The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, April 04, 1902, Image 1
—1 r * 3C S.B! « szs >3 rj CQ rsSi hst»| “ t gS 1“ s=» Is HI? SSbIsI *5 s lift. isUs ms The Best Advertising Medium in the State. 'VOLUME XII. NO. 19. f. 8. BUSSEY. J. F. “to* • ' .*5* USSET – CARSWELL, Wholesale Dealers —I2ST — S3 I I -Cl Q I nto+I I ltd II ^ I *4% I dV C| n I "T ~~ VI ■ I" I*®* • I I • ^ IT) | J V V*| rOOeri @3a 609 Broiul Street, - * a a AUGUSTA, GA. 3. a « inPORTERS AND DEALERS IN / Iron, Steel, Hardware, Nails, Cutlery, Guns, • ^Blacksmiths’, Carpenters’ and Wheelwrights’ Tools. Agents for flowing Machines and Rakes, Agricultural Implements. EROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, QA C1US. F. BAKER. JERKY T. SMITH. BAKEH S SMITH, .Cotton Factors, VVAREHOL%E ON REYNOLDS, CA1TRBELL AND JONES STREETS » Augusta, Ga. CONSIGNHENTS OF COTTON SOLICITED. , . W"* _ ff. J. RRTHERFORE. AHD.tpiFASY.^ DEALERS IN Portland and Rosendale Cements, Plastering Hair, .AND BRICK, HnIEkAES, o'ORN'KR OF WASHING TOY AM) REYNOLDS STREETS. A-VTC3rXTJSTjgL. m GrJX. se* 'V T. P. FAGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fine H. – H. W. Catherwoord’s Famous Rye Whiskies. 919 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. WHEN IN AUGUSTA CALL ON ▼ • 1 1 J 717 Broad Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STATIONERY SUPPLIES. ALSO PRINTERS AND BINDERS Mai! orders shall have prompt and careful attention. ; Chew “Hatchet V4» TOBACCO. The Best On Earth. The tags are redeemable ia very handsome and useful premiums. Call on your merchant, who will show you the list aud other premiums for yotir tags. Robert Harris – Bro., Reidsville, N. C. DO YOU EVER ORDER ANY Whiskies or Wines? ’ Veil, If You Do, Why Not Try Paul Hey man, 206 ami 208, WASHINGTON STREET, AUGUSTA, QA.? He WILL SURELy PLEASE yCCL a THE Pays Interest PUNTERS Accounts -on Deposits. LOMI AND Solicited. SAVINGS L. O. Hayxs, BANK. President. Cuas. (J. Howabd, AUGUSTA, GA. Cashier. •ft' * Record WISDOM, JDSTICJ3 AND MODERATION. GIBSON. GA„ FRIDAY. APRIL 4 , 1902 , RIDDLED BY In Prcmiiieat SLcei of Rgul, Georgia, Negro is Lynched. AlTHPTHB RAPE THE MAME Fsur Thousand Ar.gry Citizens Took Part in Hanging—A Thousand Bullets Fired Into the Negro's Bcfy, At Rome ' (3a “ Tuesday night, in the middle of Broad street, the principal thoroughfare of the city, Walter Allen, colored, was iiahged to dfi electric light polo for ah attempted cHmiiiai ' assault ' Th0 inching was in the very glare of an immehse electric light, cor ner Broad street and Fifth avenue. Four thottsafid people took pan in the deed without masks. The mob battered down the jail door with a sledge hammer and broke the steel cage of the negro’s cell. He whs quickly rushed a block and a half from the jail and allowed to make a statement. He swore he was hot guilty and prayed that the right party might be caught a»d hanged. Th– crime for which Ailed was lynched—attempted criminal assault— was committed late Monday afternoon. The young lady Whom he solgetgd fob Uhl Victim was Miss Blossom Adam son, a young girl not more than six teen years old. She was choked into insensibility and would have suffered an outrage had not the negro taken fright. , The affair was kept secret until Tuesday afternoon, when the story came out of the^iegro's capture. Allen was taken from the Floy CL county jail at 8 o'clock p. in. an fm lynched from a telegraph pole If) froftt of the Central hotel and not less than a thousand bullets pierced his body from pistols in the hands of infuriated citizens. Captain A. B. S. Moseley, an uncle of Miss Adamson, shot