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oh 1 119 iijar.
Ore of Browning’s most beauti
ful and pathetic poems, and om
intelligible to whomsoever runs
commemorates the act of an old
earl of Arundel, who having struck
his little child on the head, had
the picture of himself and the
child painted, the child, as he
became in after years, imbecile
from the eflect9 of the blow. It
would be well, we think, for every
parent, and for all those having
children on their hands, to com
mit these verses to memory, and
to put the lesson in practice; for
{he injury done to children by the
quick and careless box on the ear
that is thought nothing of at the
time, is something incalculable. It
is impossible to hit a tender child
a blow upon a delicate organ as
the ear, and one having such close
connection with tbo brain, without do
icg an evil find un°een work, even
when the blow is given with the flat
of the open hand. The action, it has
been fully at-ceitaiaed, has produced
violent inflamatioa in the ear, and run
nir g discharges for year*; blood has
been known to follow it immediately;
and when this las uot happen* d, par
tial and even total deafness has been
the consequents in many instances. In
tercranial difficulties of a dangerous
type are not at all rare either, ss the
result of these admonitions; idiocy has
been traefd to them, and in more than
one case of those surgically examined
it has been found that fatal brain dis
ease has followed a box on the ear.
Upwards ot 180 tons of stone have
been dumped into a six by seven foot
hole in the road at Waterbury, tJonn ,
without having any perceptible effect
towards filling it. On the contrary
the stone seems to have deepened the
mysterious hole, and now tho “cordu
roy*' process is to be tried. As an ini
tial mtWe to the Jatter, they are thrust
ing dead trees into the opening, which
in tu.n are to be covered by a layer of
dirt, thou more trees added, followed
again by dirt, by wbich time it is ex
pected the surface will have been reach
ed and a good foundation secured.
A curious lieak of nature may be
seen on Col. If. G. Swanson’s stock
farm, two miles west of LaGrange.
Last week one of his Jersey cows gave
birth to a calf with five well formed
legs. Four of them are in the usual
place, the fifth projects from between
the fore shoulders. It is as perlectly
t >rtned as the others, only it' is in the
wrong place. It is imbedded in the
museum of the shoulders and is there
“to stay.'* The calf acts just like oth
er quadrupeds of its kind, is healthy,
and may live >is long as others.
R*<v. H. L. Nave of Mt.' Sterling,
Ky, while standing at tbe mantle,
writing a list of names, suddenly lost
the eight of one eye, and in a few min
utes was totally blind in the other.
'I bis affliction is a very rare case, and
it is said to be hemorrhage of the op
tic nerve.
Asia signifies between, or in the mid
die, trorn the fact that the geographers
then placed it between Europe and
A Chicago dealer recently took over
his counter a half-dollar, piece of 1853
without arrows. It is said that there
is only one other piece like it in exist
< nca, and it is worth from SSOO to
fearfully and Wonderfully Made.
One of the stories which baa been
•nrront in social circles at Washington
lately in regard to the remarkable
make np of a well-known young so
ciety woman. The mould by which
■the had been cast by an unknown fate
was unsatisfactory alike to herself and
parents, who Anally concluded to try
the effects of foreign travel for her. Af
ter a brg hbsenoe abroad the family
returned and, to the astonishment of
all who had previously known her, the
daughter was completely naetamor*
phosed. From a tall, angular girl, she
had not only become well rounded, but
buxom, with a noticeable broadening
of the shoulders. After awhile it leak
ed ont that while in Paris the giilhad
been taken to a model maker, who, in
consideration of a large sum, agreed to
construct a wire figure of the desired
proportions, which was ingeniously
raede to open down the back; and was
of such fine, soft material that its pres
ence would fail to be detected save by
the keenest scrutiny. This wire oage
necessitates, with evening dress, a band
of velvet or collar of some description,
and as long as worn effectually pre
eludes the idea of decollecto gowns on
the part of the wearer.
The Walton county News says that
Noah Thomas, an old colored man
who lives a few miles from Monro
who is noted for his peculiarities, wat.
on the streets of the town Thursday
Some of the boys suggested to him that
he eat some ra.v eggs; he told th: m
that he would be glad to get some, bn
wouldn’t start with Mes-’u’ two iozen
The eggs were prooured, and the o<•
darkey would break a stn ll hole h
each one to seo if it was Iresh aid
Round, then he would swallo vn and >■ .
When he had disposed of two dozei
he called for more—he then ate abort
half dozen more, and told the boys It
would call again. Some time ago hr
was in town, and was given a shad
weighing nearly two pounds, and to
the surprise of many lookers on, he ate
it raw where he stood.
The Fort \ alley Mirror says that
Colonel 8. E. Austin, formerly of that
town, has been busily engaged for
several yearß in perfecting his very in
genious invention—the adding ma
chine. He is at present in new Haven,
Conn., where he has been watching
the manufacture of the machine, and
has at last gotten it in perfect shape,
and is selling them rapidly to the
trade We have seen one of the in
straments, and find that it works with
great ease, rapidity and accuracy. By
touching the keys, you may rapidly
add up a long column of figures with
out any mental strain. A dial registers
the Hum of the figures, after you have
touched the keys correctly, each figure
from one to nine having itp own key,
a little practice makes one perfect, so
that he tan add with his fingers, by
the use of the machine, much more
rapidly and with more accuracy than
by the laborious mental process. It will
save many a book keeper hours of se
vere mental labor.
