The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, April 11, 1902, Image 3

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V3tJ CCvT UEE PriLeaifs Liver and Kidney. AND KEEP SSCH if it’s Headaches, Backache*, Khcutuatism Biliousness, Diabetes, that troubles or Dyspepsia. you. Seld ky alt drugjiat*. Prepared only brTha Df.J. H. l4cLo–n Medicine Co.,St.Louis, Mo. FOR SALE BY THE GIBSON RECORD Local Hems Picked Up Hero Aud There For Tim En tertainment Of Our Rea ders. Court of Ordinary was ia session Monday. Superior court is in session in War ren ton this week. J. W. W kite ley went down to Wrens yesterday. Fish hooKH arc the best selling a: - tides now. Everybody woik for a white primary for county officers. The measles are dying down FO Ill A - what though this county. All the public schools of the will close this week. Aud “they” say Guorry is ground. That’s good news. Mrs. l,. B. Rogers is vi i iug role tires in Warreutoa this week. Messrs. J. T. and Bob Wilson of Spread were in Gibson Tuesday. J. F. Denton and O, V, Logue of Spread were iu Gibson Sunday. It seems that the mowing machines are taking Glascock county. ■ The horee shoe game is taking the day with us Gibson loafers. Mr. Hartridge Avers of Augusta, was a visitor m Gibson Sunday Dr. Kirktudol of Jewels, was a pleasant visitor to Gibson yesterday. And we uve to have a telephone line from here to Wrens. That’s the idea. The. first thing you know it w:l bo time for picnics and the weather will be freezing. Dr. Glenn and wife now occupy the Sirs. Josie Dixon residence mi Depot Hireet. Dr. W. T. Roney, of Spread, was mingling among friends in Gibson yesterday. Sir. Ennis Sfathis anil daughter of near Avera were visitors in Gibson last Monday. Gol B. F. Walker and G. T: Hannsli attended Superior court in WiurenU u Monday, Mrs. Majme Sundell left this morn ing for Augusta to visit her sister Mrs. 1), A, Baxou. Home say fignvas don’t bo, but v. c think it depends on who puts them down, whether they lie or not - Borne one has said that Gibson would be a city iu the near future. Wo had rather leuon this thitn to hear • of it. J. W . Whiieley has bought the stock of goods of it. T. Aycra at Wraus and is doing business at the same stand with J. W. Walden managing it. Misses Ituth and Carrie Dixon of Spread, aud Miss Alvah Dixon of _ Matthews, wore the guests of Miss Carrie Palmer Sunday. Ida Peebles and Florino LpA ;1 .o rnturne l from Augusta tliiiy Satur day night ut which place had boon in attendance upon th* Stato Sanday School Convention There ls atioiit six hundred white voters iu (i.ascock county fliul NYC 1 '! bet there Is not filly Of ihsm are not at heart iu favor of u primary. IU. XV little , by degrees. I Heiiow ... I e grow have u soda fount. It is owned nnd ; operated by clever Wilev Dixon Now | jf you want a first class drink you can ! get it hero. | The many friends of Air. N. E. ( Griffin will learn with profound sor -1 j row that he is ege'n sick, May I liis afflictions soon cause, is the «r- i »3st hope of the Record. ■ B»v. VV, 0. Laugham is sufiering : considerably from bails. The Record ! joins his many friends in their hope j for Ills speedy restoration to good j health. I The colored school of this place had ft commencement last Friday evening at the close of the school. *»• »"*• mid it ... ,er, good. Jt seems"that it is intpossiblo fov tho weather CO turn warm, but we will have to call out the straw hat brigade and go to fishing whether the fish bite or not—it is time to try them. Mr. ScrU£$(.S, pus tor of ITftl den’s church, preached a very interen ting and instructive sarmoil at the Methodist church in this place last Hunday. Rc-v. Mr. Jordan filled the pulpit oil Saturday before. 