The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, April 18, 1902, Image 1
THE (WTIOKAL BANK Of AUGUSTA 1- O. HATNE, Prct E. Q. FORD,Ca»h*», CAPITAL $230,000. nJfe–rg–to}-- * $90,000. MitSiMs eaSSafnSrflO Sa Bo x ^ in 0 ^ are offered to oar patrons and the SS.CO to $10.00 per $cbub. T*. State. VOLUME XII. NO. 21. f. B. BUSSEY. J. P. CARSWELL. BUSSEY – CARSWELL, Wholesale Dealers -IN- Plantation and Family Groceries. 609 Broad Street, ■I ■ I AUGUSTA, GA. J. E. TARVER, IHPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Iron, Steel, Hardware, Nalls, Cutlery, Guns, Blacksmiths’, Carpenters’ and Wheelwrights’ Tools. Agents for Howing Machines and Rakes, Agricultural Implements. CROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA _ CHAS. F. BAKER. JERRY T. SMITH. BAKEH – SMITH, Cotton Factors, WAREHOUSE ON REYNOLDS, CAHPBELL AND JONES STREETS. Ga. C0NSIGNriENT5 OF COTTON SOLICITED. -« _ _ nnmnnnnaao ___ im 111/ "• J, I nlllnLiirunll U llT U L (ID FI AflU ft Mil rflMDAM LUfflrADii- V - uteiN * ' Portland and RassnMe Cements, Plastering Hair AND BRICK, XJIELIES, JOUXEK OF WASH!Ml ION AND REYNOLDS STREETS. -A.TT C 3 t-TT STA, T'-LILU T. P. FAGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fine Whiskies, H. – H. W. Catherwoord’s Famous Pure liye Whiskies. 919 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. WHEN IN AUGUSTA CALL ON f k 111 i 717 Broad Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STATIONERY SUPPLIES. ALSO PRINTERS AND BINDERS Mail orders shall have promift and careful attention. Chew “Hatchet” TOBACCO. The Best On Earth. The tags are redeemable in very handsome and useful prominms. Call on your merchant, who will show you the list and other premiums for your tags. Robert Harris – Bro., Reidsvillc, N. C. -r ~f DO YOU EVER ORDER ANY Whiskies or Wines? Well, If You Do, Why Not Try Paul Heyman, 206 and 208, WASHINGTON STREET, AUOUSTA, QA.? WILL SU*R,£Lg PLEASE yOCL THE Pays Interest PUNTERS ACCOUlltg on Deposits, LOAN AND Solicited. SAVINGS L. C. Hxtse, BANK. President. Cuas. O. Howahd, AEOCSTA, GA Cashl«r. WISDOM, JUSTICE l!iD MODERATION. GIBSON. APRIL 18. PROBE FOR ISLANDS Barbarity and Crtelly in P ilip= pines Will Be investigated. IS DECISION OF THE PRESIDENT Matter of Sending Investigating Com mission to Islands is Discussed at Cabinet Meeting—Root Asks for Evidence, A Washington special says: It is that President Roosevelt has decided to, send a commission to investigate the conditions in the Phil ippine islands. The recent testimony, before the senate committee relative to the “wa ter cure" and other methods alleged to have been employed by officers of the army, and the comment of the country upon these disclosures-, have prompted the movement , for an investigation. Men close to the president have point fed out that, in view of the general idea that there has been a suppression of facts, there was great, danger of fice democrat's being able to make use of the necessity for investigation as a campaign issue in the congressional elections. There was some discussion Of this subject at the cabinet mofetiiig Tufts day, but white ftp definite action was taken, die understanding at the capitol among persons particularly close to the administration is that some stop* toward an investigation Will be taken at an early dale. This tip is accompanied by the sug gestion that, the method, calculated to conic nearer satisfying the country as to the fairness of the investigation will be the appointment of a non-partl san commission of civilians of the same high character as comprised the war investigation commission, which passed upon the charges glowing Out of the conduct of the wnr in Cuba. Since, the revelations of the Oar denor report, it is a fact that the demo cratlc managers have believed one of their strongest cards for the campaign thl3 ycar "'““V 1 B e a demand for a srss’SaSirsSirs medium of a democratic hon*o, Root Asks for Evidence. As a result of the consideration, by the cabinet of the charges of cruel tieitment of Filipinos by United States soldiers, Secretary Root has made public the following correspond ence: “War Department, Washington, April 15, 1902.