at the negro three times at police headquarters In tie afternoon, one of the bajls wound- 4M ifa-ntgrp. bpt not seriously,. , Miss Adamson is a'daughfer of J. N. Adamson and a niece of Hon. Seaborn and Moses Wright. * t "WOULD DOUBLE SENTENCE." Such is Remark Credited to Roosevelt Regarding Rathbone Case. A Washington special says: Senator Hanna’s p'ea for clemency for Estes G. Rgthlmne, convicted in connection with the Cuban postal frauds, has met with a firm refusal from President Roosevelt. The president told Mr. Hanna that if he had the power he would double the punishment of both Neely and Rathbone. Ur. Roosevelt’s position has chagrined the Ohio sena tor and a Split between them Is pre dicted. Hanna Believes Rathbone is the victim of a conspiracy. Senator Hanna denies that he has gone to the extent ot requesting the president to issue a pardon to Rath bone and Neely, as some of the press dispatches sent out from Washington makes it appear. He has not request ed a pardon. What he has requested is that, if possible, Rathbone be admit ted to bail pending his appeal to the court of appeals in Havana. FAREWELL TO BARROOMS, Dispensary at Rome, Ga., Begins Busi ness With a Rush. The dispensary opened at Rome, Ga., Tuesday morning at sunrise with Manager A. P. Watson and clerks in charge. Monday night at 10 o’clock, thirteen saloons closed, turning the liquor busi ness over to the dispensary. The bar rooms did a land office business, sell ing goods far below cost and supplying the public with thousands .of jugs and bottles. People bought immense sup plies and wagons went out in the coun try loaded down with different kinds of spirits. AFTER COTTON BROKERS. Members cf Well Known New Orleans Firm Charged With Stealing. At New Orleans Tuesday District At torney Gurley filed information against Henry Newman and Harris Hyman, one of the largest houses in the city, charging them with embezzlement from Captain John A. Buckner, a prom nent planter, of East Carroll parish, La. The accused were recently expelled from the cotton exchange. It js that in selling cotton for Buck ner they made to him returns of less amounts than they received for it. WORK OF FLOOD HORRIBLE. In Tennessee Twenty-Five Lives Were Lost and Damage is $5,000,000. A Nashville dispatch says: Authen tic reports have finally been received from every county in middle Tennes see and the damage done to property is conservatively estimated at over $5,000,000. Twenty-five persons lost their lives in the flood, SOlONS ARE EXONERATED. Christmas Declares no Member 1 fif Con gress Was Subject of Bribery. torrqs-' The New York Daily Mail's pdhfeiit ifi Copenhagen has had.a talk with Captaitt CiiristhiaS. who ,1* not the least astonished by tlie Aifibricaii scandal; says the London corresporid cflt of the Herald. “The Danish ‘No Sale* iidfty" he said, “hoped to break off the Sa'e by the Kelp of a scandal. For that pur post, somebody stole my confidential report to the government and engaged a certain person, an American citizen, to go to Washington to start the scan dal by delivering the report to Repre sentative I'ichtudsoii ditd to the news papers.’’ Captain Chistmas gave out in New York on February 19, a declaration, under pressure of an oath, t:\at no member of the American congress was either directly ar indirectly interested in the sale of the Danish islands. For all forms of Malarial poianniW;- take of Johmon's Malarial Chill poisoning and Fever Tonic. ,.,i taint failure. in your bloodmoana mieeryand Malarial poisoning. Blootlmo^icifiRcan’t The nntliiote for cure it in Juhataa't Tonic. Get ft bottle to day. Costs 50 Cents If It Cures, AGREES TO SURRENJ^R, Rebel General Guevarra, SamaF; Meets Americans In Conte ence. Smith, A Manila who is special in command; says: | General of the American forces on the island of Sa mar, had a three-hour interview Thursday with the insurgents'general, Guevarra, and several office^ of his command. Guevarra fiucceejM Gen eral Lukban as insurgent leitiLr in Sa mar and has sighified his intention ot surrehdering tifeS; to the-American’ authori It was arranged that Guevarra, with the entire force under h)s command and all their rifles, would -surrender April 35th. The World’s Greatest Cure for ’MMaria. Aa 1 in* For take all Johnson's forms of Sfo.’arlnl Chill polsort- Fever and Ionlc lh A taint of MeUrlul polsod ,-opr iilixKi blnnfl medteineftrnft'.tcliFft meai.smlsi-rynHd foiling. A(p!arlnl fuT it 1* pois-.iiinp. U\e antidote Uet bot tle JOHNSON to-day. •3 IONIC. a Go 5$3 50 Cents ff |t 0 «reo. LABOR SCORE8 VICTORIES. New England Cotton Mills Advance Wages Ten Per Cent. The advance of 10 per cent which was granted to the 27,000 employes of Fall River cotton mills early in the month has become general in southern New England. It Is estimated that by April 7 fully 60,000 hands In this sec tion will have had their wages increas ed. The decision of the New Bedford manufacturers to concede the demands of their help was followed early Sat urday by that of the leading mill own ers of Rhode Island. THE WORLD'S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE. For all forms of fever take John son's Chill and Fever Tonic It is 100 times better than quinine and does in a single day what slew qui nine cannot do in 10 days. It’s splendid cures are in striking ctfn trust to the feeble cures made by quinine. % Costs 50 Cents If It Cares. RHEA LOSES HIS SEAT. House Votes Moss as Representative From Third Kentucky District. A Washington special says: The consideration of the contested elec tion case of Moss vs. Rhea from the Third Kentucky district was resumed when the house met Tuesday. Only two hours was occupied by the con testee, Mi;. Rhea, in concluding the argument begun by him Monday in de fense of his right to his seat. On the final vote Rhea was unseated, 127 to 137, and Moss declared a member of the house. TO AID ESTES RATHBONE. Hanna Wants Case Tried In United States Under American Law. It is said in Washington that Sena t»" Hanna proposes to introduce a bill which will provide for the trial of Rathbone before a court in the United States, under American law and Amer ioart methods. The senator claims that under United States law evidence rot admissible under the Cuban pro eedurc will aid Rathbone. j-J t* I PROF. P s M. WHITMAN, 209 7tli 8!., Atiyusta. 8a F.IVES •tight, FREt EYE TESTS for all defects at gfftit!* the proper glasses anil WAR RANTS the rii. tvllii* Lfeiises cut into your frame fi»vt wilt. FREE OF CHARGE, JSiisjSS SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 2*9 jDondroaed fehfedniS in Ju Ua ■(», 1909 . aSfrlSi? r/sTKHN TIMK - WilfmM pjffi is Ib Lv... " .. gmnmerviHa BraitchvlHc. Charleston .. .. Ar " K 6t/<P O S15p 7 609p 28p i* :mzgwt. 41 683p 84op 10 10a ii ( ft ...... Ar ..Sumtor......Lv 6 46* 25bp ...... 11 40a ".....Coin don......Lv 00a Ar... Columbia.....Lv 710a 409p |?bp'Ti)0tt l «I>; 0 log LV.. “ .TThtti'Iestou .Brttilcftvllle. ...Ar 11 8W» 15a 8lSp 600p . . 7 40p 940ri " . ..Bhinberc CfirirriftrTi .... “ 8 25ft 619p 6»0p 802p 9Bun •• .... “ 8 13a C8 20[) 10 07a “ ....BlaoltviUe .... 800a 5039 922p 1100a ”.......Aiken......