1 rof . Logue opeuod a private , term of school in Gibson Monday morning with a pretty good attendance. Now is the time to send your children to school. They wili not be crowded out • »ud can have ample time to study. Send in your announcements Mr. Candidates, or you will be too Jata to let all the people know that you are a candidate before the white primary, which will come off the fifth <?f June, or at least that is tho way the signs of the times are pointing. Boys, we must have one. The people of Gil,sou are getting a move on them. I hey have perfected arrrugem–uts for a telephode line from here lo Wrens. This is the way we like to see things going on. Be enter prising and prosperous, and don’t so backward about aiding the town. You will not lose a cent trying to build up your town. etc. Halary $5 00per v/eek with all expenses paid. Address with self stamped envelope for full particulars, Macon wall paper co. To the People of (jiastovi County, I hereby anuonncp my c v 1 *»* re-cleetuu’t to the , lure, and ask (ho j support of too jfipopie. if ejected I shall . timie my fight f„r BaUot. ami Lower Taxation, and shall all in my power to make you honest and courageous tatrve. Gralefully yours, T. J. M. KELLEY. . ! Democratic . Executive >ni. ■‘■he meiiiliers , . the , democrat) , : or ! executive committee of (ihi<«*(«• *•• . ' ! county is mirm>U-y requested meet in Gibson at £ o'clock [>. in. Wednesday, April Id. It *02. J. F. Rivers, l.’sry’s Mill dU. T. A. Brown, Milch: 1 dnt. Cr. T. Hannah, Gibson dist r. 1C Williams, Edgchili cii,t. L. B. Rogers, County at huge. JJ. /. WILLIAMS, Secretary Deni. Fx. Com, ci, C. Tax Notice. I will be at the f< Rowing named places lor (In.* purpose of Rem )IV i!l » * ;i ' v F etiii’iis id Glascock com ty tor the year itjQi. i j: t n:ej\n. Gibson, Uaiurday April L Mitchell, Friday, R fvlguliill, Friday, 2L SECOND ROT'XD. \ i ) on,, i at .rd a v. Mi: y 8 t s^y's.Mill Friday May li. Mitchell Siiltirday, “ 17 Gag-chill, Friday, *• third round. Gibson, Saturday, June 21 Kdg-hill, Friday, o Gary's Mill. Thursday “ !.. Mitchell, Saturdav, “ id r will lie ttt^Bustuuyilie June 20 A. M. nt Denton’s June 20, i'. S'. a. 111 eu 1 1 es p rings, ^ i iiu rad a v , 25, ut Agncuia. r ridgy Juno id, iBank? dose June said,. I bo m Guidon on Hint day J, II, WIUTIKR, It. T. It. U. C. Dear Mother. Don't let you' - baby suffer cry with Cube when u few drops ut Dr. [ ichenors Antiseptic, diluted and sweetened wit! give al most. instant relief. Non-pokonous, andj therefore Harmless. Tastes like* pepporiDint candy and biibv will take it without r< ■ ‘kick.” A silver half dollar will got n bnitle from J. W. WJ 1 ITELEY NEW ROAD .NOTICE, prorca-cdascockcouktv. U 0c vv n -'..,« ,,..1 „n,,r.. ,.. . w k „ P . plictl for the opening ;iu ^ cHt.xhlj.shio^ of n lit abUc rOild, commeucini- Ht the Aujjr light Load wjicre Unda of tV. f. birseter *'u<r \X. ,w. Meat join in the tifiStli ]>■■,(riel, <1. -ht , {vtimtitg theucc in a Northcaite Iy direction on n settlement r „ ( , MWfiflll!ni , !lC ........ . w , M o,u, w. n. Uscteri i./r. ii„rden. v„ :i some, tbe.Thomson-r'.ildrei., -r Kitl'iu:::,., : :\v c j;.-, j. T. Newsome, T.-J.lUrdev. \ irg t.ncl intersecting and terminxt'ing with a hew i 1,1,111 at Jeft’ernou County line, The ']’ tutu! pro posed length of sai^l road win b; about ih.-. mtie«—width tiiii-itf f eet. jsia May next, if no sukleiuri^■•cause is sho’.vn ""“■ rar - v - «.'