The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, September 16, 1892, Image 1

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The Gibson Record. VOL. II. TELEGRAPHIC ' gliSgr The News of the World Condensed Into Pithy anfl Pointed Paragraphs. Interesting and Instructive to AH Classes of Readers. A special room in the Hahnemann hos pital _ in New York is fitted up for sick saleswomen. The Italie, a newspaper published at Rome, Italy, in its issue of Friday, an nounces the resignation of Mr. Porter, United States minuter to Italy. house Saturday morning the great rag ware J. Joseph, at Cincinnati, was de stroyed The by fire. The loss is $150,000. lire communicated with Burnett’s furniture factory, adjoining, and it was also destroyed. A New York dispatch of Friday says: The announcement has been made at the ber Republican headquarters that each mem of Harrison’s cabinet would deliver four or five speeches during the cam paign. The old Academy of Music, at Cleve land, Ohio, one of the most famous thea ters in America in former years, was to tally destroyed by fire Thursday after noon. Two saloons under it were also destroyed, John and George W. Carlisle, large owners of real estate and well known cap italists, assigned Thursday. The Car lisles have been active in railroad and other industrial enterprises and are still supposed tions. to be able to meet all obliga Francis Neman, United States senator from 1875 to 1881, died at Utica, N. Y., Wednesday afternoon. He enjoyed the lk gov. once, a• I' • :,{. ■! R...-eoe .H-K- ’ ^^■Priday Weot the following resolution was night at the Trades aud meeting at Toronto, On K–SSSSSLS'w to suture the o.i.Wi.aoout ™ The total , , , visible . , supply . of , cotton ,, • for . 6 29 ’V’l J’f! r i"f <r 2,956 Ca °TesnBeHww’ bales, of which C 1 7 III' ■7’;7 i «S7 3 ’t ao -,903. a no *r> Receipts * )tS , at on a plantations, , r 52,882. ooa 1 crop in sig , , A London cablegram of Saturday trade says: Several failures in the cotton are expected in the Pretsch district. The balance sheets of the past quarter show heavy losses. The Proposal to work three days weekly at a reduction of ten percent, in wages until the trade mends is growing in favor. Unofficial advices received at the de partment of state from Venezuela, Thurs day morning, were that General Crispo has finally triumphed, and the dictator ship has been overthrown. General Cris po has, it is said, been called to Caracas to assume the reins of government, and there is now a bright prospect for the restoration of peace in the distracted country. Judge Bregy, in the common pleas court handed at down Philadelphia his decision Wednesday, denying the petition of A. E. Stockwell that his se lection by the directors of the suspended Mutual Banking, Trust and Surety com pany as assignee of that concern be con firmed by the court The mutual com pany is known as Iron Hall bank, and $720,000 of funds of that order were on deposit when it failed recently The the state delay department date at Washington for the says in fixmg a in ternational monetary conference has been occaswned by the difficulty of agreeing upon a meeting place in view of the European cholera quarantine The 7rate ment cablet* from London that, uothmg has been hiird by the British govern ment from confttrence Secretary Foster on the subject of the is denied at the state department. Dispatches efftet from Troy, N. \ ., are to the that the colored republicans of the state, on Friday concluded the con ference called to cement the colored vote in the state by passing resolutions en endorsing the administration of Presi dent Harrison, and commending the ^president for his policy of recognition of ‘ progressive colored voters of *tbe young men, pivotal state of the north, whose faithful service to the republican rewarded. party has hitherto been scantily A Washington dispatch of Saturday is gays: Attorney General Miller of the opinion that there is no foundation for the protest made by Governor Abbstt, of New Jersey, to President Harrison against the use of Sandy Hook for a temporary dete^Aon place the passengers from the GIBSON, GA.. FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1892. choiera Thtrprotest ijafected ships at Tower quaran tine. was referred by the president opinion, and to the his attorney general for his already reply will be made, if it has not been done, in accordance with the above. A Philadelphia of dispatch says: A com mittee Reading railroad employes con sisting of engineers, firemen, conductors, brakemen and telegraphists, called on President McLeod Friday and had a con ference of an hour and a half. It was unsatisfactory, and another will be held. There is a possibility of labor trouble on the road over the clauses in the employ ment application blanks asking the meD if they belong they to any labor organization, and if will withdraw if they take work on the Reading. TRADE IS VERY GOOD Considering the General Prevalence of the Cholera Scare. R. G. Dun – Oo.’s report says: Last week’s semi-pankin stocks and grain has been followed by a more confident feel ing about the cholera, as it is seen the pestilence ships by is thus far confined to incom ing officials national regulations, which