The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, December 18, 1902, Image 5

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G «|^n find Bargains for which the will feel proud over, at Price & Nash,-* Ojhr stock is well assorted. Comprises the greatest gathering of desirable merchandise ever offered our holliday patrons. ■s -Our Prices Are so arranged as to tempt the most conservative buyers. The largest and best stock ever shown in Lincoluton, at prices within the reach of all. -Christmas The great season of feasting. Have you prepared for the home circle? For variety and quality, our stock of Christmas Good Things to Eat •is incompatible. You will saye both TIME AND MONEY By inspecting our stock, embracing a complete line of the very best season Ih able Goods. GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES 19 lbs Sugar $1; 11 lbs good Coffee (Fancy) $1; Lump Starch 21 c per lb. Arm & Hammer Soda 4c; 25 lbs Flour 45c; 25 lbs extra good Flour 55c. i r JA A. 4 Lincolnian. Georgia, Journalisms. Happenings of the Week in r ^, Town and County— Perso arid Oher Items. y your tax is not paid by the twen l h it will cost you one dollar more A. M. Moore, T. G. P. Lost: —Somewhere in Lincoln ton Kne open "face gold notify tilled Robert watch Finder will please Journal office. Humphreys or leave at When you are trading, cash, \ud have limited you'll find it ‘Dies fartherest At Price & Nash. Walk over shoes, Johnson Co. kWedding outfits, Johnson Co. New line capes and jackets, Johns son Co, Mens overcoats, late style 3,50 up. Ijjphnsou Co. cheese, 15c Guaranteed full cream per pound at Price & Nash. .Boyssuits, one dollar saved in five. Johnson Co, jJii ens suits, everything, 3,50 to $20 son Co. Boys suits, everything, 50c to $5. Johnson Co. Boys overcoats, one dollar saved in five. Johnson Co. groceries, Be wise, and buv your dry goods, shoes and hats from Price & Nash. Buy your penny goods at Price & Nash”where you always get full rneas «tre. All kinds of fancy candies can be had at Price & Nash, at astonishing low prices, Mens fine mackintosh coats one lndf price to many. Want to cut era out. Johnson Co. 3E A merry Xmas you will have Price by buying your holliday goods of & Nash. When you want bargains go to Price & Nash, the leaders of low prices. Lincoln county ladies find our shoes the best, price less, ask most any of them. Johnson Co. 4ess Mens shoes, best brogans on earth, 1 price. Johnson Co. Ask most any man in Lincoln county. Sav, have ydu seen those beanti ful sleeping dolls at Price & Nash? If not, calf on him before buying Santa Claus elsewhere. Several marriages are to early take place around Lincoluton at an date. Wait and listen, you’ll bells! catch the sound of the merry A Cards are out to the marriage Robt. of Miss Clara Perryman and Mr. Sims, which will be solemnized Tues day, p. m., Dec. 23. at the home of the bridt’s father. This announce ment will cause hearty cougratula* tions as they are both well known very popular with a wide circle of friends, A Beautiful Home Wedding. The sun rose clear and bright on the morning of Dec. 11, 1902, and ushered in the marriage day of Miss Lula Hogan and Mr. ltov Story, mak ing us think of the old time honored addage, “happy is the bride that the sun shines on.” The bride, a most winsome young lady, fair of form and feature, en* do wed with a most lovable, nature and happy disposition, is a daughter of Mr. VV, G, Hogan; while the groom whose good taste is to be admired in the selection of such a jewel of a wile to adorn the casket of his heart, is a young man of many sterling quali¬ ties; handsome, generous, industrious manly and brave. Like the sturdy oak, a lit support for the tender cling* ing vine to lean upon for protection in the storms and sunshine ol life. The marriage ceremony was beau tifnlly and impressively performed at the hour of three p. m., by Rev. Jno. Hogan, handsomely a grand uncle of the bride, in the decorated parlor. The attendants were, Miss Mamie Willis with Mr. Frank Hogan and Miss Maude Patterson with Mr. Hur vey Story. bride, attired in The a beautiful dress of tan trimmed in brown and white, looked very charming. The interval between the ceremony and the supper hour, was spent in warm congratulations to the bride and groom, and in pleasant conveiv sation bv all present. At about the hour of six, supper was announced and we repaired to the dining room, where all partook of the sumptuous and bountiful re¬ past, which the good lady of the house had so . generously prepared. Words fail to do justice in describing the number.of good things enjoyed