Newspaper Page Text
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B. H. HAWKINS Edita#, I.
......— Entered „. r -...... the ’Foatdffice -.* in a$sfei tfibsen, . s| g
Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter.
Hut ymr.
f»i* wnnliu/k
Thru# raotttb.
Address all Communication, to
GIBSON, GA, APRIL 18. 1002
Resolved by the Democrnlic Exe
cutive Committee of Glascock
Countv that the dn(o fixed for
holdtug a white primary for State
house Offiicers to wit : June the
6 th. 1902, he and t lie same is here
by adopted as the date for holding
a white primary election in Gins
cock county fur Rppreeenative in
General Assembly, and for all
County Officers and nlso for Bena
tor for the 18lJ»., {senatorial din
tnc't, Resolved further that two
Election managers and three
Clerks lie appointed to hold said
primary at each voting precinct in
said county and that said primary
be held according to the rules pro
scribed by the State \Democratic
Excmive Committee,
Resolved further, that each of
the former political white parties
in the county have equnl represen
tation on the board of Managers
<>t said primary, Hus committee
also resolving that said primary
film 11 be open to every white voter
in the comity regardless pastfpnrty
affiliations. The said committee
having in View just and fair elec
tions and the election of the
men for the various officers to
W« appoint tli« following per
sons to Manage and Clerk at their
respective precincts at said pri
mary election, they to receive
(fl.) Ono Doll,ir each per day ns
compensation for Iheir services,
Mitchell District, Managers Judge
M. L. Newsom and II. H. Todd,
Clerks R. L. Kitchens, C. K.
Snider, and Nullum Wilkie, Edge
hill District, Munngef 8 W. D.
Allen and T. R. Williams, Clerk*
L. T. McCoy. J. T. McNeal, and
B. A. J. Kitchens, ; Gibson Dis
trict Managers W. R. Loguo tSr.
and J. D. Newsome, Clerks 0. I 1 .
Pixon.J.F. Brassell, and T. L,
Dixon. Usrv’s Mill District, Man
agers W. A. Clialker and T. F
Hatcher Clerks M. F. Usry, Cal
vin Chalker and J. D. Clialker.
By order ot Tho Executive Com
mittee, this ICtli of April 1902.
T. A. Brown, Sect’y H. A. Wil
liams, Chairman.
The above resolutions speak for
themselves, and it is therefore
unnecessary for us to unwind on
the subject, and if wo wanted, to
say ever so much wo would be
compel led to defer until next is
sue as space forbids it this week.
ih»l, wo will ad alittlo. Wo feel
thtfV the white people are draw
ing nearer and nearer together
oaihduy. Tho time is not far
distant when the grand little conn
ty <*i Glascock w ill bear the hon
or* bio distinction of having n
■united white |>eople within her
borders, and it will be a sotuce of
comfort for tho Record to reulizo
that it has aided in the propoga
tion of this unity. Now we say,
us the resolutions above say, let,
every man. regardless of past pur
♦ y affilliatious, come in and take
a part in a white man’s battle,
where there will bo no mingling
and scramble with the worthless
We lietcby pledge the auppoit
of the Record to the nominees,and
shall staad by them in the Geueral
election, ami we aro sure there will
no opposition. It will not bo a fight
between two parties. It will not be
struggle of bitterusxs and strife, but,a
caim, quiet election within the
of one party. It will be a family bat
tle, with no alien race to iuterveue in
behalf of the unworthy. The
will not be the choice of an alien race,
but will be the choice of their
Tli« caudidates have
luanbood aud given ns their
meats subject to a white
Now if there is a candidate
to risk his destiny in the hands of
white people, let’s unite ami
him that this is a white man’s
YYe will uot have much trouble
H on - Mark Johnson, candidate for
School Commissioner, spoke to
good crowd of Gih.wn citizens at
chart honse last night. The crowd
very enthusiastic and greeted him
awplatf*# hcwstautly. He touched
on Several occas
wy, modest and
1 **- '■ Wbih- he came here
stranger, be left
wltras frW–ds who will remember
o» tho fifth day of Juno.
as outlined seamed to meet
the approval of all his hearers,
bis hentlly and gentlemanly way
referring to liis opponents won
high esteem. He will leave this a. m.
for Hamltraville, where he speaks to
night. K i
Wo t”o, are in favor of n division of
tho school funds. L?t the negro pay
for his. own schooling and tlia white
man do the same.