—My Dear Senator: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your copy of the testimony of Sergeant S. Riley and- Private William Lewis Smith, late of the Twenty-sixth infan try, taken before your committee yes terday, I inclose a copy of a dispatch which has been sent today to ftajor General Chaffee, commanding the di vision of the Philippines. Directions have been given to the judge general of the army to take proper steps in accordance with the dispatch. “Tlie war department will lie glad to receive the earliest practicable infor mation of any further evidence which may be elicited by the committee tend ing to fix responsibility upon any in the military service of the United States for any violation of any laws of war or of the regulations or orders governing the operations of the army of the United States in the field. “Very respectfully, “ELIHU ROOT, “Secretary of War. “Hon. H. C. Lodge, United States Senate, Washington.” w WAR IS COSTING MILLIONS. English Parliament Votes Provision For Loan of $160,000,000. A London special says: The resolu tion in the house of commons provid ing for a loan of £32,000,000 ($160, 000,000) was adopted Tuesday by 229 to 103 votes . 1 The loan will be raised by an issue of 2 3-4 per cent consols. . GEORGIA-CAROLINA G. A. R. MEET. The Annual Session of Two Depart, ments Is Held in Atlanta. The departments of Georgia and South Carolina of the Grand Army of the Republic met in annual session at Atlanta Tuesday miming. Represen tatives were present from all except two of the twelve posts In the depart ment which includes Augusta, Savan nah, Tallapoosa, Jasper, Charleston, Buford, Hilton Head, Columbia, Bruns wick and Fitzgerald. General Eli Tor rence, of Minneapolis-, commander-in chief of the Grand Army was in attend ance. LAWYERS GET FEES. For Fighting Atlanta Street Car Bat ties Four Firms Receive $80,000. Eighty thousand dollars- in cold cash was paid out at Atlanta, Ga„ Tuesday by H. M. Atkinson to the law firms of Rosser – Carter, J. L. Hopkins , 8 , Sons, King – Spalding and Brandon – Arkwright for the legal services of these gentlemen while engaged in the historic street railway fight which is now happily but a memory. PALMA OFF CUBA. New President of Island Takes Leave of His New York Friends. Tuesday TKomas IBfpada Palma, president-elect of Cuba u took leave ol' his friends of Central Valley, N. Y., among whom he has lived, during eighteen years of exile rdifl his Coun try, A large crowd’ g thered at his old home early aiid esc# L'd him tii the station, where 1 rge crowd ha:l kssembled. The local^ olunteer fire men and school children, headed by the village band, paraded and nearly ev ery one in the crowd eprled either an American or Cuban iidfi Farewell ad dresses in behalf of-the citizens were made by Revs. F. C. Harding and Irv ing Washburn and Mrj Palma made a brief President response. Under wo 3 of the Erie railroad, gave President-elect Palma the nee of his private car for the trip to Netv York. It. was 1.0:40 when he reached that city-. Mr. Palma remained' in New York until Wednesday, when he started south for Cuba. He Will reach Havana bh MayJtthi thb day before the Cuban convenes. For all forms of Malarial reVehTociC. polaonlny take of Johuson’s