at that feast. After supper some delightful mu¬ sic was rendered on the organ bv some of the young ladies present, and some pleasant games were indnlg ed in for awhile. On the morning of the 12th, the bride bade a pathetic adieu to her fond parents and started for her new home, accompanied by several friends On arriving at the In me of the groom about eleven o’clock a. m., we were greeted by his relatives and drew friends, and soon the dinner hour on and we were again feasted. The afternoon was spent in mirth and jolity. notwithstanding the rain, which by this time had begun to full. When the evening began to wane, we took our leave and wended our way homeward. On reaching the creek we found it so swollen from the rain as to make crossing dangerous, and we had to make a turn to find a safer crossing place. We reached home safely, and with¬ out any mishap. This festive occasion will long be remembered as one of the most preus¬ ing episodes in the life of A Participant. Mens suits, one dollar saved in five. Johnson Co. {« ilOTM 38 'GB SSL 5 III G®S pESWH 3 S 6 k Washington. Ga * * Wishes their friends of Lincoln county a Jolly MERRY CHRISTMAS. And at the same time thank them for the liberal trade which they have always accorded the firm. US' U ill soon he here. Father’s Mother’s during the season of loving gifts giving fes tl ti lions merry making, DON’T FORGET your boys and girls, and if you don’t happen to have any don’t forget your sweetheart Christmas presents can bo had at Johnson Co’s., Big Store by the thousands. __ Toys of all sorts, Fancy Goods of all sorts, Dolls of all sorts, Drums of all sorts, Whistles of all sorts, Fifes of all sorts, EVERYTHING (o make the merry Xmas one gad song of joy for the small boy or small girl. And father mother, Prices on Toys and Holliday Goods are Less .ban any house up or down the street. dollar sayad hi five, cur Sold Bond Oaataiitea^—BO Car Load of Crockery, Cups, Saucers, Plates, Tinware, Knives, Forks Coffee Pots, Pans, any¬ thing, A man up a tree or one that can’t sit down can find what he wants a Johnson Co. Big Store fit yp # Ilf at a clean saving of one dollar in five. Why? Car Load buyers, that’s the the reason. ig •i Colnmbas Buggies The best on earth. Tyson & Jones, White Star, and many others. Sfudubaker. Piedmont, White Hickory, All wagon ®Sf of the first sort. PRICE ./WT -I m ; 1 « One dollar in Five y,\ f ir A Less than (he other fellow. Biggest collection of Vehicles and Harness in middle Georgia. r CY5 CD C;G f.;g , BsacdisJ' Liras!-; wmAai b 8 ^dv-v-.arA CD a w t - Another one just received, making our third this fall, We are selling ffH iff I 0 - “ gg _ more Furniture and Cheaper Furniture than the town put together, Why? fl 4 you ask. We answer, Car Load Buyers. Price less than the other fellow. i IFF- ____ z like goods cheap, expect to live here, cannot, af¬ : Then we to sell as we we 1 gg ford but one, ptiqe, that price Ihe lowest, CAR LOAD BUYING, means S A f y « five. "h J§g E5 a saving to you and to us all of one dollar in grligrj A^riSi Chairs, Bales, Beds, Suites, Rockers. ,x\ I South Carolina and Georgia Wed. On Dec. 11, 1902, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bivins, Mr. Jas. M. Smith of South Carolina, led to Hymen’s alter one of Georgia’s fair daughters, Miss Mary Ella Bivins. Rev. IF, H. Green of the Baptist denomination impressively pro nounoed the solemn ceremony which made them man and wife. After the ceremony, the many guests were royally feasted at the wedding supper. The hospitality of the home is well known, but it sur¬ passed all funner achievements in in that line on-this happy wedding day. 'The many friends of Miss Bivins congratulate Mr. Smith on his good fortune in securing so beautiful and accomplished a help-meet, It good wishes will make the future bright, it will be bright indeed. Estrayed. Taken up last Thursday. Dec. 11. on my place near Mountain church, one Bay mare, colt, about three years old with small blaze in forehead. The owner can get possession of same by paying for this notice and teed and care of colt. C. B. Ross. Dec. 15, 1902, The President says in his message that some corporations “often with a tendency to monopoly” are not really bad. Monopolits not bad? How white black is,sometimes! G. IT. N ISO N. T. S. OANFORTH 'ay ¥ ) A A \ rm 733 Reynolds St., 4 Doors Below Cotton Exchange, Augusta, Ga. Personal and Undivided Attention Given to the Weighing and Selling of Cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Made on Consignments. © ilj III 4J I ,I1A1 BSSSSl s. a 1 AUGUSTA, GA. Manufacturers of m AMD ACID FHOSFHATE.