It is no time to sit and wait if
you want an office, You must
get a move on you and keep it on
you to the last. The day lias past
for the office to seek the man, and
wo fear that day will never return
Tim Snnd«rsvil!e Progress
wants to know what comity Giier
ry will get a majority of votes in.
Well, the gentleman only asked
for one, hence wo will not name
but one, that one ,is Glascock. We
will gladly turnish other counties
it the gentleman liked,
A* last tho white dove of penon
is to hover over the South Afri
can Republic, and the brave,
battle-scarred heroes will peace
fully return to their deserted and
wrecked homes to face strife and
struggle lor \eafs. It is a great
pity that the slaughter of this
brave little nation Wouldn’t have
been stopped long ago. It is too
cruel to kill brave heroes like the
Boers, They hare proved to the
World that they were true fighters
and they have caused England to
spend millions of money and
oceans of blood. A mere cruel
war has never been waged against
a nation than the ono powerful
England lias waged ugaiust the
weak Boers. But while weak in
number, they have proven thein
selves strong in fighting qualities.
They have gained nothing, but
Install, and will now have to
leave *tlio battlefield penniless
and strive to rebuild their once
prosperous country.
< I A neighbor ran in.with bot
tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy when
mp son was suffering with severe
cramps and was given up as be
yond hope by my regular physic
ian who stands high m his profes
sion. After administering three
doses of it my son regained con
sciousness and recovered entirely
within twenty four hours,”* says
Mrs. Mary JIaller, of Mt.
lord, Vh. This remedy is for
by WhiteloV,
It seems thnt the farmer
have no dry weather to work m.
flood For Rheumatism.
Last Fall I was taken with t
very severe attack of muscular
Rheumatism which caused me
great nain and annoyance. After
trying rheumatic several {prescriptions I and
cures, decided to use
Chamberlain's Pain Balm which
I had aeen advertised,in the South
Jorsevuuui. After two applica
tions ot this Remedy, I was much
hotter and after using one bottle,
was completely cured .-r-Sallie Har
ris. Salem, N. J, For sale by J.
W. Whiteley.
Send m your announcement at
once or you will he too late.
When you wake up with a bad
taste in your mouth, go at once
to Whiteley’s of Chamberlain's and get a free sam
ple Stomach and
Liver Tablets, One or two doses
will make you well. They also
eure billionsness, sich headache
and constipation.
Go to \Yhiteley’f» and got a $1.50
suit of clothes for 09 cents for you boy
Started a horrible ulcer on the
leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove
III., which defieu doctors and all
remedies for four years. Then
Bticklon’s Arnica Salve cured him
Justus good for Boils, Burns,
Bruises, Cuts. Corns. Scalds, skin
Eruptions, Whiteley’s. aud Piles. 2oc. at
Don r, ,. t neglect , , billionsneu , and ,
constipation, lour health will
suffer permanently if you do. De
such 1 cases. 8 M. Ear.y B hunt Risers . But cure er
nut Mid,., says . De\\ ,tt‘s Little
Gov o,n T S , u U ?iV l M
The north pole is like a iv o
man’s pocket. \Vi%H know where
, t OUft htto be, but none of us *au
find it.
Drink lit ay have mad* some of
our citizens fat, but it 1ms made
some of tl>em leiui-agamst'a wall
for support.
The four nations which have
been most prominent latly aro
coronation,Curri"Nation, assassi
nation and vacillation.
