Banks County observer. (Homer, Ga.) 1888-1889, January 16, 1889, Image 4

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Tbo Farmers’ Trust, Which Threat •u to Put all Other T ruats to Rout*. Charleston, 8 0., Jan. 10.—-The situation *a to trust* ihqu ibnut to bn rnvnrsnd ia South Carolina For over a year tha farmer# ia • rioui portion* af tha atata bava baan nngeg#d in organising iata •aaiatiaa called tha Farmara' A!li- Mca Not much attention hat baan paid to this heretofore, but now teal the time has errivnri for laying iu farm tnppJit**, especially •amtbarc; \ rVitiu/ers. it begin a to look iike the famiera hero them •elvan orgAtiiz* and mt> a sort of trust •r combine. pr ocipally against tha frii!iz > '.fad* iu eftina coun tin* tha alii *ne Uay a combined to buy their f< rt laser in bulk from tha inauufaciiwbra, most cf which train this c;iy, i’allimora and Wilmington, Delaware. In other •ountiaa thay t-neadecided to dit panaa with the use of commercial fartitizare altogether, using home* ■Utda manure. Xkueffect ot these #Mnbinatians( n tho irtilia#r trad# In oat aa yet serious, but deal era •nd nuuufaciurera are uneasy, and ie net iapre *> >l# •■ t r * i <eaaWa* f l It- * 1 k * ' <■ Inng, ao4 th *th and #- ' far war* ’ At* ■.? deeeioe i .* Ha *> u W ft* B’k ha > # ftortM o 1 th 9 } *■.< •a tk* d*w knrirf hav*atvr kbi'WN tk taaak el w-k ka*. ;r.* iv fof#r*BMt> ti-r tadolMi partsUrl 44i v g ii. t woald Ml -hi* -i j i . *v . •oat*ra rn*-r. ru ■■> it ke *v t < f ;v • wko hav* 101 l >wd in > h ■ . •f ail** f-il Mi M* ’k*<r ** ly. 1/ •• • •*• Mr *“ -i-'* (ft!*** • u* n <*->•■ Wha h, •-■ of i# * at- * •Ik oi *>•*‘""t gai gi.'> '#—* s rth •> l> *• iit -ir tiw* ■* - l'~ kjM'i ftp ol f i--lt ii I 'v and ijt b-i ci wqaia*- bn *(?!.> hoe , g-< ti * ;** (i<* •tarvn t'•#*( eV—t k I *e-i The BsatriMM* ii k'i V * • 4- • i fc©c*, <*• vt r t b*a mi • •* I * w 4Mb ma‘ i ***!*• rua >ri •<•' >* . • ■l Lb •ft lure ■ uu eo'v. 1 * y ftrfW t! *>•i MM *tt>M I*U4#M Kv M wksa tk* k* d* -i n Ureal | a an, <• •• ii vilcm ti-iyi * y other wil<t euro vie , a uld *iui*t >*ru it 0 hot d**>!- •<i utmt. tkaa . >4 tb , *r ilßlu '*iu< li*a Vii |*t> e m i b- U-#*'>l* T.* ■ kpt a ’■ * #*;■• i r *ily an ii | •* 4>- *•> • ► <ir r< nt* g(ir h. **>mi*M*r • ill i tk*j in !•< *v. v n-'. not looft ■u irif> • t *b. - '/ 7 i . *u w-H . ra ' **■>* •■*■ (W*u no ■ tu Hi t r iiv *Hr*v i. i ’ft llnr. |r#u it 'll' * > Q'i lit* Ml • t.*>“ . }.||||V> j AlM'f'lix Tin* f-<*. Jiij r, ii*ti !'<• ib*. a* ilenl m, *ho Pai aki * •4K wm ’>■ bar tut tup tu Mnl A**tiei. in a it*r © • Irian* m V rk Irum XuninvM*. *‘Tkr g>iU b. i* art tb* lor*li*t 1 T t* la ui.* par ul tko fcouM i©i# ibrj only allow laUiM. That ia tl* *Ua <*U ' 1< >• in* ’f etJu*t fc#!ov tk* fnllarj, oi •Ptrtiao/ ; tOi sM ib* ■*! tax u Ml •llow-, e 4 there, eed ladies are eot allowed ta •ear beneae* ia iha CnannU. Tha front rea ie >W w- chare# •is delinre tor dee- *e*f. Th* her* rove #r# f>r th atia>ee : e Mrhfe *r the Ceaae’a, eed a-' tr# we fi 15# hi e*>el litre -.V|. a-t a* y>#4 (etf at a>wea*e cragregat‘.