Newspaper Page Text
1 ' ' ■-L I L I ! 11 1 ■' LW.l'm WJI.SLULHJ'-ILB.MJ" gLLI?U-1M n J'L >
50 Cts. Per Year.
in Advance.
Lotral* 8 Cents Per Line First Inser
tion* Each Additional 5 Cents*
Lutered as Second Class Matter at the
Homer, Ga., Post Office
Jfno. Barton. - Proprietor.
■'■to] lections run arr-i p-- nip* I v ’
p M edwarixs,
Attorney at Law,
HOMKR, Gt Olti.i
W 1 : '■ he Ci-ur
of the W < - C
L —w. i. rib ■:
Attorney At LAW.
.1 rtFt i ijgoN, Georgia.
Q\* \
Tla> tsvtlie, tieorffin-
Mr Will do a general practice.
Collecting a specialty.
James M. Merritt,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Muysville, Georgia,
Dr. A. H. Stapler.
Special attention given to Sureery,
Obstetric* and Chronio diseases oflong
Homer, Georgia.
J. W. Sumpter,
Ilomer, Georgia.
Baggio* artd Wyg"i-‘ made
to oilier. RepJpng Sicia''v.
Hhruinny, GroTe, Ga.
Presbyterinn (Jhuicu, services 2qi>
Sunday in each month, ll* T > G. H
Cartledge, pastor.
Methodist Church,services Ist Sunday
in each month, and Saturday before,
Revs. J. D. Gunnels and Jno. I. Pen
dergras, pastors.
Baptist Church, 4th Sunday in each
month and Saturday before, Re*'. J. F
Goode pastor.
Homer Lodge, no. 82., I. 0. O. F.,
meets Ist Tuesday in each month, J.
W. Sumpter, noble grand, T. F. Hill,,
.secretary, M
Phi Delta Lodge ho. 145, F. A.
meets Ist Friday night in each month,
w. A- watson worshipful master, J. w.
sumpter senior warden, P. M. Edwards
junior warden, T. v. Hill seeretary, w.
(j. J. Garmon treasurer, v. and. Lockhart
sonior deaeou, a. i. cash jaaior deacon,
o. c. smith senior Stuart, w. o. Tbreld
keld junior stuirt, w. h. tfeks tylor.
J. C. Allan respectfully announces
to the voters of Banks county that he
will again be a candidate for the office
of Tax Receiver,
0 J. David respectfully annoances
to the votere of Banks county that he
is a candidate for Tax Collector
J K. Chambers resp.--ctfr.ily n
nonnees to the v -ter* of Banks connv
tha* he is a Candida's B-r Tax receiver
AH fui port grate<ul!y received
Through the snlic ’ Ainu tit m v
fiionds. lant mo pee n •ell ear'd' .
forO' lina*v. and It ee od will d:s
chstge be dn l of- i-' other r * the
be-' .t rrn a pir.y A Moafi
R P. I r* ns:, i' n
■ '• v ' s * B . „„n : ' ; ;,e
>. fH and to- ’’Vx R tn VC' .
.lei E R
rs of ha - ■ • e
■t* t ■ ■ t?.of 1 i;na --• SH>d
>• U'H,. O . A re
ps - u 1 v* *• i * their . ippmt.
R .1 If announces to tbo voters
t B .ulk* county that be is a candidate
lor Circuit CKrlt, and will be thankful
lor .heir support.
M. C. Fagetis hereby announces to
the voters of Banks that he is a candi
date for County Treasurer, ami will bo
grateful for their lupporr.
Ordinary's Court.
First Mondays in each month. T. f.
nill, ordinary.
Superior Ccnx-ti
Third Mondays in March and Sep
tember. m. l Hutchins judge.
September sth, 1888.
After this month no notices ot any
kind will bn inserted in ibis paper
without the publication tees in advance
Georgia, Banks County:—Whereas
Tisha Bush, (col ) widow ot Julius
Bush, late ot said coonry, deceased,
has applitd to me in terms of the law
to bare set apart to herself and minor
children, al2 morchs suppor' from
the estate ot the sail deceased. These
are therefore to cite and notify ail con
Corned to show cause, if any they have
a* niv olfice on Fiiday the 21st day of
December next, why each application
should m t. he granted, and the twelve
month support be allowed as fixed bv
the en- f the appraisers appoint* f
for -h o (,nr sr, dated Nov 19,1888
30 4 T F Hill. O dinary
The rains ot last week put the
roads in a very bad condition.
