Banks County observer. (Homer, Ga.) 1888-1889, January 16, 1889, Image 1

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'VOL. ONE. THE BANKS OBSERVER. vbdsesdaY 50Cts. Per Year. —■—j ■ *• 4ti i|S **** '<n tdT.'anc**, Le>al ti Conb Per Xiao First Inser tion* Siaca Adiitioml Si Cents* iiateu*') Jik iS'i’ui'd (Jin** MHpr a; ihp (J-. P j i ‘ iflß'v* /no. Barton. - Proprietor. fgBBggQanHtaaSMSigMUFHMRWBSIMaUWnSKSSKS a. c Maas, ATT RNEY at LAW, HOKKR, GEORGIA. Roller 1 i<> e no- f <• " p M. EDWARDS, 4ttornev at Law, UMUfctt OEOftUIA. ‘fflßT" wit t r '>Hi ml xh Court# nf the , C fCO’t W. I. PIKE, v 1 Attorney AT Law. Jl Frt-’RO'K. (jKOrotA. G. W. BLOWN, Nayisvillc, Weorari*#.. jg®- Will do a general practice. Collecting a specialty. James M. Merritt, Attorney and Counselor at Law, M H yvilJ<*. Orosat ', Dr. A. H. Stapler. HOMER, GEORGIA. Spinal attention given to finrs*ry. Obstetrics and Chronic disea*#* of long ot cclinp v. d7 lockh art PhysiciaN, nm>r, Georgia. J. W. Sumpter, ©BWESXAL, BLACKSMiTHIKO. HHeir,Ge' , jgia. n.,t Waggons made *49 Old'-' R p T> *St •.■O’ftll.V. lOTa. HARDMAN & 811 ARP, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR.UGGISTS, Harmony. Grot r,G. C&nrckM Pnpfrbytemu Oh wen, ' ,fV ®■"* 2;m Entity ia eaeb mouth, Ut. G H Cartledge, pastor. Methodist Church,setvie** Ist Srsud -v , : n n-h month, snd Baterday bflo •, Ssvs. J. D. Gonuelfl hk<l Jo. I. Pn vwgrae, pastor*. ftaptist Chorch, 4 H Sunday is ear.'b •, th aad Saordsy before, fi r . J F e pastor. Lodges ■ ' ><>r Lodg<*. so- 84., I. 0. O. F., . 1 <t Tuesday in eah mouth. J. y ,-• ptex, coble grand, T. F. HiU„ v>v: - In Lodge so. 148, F. A. M„ is-.-. ' ridny aight ia each mouth, ,v on, w. m ,r. X. Edward*, % , f umptar, T w., w. *. tong, .t j, w. j, Garrison, treasurer., s. ,c. b. ows, J r>., ,g -.v *■-, a, 3 1 cash, J. tf. BANES COUNTY OBSERVER. Ordinary’s Court. First i in ach month. T. f. nil!, ordinary. Superior C*urt, Third Mooitss* in Mxrch and B#p tfoiber. m I, Rn’etrn* j n-tge. NgTIC ! Uteiuber Alt*. IHNM. A f'er tS ir iii'ai'ti vo ihi!' * an kj ni wi’i ho n.f*r’* ( l.ts jjh i withen' I*. i oh r 1 *: • O'. >r >'j, H HUdi:* * >TmMS. w ,, w „nn Ww ., L . M , M art gaM i Last. week cotton sold at i) cants. The recent lain* have put the roads in an unpleasant condition. Mrs. W. U. J, Garrison is visit ing relatives in Atlanta, this week. Mr, J. E. Stephens has just pur chased a fine young mare. Judge Hill gave the young folks a sociable Monday night Tho past week presented very heavy f ;osts Dr Lockhart and family attend ed the wedding ot Miss Emma Marti*, at Belton, last Sunday. Messrs. Morris and Meeks, ab sentees for sor seme months past, are expected home in few days. Mrs. Mize and children of Frank lin county, visited her sister Mrs G, C, Forbes, ihi . week Dr, Lockhart and Judge Hill paid Gainesvrile a Hying trip tins week. Rev. Mr. Carl ledge preached at the presbyterian church Sunday to a good congregation. The candidates have received their county commissions of elec tion. Dead winter ia novr here, and the days present anything but a pleasant appearance The town cemetery would be greatly improved if it was fenced in—besides protection Irt m cattle, swine, etc- Miss Deeie Site ihens has just re turned homo from Harmony Grove where she spent the holidays with 10 a lives and friends. Mrs Baugh, the venerable moth •rof the Baugh broilers at Mays ville, died in that place Friday aud was buried Saturday. Mr 0. Li. C. Smith, the new elec ted coroner, gave this office a so cial call Monday and subscribed for the Observer. The apple and meat wagon, from Rayburn county, stopped ov er Saturday night and Sunday here, and succeeded in selling all the ap ples. The meat was carried to Harmony When tie oyw* bcomo woak or the lids infi toind aud or, a disordered system or eerofnlaas eoaditioa of the blood is iadisated. for which A/cr’s Sarpsjmill* is the best remedy. It HOMER, BANKS COUNTY, GA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15, 1889. i* vigoratws au>l vi'sha * the blood and oxpelln at! Hmn >r. Voth’P iu Te cbori, 29 h, .J m l. k B9. I* the dxv If the ex to mu ’*>') of u ee'iors whe ■*hsho tvih io Banks ®t*iy daring t ’Ht xBB9 in tbo pub!'