The announcements from now
-on should rend, subject to a white
primary. All of the candidates
are in favor of n primary and the
voters are too, and we see
to hinder it from coming, We
ary bent on having one.
Say, bro. had, you {hougUt
. .... . ■ t . ■
a ><»u i , iu ime or \o mg is
no oi is an .am i \ >u uaim
<i .ooi won < m a pr<. j gone
idea to register, *’■ lou will nod
tho . . , book . . the . , hands ,
registration in
of Henry Cl. Sammons at C P.
Dixon's store. Don t ’t keep pllt*
ting this off until it is too hue.
Oil the fifth day of June the
great tale will be told, Borne
will be jubilant while others will
be sad That day will tell wliotli
or the state lias a majority of so
. hor wilJiln borders uho ,
men its
aro bravo enough to vote for pro
At last some of the candidates
llftVO decided to let lis hear from
them. We once thought wo were
to bo slighted.
Everything seems tc be getting
higher and higher, and costs more
each year to live; but then, it is
worth more each year too
Don’t neglect coughs 6 and colds
even if it is spring, SucIi cases
often result seriously at this sea
son just because people are care
less. A dose of One Minute Cough
Cure will remove all danger. Ab
solutely safe. Acts at once. Bure
cure for coughs, coIds, croup, bron
cliitis, and other throat and lung
troubles. t * 1 have used One Min
ute Cough Cure several years, ( l
says Postmaster C. O. Dawson,
Barr, 111. “It is the Very best
cough medicine on the market. It
lius saved me many a spsll of
sickness ami 1 warmly recom
mend ;t,“ The children’s
J. W. Whiteley.
The fruit growers say the fruit
crop is not damaged so far. We
diHiope tvo will have a 1 flue frail
Do you know that a neglected
cough or cold leads to Consump
tion? Mote people die from the
effects of catching cold than any
other known cause. There is one
remedy, and remember it only
costs 25 cents that lias proven a
safe unfailing cure for coughs and
colds. I t is cu I ltd Gooch’s Mex
ican Svrup, Your druggist lias it
or will get it for you. It heals
and strengthens tho lungs and
breathing passages when nothing
else you tulco seems to do you
good; you hud better get ft bottle
to-day and read tho testimonials
on tho wrapper.
General Watte Hampton died at
Ins home in Columbia, S. C. last
Friday. The south has lost one
ot her ablest sons. Peace bo to
Ins ashes.
“Two years ago as a result of a
severe cold, 1 lost my voice, t *
writes Dr. M. L. Scarbrough, of
Hebron, Ohio, “then begun an ob
stinate cough. Every remedy
known to mens a practicing phy
sician for B5 years, tailed, and I
dailv grow worse. Being urged to
try Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, found Coughs and Colds,
I qmcK relief, and for the
last ten drys have felt better than
for two years.” Positively guar
anteed tor Throat and Lung trou
bles by Whiteley 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free.
Tho same old trouble—ring
rule, will predominate the coming
election. It is not the best man
who gets tlune, it’s the man 111 the
ring, and lie is generally the sor
riest in tho race.
The Great Dismal Swamp.
Of Virginia is a breeding is ground
of Malaria germs. So low. wet
or marshy ground every whole,
These germs cause weakness, chi Is
and lever, aches in the hnies and
niuscDa, and may induce danger
ous maladies. But Electric Bit
ters never fail to destroy them
and cure malarial troubles. They
„ , lt typhoid. “We
trie(1 mnliy amm-dies for Malaria
, SNmuidl ftIlH Liver troubles,”
^ j Charleston, of Bves
yj|| ^ 0h „ but never f;imd uny
, tis K ,ectrio Bittern.