Malarial Cliill uoiBonhnr and lit bitmd A taint misery and failure, blood yctir moans Malarial poisoning. .medicines can't, euro is Johnson** Ionic. GBt T,ho ltottlo nntidoto for it a to-day. Costs 50 Cents If ft Cures, TO INVOKE CONSPIRACY LAW? Question of Enforced Strike Pal metto State Will 8 e Proped. A Columbia (special Iliya; ,’i'He lbck out of notion mill Ophmtlvco in aV South Carolina, mills' ill Horse Greek valley as a mentis 6 t breaking strlkfc In the King mills' «f Ga., is causing groat : ijjttr§st from legal standpoint. m ", ■*. Governor McSweertev has been pealed to ler lhtcrfere and now' Solicitor Wiillanir Ed 4s ThuBhlpud, ‘the Columbia circuit, about to stltute action again, t the mill r ...... -Tin: “The lockout wars not due to that are the outgrowth of relations , tween mills and operatives. On contrary, the operatives are ing their part of the contract, wltlj mills well ami satisfactorily. “The mills are trying to coerce operatives to coerce the operatives the King mill to return to work at mer wages, and for this, purpose combined and conspired against operatives of their own m,..s to jure them in order to benefit the I J . King mi l. The mills can be joined from a continuance df the out. “The employers are also liable the criminal side of the court for inal conspiracy. They have these people to go there to work at certain price; the people are their duty, but in order to crush the helpless thousands are thrown of work.” The World's Greatest Cure for Malaria. X ing For nil forms Johnson's of Mnlarfpl ChiU polson- Fever take cud Ionic. A taint of Mabiilul poison inK in your b!or»d rr.eoiift misery and fn 11 tire. Blood medicines can’t cure Malarial poTHoninjf. The anlidole for it is JOHNSON’S TONIC. Get a bottle to-day. Costs 50 Cents [f [t gures. YARN MILLS OCTOPUS. * Gigantic Combine is Being Engineered By Southern Cotton .Spinners. Plans are on foot for the formation of a gigantic trust of all the cotton yarn mills of the nouthern states. .Investigation has been..- made by a committee named at a recent meeting of the southern yarn spinners, and they will report favorably to the forma tion of the trust at a meeting to be held in Charlotte, N. C„ on April 23. THE WORLD'S GREATEST FEVER MEDICINE. For all forma of fever take John son s Chill and Fever Tonic It is 100 times bettor than quinine and does in a single day what slow qui splendid nine cannot do in 10 days. It’s cures are In striking con trast to the feeble cures made by quinino. Costs 50 Cents If It Cores. Senate Confirmations. The senate Thursday confirmed the following nominations: To be major general, Brigadier General Robert P. Hughes; colonels to be brigadier^, Isaac D. De Russey, Andrew S. Burt and Michgel V. Sheridan. NJ W'ft V si I PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 200 ?t h St., Augusta, Ga f.lyes •tight, erimts FREfc till* EYE TESTS, glasses for alt anil defects WAR- of life proper RANTS lit. Lenses cut into yoiir frame while you wait. FREE OF CHARGE, BOUTHERN RAILWAY. jm Condensed Bchoduio in Effect June 10, 1000. Sail jfo. Si ElSTliUS TIME. “Tfo. 6 ij–Tj Daily Daily I Dally Daily 02i)p l T QOS Lv. . Oharlcaton ... Ar a m 815p 72Sp Efi§i>! 7 41a “ .. Summerville .. " io m WJISsWi: «ion 4la OOOp 5 Kip 8 7 65a 4 43p ......1.1183a ......[11 Ar ..Sumter... Oamdcn......Lv ...Lv 0 45b 260p 40a DiiOp'll 00a Ar... .Columbia.....L vj 7 10a 400p mwim sKp coop 7 v 40p sup 0 40a "... Bamberg .... “ 802p 9 50a “ .. Denmark .... “ B 503p top J8 922p 20p 10 07a •• .,:, ......•.Ailtoa.....“ Blaokville.....“ 0 55p !100a " aiop . 