® smed*. A ! - ■v.'.bor* to n*t the banks *d< p‘*l i h* R >i“d and to farn ; *t evid*ie’ of g-on-i ittsirsl cb*raa*ar. Examination to hgn> 9 30 at Horaer. Jhs. 16. 1659 J D.Gnnn!!*. 0 8. O Basks Ce. Rev T. O Rorie delivered the funeral sermon of Mr. P, A. Wa ters’ at the Presbyterian church, last Saturday afternoon, to a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends, after which the re mains were interred in the town cemetery, a few yards rear of the church. Married.— At the home of the bride, in Belton, last Sun day 4 p. ra.. Mr. Geo Brock and Miss Emma Martin, Rev. J. L R. Barrett of Gainesville, ofificiat ing. Immediately after the marri age the bridal party left for Flori la, their future home. The bride has many friend* here—young and old, who wish her a long, prosper ous and happy life Ayer’s H<" Y o in*nr>v*-i th<* < santy tt ’b* hir and promo’ p* it* growh It pr*v#t t* aan nmnlaii 'B of dai lruff o pauses th* scalp, and r# srm*s a natural color to grv h-r Have von Ayer’s Almanac for th mw car? It seem* some of the road eonimifl sioners 'ook tfifense to Sab RVr'> ar ticlo in las* insce. Now if theeo over spr are (ouches oa this poblio mt r it would be well with them to re g'gu and follow aitrr somebody she that will keep up the road* This is a | position that does not contain promo I tion; it has bo respeot of persoDS, and 1 doesn’t want men of that sort. Those not able to work the roads, and notes empt, ean pay the money out of (heir pocket for a hand, like all otheiß do. The publisher waa not in Hamer two weeks, before one of 'bese would-bs b'g men, (dapped hie noma down on his list, without even giv ng hire no tie#, *nd *a thrush li was a free • i groe, t.’O* withstanding bia weak and ! frail condition Bat it is rarely fi e cues with iho pablruhar, that h-e-n not pay for what he is uo’ hl *o do himself. As yet. it seems the people aro neligent in making preparation* to the opening of Homer Ac tdemy and. it is about time they were. In tho first step a good teacher should be selected If a teacher around home can be secured, i is much belter to parents and to the ad vancement of the school and com munity. You have a learned and experienced teacher in your midst. You have tried liirn in years past with satisfaction to the cchool and parents. This is Prof. Alexander, whom the Observer refers to. You will never prosper in good schools if you take everybody making ap. plication, jut to come among you for a few months, and have a good time, as it were. This kind of ! school is of no advantage to your children, nor to yea. Death of Mr, L\ A. Waters. Capt Powell A. Waters died at his residence on Friday morning at 1 o’clock, after a lingering and painful illness. He was the oldest living settler of the town of Hom er, and was several times elected to the responsible office of Tax Collector, whidi position ho held at the time of hig death. During the war he enlisted in the cause of the South and made one of tho bravest and most faith ful defenders of that cause, partic pating in the earlier campaigns around Richmond. But on ac count of sickness contracted from exposure ia the service he wu* sent home, and afterwards entered ih service as a member of iiegi ment and wsa actively engaged in the campaigns around Dalton, At lanta and Jonesboro, and was pro moted to the rank of captain After the close of the war h* was confined to his room for many months with a disease of the hip joint, produced by exposure in the war, from which he never fully re covered He has been u invalid for several years,ami gradually de dined in health until death claim ed him s its victim, and he peace fully and quiet !y passed away to *u ter into his reward, lie w*s