all are now respecting. More over, even if the disease should appear on shore in scattered cases, the vigorous measures taken by the thoroughly warned and aroused people would be likely to restrict and suppress it as it has been thus far kept down in England. Hence there is much less apprehension regard ing the possible effects of the disease this year before cold weather comes, and stocks have advanced 75 cents a share on the whole, though in other markets the alarm disclosed a weakness which stiff continues. Meanwhile the general condition of in dustries and of trade throughout the country is not only remarkablvg^d, but improving pcrcentibl^J m p8\ strong at the 1“ 8ll,£9 ’ ridbon^^^Blres, gffi^r' The u"L’° "J <! "A™ ™J 8»» a - Loui.rillo . busiot Has somewhat improved, but is not expectations. Sugar is verv though V unsteady and money stiff, industry 4 -nple supply. The iron *A. more active; nearly a11 th are full of orders, and tbo output is now heavy. Nails have advanced 10 cents per keg. The expect ed war between the Pennsylvania and Reading railroads adds to the dullness in coal.. Cotton has advanced a sixteenth during the week. With restricted ex ports of products at present foreign Ireas- ex change has is steadily strong, but the ury put out of new notes $200,000 more than it has added to its stock of gold and silver, and money markets throughout plied, while the country are amply sup collections in all quarters are very Business f|ffr for failures the season. throughout the coun try ddring the last seven dayB number 146; for the corresponding week lost year. 187._______ KILLED BY oi BRIGANDS. u/uvua. F i re Men Waylai(1 in t j 10 slcrre Madre Mniintniim A news special of I riday from _ Duran S°> Celeas Mertez, agent oi the State bank of Durango, was on his t0 Mazatlan, through the Sterre Mad re mountains on Wednesday with “ D ®8 3 on ^ g cae backs’ D8CKS of’burros 01 DUrro8 ' Knowing mowing accompanied wS’to mssmTzZl £ by five guards well armed. Fifty " iles south of Durango b„ and jusl of tl „ makin£ *J , t ; ascent Pb' S of m b m untaias were a ttacked in ambus h by brigands, who have be en the terror of that section for fieveral Two rdg were kiUed ftt the first volle y, Murtez and his re ioi b men returne(3 the flre , but were 800n 0 erp0wered £ and shot down, ’ with {he exccp on of one guard the who ese aped aid . He told his story to authorities governmext troops hastened to pur–4e t he robbers, Public Debt Statement. The public Saturday debt statement shows issued decrease at Washington a of $153,215 in the interest and nonin terest bearing debt. Total cash in the treasury, $781,514,982; net cash balance, $29,152,344; increase during the month, $2,102,058; decrease certificates ana treasury notes outstanding, $4,220,273; total debt, including certificates and treasury notes, $1,582,68}; total certifi cates and treasury notes of outstanding, cash in the offset by $615,455,530; equal amount debt, treasury, net $907,- 226,449. THROUGHOUT THE SOUTH. Notes of Her Progress and Prosperity Briefly Transcribed. Important Happenings from Day to Day Tersely Told. The tobacco house of Liebes Bros. – Co., San Francisco, suspended business Tuesday. It is said the suspension is only temporary. ^ A dispatch of Tuesday reports that Gen. James E. Anderson, of Richmond, Va., is at the Isle of Shoals, N. H., in a dying condition. N. A dispatch of Friday! from Asheville, C., says: There is a movement on foot for the state to -pansion General Thomas L. Clingraan, United States sen ator old in 1841. The general is now a very man. Gadsden waasaen, Ala Ala., received received her her first first hale Dale of of cotton Xhursilay. It was chased good middling berg and was purchased by Horse Bros, for 10 cents per pound, and later man Tjrr last year. Thi * * *•« «“*• A San Francisco news special of FrW day says: William E. Barron, member *jL of the national republican i i: committee •*.*. fA Nevada, has resigned. Mr. Barron sap that owning to his views on the silver question he cannot remain on the corny mittee A Nashville dispatch saysr The pro? trict, pie’s party of the seventh Tennessee nominated bit in convention, Saturday William Witherspoon, of Maury couhlp. for congress. The nominee is an ^1 pointee of Governor Buchanan, Jk 1:1 coal oil inspector at Columbia. olJ® wiTM| ■■ on (he fruit stands and all bad trait 8e j zed> *-fvr,a.*™.,*.. iToou"m.nt t Shoal Isles, N. H., Wednesday. I he deceased was an intimate personal friend of President and Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Dr. J. B. Oranfill, of Waco, Tex., pro bibition candidate for vice-president, spoke to a large gathering of Starkville, Miss., citizens Monday. His speech was an able presentation of the evils of alco holism, and was well received. Among other amusing things, he said there was only 5 cents difference between the democrats and republicans on the tariff question. A dispatch of Sunday from Anniston, Ala., says: A very shrewd scamp is working a nice scheme to victimize the banks of Alabama. Ho has hit upon a new plan, but so far as is known his efforts have ail been in vain. Ilis method is to forge a draft on some New York bank, send it to a bank in some nearby town