■ ardoru.. ; iiooru of u ; ,i « n d Kcv: - nucs uf <«'““«/ Ti,i » *}>'» ?[<■ '. »L n. r. wat.keu, 1 Clark B.R. – 11. (J. C. I Sheriff’s Sals. gleoroia gi.ascock county. 1 ZJXZtL* i,,n,- .uf, ih, i. n i i,„r,. f ... the highest bidder for cash, the life intore;sL o. 1*. U»ry in certain property, of which l!i Allowing 1811 fuli anJ Mmpietedescription: All of that traot r ' r P arce ’ of land Uvinrr ’■> the DisUict ’ G * M -> °f said »““* a,ul coumy. contain iug two hundred and ninety acres, more or K t bounded on the north by l.iuds of B. F. Wiiikt-.r and tv. w. Mom, on East by land of K. c. .South i on Weat by lands of J. J. Chaikar, and On b / •»»<!'»Of W.F. Sheppard. Said propeuy iev ied property of. ar. u.,cy,wh > has life estate or life interest in said property. otilv^ to satisfy an execution issued from the Justice Court of the 1405th District, G. M., of County, Georgia, ill favor of k m. c»».h – Co., against D P, Usry, said property being ill »f D. p. Gary, tiie Ufa tenants pjoperty pointed out by Plain tiff's Atiornev. This March 3rd, 1902. E I.. BI(ADDY , Sheriff, G.e.Cia. Citation. (GEORGIA—GLASCOCK CO. George B. Hattaway, isrrator upon the estate ot Anu Hattaway, late of said c 9 u 1 ceased, having filed his pelitioi for discharge, this is to cite ail |wrson0 concerned to show cause " t Die . of this dig a g !UllS gianting charge, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county •'» *-* “»»<'»» "' n I» J his April 7th, J. C, ENGLISH, Ordinary ■ LS 1 £ yg | ejfTt „'J ^ _ __. pMSffifi |' ! jj hJMM I V€-— GliiSAfflSE • ^ T©i3$l0®FBLLS # To oure SICK HEADACHE, 5 HABITUAL COM STiPATiON J djgeatioh. –»d all diseases They Arising will from your* tn f.bloodnndnraiseyou.eompieKton* . purify I gfreia'un ®®. *^ 5R coetstl. A LILY. PBJC-g They arej j 25 CERTS, DENTAL NOTICE, J wild lja nt Avers the first four • lays in April, at Mitchell the (’, 7 – S i f April. :il Agricoln the 9, 10 A- >1 of TPrXmP ' beghuiiug th– W, ek T. C. GIBSON, Dektict AVe nVo issuing late to day on as c »uut of a big ran of job work and a change in the list of advertisements. nave Heard a •t I? You may have heard about SCOTT’S EMULSION and have a vague notion that it Is cod-liver oil with ' l * s had taste and smell and a?i Jts °^ ,cr repulsive fea tares, it es cod-liver oil, the purest and the best in the world, but made so |jj 3 fhat almost everybody cart take it. Nearly ail children like it and ask fyjorg SCOTT’S EfflULSm® looks like cream; it nour ishes the wasted body of the baby, child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence. It bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream does to milk. If you have had any experience with other so-called “just as good” preparations, you will find that this is a fact. The hypouhoiphilcs that are combined v/ith the cod-liver oil give additional value to it because they tone up the nervous system and impart strength to the whole body, 50C. and $1 00. all druggists. SCOT ! U liOWNE, ChL-misi»,'N'.w York, , Dr. Salter’s EYE LOTION, Fur Sole Eyos lias no equal, lb will cure any case of sore eyes m a snort time. .It does not, pam wlicii applied, therefore '***■* ! r ( 'HitHt'D, (/illy Jr/C JJN 01 * bOttiO* All di-nh rs sell it. A" ■ 0---:--0 For everything in Paints see us or write us. o Cold # Y/ atCl' PallltS, # Wall Finishes, Enamels, Varnishes, Lead, Linseed Oil, Ready Mixed Paints, Gold Paint, Household Paints, Floor Paints, Buggy Paints. And Paint for every purpose from a chair UD P to a Cotton Factory. g.