Tr> the,,. Only 50c. Wlutelqy
Captain Oridiey’s x.i Restored by
Mother and Brother Perona,
rgs- pa mm
tgr Y,
> £-V
m I
V . rs .....
|l\- a:
S3 /• . # * • • t
Mrs. Gridley, mother of Captain Gridley, who was in command
of Dewey’s flagship, at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Manila,
says of our remedy, Peruna:
"At the solicitation of a friend I used Peruna, and can truthfully
gay ft fa a grand tonic and Is a woman’s friend, and should be used
^ ev ery household. After using It for a short period 1 feel like a
new person.”—MRS. „ nc . GRIDLEY. cv
Mrs. Ixmgstreot la the wife of the fa
mous Confederate General, Lieutenant
General James Long»treet r the only liv
ing ex-Confederate officer of that rank,
She writes as follows to The Peruna
Medicine Co.:
“I can rccommenf your excellent rem
edy, Peruna, tm one of tho best tonics,
and for those who need a good, substan
tial remedy, I know,of nothing better.
Besides being a goyd tonic it i* an effcc
Uvo cure for catarrh.”—Mrs. James
Lc«g S treet.
Hon. Lucius E, Gridley, brother of
Captain Gridley, also speaks a good
word for Peruna. In a letter written
from 1511 T Street, Waehington, I>.
hoaays . Medicine
The Peruna Co., Columbus, o.
Gentlemen—“YourPeruna has been
thoroughly tested In my family. My
mother and wife used It with the very
best results, and I Jake pleasure In rec
ommending It to ibl who want a good,
substantial remedy, both asa tonic and
a catarrh cure. Lucius E. Gridley.
Miss Mary J. Kennedy, manager of
the Armour – Ch.’s exhibit, Trans
Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Mob.,
writes the folio whig in regard to Peru
na > tlom Weet street,
Chicago, Ill.:
“I found the continual change of diet
N. S. Hodges – Co •9
Mitchell, Ga.
Coffins – Caskets
--Young and Did. Complete Lino Always On Hand.- — - —
N. I-., Hodges – Go
733 and*735 Broad Street,
Augusta, Georgia
Carriages,' buggies, Wagons, Harness
Carriage and Wagon Material. Hemlock and
White Oak Sole Leather, Harness Leather and Rubber
Belting. Blacksmith and Woodworker's Tools,
Agents for Babcock's Fine Vehicles,
Also Jno W. Masury Paints. – Sons
Notice To Contractors and Home Builders.
Having purchased a largo stock before tho advance in prices )
metal goods I am prepared to fill all orders at lowest market
tor Tin plate Solder, Zinc, Copper, Black and Galvanized Blieet
Corrugated Iron Tarred Rocking and Building Taper.
toves, Ranges, Mantels, Tiling and Gratet
Galvanized Iron Cornices and Sheet Metal Work A Specialty.
David Slusky 1009 Broad St fee
Don 't hold a man responsible
for his fool kin. You have trou
bles of that kind of your own.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants 11 gives and Instant digests relief ail kinds of
food. and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can lake It. By Its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
is unequalled for all stomach troubles.
II can’t help
but do you good
Prepared bottlecounUnaSUtimestbc–oc.alas onl y by 15.0. l)t. IV itt – € 0 ., Chicago
TI 10 Augusta .Mill hands are out.
on a strike, with no prospect of
an early adjustment.
incidental to-elght. years’ traveling com
pletely upset my digestivo system. On
consulting Bcrcrnl physicians they de
cided I suffered with catarrh of the
“ Their prescriptions did not seem to
help mo any, so, reading of the remark
able cures perfected by the use of Peru
no, I decided to try It, and soon found
myself well repaid.
“I have now used it for about three
months and feel completely rejuvenated.
I believs I am perfectly cured, ana
not hesitate to give unstinted praise to
your remedy, Peruna/’—Mary J. Ken
Congressman Geo. TV. Smith of Mur
phy Eboro, Ill., writes:
“ I take pleasure in testifying to the
merits of Peruna. I have taken ono
bottle for my catarrh and I feel very
much benefited. To those who aro
afflicted with catarrh and in need of a
good tonic I take pleasure in recom
mending Peruna.”—Geo. TV. 8mith.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to lir. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case ami lie will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vie*- gratia.