to have it cashed, and request the money to be sent him by express, A Nashville news special says: It was learned Saturday / that John Cudahay, – ^ Ohicago p cker> hag paid $35>0 for a site for a big pork and beef pack ing establishment. The location is on the Northwestern railroad aud on the cor p ora tion lino. He declares his intention o{ at once ercct ; n ,, a building to cost not legg t b an half a million dollars. The £ lan( . will b ave a ca p ac ity of 1,000 hogs day A Raleigh, “ N. C.. dispatch 1 says: The . “ted .. iu^ay { , Edition™ urtillerv was by the thr ee divisons, the first being at Charlotte and . already equipped. The toree new divisions are as follows: Second, Fuyette ville.JamesD McNeil jthird. Wilming ton, John H. Bernard; fourth, Wilmmg ton ; bre derick Kidder All these officers rank as , lieutenants The strength of the battalion is 280. The new divisions will be equipped at once. SUIT AUTHORIZED To Cancel the R. – D. Contract Wit 3, the Central. In the circuit court of New Yo rk Mon day, Judge Brown issued an order author izing Receiver Oakrnan to begin action to cause the cancellation of contracts and, agreements by which the Bichmond Ter minal becomes possessor of 40,000 shares of capital stock of the Central railroad of Georgia. It is asserted that the transac tion that led to the transfer of stock were variously questionable. this The facts in the were alleged in support of viow and re ceiver’s petition and the very tangled legal affairs of the two companies were gone into at great length. , A SHIP LOAD OF CHOLERA. The Scandia Arrives in New York with the Epidemic on Board. Another ship, the Scandia, of the York Hamburg line, arrived with in lower the deadly New bay Saturday board. Tbirty-two cholera microbe on ,of her passengers succumbed to the disease during the voyage and thei r corpses were thrown into the sea. She had tiearly whom 900 immigrate on board, among the pestilence is epidemic, and her arrival created somewhat of a panic in the city, and the gravest fears are euter tertaiued that the scourge will eventually break through the cordon. All that , money done and skill can accomplish is being : to confine the loathsome trouble to the quarantine grounds. An appeal was forwarded to Governor the Flower, Friday, by a committe repro first and second cabin passengers of the steamer Normanuia, now in quaran tine at the port of New York. Among the things the report says: “As good oitizens we cheerfully submit to such detention as may he deemed nccessavy by tbu Baniter y experts for tile preservation of the pubUc health, hut wo hold that while undergo iug such necessary dotontlou, wo are entitled I at the hands of the authorities to as much care alli p, erection against infoction ns any other wasasas toamiuimum.andtothisondnoexpoiiBoshould ssjstjs *?ut be spared or reasonable precautions tilkeu ncgleoted. ! bv hl .measures bavo ‘! otb '" u ’ a “‘, '; ‘ n ; are( l Persons, mostly citizens of f the T United states, their have been exposed to the infection to to own danger and the danger of the public.” increasing in hamhoug. cholera Dispatches of Sunday state that the Hamburg, epidemic continues to rage in and hundreds of persons are daily being ssricken with the pestilence, and the total of the death list is growing .appallingly 'hire laifter and larger. Saturday were reported 810 fresh cholera ■L ^^KAnay 257 deaths and 457 interments, and 798- frssh cases, 281 deaths ^^^^■Ltermcnts. reporter cholera statistics show that 2,837 new cases of the disease and 1,869 deaths occurred throughout Russia Saturday. In St. Petersburg during the same time eighty-one now cases and thirty deaths were reported. FREE DELIVERY OF MAILS. An Important Order Issued by Post master Wanamaker. Friday Postmaster General Wanamaker issued his expected order deputizing cities, the postmasters of free delivery towns and rural communities to put up letter boxes upon the request of citizens for the collection and delivery of mails at house doors. The order affects nearly three million residences to which the free delivery service has already extended, and is regarded by postal experts as the most important departure in the free de livery of mails since the beginning General Blair. of the system under Postmaster Under this order letters will be taken from and delivered at the houses of any persons who purchase boxes of the kind prescribed by the department, and put them up on their doors or walls. The boxes vary in prices from $1 to $2 and a given route is to be equipped two-thirds when the postmaster finds that of the householders d> sire the new double service. Postoffice officials say that us no loss of time is involved to the carrier force, no extra carriers (except as the service naturally grows) are required, and if a saving of time through the carriers not having to to wait to deliver letters on given routes is considerable enough extra deliveries, always a necessity, may be put on with the same force of carriers. The change means that as fast as the patrons of mails desire it, the two Dew facilities of immediate deliveries to safe receptacles and of collections direct from house doors will be within reach without any expense to the households except