| • h# d<<ot aei h- re tie* eta -< <• it T h end beep N|. ai>h * eUt*#*’ :.t tael th* police of e *i ■. re (hr 4**o; ead U> u*n> • * n .-i Yob eboalrf tee It# ■?. ,j v ere wr*e ides o>ee #•* • % T\,. i*r* 'b* test* u U •! *ao * • .-ot* * f f > * • '• k T Wltt *-*.*, i#' ’to e. "J )< pltrft N *tl *b-u RBo * t*** a j, j* * heeatj-el *: there in *M iW-eciof* t is* tain#r—a*sti ei bloeiiee aw* bre*#tHt. ell *ede*k •i ia die winds. At the does cf the per*> ro.MMe* e p’ainun ef ecidt#n-fif ij W'-e— oitee oa each tide of th doer a* the exit to ih street* tad me ere*r4 hank, *o that the vounjtf Isdiei can drpirt in p#s<;e, and oe they *o they are met by their tatb* -rt brothers, ar soma tseoit ta *e# th- iu home. “The r.'|jubhoan party ie bisk in i iwvwer, end ih ia bnckte i*y," *y% ac • xoi'ed repnbliimn Contemporary. K h# lefttblicao prly ie not in to * *v. On the o'het hand, the demo* r a'ic pariy will h*ft * mure inviting riel t bil 'ieii neat time than it hn* i had erne* the -vat, if it only |lo#n it | >.*li •r, suited **fely the !>:**■ km* i<“h ihreat*!) it. 1 >• < "Ht >* clear and the plan ’* * v >• 1-’ 1 " p't'f harainn a , ■ ■' f ’ m 'trai L’l&Li- ib Ilia ! • 11 iirnewed f ledge* is' u •• • - out ..nt gt. t.ef*ie i 1 •.'** oti it!*' I’Tt-ai’ fi'eti'nrm #f >• t i-itrt le. T‘ ie a •- < Vint C !.. t . 1884 and i •' in**' t. • enn.iat in '■■■•* •f - t>- ►* m its *u e j • n. Ih* r t >- tj, hi nr <> 92 t>ni it j *■* *4 a-ding ha fa<” I *■' k iil kt**o '• a<l**a • 4. ut‘ tk* nt .t m adman lC t Til# *• %1l T 4.-14 ah>*ll*| rrMOtti* ry *k*t >-1 tr)rp.d ta* fig* aider n <*■+ vdi#.*. eireuiuataoice* u*r year* t kv thing • ntu*l had aow it eaa *)*> Lt (Une ulii inad*>a nn aael •vb iki la vie*, aad lit every ieate eit *iub#r that milk *>t*d png iv vie vrv c t>v [Coastiia tine, Ive xc(.a 'ti.a invw ui Tesae art j ••'*:* tn*< ar *nuit of wata uxntioa T>* ryai t tka draanoeri* tax 100, Yitiflt) Will aeeeaaaillv fellow re wont rieeiaioa of ike aaproaie teait k*> *o*|{e*'e<l ih u4ua i t rariaiaf Ike I holt lim M i Itea Ikaa aixty>iwv I M alioMM are eape iaiiy taxed, aad Ive ikvt>ia* 'real • >iae of ike**, it i* 1 a'd, wi I aet repay ike etete f*r th< tptiniiaa u.) wark done ia ceoertirg , eol'Kourte*. 4%ti4i| iik 1 r : port of the *OB<iollti, >br tltirvuratti | m tto 45 M*ra inie the at*t , v^-aatv, ; >ke * li poaiere nuatrioate l l‘i di iiatt. *• pool erilere tweaty dollt't; tke t vti reetived a lion ate el ahip aaer* OHe!* dollar., *a4 acathe <• H*r an a roe* of leveaoe were tax , r *a c vk iif ai, pa* eompaaiea, bnoa*. ti'lepkoae *i*" varde. o*H>r4>a, ft*4o On.—l*. J. Car* ksa ; a dim toria wp>|liod to tkr a'adwr *ips*i •#' Uttor. oi 4aiautratiou • a tka asia'* •! H r t J. H adriok. 