Addross Dr. Hartman, President ol
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Get a free sample of Chamber
Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
at Whiteley's. They are enair to
take and more pleasant in eff ect
than pills. Then their use is not
followed by constipation as is of
ten the case with pills. Regular
size 25o per box.
For Consumption. , Coughs, Colds
This wonderful medicine positively
cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia,
Hay Fever, Pleurisy, LnGrippe,
ing Cough. EveTy bottle guaranteed
The politicians are beginning to
“sneak around.” Something is
going to du p the first news you
Attention, Good Dressers!
We Have a Good Thing and
Want Everybody to Know it
«3f We hare seemed the exclusive right
for this vicinity to take orders for the
L —n famous tailoring of
Pi fjl | STRAUSS Chicago. We BROS aro# • »
>< V- are
s v\ jl I is Sr displaying their newest
\ samples cf Fins
y W o o I e n S' and urge
v ir everyone interested in
* good clothes to call and
inspect them. We sfcS#’
ii by far thejargest line in the country, con
sisting of many exclusive effects in wor
jfjj 11 steds, cassimercs, Scotches, clays, serges,
^ etc. STRAUSS BROS, make the kind
n oi clothes you like to wear,—accurately
tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above
the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you have paid for
inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction
and with it goes our unqualified endorsement.
We shall be glad to have you call and you will be glad you
W Whiteley,
This Season
Wo will offer to the Public the best lines of
That has ever been*for sale iif Augusta.
Our Shoes will be sold strictly on their merits and on V#r guar
antee of their reliability. We will have some special offerings to^
make as the season progresses,
In medium priced Shoes the lines we carry have no superior. In
Such as are needed by those exposed to the inclemency of the weath
er. We have mfide special efforts to secure Bhoes that will give am
pie protection to the feet and keep them dry. No troub.a to shew
onl* shoes.
JK9*Agent* for Harmra – Hons Fine Shoes.
Best Yaliue The New
est Style I mi Augusta ?
The low price slors saves yon money on every article you
to buy. No matter what prices otbeisjnake, you will find thslowmt
prices here
*f . ■ . * ..
Furs, Bkirts, Underwear, Backs. Wrappers, Silks and Dress Good*
25 per cent, weiave yofi ott dll above lines. 200 pair Notmgha*i
Jaice onrtaiut, #2,CO value $1.09 200 pair Ciuny Lace Curtains,
1*2.50 quality $1.50, 200’pajr line Lace Curtains at 25 per cent, of
price. -
Home Made Georuia rud S . C. Carpets.
80c forest out fast color carpets ;{50c for extra super-wool Carpets
85c for wool stair Carpets. 600Rugs'at 50c on the dollar. Under
wear cheaper thou any place in town. You save money on what yon
buy of
Augusta, Ga.
It Makes Its Mark
wherever used, and among L fTT
good housekeepers our flour is m –
the highest standard oi high r>«5 *
uuality. Bread, cakes, pies, gfffPi m
biscuit, pastry, made from this
excellent brand offlour, have a D–SJ ;
Hg-htness, sweetness and flavor jSj
gj ven by no Other flour. It is
beft to use lor any kind of
baking. • OFYUlGHY
Arrington Bros – Co..
903 Broad Street, Angusta Ga,
Lea lers In All Kinds Of Groceries aud Breadstuft*
If that, tali, good-looking young man, of about will 25, who was vainly
trying to find ft now Suit to fit and please him come here any
time hetwajn 7 A. M. and G P. M. ho will learn something to ins ad
vantage. *
I 11 all the new patterns of tins season styles-just as neat aud just
8H yonr heart can desire-at
$5.00 TO $28.
And ... plenty of „ them ,, to , suit . everybody, Boy Kuee Punts Ftiif
b 1
E. S. McCreary – BO •9
C{Olhiers, Halters, Furnishers,
716 Broad Sl^-T, AUGUSTA, GA