^ 3 J. B. DAVENPORT – CO.. Augusta, Ga, m Li Pi' –*» m m IS 1% 1 r - m ON ■ i * je rv p i ■w . UfJ 1 : ' iGs M . I Mk" i m m £Z J A.C, • V H 38 itr-s. SMmwg... m Ifj \4 --i. m m w : 1 m -■ 'V. a ■ d worn CR. 50 ENTS Fov Sale By J. . WHITELEY, Gibson. Ga. 9 s Popular Clothing Sore Makes Big Reductions, Ton Cents Cotton is nothing m Compnrison to the money You can save hr purchasing vour Clothing, Underwear, and other rearing epjyirei from us. Wo have undo enormous reductions on all Winter Goods Special Reduction on Overcoats--All Siaes and Styles, I. C. Levy’s Son – Co., 838 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. What We Charge < We charge a little more (or our goods than it Jfosts to produce “cheap” them Manufacturers how We are not ever. Things have got to be done just as well i.^L'ains and brav/n can do them before they art good enough for our customers. I The great item in the cost of anything is thw obor in making it. Skilled workmen com nu good pay, but they do more and bette a. /Than the unskilled, That is why it is chc/ip :r to pay good wages to good men, than pV: wages to poor men. Our business is big. That makes our pri ces little. The more orders we fill, the lower cBwn our prices go. A small profit ozi each of many sales is a source of a larger income than a big profit on each of a few sales. As the boy said: “A lot of fifties makes one big.” Chas. F. Degen, Mgr. A FERTILIZER The Greatest OtAU^gZ Cotton Fertilizers. UssJ on Sixteen Consecutive Crocs. More than 23,000 Cotton Planters use it every year. For Sale At All Points In Virginia, North a rolina South Carolina And Georgia . - HADE ONLY BY F. S. Royster Guano Co. Largest Independent Manufacturers I 11 tho Business Norfolk. Va., Colutnl.ia, 8. C. and Tarhoro, N.C. - FOR hALE BY— J. W. Whiteley. Reliable Jewelry o « Our Stock of Holliday Goods is very Large. We carry nothing but the finest ! of Jewelery; Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, and all kinds of goods suited to : Christmas. Sent For Our New Catalogue. WM. SCHWEIGERT – CO. 0 » THE JEWELER, 702 Brostd Street Augusta, Gn° S. G. LANG, SANDERSVILLE 1 BS. DEALER L\ T - Engines, Boilers, Saw Hills, Grist Mills, ing, Pipes, valves, Boiler Feeds, Steam – Etc. manufacturer of— j Flooring, Ceiling, Balusters, Houiding, tels, Column Post. All kinds Inside biuj iers Material and Finishings, LEAD, PAY, TS AND OILS. REPAIRER OF engines, Gins, Boilers, Saw riillsand all kinds Hachinery, Etc, -WRITE FOR PRICES .—^ S. G. LANG, ■ Sandersyille, cs ( ) V 1 RGINIA-CAR 0 LINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Rl^tlMOHD, VA. CHACLESTOrl, S. C. Largast f.?anufacturers of FERTILIZERS f IN THE SOUTH. Importers of PURE CSRWAN KAUJir, W1URIATE OF POTA-rH, K1TRATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF POTAOH. In buying fertilizers it is important, not oniy to secure goods of estab lished reputation and high grade, but to buy where YC'JR WAI3TS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CAM BE SCPPLiED. We are in position, with our unparalleled facilities and our many plants located all over the territory, to furnish all classes of goods and in such quantities as buyers desire. When you buy of us, with our immense capacity, you know you con get the goods, and all you want of them, Soo our nearest agont to you, or writs us di ect. Address VIRGIN1A-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO., ( ATLANTA, GA. ®ap-Scnd for (he Virginia.Car lina Almana :. Free for i>e aski g. ) Alexander – Alexander, COTTTON FACTORS, Aagusta, Ca. -