0.Dap 1181a Ar. Apgusta un.d.Lv '' NOTKI In addition - TcTThirabove Charles- aervloe trains Nos. 15 and 14 run daily between ton and Asheville, carrying elegant Pullman sleep!us cars No. 16 leave Charleston 11:00 p. m.lfttrlve Columbia 5:55 a. in.; arrive Aslta villa 9:05 u. m. No. ill leave AshevilleSOj Charles. p. m. i leave Columbia 1:35 fl. in,! arrive ion 7:00 a. m. Sleeping cars ready for occupancy at IPiitrlWiton at 9:00 p. in. These 1 ruins roaito close dGiinfidiidlilS «t tJclmnbia with W:i-}ii-...-tnn through trains between Floridit points and and »hc css*'. Daily No. Daily 8 Doublo GREENVILLE. Service.iDally jNo.12 No.ld Daily Daily r iB 7 8 00a 55n IA " .^UtorUWtBH Brauchvilla • • Ar 8 f.tMIt lop 7 4 00a 20a ' 2 50a 9 28a “ . .Orangeburg . ,. -v “ 6 :fe 8 46a 7 00a 11 05a “ ... Columbia ..Lv 4 top 186a 0 60a 1 Bap “ .. Groonwoo4 • “ 12 40p S15p 10 65a 2 Ar ....Abbeville... Lv 11 "On OlOp 11 40a R R6p'Ar . ..Amlorson... Lv 10 45a 4 45p 12 20p . .«8reeftf ille, . Lv 10 15a 5 80p «an. only fc>un. Lv. Ar.gliitfi 1 »E0a 5 20p 82p Ar. Bandcrsvilla O',, 13 12 48p 8 48p " Tennillo..... 1 ttOp OOP 8 Lv. Tcnnillo .. 5 4te Si 60p 8 lOp. “ Sandcrsville 5 50a 4 0t)p 8 8B0p 23p Ar. Augusta, .... tl (X)a 7 JOp Daily Daily Mix. Daily Mix Daily I5xsu Exau Lv SavPilnnln. . 12 20 a 1239p 25« “ Allendale..,. () 4 Barnwell 418a 400p ■ a 4()3a . loa 7 46a Ar, " BlacliviHb.. 4 28u m 10 11 45a ftoiuJhbln:... 0 10(1 *.-• *-■ - ' I)/aiy 0ally Lr. Oolnmbia..... ii 25a 120a 0 iOa;....... Ar. Blaokville..., 107p 8 00a 1016a 4 50p " Barnwell.... 1 21p 8 lfin U 80a 8 40p “ Allendale..... lOOp 915p “ Wnvuumih..... S lop 5 10a l . . . . -li Atlanta and Beyond* tv. GSaviesFoiL. ' ,62op aft...... ....7! Ar. Augusta .. . 11151a 10 " Atlanta...... 8 20p. 5 00a...... Lv. Atlanta..... illOOp 5 80a 4OOP Ar. Chattanooga I 6 45u 0 46a 8 40p Lv. Atlanta........................ .. 5 40n Ar. Birmingham............. 1185a Ot “ Memphis, (via BirminghamV. 805p .. Ar, Lexington, fiOOp 5 00a " Cincinnati, 7 80p 7 45a “ Chicago;;., 1 l 6 n 5 80p Ar. Louisville. 7 80p 7 40a " St. Louis 7 048 (iOOp .. Ar. M emp his, (via Chattanooga) 710p 7 40a To Ashovnie-CinoinnnFi-Loulavilla. EASTERN TIME. Daily Daily Lv. “ Batesburg Augusta ' wp Taft 12 4 4Up 07a Lv . Charleston............... ; 7 C0a 11 03p Lv. Columbia (Union Depot) ..... 0 80a 8 lOp 0 lOp 60a 7 lap 1 “ " Ginoinniiati.............. Knoxville................ 4 16a 7 20p 7 80p 7 45a “ Lo uisville (via Jellico).. . 0 50a To Washington and tho East. Ev7Tugusia777r7rT. “ Batesburg.............. ,.. .".'.77 2 ®|, 12 p® (Union 4 40p 07 ft Ar, “ Columbia Depot) 5 55p 2 15ft Charlotte................ 910p 9 45 a IftTSan yiTl B ., ,,, .., l26fa 188p Ar. Blcliiliond . , 7. Ar. Washington. , ........ 850p " Baltimore Pa. I!. R...... 11 25p “ " Philadelphia............... Now York................ CO«— 2 64a 0 Ilia Atlanta, Sleeping via Car Augusta, Line between making Charleston connections anil at Atlanta for all points North Charleston ami West. Solid Trains between and Ashe ville. Pullman Parlor Cars and Drawing Room sleeping cars between Charleston and Ashe ville. . Connections at Columbia with through Jackson- trains for Washington all and the East; also for ville and Florida Points. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V-P. – I4en. C. Mgr., Traffic Manager, Washington, D. Washington, D. O. GEORGEB. ALLEN, Div. Pass. Agt,., Charleston, S. C. