The enterprise-record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1892-1892, June 17, 1892, Image 2

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    The gn aiiM and most enered
science on oarth is politics,” said
the Rev. Dr. Rylance, in St. Mark’s,
New Y ork City, on a recent Sun
A hegro girl, about 12 years of
age, uiug'P'ridaiy. was struck and killed by light
afternoon on Mr. Wil
liam Baiky’s place, three miles east
of Sandersville.
Why was~"PosTmade chairman
oftho People’s,. Paity in Georgia?
Was there not a Georgian belong
mg to the Party that had sense
enough to fill the position?
If the census of tie United
.States is maintained in its stages
of increase during the past half
century, the population will in a
hundred years exceed that of China
which is uoV nearly five hundred
()W of tlm citizens of Washing¬ inclined
ton county who has been
towards the People’s Party on ac¬
count of Mr. Watson’s open letter
to pen. Gordon says that since lie
heard the speech of the latter at
Gibson Saturday, which he consid
era a eomplete au&vor to the
charges, that lie has decided to ro
main true to Democracy.
Again the news comes that Bob
Ford, the slayer of Jesse James,
has been shot and killed. News to
this effec t some months ago proved
to be a fake. If true this time not
many will weep over his departure.
"While the public it had has no sympathy horror of
for Jesse James, could in j> cold blood
tho| brute who
murder the man who trusted hum
‘ Peaches rkily
bv the poach growers of Ternulk,
Sandersville, and vicinity. A num
'•Wr of bushels were sent off last
week. The shipments are made to
Savanna hi New York, Boston, and
other cities. The LuU cron is bring
Nuiff monev to our section, and we
> i 10j k ev.fv man will realnte good
nrolits.—Sandersville Progress.
p 7.0
IlediUtsO it is the south atuM fst
making the light, and it is very
sential thrt the Plceidentkl tiinkr
be gotten from the south and west,
and Mr. Watson iB the only south¬
ern inan suitable for the position.
Why would the People’s Party
stand no chance in the tenth if
Watson was pht on the Presiden¬
tial ticket?
Because there is not a man in
the (Patriot sufficiently prominent
to defeat Major Biabk. Kllihgtou
is said to be the most prominent
light, and he is not up to much.
Viewing the matter from this
standpoint we are compelled to dis¬
card all hope of over seeing the
People’s Party in a position where
it would be able to eristalize a sin¬
gle demand into statute law. no
matter how it may he.
Further, where is tlm timber for
Governor and State house officers?
Postis the acknowledged leader of
the party in this state. He is the
chairman; cast an eye over his rec.
ord. True Georgians can’t afford
to follow such a man.
Another fact that weighed heavy
against the party on our scales is
the lines being drawn iu county
matters. Friends, look at the state
of affairs right here at home, in
dear old Glascock county. How
lament able. What a pity. Neigh¬
bor is arrayed against neighbor.
Differences have crept into the
Holy Sanctuarys.; chur&i’members
doesn't feel as brotherly as hereto¬
fore- Dissension hri'onvaded the
sacred prbemots of home and fire¬
side. themsehlu map *are divided against
The country is in. «
bud condition. The so long “solid
south” is. now broken, and it is o.ur
honest opinion that the Peoples
Party was a trick gotten up by
Yanks to "break it.
People's Partyites. the editor of
IW.ft.ei BwMI. t*
|| pfowm. will
|b a P*
■ c w*mo
If jrty those vfi.
[, not a
■mi to
■ up
Bit v,e
"t our
[ble, and
f we will
►paper if
rill “come
X hand,
the slgba
*ticle W88
s scoundrel
ft, Walden.
■ said -
■an of the
■ittee called
fikuaocrali'J her]
| meet
negro and thrhTN PPfSw uek
gates and the ik dekgatc went
to the conventio agt Friday iu
Louisville and helped to norninato
two cod-fishery aristocrats for rep
resentatives, 1
The only comment f we have for
the above is to denounce it. as a re
dkulous misrepresentation of the
facts’ We dismiss Walden as be¬
ing beneath the recognition of de¬
cent humanity, and assure our
readers that he will never again
trespass upon our spaCT.
After in honest man is con¬
vinced that he is wrong, he will
face tin* world and so.
Extension Top Carriages
Different Grades and Styles* Sun-ies of All Kinds, Buggies, Road Cans, Sulkies, B vkboaub, One :nul tvvr
Horse Farm Wagons, Turpentine ami Lumber *>ngt Ills.
We Sell Everything On Wheels
From tP.o Cheapest Rom Car rnd Faim UYgon to the Finest Damian urnl Yictiui.a Ma<h-.
We Recently Bought
a 1 at ’«e anmut t of the bankrupt clock of Goodyear, ami can give mir friends and tUmpahlk Hie i" •' T. «>i F t
41 , j ni'ehase.
See -Onr floods aad Prife Before Baying
«p-iff ■ u KLRY & fiar hiiiiiwnmiriFf
B T'tmd Styr &U|USt&,
The Flag that Wins the B Batti Vs o
^Si&gh' 5 * : — ts iksc.*ii"sed.faiji ................. - - bbamkc
. A goM motto, i : .;'li
=7 we !>•!'. dim bUSMVSsJ ’ V f-*r V-JwGfl
<A\ - It reav »<-.!•!! i SCiUidu' > ’■••• h if '! -
r? rs' M hn Vlkm lor ho’.
*&£ir;il K|WjT\ U f £J5^ x We intend
y;. ; v i -' - «£ oma Silks
\ \w t .‘55 <■.- A YARD<
m • r. W-W Z - 3 - v * v .... ik, Light Blue, ibrik-roj-t’jv
’aSir.'.X.l > ftii r-’jL Ti:ea« Fell are IVV, imported Cream 'goods. and i>. nrnl h r, worth
Sr ,7'K good rie&l more. Wo aLso have ma le
S'in_ >• fieri* eats j:j some of oar 1 Jr* jss.
V-v Goods, jBHc'ts as 12ic. goods retlato
«4. « ... TAe., (te.
©us* Hats and Millinai! 1 ^ goods
Are’ aljft’itvs in tbo Ie;t«l T both a* t<> style and quality, as well as Lowi-s
Prices. A lot of Job Hats at 5 ami lOe. eaeii.
Flowers. Ribbons. Veilings.
In large “ quantities and nsSorlvd qualities at GKFATLY KFlil’CEI
1'JiICK.S MEItCAANTS ate! 31 i LLINKBB can buj
of as choaitor limn from Drummers’
0. J. T. BALK
G$ht.Broad Streat ; % C'
' 0 k X 00 t*~ '
Pendleton FaaOdr^ % Machine Works,
Mffi Machinery Engines and Supplies
oil Work asm I.<nv prices is in j Motto
it ft to C27 Kollock filth) Slrtou
J g i<:on g i
t* am
. __§>7." - ®__..."
^LG'i .UNG that wont bit,
, f
For Men. Boys, Children, Stout Men, Slim Men, every
shape and size tear and boy can ht found
at the Tailor-Fit Clothing Store of
l 6 LEVY &©5.
83$ Broad Street, Augusta Georgia.