At Americus Friday,.Deputy Sheriff
Tom Cobb and Policeman Kagan
made a thorough search of Charles
Blackman's cell. Ha was found in
excellent spirits, and seemed to be
highly amused while the searching
was in progress. He had his Bible
and a newspaper by his side. Nothing
suspicions was found in his eell. He
will hardly be able to get out until he
is led forth to meet his doom on the
gallows. He seems to care as little
about it as if his life was not concerned 1
Dr. William Noyes, contributes to
the Journal of Social Soienoe a con
venient summary of the modern view
of the criminal type. Taking L >mbroso
as his guide, lie shows in how very
wany respects the criminal presents
abnormal differences, bo'h physical
and psychic, from his fellow men.
These differences are, to a large extent
indicative of a reversal to a more primi
tive, savage rype. It is hopeful to add
that luauy of the peculiarities can be
detected in children, and that the evil
results which they forebode can be, to
% iargeextent, presented by a properly
directed education.
The ot the west frequent
ly dye their dogs different colors. The
most brilliant speoimens of dyed dogs
are colored a snpurb tint of sky blue.
Dr. Bmith points out that great cit
ies are losing one of nature’s best gifts
in the wasted sunbeams whioh fall up
on unused roofs. He would convert
the roofs into pleasure and health
parks, where pnre air and sunshine
might be enjoyed.
\ Russian saloon for tea drinking is
an interesting featnre of life in Rus
sian cities. The waiters are attired in
•white from bead to foot, with a large
purse at the waist, and are all men
Tea is drank alone or with a lemon,
and the sugar eaten from the hand.
Eleven or fifteen cups are not too
many for an old tea drinker.
Peter Anderson, a 8 ede living in
Ferre Haute, Ittd ,is the champion
i-ater tor miles around. Physicians
who have examined him say that he
tas a double stomach. Ou a w ager,
not long ago, he drank thirty gallons
nt water in twrnty four hours*
An inhabitant of Cniua, Me., has
sen u'ibz g histaluable Newfound
and watch dog by carding and spinn
ing his fleece. It made four skeins of
jat black yarn, weighing two pounds
and a quarter, and spun as easily and
as well as sheep’s wool.
By the way, is’nt it rather rough on
the high contracting parties to remark
tint a wedding wont off “without a
hitch? ’ .
The man who tried to get up aeon
cert with the band of a hat, is the same
genius who, a few days since, played
upon the affections cf a young lady.
“Come hither, my Jane, see, my picture
is here,
Do you like it, my love? “Don’t it
strike you?’’
“I can’t say it does at present, my dear
But 1 dare say it will-it’s so like
Miss Belliua Prior, daughter of the
late Col. Prior, was arrested recently
at the residence of her mother, Yicar’s
nail, Armagh, Ireland, and chaiged
before the magistrates wifh havin
drowned Ann tiirvin, aged three
years. The evidence showed that
Miss Prior enticed the child into
her house, gave if sweet meats and
drowned it in the kitchen boiler.
Prisoner said she comrnifted the
crime because she was treated un
kindly at home, and she did not
care if she was hanged.—[Commer
cial Advertiser,
In drilling glass stick a of stiff
clay or putty on the part where you
wish to make the hole. Make a hole
in the putty the size you waut the
hole, reaching to the glass, of course.
Info this hole pour a liltjemolten lestd,
when, unless it ia very thick gisss, the
p'ece will immediately drop out.
Who is Never Crazy.
There are many firm believers
in the theory that most people are
crazy at times, and facts seem to
Support their belief. The follow
ing, from a source unknown to the
writer, will likely remind a num
ber of our readers of some incident
in their experience, which at the
time of its occurrence seemed to
them most unaccountable;
“A wise man will step back
ward off a porch or into a puddle,
a great philosopher will hunt for
the specks that are in his hand or
on his forehead, a hunter will
sometimes shoot himself or his
dog. A working girl had been
feeding a great clothing knife for
ten years, One day she watched
the knife come down slowly upon
her hand. Too late, she woke out
of her stupor with one hand gone.
For a few seconds her mind had
failed, and she sat by her machine
a temporary lunatic and had watch
ed the knife approach her own
hand. A distinguished professor
was teaching near a canal. Walk
ing along one evening in summer
he walked as deliberately into the
canal as he had been walking along
the path a second before. He was
brought to his senses by the water
and mud and the absurdity of the
situation. lie had on anew suit,
of clothes and anew silk hat, but
though the damage was thus great,
he still laughs over the adventure.