Business in Athens for this time
of year, is not very brisk.
Mr M C, Haulbrooks of Mays
ville, was in town last week.
Mr. Banks, representing the sta
tionery house of Marshal & Bruce,
Nashville, was in town Saiurday.
Col. J. M Merritt, ’Squire Greene
and Mr. M. Riley of Maysville, were
iu Athens last week on legal business.
* Tho past week has been on the
winter style. The weather has
been wet and cold,
The 25th is Thanksgiving. The
lurkev had better be looking fora
hiding place.
There is now on foot a move to
have the mail route changed from
Maysville to Lula. This will give
a direct route to Atlanta, thereby
given you through mail direct from
the cities in that section.
The Hollidays aro here and the
thoughts of a visit home is now be
ginihg to haunt the absent ones.
Maysville and llermony Grove
aro certainly receiving their share
of lotion
Rev. Mr TANARUS, J. Edlvards of Stone
Mountain, spent a few days here,
wish ins family, the first of last
i i ' man working for Mr.
J Iv. Thompson happened to a
v - .-enous ;-eider. last week;
1 *y. hursted white discharging
i oaring the side of his (ace and
. urea king his jawbone.
Sir. Albeit Henley of Athens,
was in town Tuesday on legal busi
ness He gave the Observer aso
cial call in company with Judge
The sociable at Judge Hill's
Thursday night, was one of much
pleasure to all present Good
music and sweet converse by the
boys to the girls, mingled with dif
ferent plays was the pass-time.
In this issue appears the adver
tisement of the A.thenf Book.iStore
of D. W. McGregor & Cos. When
in Athens and in need ot anything
in this line, it will be to your in
terest to call on this firm.
Read the advertisement in this
issue of E. E. Jones 209 Broad St.,
Athens, This is an old established
firm in the hardware line. Stoves
of all makes and kinds at low fig
ures When in the city call.
Mr. M C. Fagerts announces to
the voters that he is a candidate
for county treasurer. He says he
is old and needs the office—can’t
read, but would like to see any
body beat him counting money.
While in Athens last week it
was (he pleasure of the publisher
to make his usual call at the Ban
ner-Watchman office. Maj. Pru
itt and Mr Brumby were holding
down the editorial force. They re
port business in a good condition.
One of Maysville’s citizens was
over here last week. He says
there are some improvements go
ing on here —ho saw a house being
covered. If he had looked round
he might have found several watch
esthat needs repairs.
Would it not be a good idea to
have Homer incorporated? Elect
a board ot council. Have by-laws
of town ordinance; all tines be paid
into the town treasury. This
would put her streets in a better
condition and tho town would
present a better appearance, and
be more respected, It is shameful
to go of! and listen to outsiders be
mean the place: Call it “coon-hol-
low,” “two stores and a black
smilhshop," etc. You that have
property, how do you ever expect
to make anything out of it, with
out putting a stop to this?
A petition can be easily gotten
up and sent to Mr. Coggins, asking
that town limits (any distance you
may desire) of Horner bt incorpor
ated. Homer is the county cite of
Banks, and it does look like she
ought to predominate in a more
respectable manner over her neigh
boring towns of - l coo n-hide-trade
and trdli •” surroundings.
Let the citizens go to work and
prove to the stranger and t he world
that Horner is the county cite of
Banks and does respect iho honor
conferred upon her in years past,
aud will predominate over the coun
ty as its leader.
Maysville, Nov 19, ISBS:—•Mr.
B C. Troutou passed through ©ur
town last Friday, accompanying
the remains ofhisintant child; the
burial took place at Mt. Pleasant
Church, last Saturday.
Mr J C. Conually of Atlanta,
who has been visiting relatives and
frietWs close here, returnskl to his
place of business to-day.
Our esteemed friend, Mr \V J
Saville, one of Banks’ most pros
perous young tanners, is in the
city to-day.
Mr T. H. Mays, one of our best
citizens, is preparing to move to
Texas. We regret to lose him.
There will be two matrimonial
contracts entered into and consu
matedin our midst before Christ
mas The quartet live in this vicin
Rev. Mr. Bund preached a very in
teresting sermon in the Methodist
Ohuich yesterday.