4**’4 | ai.d i will |>ad a|>uu said appliaatmi | aa tha Lv. M*>*dsy in 4e *ra*r> o*X> 1 ftiraa nod.r mv hand and o'tiaiii nu* aitra .Uu l, 1889. X. f. (Ml. •ft* 40, Ordinary. “Perfect Satisfaction,’ 1 In tlie rent let of every eae cal a- Ayer*tf C’lierry Pectoral for Colds, Coughs, Jtronchitis, I‘iieuiaonis, sod all Lung troubles. Unlike cod-liver eil, ami oiany other •petHflcs, Ayer’s Cherry p.-i toral is agreeable to the taste sud paves no ill eiTecto. " I cannot *sy too much In pralie Sf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral," writes Mr. JUdiert F. McKoeii, cf New Gretna, N. J. *'l have used it in my family, tminyi years, and always with perfect saiisfaiuion." “Acer's Cherry Pectoral is truly the o?t Popular Remedy of tho ar-.\ rendering full satisfaction in every, instauve.” Thornton Kdwards, J,ondy 1 ; :i; C. liltl. F. L. .Morr;s, M. T>., Urooktyn. N. V.. ssj n : " Votii is. - been v f. I’liy TO mot . ' juacf--.. ; es," iriully Ayer's Ciiev Ft.-ioral, winch uscil in great, jiunlities 1,,v my paumitH, one of whom says lie knows it saved hia life.” • Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, rrcnjred by I>r. J. C. Ayer & Cos., I.owell, Man. tiukl l>y ah brugginu. l’ricu $1; sis boiUen, *6. L l.rgml llsiics*. #**rgie. e .*# r< nn'i:—• Wbe r es J C. Wade ai<d 8 E. Lo>d, < Xecutcr* >i James Wsde, Istr *f si i TUnntj, d* eesred, has eiiplu rl to m* i > <e>K*e '•< the law for le'irrs ef iiiß>te>ion mm •aid aCnsiTiistrasio?. Tb<ae si* th*re lore to ti e ed m;iuo,ik ell cone rn ed to show Caere •( 'be f(,til*r tern of coort of ordinary *.f aid e n-iy. i* he held on the Ist. Monday in Febru ary nrxt, why said disohargo ahoold ni t be gtsitied. (J Ten nrider my hand and official eienamre xorember 2nd. 1888. T. F. Hill, ordinary. 12 w. alierlll male! TLere will t> rold belote the coavt hooiM* )oor in the town vt Hi>*r. with in the legal hour* of tah* on tke firm Tuesday in Fetirnary 1889 the follow iin* proper >, to wi : Uuo hood-e.i itH l land w-ri* or lese. pan of the rti'itu** M B6 tra-k j I-in la o B. Y Brit> and B eaovth King and otbera, levied -n t.< mttieft f< ui fj la-. nnid trnn ih>- jii>= k#* court o' the 1210 ' ( ivit Q- M, in favor of F f’. M Fur, nnd ajfain-' Oh rlry McMil t><* !, P. 4. Wi-M'li*-, it;T mad ltd '• (. rued to me be J. A hliei an Wiiten no iite s vkii in nrw of Ih. i* v. A’o at aarne lintie und place ); h o il ta*a y n e* aemoie nr la-, J iatng laiota Jno-yh P.reoaa' B O itfiu and •> k • and known a* k Pa iron nlav* aad pio|*rty ,*f the de ee •nt W Men nwti* given tke at ia t r> *' th* law, ai • Id n •a i*<y a 4 fa *sfifo>l *a* dwea'an •a<i ia favor at P 4 f Pavr. k v wad# aad reterii*! t tea bv L. P. ll*Hv. T. C Tti 0-* ik> |ht IS"| 2k Jar. P M. j|ead*ra. se*>*r • ft. (J. Oenrgia, Pants On.— Pa*ial ta it rw il iba aoatk #( vnlmrt • •nip eoaaty, Trill k a*t4 *a tke 1* Tuerftay i* Vek ISSi at k* rart koaa* 4<n>r ia aaift a>aaty 4aria§ tin legal kara ot aal*. tk* le* kvloag* tag ta in* taina of ? Jf. fttak am lot ar lta*t af lead ie *eid ewaaty. kttvttila. 