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Agt., .Asst, Gen. Par ; Agt., Washington, D. C. Atlanta. Ga. Cl N REPAIRS saws, ribs, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, –c,, FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES, BOILERS UNO PRESSES And Repairs for 8nme. Bhftftlrg, Ptilloya Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves ftnd Fittings LOMBARD IRON WORKS – SUPPLY C0. f AUGUSTA. GA. —The grand jury, considering the ca–e of Hon. R» H. Lowe, solicitor of the eighth judicial circuit of Alabama, finds that he be impeached “for incom petency and wilful neglect of duty.” ■—General J. B. Gordon lias ordered General Robert White to'assume com mand of the Army of Northern Vir ginia, vice General Wade Hampton. He also announced the appointment of Private John Allen as orator of the Dallas reunion. ’—The attorney general has instruct ed the district attorney at Kansas City to take steps to dissolve the beef trust. -—Major Waller, charged with killing Filipinos without trial, was acquitted by the court at Manila. THE AUCUSTA SAVINGS BANK, 80s broad street. SIV1XOS ACCOUNTS SOLICITXn. 1MKRRST 1-aid o.v DEPOSITS. W p 5.K°* J - Q ’eS tE ' SUBSCRIPTION. *1.00 PER YEAR. PUBLIC CONFIDENCE I To win it, stocks must substantiate advertising assertions. We realize this, »nd you will always find adrertised goods as good as the telling would lead yon to believe—and many times far better. Every department Is bright with New Fall Goods, larger stocks are offered for selection than ever before, and, a* usual, our prices are the very lowest possible HEAD OUlt PRICES. AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED? Ladies’ Kid Buttons..... 75ote Gents’ Buff Bal.B and Congress, Ladies’ Dotigola Buttons $1.00 solid....................... $i.o» Ladies’ Vici Kid Buttons....... 1.25 Gents' Satin Caif Bals and Cong., Ladies' Cincinnati Custom Made 1.50 best......................... i.po Ladies’ French Kid Hand-sewed Gents’ Genuine H S Bals. and Button 8.00 Cong..................... 2.5ft worth $2.50 any where. Gents’ Tan Bals.Vivi – WillenClf. 2.0ft . - Infants’ Kid Button ......... 2Bots worth $3.00. Ohildren’e Kid Spring Heel.....COots Boye’ School Bhoes, all solid.... 75cta Gents’ Buff Bals and Congress. .$1.00 Boys’ School Shoes, the best.... $1.0G pull Line Union Made Shoes and Hats. WE GIVE PREMIUH DISCOUNT CHECKS. The Great Eastern Shoe Co. R. fi. TARVER, Manager. W Broad Street. Ship Your Cotton To M. O’DOWD’S SONS – CO m Cotton Factors, Corner Reynolds and Ninth Streets, AUGUSTA, GA Wo give personal and undivided Attention to the weighing and selling of cotton. Liberal Cash Advances Made On Consignments. Fall in Line With the . -•*-........... Money-Making ------—,V'. Farmer. ...... - Thrifty farmers need Btuclebaker Wagons, Oliver Chilled Plows, Tiger Disc Harrows, Gantt Cotton Planters, Gantt Guano Distributors, Piduet Jr. Cultivators, Caldwell Cotton Planters and Cox Cotton Planters . DAY – TANNAHILL m Augusta, Georgia. The World’s Greatest Fever Medicine. For all forms of fever take JOHNSON’S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC. J t is* 100 times better than quinine and does in a single day what slow quinine cannot < o in 10 days, It's splendid cures arc in striking contrast to the feeble cures made by quinine. COSTS SO CENTS IF IT CURES. The Cotton Factor Business OF S. M. Wt-HTTNEy Lately deceased, at Augusta, will be continued umler Hi S® 1m and Sis Place as Beretolere, and patrons will receive tlie usual prompt attention and liberal treatment heretofore accorded. North Corn Whiskey Direct to Carolina At $1.59, $1.75, $2.00 and $3.00 Per Gallon. SAVING niDDLEITEN’S PROFITS. All express charges paid by me on Packages of 2 gals, or more. : end jour order and write for (!< seriptive circulars of >' ines ar.d Brandies. Terms Cash With Order. RI'lFERENCES-^Commercial Agencies or any merchant hero. J. H. WOOLLEY. Ctojlille, l C. 12 March , ’02 Alexander – Alexander. %%%%%%%%%%% COTTON FACTORS. Augusta, Ga. Georda RailroeS -BauJ AUGUSTA, GEOBGJA, . 1 I racial to toft-, INVrnEDj ( CORBK8POKDEKCK J. W. Whiteiey. Publisher.