Jewellsville, Ga., Nov. 16.—Poli
tics is a thing of tbe past in this dis
trict, so far aa the presidential eleotion
is concerned.
Mrs. George Patteieoa is quite sick
at present.
It is reported that Mr. Bob. Martin
of Belton, will locate on his farm
in this disriet, shortly. Come on Bob
you are welcome.
Thers are lots of oar boys and friends
1 aviug for tbe far West this tall. I
am afiaid some of them will regret
their move.
Candidates bad better keep an eve
on this district, as our voters are bad
ly mixed tip on some of them. G. W.
Tt leg rapbic.
Wichita, Ran., Nov. 20.—The de
population ot western Kantae contin-
Qf* with wonderful rapidity. Rich
ard L. Bentley, representing the St.
Louis mercantile company, who has
been over mnch of the western part of
the state, in what is known as the
“sew Country,” is in this city. H*
says that in Ness City, Dighton, Scott
City, and many other places, not cm*
handrail people will winter in any ot
♦ fcehowim. Two years ago moat of the
towns had from 500 to 2,000 inhabi
tants each, but the street* and aliuoat
t:fi sutira villages a • deserted, and
thfjffcw inhabitants left a>t nuable to
get away. A year ago these people
pas-TStt a winter almost without coal,
there having been a luel fatmee from
the beginning of cold weather till
[>iing Already the fatal blizzard*
have sot in and one or two tearful
atom* have swept the plains, killing
mneh stock Tire people vie disonur
eged and bean broken. They r aised
in) rrep* this year, ai:d nave been com
p'Uleu o Viva ttieir hoiars rom the
tc .. 'il nm ion
Bute, Mont , Nov 20 —At the old
eone-i ,r..-r >fß'*tr;i, 'lni'sua, eou
SO’ d'i" *v .••**..•. it Me ;dvilla, at. five
O tth.alt ■ ui tor•*rno‘.(i, iho builer* ki!!i t ; M t i. Edtauads, en-
g at’ W . O\J mu . carpenter. Jack
lvraic pipe tit er, Henry VVinters,
laborer, c.u . lao.ily injuring II chard
Wing, in .ctdnist; George Lltckman,
pipe fitter sud John Euetia, carpenter,
a id foreman Hank Pickering.
Dunlin, 19 h mat.—luvine!bleu
Mnl’Ot and McCaffroy left here to-day
under strong escort, for Loudon, where
they will give evidence before tbePar
u@ll commission. When the Lain
reacted Down Patrick station McCaf
frey shouted; “Go 1 save Ireland! We
want the people to know that wo are
coerced and go unwillingly.”
Little Hock, A>k , 19th inst.—A
stockman uanml William Durant was
brutally murdered at his home near
T lslioma, i. TANARUS., Friday night last.
He was called from hie house by a par
ty ot uion who shot him in the yard,
riddling bin body with bullets. Mr.
l)ur is had beou quarreling with two
neighoerx, Davis anJ Jeffreys. Hie
assaesica'ion aroused hie friends, who,
arming themselves, hunted down and
killed Silas Jeflreys and Abe Davis,
who weio suepeoted of hav'ng led the
party that murdered Durant.
San Fiauoisco, lO.h iust.—Observa
tions on the movements of the earth
quake taken at the university at Oak
land Alameda show the motion and
direction to he viitually the same as
in thi* city. The Uni varsity of Cali
fornia reports the shook to be the se
verest eince 1871. In some places
children are reported to hare been
rolled out of their ciadles. The shook
was followed by a rambling sound,
which was distinctly audible.
Paris, 20th inst.—The duel between
Andrienx and oayot, resulting from
the tbarge made by the latter in La
Lanteme that tbe Nimes trial waa tbe
outcome cf the collusion betweon nti
nt a ailly and Andrieux lock place this
morning. Swords were used, and
Andrieux received a alight wound in
the okest.
Washington, 19th inst.-. The presi
dent. has appointed to be postmaster
James Rodefier, Woodstock, By
run Leealy, Jacksoa, Miae. At the
following postofrices which were recent
ly railed to the presidential ol&es. the
president hag reappointed the iacamb
ante, Bessemer, \da., oxford, Ala., Uh
ion, S- V.
NO. 30.