1, e*ntaiia t 125 • * *n wktea it tka 4 w.llia* and l<a *e*i d*B<*a af aaid dMuri, adjviai? g >•:* tA. Li. Urifia aad D li 34(ta'-':. ‘at ft.*. S **atamiag sixty *• jt-ia ag laad* at Cham *ti v i •hi fta, k Mow a a ti** .->r*t ad tot, lot to. ft *-p:.4>*'p I 3 -dj *ifci' E l.viiw *tVV <• 4j D t 8 i ! a . 4 4 v* ;* ar**.. a*j >ii>mg ie*,v .1 f. b •i l! \A 11. Bjw '.ih* I. V, ail, ci> •*>> g 43 **irv ai'j' iM.Kp i H hire- rand tb* vain * n> F F Ki'ih. L•> an 6 caataiaiug 3 : ) nn a j doing lr4a *f E J St dry * sr. o K. Kh. an and laad to tt* xdd ,i of tka etat* af f. 9. A R<oi <l*n*Meil Ttiai Mil. Tki J # 2, 1889. J H. Brookn.adai’r 35 5* B*flry— ‘ V - ung Riggins ILf • | i I*a4 hi'a a haadiaa 4* I ri b # uaratag, aid I nant I’d n* aboa. it. Vfhnt d* yes ihitkll" Baplvy*l <hndt it v*oul4 ba eha*) •r to giv* ti t# him. Xo i tur tha • 10 spnn4 anythiag thea ia ti; lag ic •sliest Iks dskt.** A hfewVl*’* *-* J m SIX COOB rAKltihf Bn4 yont armea end tha raw* •** a* dree* of gre of )tar m*!ii|.. hind* on postal e*re and get ft**e fnr yoerMit end ra* the* a apenmien eopr o* ifc- r Wumt •o**ih#rn W* c>*l Atlanta < >■**.i mi** . • nr br#a* tiaw.t Fow *ie ,• ’t--n.n. , s vnr4. !*• # *|r*iehe* : i.tnta>ion <l-rkr. Hl] hy. ■ *.'BS letters !0r ’*,# i>i r i ,y W* .*> '• - *>"*■ Bt' T H ’Wiil!**!; - i 111 flicker itvlee; tv V a , * <•' ' *•! **.’*. |1 V. v, . -he F % Mir t. i ,".rr % S n#ro in-.( _>e J *• ” ' V f Te w* sr,v>v T;■ , • '.'fid b*-* W Ui;. P.SHHf c* * *•* ■ o* Vi- -.wiiy. Bf.| ; nitif* (Opy, fiee. A • T-e (!■ i e ii oMon. Atlunfa O - JOB PRINTING eer M#ally doe# at this o:fi-.:e a !u<* j iioee. Ocmc and eninoi*.* wok Latter Head*, MTI Hcada, Carvt#. fV or*, i.t..**#r, Tfiga, C renlyie. Mon, Jeatiee Court flubp-•>! F f’*s. Him auns, Title Deed*. A c kSUBSCKIBJt Fon Tbk Banks Observer, Tltorongtiiy Hcmi crntic. ONLY FIFTY CENST PER CHEaPTsT WELKUT Paps* I.K TBIE mime. The RaprtNatativ* sal Only Pe p*r In th* rmt>*BaklMk4 at tV C*kty to th* Law P grteult wrr.l a>4 Mtaarel Istarnt OP THE COVKPT AWO RtIOHBBR rwc Monoiti a cewewal. ooit* HKhPOWORWOB IS 011CITSH IW KTKRTUarIMX OirWAROARU PROCRESMP2I IS THI HOT TO OP ? OBIfRTrR~44rMHat right Ad (••pfraNtaf wi*af. SIBLEY’S SeTESTED*|| EEDO fepitobto no .v -. ‘-Vii y *. . { Ptaate Baibv <*>.%*' * .'*s FREE!? HI ft fir: mF If you are a nTudr ir you arc . Hr of buuUMM.eaak- am ef UV J erne* by (ha drain ef VS ten toiling eeurmid- R yonr dutiM avoid WW nlnbt work, to ret- I I itlntlanuand uae V tors braui r.r-vraad j Hop Bittnm. RnM.wi hopß, I U you an young and Henffeiing *rom any l ■ dlaercaon or uuwipa N lion ; if you aru man I ried or alnr’.n, cld or ■ young, laaerme Iron I BoorheaJthorlarwuialiHlr.g on a bevi at A'X 1 law, rely n Ho pH Bittern. I Wheewar yon art, jwn Thonwnda die ■>• 1 Whaaerer yen h*l ni [1 nuahy flO m w>a that yonr ryetem