of a genial disposit.ion, and evn niter disease had emaoiated his frame. and deprived him, seemingly, of all earthly enjoyment, he met his friends with a smile and never tir ed in Ilia endeavors to render those around him pleasant and happy. H \va9 a memb© of the M E Church South, and wa* laid away to his last resting place on last Saturday with appropriate ceremo nies Peace be with him. %* is oiue : Georgia, B ink* Co.:— Win (> I* t to tko lowest bidder at Martin’* bridge* anrosc the Hudson River, near (tie residence *■ J D. Martin, on frid <v the ftrs h . day of rehinary 1839 l>ui : ding of said bridge. Material tur n ake dby theconnfy. Sj on file at ordinary's office Jan 9 1889 T. F. Hill, ordinary. Parties .eeoivitig this notice will govern thrnsxvlvue by (be date. l> The Public Roads. Mr Editor: —ln the last issue of the Observer 1 notice a commu nication from tome one signing himself “Salt River,’’ on the condi tion of our public roads, I entire ly approve of the spirit o f the arti cle and hope that our road officials will see to it that the recommenda tion ot eur last grand jury i< com plied with. 1 would be the last in the world to make personal allu sion to any see, b*l it i a tact that ■•me of tbe roads sronnd homer are, as “l alt River* ’ espressos it, in a naan ■or impassible, and soma of thorn have not been worked ia near two years. Tai is ssptSHlly ttus of ’ *<* not the fonts of th* brajjcae* ne ir Haiiusr. This BSgLctci o ovlitto* uf’-he piib lio rosts is to *-*m all > ver the o noiy ia paso- N r.hii*/s Ids to the 0 >mf >rt and roev nietreof tra rot so mush a- good is-.iG. T *v ar a sore Mga ,f irowp*iit< ci'V psoplo. uvii J oor rosd lew* - esrnail out taur*' 'Vi|i l • oo iM'nbl- Pfllt in-. Publico. IlcmviL tVi. P-yvM opened utk. l w a- .It n toy tuorhinij with tv>' ?-f. M f . f r i* sn:l R’ll VYatsOU lef <i. :> * in. Aa, on Jasi He:r .(4 ill n. idy missed iu t' oab as>t Babbatb •cSux'i .W>*■ . g'S he younq; tuff .. ~o T OSH.*/ 1 liejr rp"it i-' <h j ••*, li>- j. rU t* a.its to know ■ ow * < >i i. C e Lr kipt him i i|f dr: Xi - Th*y thought of i adseru’ ■ v-mm !os! er stoics, hi;* whi' ?.'id tioia him be was in iiwii>r, . ti l AL. O!. Pi i- a sr-oncpiniod br > Miss ii s*4 Biuk n, wre retaraisg . from •* party, vvh. o thuir hor-o go* fiiglt aucd ii?Hr x lo.r hridg* at Mr. Fra ill’s, tNruib|> siiddeuiv .Hrnuod sod th owiarr the jo''X ldy oot ia tbe mud. Neither of tbe parlies were bn't Tbe buggy was Lrokea aod loihirg a >iled. Hie jinr'y at the midence of 001. J VV. I'rnitt. given in honor of Mlw P.-ide S C| b of Homsr, am Miss R Htr kfMsß of Tampa, rl*., wss a annoess. Triers were present ,t, to ' '(*u y d T *' belle* and beaux. I) w i ni £calt *u decide wßich was the h )> ~t th* pvc, the epurkliag browa ttved oeaatv ft Florid*, or the bins . .jd beau yof Hoiucr. I tbiak Mr. Morrison o* A heav, decided in ftjo'f or the b u* eyes, and Mr. Walter Dor- the browa ryes. Mr. Albert Sulk was* lit tl* party bidding bis friends good bye as he lett the Best m .ruing for Texas, ia company with Mr. T*m \V r.d on* of oar Buskville boys. We ro *e *o many ef our boys UsVtag, bat wo hope them * arena M -. Walter Doroßgb and hie friend Mr. Wilson Morrison, spent two dajfc wiih his mother list week. The Bibs* Band Drcantia (Jlubwlll girs a concert at litishvilie in the scar fotsio The lady actor* are Misses Jo. 6ie and N *nio Wood aid Ads Pruitt. V Birmingham. Ala., J.a. 13.—At Litt*olo, Talladega county, yesterday, Marios Davis, culorai, scouted his wife of iniidslity and a violent qn&v rel followed. The wsmnn pretested her innocence, and at lart Davie apoio jized ror his conduct and asked bis wife to take a walk with him. She consented atd they walked ont into the woods a short distance from tows. Suddenly drawing -bis knile an her exclaimed, * Y>n can't fool e again,’ aud cot ber throat from oar to car. The woman only lived a few minutes. Davie escaped aud has net jet fe:en captared. NO. S7.