burg, a., was low | after six muni os ot severe so.on^s. i caused bv Hay l ever amt -•-Umm, that few thought i could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit ()! - J)r Kill .r S y ev .- Discovery f-r ( ; onSilln ,, t icd used it, and was oom J le , t , lv f .. U red.” For desperate TIlP0 ^ t aiU i j AWg Diseases it is til safest cure in the world, red is fallible h r (Jomrlis, Loire: and uron chiul \:reet mns. Guaranteed ties oOe, amt c J -GO. .rial boUe j at C. It. Groves.. — - A Destructive Storm. The hardest downpour of ntt«, and hail that has visited McConmck during 1902 came toi.ay, 24 iuet; U» nriii .......... - *"■<*>■ {style. in with hammer and tongs m great Fortunately it oulv lasted j about 20 minutes. The stones were about the size of medium marbles or ordinary bird eggs. Horn was dam aged to some extent; while the cotton squares ll ‘ ! This sigu'atare g ou everj box of the genuine Laxative Bromo Quicioe Tablets tho fOL3oclv tha.t. v'*Lsr<y9- tt COltf io Ofi*& tfaj* TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. A Large Crowd of Teachers Attended. The Lincoln County 'teachers Annual institute was held , at Ion colnton, beginning oh Juno 23d and continued for three days, The Institute w^ts presided over by J/iss r.ola Lou Smith, oi Atlanta, whose very learned, ns w< 1! as prac tical, lectures impressed their upon the teachers of our county duty to them-elves, their profession, and tlreir th*‘ir Cod. pupils, their country The teachers were very much edi lied and lctnrned from the Institute tilled with a, burning enthusiasm, and determined Io dp better afid truei 'voik tinin t^ei bciiue. '' 1 ' luL 11 U:iU i \~ ZZ‘; e . f “ Hm ‘ L;!l FIT : II i « prepared to put them into practical use m Is ir respective schools oi.i vd.icational standard m_ the county " !l1 ,J< - 1 ’; 1 "if 11 .* 1 llJ R ,| !i ‘ r ! ,,!UK ‘’ and our boys and gi-rlsy , wlm . are, on trusted to tbeir cure and training will have ample opportunity to become good and great. Mncolirion Select Reboot. The school will open on Monday, June 30th, 1902, and will continue two sclioiastic months. The object of this school is to bring up any studies on which stu¬ dents may be short—as the name in¬ dicates pupils may select any study or studies. The rates of tuition are the same as those of the regular term, viz: $1.00 month. 1st and 2nd grades grades $1.50 per month. 3d, 4th, ot.h per 0th and 7(b grades $2.00 jier month. 8th and 9th grades $2.50 per month. 10, ll, 12tli grades $3.00 per month. M i)sic $2.50 per month! This is an excellent opportunity who for voting ladies and gentlemen stud are behind on any one or more — les. Do not fail to attend if you stand in need of this advantage. For further particulars call on or address, Thos. O.JStepiien Teaciier. .-on, The Veterans’Picnic. Preparations on ail extensive scale iire lieill S T n, ! e l '" r - veterans Abigail, picnic oi on LU tK 4 *JV? 1 'win (L‘l ; of his e ] o| ie **. i ver one -; 0 »>e lieople. A ciowd o Mill Kven body is aslml to come and 1 - „ 1 ; n el n D- 0 vable dav. Let . . be otiwr secies of en « TfiskT - - ---- Reiver’s Notice. I will be at Lincolnlon July 3rd nn d -tth tor the purpose of receiving tax returns. After t! 4tH the books will c _ ose, and Would be ideased for aJ[parties wno have made the. • returns to do so o, t lire ■ ^ vv0 j. t y 8 save me the uu-pjeusa-nt ( ] U f.y of returning them as tax : (p./,. niters and themselves the peuaitv 0 f filing double taxed, Respectfullv, > B. B. !• i.ottKKCB, • R, T. E. L. C. June 23, 1902. Au Impossibility. Toe boy that expects to find a job ; )j allir i„g around loose at tire top ot du . fod.Tr might as well go olf and U j ( | 0W1 , waitfov the gentle zeimyrs hands, to blow a few dollars into ins or else tet the ravens Iren mm. iris j a math r or impossibility mi’ il y oll,! .g Uv , ;i • wi ihmu first climbing t j w . re through- li,-ee his own personal can’t et t \ , foot hoy reach , 1: „, „ r thieve '■*' ' : n ‘ lLr UU fpj ‘ y v .p,p ’ t built ’ that __ ‘ Iu 0 Klei, Times .