Our m il collectors find in the iron
boxes along the streets, all sorts of
papers and articles which have
•been put in by some hand from
whose motions the mind has be
come detached for a second, A
glove, a pair of spectacles, a deed,
a mortgage, a theatre ticket, goes
in, and on goes the person, hold
ing on to the regular letter which
should have been deposited. This
is called absent-mindedness, but is
a brief lunacy.”
A man near LaCroqp, Schley coun
tv, was boring a well not long since,
when the auger broke off about twen
ty feet down and ho was <n a dilem
ma as to how to proceed with his
work when a happy thought struck
him. He got someone to tie a rope
around his heels and let him down
head foremost, when he got the broken
tool and was toon landed on terra
Banks County,
All persons interested are hereby no
tified that if no good oause be shown
to the contrary an order will be grant
ed by the undersigned on the first Mon
day in September next, establishing
three new roads as marked out by the
commissioners appointed for that pur
pose. One commencing at or near the
old Meeks field where-John S. Cham
bers now lives on the Homer road,
thence by the residence of Jesse Pritch
ett to Messrs. Massey and Joseph Par
sons, intersecting the Federal road at
the old Grocery placo. And one com-
mencing near W. T. Massey’s resi
dence; thence by the way of Massey’s
Gini and intersecting the road lead
ing from the Homer road to the old
Grocery place at or near Jack Turk
(col.) Also oue commencing near the
residence of Dr. H. P Quillian, thence
by the rsidence of J. J. Pendergrass,
W. C. Oliver and Taylor Armour and
to intersect with the public road lead
ing from Carnesvilla to Harmony
Grove, at the Wilson Bridge, m said
county. Aug 4, 188.
15 4w. ,T. F. Hill, Ordinary.
A Week's Reading - *•*- ;
Send your name and the name and ad
dress of five of your neighbors or
friends on a postal card and get
free for yourself and each of
them a specimen copy of the
CJretit Southern Weekly,
Tlie Atlanta Constitution.!
Our theo humorous writers, Uncle
Roibos'h word, famions sketches of the
plantation darkey. Bill Arp's humor
cus letters for the home and hearth
stone. Betsy Hamilton's adventures
told in cracker dialeot. War stories,
sketches of travel, news, poems, fun ad
ventures, the Farm, the household cer
respondent, a word of instruction and
entertainment. Twelve pages. The
brightest and best Weekly. Please ev
ery member of the family. Send a
postal for a specimen copy, free.
Address The Constitution, Atlanta Ga.
Legal Notices.
Georgia, Banks County: To all
whom it may eoncern, Mary E. fLeea
ler, has in dne form applied to the un
dersigned for permanent letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Henry C.
Keesler, late of said county, deceased,
and I will pass upon said application
on the Ist Monday in September,
1888. Given under my hand and of
ficial signature this 26th day of July
1888. T. F Hill, Ordinary.
14 4w.
Georgia, Bauks Cos.: To all whom
it may concern: L. N Turk, adm’r.
of Jas Norwood, deceased, has in due
form applied to the undersigned for
leave to sell the lands belonging to the
estate of said deceased, and said appli
cation wi ! be heard on the Ist. Mon
lav in October nex f Atig. 27. 1888,
18—4 w. tf. hi 1 !, ordinary.
Georgia, Banks Court v.—To all
whom it may concern; W. P. Ray,
gumdiair <>t A Anderson, applies
to me fot letters of dismission from said
guardianship, and I will pass upon hIS
application on the Ist Monday in Sep
tember next at my office iu Homer, in
said county. Giv<t*n, under my hand
and official signature, May 31st, 1888.
T. F Hill, Ordinary.
born, administrator of Thos. Ausborn,
ceo’d, has in due form applied to the
undersigned for leave to sell the land*
belonging to the estate of said dec’d.,
and said application will be h-ard on
the Ist Monday in Kept. next.
Aug C, 1888, t. f. hill, .
15 4w. Ordinary.
son, administrators of J. J. Wilson,
iate of said county, dec’d, has applied
to me in terms of the law for letters of
dismission from said .administration.
This is therefore to cite and admonish
all concerned to show cause at the reg
ular term of court of Ordinary of said
county, to be ho'ld on the Ist Monday
in November next,’why said discharge
should not be granted. Given under
my hand and official signature Aug. 4,
1888. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. 15 Bm.
To all whom it
may concern:
For dyspepsia and Liver Complaint
you have a printed guarantee on each
bottle of Shiloh’s Yitalizer. It always
cures. For sale by W. B. Ma6oa.
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It
cures Consumption. W. B. Mason.
Are you made miserable by indig%s
tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow skin, shiloh's vital iz
er is a positive cure. For sale by VY
M ison, Homer.
Hackmotaok, a lasting arfd fragrant
perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Foi
sale by \\ . B Mason, Homer.
Itch, Mange and Scratches of every
kind on hnman or animals cured in 30
minutes by Woolfcd’s Sanitary Lotion
This never fails. Sold by Hardman
& Sharp, Diuggists, Harmony Grove
Banks Cos ,
To ail whom it may
concern: H. B Aus
Banks County,
Whereas W. S.
and W. G. Wil-