“ 7 OStt 9 Baft 029p IHila Ar.Augnst ftun.d.Lv 11 I (12 0 a S lOp "NO'l’Bt” trains In addition'lo the above Oharle*- servio* ttfld Non. 16 nncl 10 run daily between tfeh Asheville, carrying elegant Pullman iieepinM (Utrs. No. 16 IBftvO Uharleston 11:00 p. th, j tlfrivfl Ooluftiblft 6:55 a. {ft.: arrive Ash* Vilib leave 9:U6 Columbia ft. m. NO. lOlftftTO Asbevllle 2 05 p. m. i 1:!« rt, m,! tit-rive Charleston 8t 7.00 .CliarihStou a. m. Sleftpiug cars ready for Theae ooonpaney trains at 9:00 p. in. with fbitltfe elOStt (Mnntteiious rtt Columbia and through trains hetWKSrt Florldci pcftftis Weshiavton a vl die wub No. Daily It No. Daily a GBEBNVILLK." Daily Service.!Dally No.lfl Daily Double laiasr.-.-jSSM 16 i! Afl CiOO ’b P 7 4 8 00a 20a 459 7 03a il 05a TOfts 1 U5ft 9 fiOo 165p “ .. Grt'onwood . “ 81 up 1055a 245p Ar . ...Abboville . ■ Lv 70ft 01Op 11 40n 3i)5pjAr ....Anderson... Lv 10 45a l4 45p 12 20p 4 !5pAr . .GroenvlllP. Lv ,1015a Ei 580p Us. Sun.. ,HU1) only Sun. Lv. At. Angufttft 7 00(t 9 60a 5 Hitt? 20p SftiuHii-fivillft. I i loop 12 48p “ Thniiilie..... isop 12 Sip 8 40p Lv. 7* Tonnillo . 8fi0i> 819» Sftudersvll 8 28p Ar. August Hi. 8 30P Daily Lv. Savannah.. . 12 20a 1220p (liiria . • • •••! “ Allendale..... 4 26a “ Earn well. 4 18a jss?i 0 09ft . m “ Blackvlllo.., 4 28a Ar. Columbia.... - Dally Daily • : S n Mo s;«3K.~ Ati Blackvi t-* 10 e 16a 50p “ lie,..) as Otto 4 Barnwell.... cc 15a 11 09a 8 40p “ “ Allendale.... Sa-vafaimh..... 4 • loop 9l5p i: o* fa, ii Atlanta and Beyond, Vi- Ohar'lcstoii.C!'.....7l*)a 62op Ar. Lv. Chaft A t Innta anooga octao 8 4G– 49? Lv. Atlanta........................ 5 40a 4 15p Ar. " Memphis, Birmingham.............. Birmingham). 1136a lOOOp (via 805p 7 15ft Ar. Lexington,................... 500p 5 00ft " Chicago........................ Cincinnati, ............. 7 80p 7 45a " 7 15a 5 BOp Ar. " St. Louisville 7 t)0p 7 4to Louis 1 1 1 ’7 04ft 60Op Ar. Memph i s, (via Chatt anooga) 7 10p 7 40ft To Asheville-Cliioinnati-Louisvilla. tv. Lv. Ar. Lv. “ “ Ba Asheville Knoxville.................. Augusta................... Charleston.....,.......... Spartanburg Columbia t eabu EASTERN rg (fc’jiioft ............... .............. TIME. .......... Depot; Daily n 2 8in 715p 55p 49ft P o -ooiqs. lillilllk " 4 16a 7 20p " LottiaviMe Cincinnnati.............. 7 30p 7 45a “ (Ha .Tellico). 0 50ft .. To Wneliington and the East. Ly. ,r Balhsburg.............. Augusta.................. Tap 12 5i aSp 07ft 4 4Up “ Columbia (Union Depot) 6 65p 215ft Ar. Charlotte................ 9!0p 9 45a Jr. DanvUlo. nnriti USp Ar. R ic hmo n d..... u ...... . ....... . 5u0a Ar. Washington....................’ 7 35a 860p 11 Baltimore P». R. R............. 9 12a 1125p " “ Philadelphia..................... New York 1135a 256ft ...................... 203p 610a u A a between e Solid Traina Charleston and A»hw ville. Pullman Parlor Cars an*} Drawing Room Bleeping ville. cars between Charlenton and Ashe Connections at Columbia with through trains for ville Washington and all Florida and Points. the East; also for Jackson FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. – Gen. Mgr., Traffic .Manager, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. O. GEORGE B. ALLEN, Div. Pass. Agt., Charleston, S. C. W. A. TURK, Agt., S. H. HARDWI OK, Gen. Pass. Asst. Gon. Par-,. Agt., Washington, D. O. Atlanta, Ga. REPAIRS SAWS, RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, –o., FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES. BOILERS UNO PRESSES ^"uiag.’im™ J” r™!,' V.Wwnnd p’uingJ LOMBARD \m IRKS – SUPPLY CO, AUGUSTA. PA. WILL ACCOMPANY PRESIDENT. Personnel of Party Coming With Roosevelt to Charleston