• ]v dle SUI1 es, which, tor accuuuiy au- nmpua tioned it t ney are legitlmu an*, watch u paired by me. can make your ; run as correctly as; my uguUtoi, u von sa’. so. J. B. i...o... , J ........... ’ ’ JteY At Anderson’s rug store. Our Quiil Pushers. Newsy Notes from Different Sections of the County. DOUBLE DUAL'CHILL Cotton and corn crops are promise ing just now. No time to tool with candidates now unless they help us plow and hoe u little. Don’t think our people will get as badly stirred upon the county elec¬ tion ns they did on the congressional election. By the way, where is Unit mail that railed himself citizen? Guess he can see which* one of ns is fSfoNeil now. Now, old man, if you \rant; • lo (i:;nre on another one why just lot nre know like von did before r -, w< j,-,, <; lwn , ,, v , ' jyi t .„d, will miss her. and c yf v Seaborn. Mr. and id • It. A. Price are visit . thc | ;i , l>arents iu Ale! uilie -jrj,‘ ( ( . hiW of Mr. llohert Cnrtledge is very sick. ^ 1,10 F n y !; A season, aim gi.os has come in ms>. : ;;: v f 01 '. gave a party a t no i .a iu.m. id* a net its were, J- :i. *>.!>. e. urns (anuiv,. . u. !U 'UT 1 ;■ an ‘ v im J!iu * u ' iW;i ' “• 1 if . ‘"'Niid to \ni\v heen u siuJCesMii dinner and barbecue together, writer did not, have the pleasure y . attending bin, we an? unhiii; fo vouch Urn. it was a gnuio oiic, .01 the major is noted >or is no.spibiitv and never tails to make eveiytbing comfortable for iris friends and neighbors. Mr. A.'A. Dunn who was sent to the as'dimi some months ago In is. re¬ turned Iren • oi gt X coin! it ion, b mind is as erenr as ( ver was. liis many friend- are rejoiced over bis return. Uncle Dan Martin and Uncle Mel McCord tired a few shots in our camp at Moore’s mill last Sunday and captured the entire squad: m twenty minute? bey had their flags hoisted over Mini province. Rev. J. G. Ma tilled his regular appointment at Double Branches last Saturday are! Sunday. ed .Miss Mamie Zel lava accompani bv Rev. J. C. Mav 'Were if : ’ P . of Mr. and Airs. A. M. Mo .tHw* 1 n i ^ day. “Old Blister’ hud good time at a the congressional convention last It looks like some one ought notified Rent Nash and Sam that we were ^ he L ^ cky firm'd , mW a aU the san e .n il d l!ltl g l ’ fc tlH ' iV ' u lo,111tl in .ill om , TV’ 3 s HS fV„f p-rs gave me me ',.ong ..... „ i, ra on tl .it made fe. r l. "T'' A ash out % o. U f< A. -p i. vl Mose j lev, but I guess Us all right as | got Hardwick in before regretted ne quit, j Hardwick said lie very j egates much II,:,o present Lmcom at tnec,.ine.u.<m. lmd ^ !,o more Ou> b^XSii.u. LI -77 ON. No time to go fishing now. We im5 now! ram? last, ww.f unit our corn is looking better. Mt. • Carmel, Dr. J. AL Carlton, ot and his brother T-rey, 1,1 rea,' ?, S. C’., pres T tinmuT o.;r_ t v.ui to see his sick sister, Mrs. II. .Ad am?. candidate Alexander time around f .. V reek smiliire from car to , uh i asking us to vot. for him. (i ns Watkin am! Lidoe W'omsley bought v ,, n , in 0Ui . !nirg l;;s i w - !c and ]) u bo;s,-",; cows. He can well I g , }ll re the churn now. L . Elba a mre of tli^ i...... j.'. '(iVa-' i;,,, .'wanted i m d two j '.'j In to -vrel i ”' h Lh< "‘.t' }~ jj. T 1 "; ' f ’ j ; !! 