the first, cost of the box and without any departmental outlay past or future, as the expenses of the tests lesulting in the adoption of the system have been borne by the inventors , themselves. It has already been deqtded to experiment without cost to the department with the house letter boxes in rural communities in conduction routes. with country It is free believed delivery if and long star this house collection sy^Jem comes gcue- ! rally into vogue the robbery of letter boxes will, of course, be doue away with. - --- The Official Button, A D?w d()8ign ior (he official button of ^ Nationa i Association of Democratic ^ lu h„ has been adopted, and the manu- i f ac . turB of the button is now going ahead ra picily. It is unusually celluloid, baudsomo,being with made entirely of white irson a por ^e trait in colors of Thomas Jeff on ! fate of the button. Above the por trait s^e “N.” the init al letters of the organ}- i zation. A. D. C.” NO. 21. CORBETT IS CHAMPIH The California Boy EnocRed Snlliyan Ont in Twenty-One Rounds. McAuliffe and Dixbn Were Also Easy Winners. The great championship battles at New Orleans have been fought and the success ful contestants are crowned with glory and newly won laurels. In all respects Wednesday’s night’s fight between Sullivan aud Corbett was the greatest of the three. In point point of of crowd purse, and in in point of men, in it excelled battles point of excite ment, the already gone into history. When these two men made the match they meant it to be a decisive one in its result.There was plenty of money to back each man. The Sullivan people die tated terms and the other side hid to meet the lead. Ten thousand dollars a side was named as the wager. The Cor bett people agreed $20,000 to it without a demur. That meant as a starter. Then there came the question of purse. The Olympic is the Sullivan of u clubs, and warded the match at all hazards. It offered $25,000 for the mill and the princely the sum was should accepted. It was agreed winner have the whole of it. The loser would find : no solace for his work. The conditions of the fight were brief. They were to fight to the finish under the Queensberry rules. That means that the men must stand up squarely round aud box, stripped to the waist, each to last three minutes and one minute to rest. Nothing was said about weights; much each flesh man was privileged to car ry as as he pleased. Along with the purse to the winner of the fight goes tho championship title and to each of the gladiators that meant more than k^Kciiin that, hud R In a hotly contested and fierce fight of twentv-one rounds Corbett was declared the winner over the man who has for years been acknowled the best man in the world,and the big Californian right nobly earned the title he wears today. Briefly told, it was youth against old age, and youth won. Sullivan had seen his best, day. As the result of his victory Cor bett pulled down nearly seventy thousand dollars. DIXON DEFEATS SKEDLEYI In the Skeiiey-Dixon contest for the feather weight championship the former won easily in the eighth round. Dixon fought from the start with a rush that was irresistible. Ho never had an idea of losing tho game. Only once did Skelley hurt the negro and that was in the fifth, when he drove him against tho ropes. It was a clean whip for the white man at the hands of the negro. Dixon got an even $30,000 for his work. m’agliffe wins. Jack McAuliffe found no trouble in knocking out Billy Meyer in the fifteenth round, and now stands before the world as The the fight, champion which light-weight McAuliffe pugilist. gave the belt of his class, was the best and gamest ever put up by gentlemen versed in the fistic art. No one could have worked luvder or more win the faithfully than both men woiked thousaud-dollar to championship, the twenty parse and to save their friends, who had risked their hard dol lars. But luck, science, strength and generalship tho boy were all with McAuliffe, and from Strcator couldn’t overcome them. He fought hard, and, at the very last, pulled himself up with a smile on his face, which carried with it an invita tion for more punishment. The tight will put over $35,000 in McAuliffMs pocket. The purse was $10,000, with $5,000 a side. Meyer was a grent fav orite in New Orleans, and it is estimated that over $75,000 changed hands on the fight. Hissed the Stars and Stripes, A news special from Montreal, Canada, says; “The VYuitu f ; qindron,” the high ly patriotic American play, was being produced at. the theatre Monday night, The scene that represented a congress of navies flags of the various nations were applauded appeared, until that of tho United States when it whs hissed. When Hilliard, representing the American ad miral, appeared,the hissing was renewed, and somebody threw at him. The crowd then went to the entrance of the theatre and tore down the stars and stripes. The Western Reserve Wreck. A dispatch from „ Newberry, , Mich., Ba J s: U P to 10 recovered <*• m - Friday, but sceneof three bodies had been at the tbe wreck .of the Western reserve—Caj>- his tain Minch and a lady supposed to bo Y ife and an unknown lady but partially clothed as though hurried from htr bed to a jawl boat to escape.