Show. The following will constitute the party which will visit the exposition in Charleston in company with President Roosevelt: Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Carow, J. K. Grade, Secretary Elihu Root, Attorney General Knox, Miss Knox, Secretary Wilson, Secretary Cortelyou, Assistant Secretary Loeb, Mrs Loeb, Dr. John F wise, Commander W. S. Cowles, Colo ne ) L . g. Brown, General Agent South ern Railway McLatta, Charles Cot trell and a representative of the Asso elated Press and a number of leading newspaper correspondents from Wash ington. A 8AV i^J B ± NK ’ ,„ sinyas Accocyrs solicited. lSTKItEST PA ID O.Y DEPOSITS. w. n. young, j. o. wkiulb, Pre»ldont. Cashier. SUBSCRIPTION. $ 1.00 PER YEAR. PUBLIC CON B To win it, stocks must substantiate advertising f assertions. I j realize this, and you will always find advertised goods as 80 4 as the telling would lead you to believe—and many times farietter. Every department Is bright with New Fall Goods, larger stocks are offered for selection than ever before, and, at usual, our prices are the very lowest possible READ OUR TRICES. AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED: Ladies' Kid Bnttons...... .. 75ot« Gents' Buff Bain and Congress, Ladies’ Dongola Buttons. . .$ 1.00 solid...... ......$1.0@ Ladies’ Vici Kid Buttons.. .. 1.25 Gents’ Satin Calf Bala and Cong., Ladies’ Cincinnati Cnstom Made 1.50 best.. ....................... 1.50 Ladies’ French Kid Haud-sewed Gents’ Geuuine H S Bals. and Button 8.00 Cong..................... 2.50 worth #2.60 anywhere. Gents’ Tan Bels Vivi – Willen Clf. 2.00 Infants' Kid Button........ .... 25ots worth $3.00. Children’s Kid Spring Heel.....50cts Boys' School Bhoes, aiJ solid.... 75cts Gents' Buff Bals aud Congress. .$1.00 Boys’-School Shoes, the best.... $1.00 Pull Line Union Made Shoes and Hats. WE GIVE PREMIUn DISCOUNT CHECKS. The Great Eastern Shoe Co. > R. G. TARVER, Manager. 907 Broad Street. Ship Your Cotton To M. O’DOWD’S SONS – CO, Cotton Factors, Corner Reynolds and Ninth Streets, AUGUSTA, GA 8 Wo give personal and undivided Attention to the weighing and selling of cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Made On /figH Ctmfe nmcnts. ------ Fall in Line With t - Money-Making Farmer. Thrifty farmers need Studebaker Wagon's, Oliver Chilled Plows, Tiger Disc Harrows, Gantt Cotton Planters, Gantt Guano Distributors, Planet Jr. Cultivators, Caldwell Cotton Planter^ and Cox Cotton Planters . DAY – TANNAHILL, Augusta, Georgia. The World’s Greatest Fever Medicine, For ell forms of favor take JOHNSON'S Chll.L AND FFVF.R TONIC. 11 is 100 times It's better splendid than quinine and in does striking in a single contrast day to what the feeble slow quinine cures made cannot by quinine. r o in L> uajs. cures are COSTS SO CENTS IF IT CURES. The Cotton Factor Business OF S.M. WHIT/NEy Lately deceased, at Augusta, will be continued under Tie Same Neie anfl Same Place as Heretoloro, anfl natrons will receive tlie iisnal prompt attention IU1(1 11bei’ill IrCIltlHCllI IlCrP! Offtl’0 ll(Tdrilfll], /North Carolina Corn Whiskey —AT— $1.50, $1.70, $2.00 and $3.00 Per Gallon. Direct to Consumer. Saving middlemen’s profits. All express charges paid by me on packages of two gallons or more. Terms, Cash With Order. Write for descriptive circular. Reference, commercial agencies or any merchant here. J. H. WOOLEY, Cherryville, U. C. Alexander – Alexander. eOTTO/N FACTORS. Augusta, CO f ;« Bailroai , OKOBOU. OlYftft ftpe«ifti »it«ntlon .. to . ItoB- „ rida*l D«jx»it Aeconnta. OOBRBSPOIIDENOB _________ ________. INTTHS® _. , ■ J. W. Whiteley, fablisber.