0, ( ’Ttp Dam),irg roam the oUio. the pidtiu ' T‘.. ! *’ «l- l! ; 1 , al1 18 T* f nt U,eiu llL expeetang ogo up .im 'j' tlie nnd was soaking for .picket, hob. g 0 lip when the pickels get sour and carry me. too. John Sayer was in our midst this week. Com.'; again, Johu, we like to oeiu res rere. Where did J a and Lewis btnlv- ling go Sunday? To tui<l Trinity. Joliu !reveretl Jack Dai As were up .sporting around lUuiah Sat¬ urday am! night remember and Sunday. We Come again us. live on (lie riv' r. Wben you come around just fall in. Misses Olive and Fannie Sale have returned home from a protracted stay in Alabama. We are glad to hail again these dear faces; they bring to light some fond remem¬ brances, and oh, how visions of them doth cur memories charm. Shall the inexorable reminiscence of those happv hours we have spent; together come to tis in the future, but as the phantom of some delirfous dreamer. \hw such is the earthly fate of man! The past, buries itself deeper than ever Mas human body hid. i)r. .Mitchell came up this week. We fear the doctor is rather late to ... lv „ 00(1 Hli „ , )iwinpt ,0J ion was, “Resolved, That the pen is mightier than the sword.” Semehouv else got a watertm 1 rei. Rub; bmilh scraped tip, or rather borrowed a quarter and sent some pretty girl one. Had my credit been good or had some coon by chance left hi. pocketbook on the counter, ! would lmve sent some of these |. 2 ettv •■irl.s getting home once more such a watermelon as a greeting; but Wil , mv p, ck . 0 h tin-trials and tyibnlations which do beset us along nigged path of life. I am going to leave these diggins. best president We have elected the j* or 0fU . clcb itini;' society—to stay at |)1(l <>g. Smith couldn’t go to the de . . - )C j e; iturelay night because , ^ Haraicon took Miss Annie bale | \ iX) ivevtown to see her brother. We |ji i(J to see J iin standing around, but “ter de Lord sake” keep oil' our toes, 1 just he blessed if 1 don’t eat upper next time I go anywhere and am invited, for . been wanting j oysters ever since last Saturday night a week ago. Kmaii Neville RED HILL. 'flie crops are looking considerably better since the recent rains, The farmers are kept busy fighting the gmss. Norman who has been Mrs. S. A, quite sick is some better. Rome of the boys came home very 200if -eveniug. ' What’s Tire inaticr, boys; rumor says they P got I left. Jfon’t give up so soon. 113 1 your boat on, boys, there is a landing' some v here for llawes you. (Japt. T. D. left for Elber¬ ton Rumlav where lie will remain for some Line with his daughter, Mrs. j Champ,on. ‘ 1 , Norni;i „ passed through our burg Sunday « going in the direction ■ - j , t t I'e was‘seen standhig around there line to be afflicted as she is. F k \ VilJis witb hi s charming Pistol, cousin, ’ Miss Jdllian Willh, of .r,, es ts of .Mi«s in,lie Nor eveuiug vmfr . Come again, firm ' cousin usually j of our bovs have been ■ Sunday, i)U on but " them wheels , g(line of were seen on Smil ; av . We would not be sur prised next Sunday to find them a loot, Dr. T. P. Mitchell was around one , day last week looking over the crops, j ( . :upp ,, s . vou will see his decision in this week’s issue. Give us justice, 1 il8 there was no one sick, W in. Reid, of Double Branches, w . ;3 p... gueS t of Rapt, P. M. Wright one ( i. iv |, lS t week. I suppose he was looking after tire crops, too. w ’ ,, ()1) b ay anything about Jas. .“.j 1 for we know lie is tlie . that will he our next represent |. ‘ t ,: .VrilhorTImd u froin the way ou** n surroundii," districts j j lliin _ Pete a xd Folly. ---------------- UL1JOWS. „ , r », ... .... . , lK - J ay ' . - . . ' ,‘ U C °* „lut . .< Wm, to* 1 here this week, TJie c, T LaJU °, f our artillery got so | l >a dl V fri.ghtoned the other and day it that ho grabbed a churn put on | Ins his bead hat. and lloiv we suppose about it, he None. means it for ^*z& , ss$’szi n , l(r . in)i 'Two of Goshen’s champion cyclists were down Sunday. On the way ] ; .. re0IH . of - them broke the crauk of jjjg uiaehine. It makes no difference, • "Oohi'moed on the fourth page. «•