JKb form of Kid n*i Bead* cleatuing, (hat mi cl. i lag cr atiumlatlng, gHH hara been prerrnli .1 wKtiout intonating, H by a timely u.r of I Ink* Hop ABEs. Hopßittnr* 1 Sittarn. ... Hace yon /fya jd&SKfSB§S. i P-“‘■“■fiffiSßwß D. I. 0.. ssarstss <• r I 'SS&SiZh 1 LIUI 1 , ply weak an.l JH airt/rs "rfft*- f>cifcit9r lowvrlritcd, try NEVER jHlWlaf. inrn v'r ffl CA 11 R ™ Ufa. ft han fA I L “ r * °°* saved liun* w iwA—fttw,. i, dlOdSw ftTsrtito,Oii, | y America! ROLLER ORGfiR’ §*-- A %,/* rL* vn * TUNEe*,r.o***ht.kyjmi.*a T^fNI F l *mrfocllnnk'*Hdt\me. OStds botur iatisfctirr that T I \ 1 \KPSSa r E S’HUNDRED DOLLAR PARLOR ORGAN b.. \ R V *. • ! Zt&r l £k h • * tl ituees miMi plasmr. Tbi is ike i.w;.# L A ON* l ’f ktxtTKie. uat 4 vfca rrisdpwt m 4 mef uikM b T sacred music, Pf MAB6BES, WALTZES, FOLUS, JIBS, REELS. r. V.A. vjt.'i.-'TT'VTv.' <-*' * <urj *rgn. Motblug er cwhlni*K • a*s; , ' Vrr ..O . **■-,->, > tr.iai.i hh b fonni! In F'.neh or a'* , Miifie Bcxr, *o* ~ >- '.liu WE WANT A SPECIAL AURNT. b ; v l tAIW^WSa’ISStR. ,, * Pries Only Six Dollars, t *i lIIt.UITIFULLV CARVED CAHK9 tM imneti So*4 t'v tl tRJ C 1 r* wH. iHnt ’lp’ If Tf*n *#*'♦ ft wot C.O.D. Mad £*.*.so TThrm jw% SSSE WORLD fi’F’G GO. 122 MM, Mr! n iCHLU OOTTAOE ORGAN HAn Rt?.vin©(J ft BfrKi<*vnl of ftrvrC.en~i wWeh i*<linlMcC r.our-^wr.ior. It aocMiii cror-yiinfTiovernc-vJ *>* ivaatrae genine, cl.iit &* t .A.onay osn yr*< >r-- otm AIX SB re BXCBL. Thee* rat'aUent Oi'SOKs ere cels tested for eet, nsas, onellty cf Vnsa, (jnick reev^'O* o . vri*f • coEublnett'vi, m-ttetfe <tttsm bcfeiity In flvteb, pee tectoonf'rtK'Wxi, r.inilrs t-bom the sn.** Mtea Ire, onnvmPTitrd end d-weble orps.r.&tt liirtnex •cbooln, chui cbc*. l o&%w>, votn. ties, eC*. nxrmttais) tr*trrAtTOX, rAcn.rtrars, isiusa weirjPCT, asst XAmtUA ooomtMtr, ra traoi THI POPULAR OSQAH HwmttSfCT teoka and Fiase Sloate. OaMeffM* en eiisA&o mm. ossa* go. tst BLUE ISLAND AYE., CHICAGO, ILL. etAICTe. f'let of the dJeeiuw h eftlict ißsnklnJ *r -rt.T .1. MV KC'i ■fjr vlt oanplßioUof (hi. kind.mch uTorpidity <4 tr* Urer BiUoetnem. ffwvoiw Urvpopw*. Intlii.-t'* i m Ir egntarity <d th. oner XrnotAttKi* and Rummy of the btomi.-h • -mntimnt called Heartt’nrr) Mivmaa, M'lir\ t!ood Mu*. OhUla and Merea. Braaahoce Tent, Cxhanataon bef.ue or after Verer*. Ohronie Ditf hoea. Vote of Appetite. Headadie, Fun! Breath, irnvdwttieo incidental (o Female*. Bearinc-djuo •%?£%, snaMaisjiißfisiii •a Invaluntri*. It it not a panacea fur all diaeise* oat f%iiT3**r ail d'pnnan*oftha LIVER, •ill Wtlk STOMACH and BOW ELS. II liana the complexion from a waxy. jmUcr* tinfe, tea ruddy, healthy col<*. t entirely remove tow. gloomy apirila. Ii a one o. the BEST AL" TERATIVE3 and PURIFIERS OF TM* BLOOD, and I* A VALUABLE TONIC, STADIGEft'S AURANTtI VW mie fc/tZ PmgyVrta Prita 81,00 per Wviln C. F. BTADICER, Proprietor, MO ta. FRONT ST,. NWaadAlßMate N *TBW VTtGAIf WAS AAartato ro jrrvß mm