Newspaper Page Text
Some Sensible Advice to Wo
men by Mrs. E. Sailer.
“ Dkab Mrs. Pinkiiam : —When I
passed through what is known as
* change of life,’ I had two yeans’ suf
fering, chills would —sodden heat, and as appetite quick
variable pass and over I me; could my
was never tell for
mm ‘4
President German Relief Association,
Los Angelos, Cal.
a day at a time how 1 would feel the
next day. Five bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
of changed health, ail and that, I my days became day*
aince—now six have enjoyed every day
We have used years. considerable
“ of your
Vegetable Compound in our charitable
work, as we find that to restore a poor
mother to health so she can support her
•elf and those is dependent upon her, if
such there be, truer charity thaq to
give other aid. You havo my hearty
endorsement, for you have* proven
yourself a true friend to suffering wo
men.”—.M rs. E. Sailer, 750 Hill St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.—*5 000 forfeit If about lei
tlmonfal i$ not genuine.
No other person ran give such
helpful advice to women who
are sick as can Mrs. Pjnlcliam,
for no other has had such great
experience—her address la Lynn,
Mass., and her advice tree -—if
you arc sick write her—you aro
foolish if you don’t.
mf |j#
: *rv
s® //*>.;
/ ft?
Small crops, unsalable veg- I
ctablcs, result from want of *
Vegetables are especially
fond of Potash. Write for
our free pamphlets.
93 N*»«au St., New York.
SI and S3 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, O*.
Reliable Frick Engines.
all Sixes. Wheat
aU Sixes. *
Large Engines and Boilers
promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn
Circular Saws, Saw Teeth,
Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line
glnes and Mill Supplies, Send
free Catalogue.
BUSINESS Apply at once to THIS ____________________
Banking. lOLLKGK, Renmonshlji, Macon. Oa. Bo
lnjr. Shorthand.
writing. •nd Business Telegraphy, Correepdfidonce Minium,oil. s.
taught. Board $8 to $10 per mouth.
•‘Feck** Af*tlimit t will do it
thewo-Bi attack of Ashmi In ono minute 1
Is equally good for Croup or t elds. Try
Fjree sample sent to any addre.-s
J. C. PECK,07 Ivy Blivet, Atlanta
tm r mm
H Opiam. LwtdMium, Cumiut nr.' p l.lquer habit* per
■ mtneutly and cured at how home. No detection
from bt»«ine*»r- Action timnrdiaie, J «a voa paiiaot iu
H m BBtorai, particular*. cemUtion DU, wiihoM drsiro fo r drug*.
Writ® for Ct'., Atlanta ,
Cura Guaranteed for $10.
S. J. Vawter’s Carnations are the
/vHOICB From the famous
of out artificial 5 heat, armatton postpaid, X*!nttie for on 25c;
rlocaof price. Wales i Vloitl*for26<T3
Bnlbafor 25<; 3 t nlln I.lly llulb»
Orders filled In rotation. Order now. Address
raak Floral Co., (Inc.]. Par*.
Mention this Paper /n writing to
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time. Sold iflSsSSKsSEB by druggist*._
Calling Birds From the Sky.
Frank M. Woodruff divulged a secret
at the Academy of Science in Lincoln
Park. It is a “system" for coaxing
maritime birds to alight in Lake Mich
Few Chicagoans know that every
fall flocks of migratory birds that be
long to salt water bodies pass' over
that city by the lake so high up In the
air that they cannot be seen by human
eye, and only two students of these
strange fowls know how to bring them
out pt the clouds. Mr. Woodruff, who
is the taxidermist at the Academy of
Science, is one of them and J. Grafton
Parker, another ornithologist, is the
other. Every year Mr. Parker and
Mr. Woodruff betake themselves to
the south end of Lake Michigan and
after placing decoys off the Indiana
coast wait patiently until far up In the
sky there comes the shrill whistle of a
sea bird. Then Woodruff, who has
studied their calls until be can imi
tate them perfectly sends back an
answering whistle that must travel
miles upward through space.
Scores of times these efforts have
resulted In luring the misguided birds
out of thetr winged flight to the Gulf
of Mexico and the Atlantic seaboard—
for It Is thither they are bound.—Chi
cago News.
Charles—Say, didn’t you know you
trod on that lady’s gown. Why didn’t
yon apologize?
William—I didn’t want her to know
it was I. She might have smiled
sweetly and have said. “Don’t men
tion it,” or something of that .kind,
but she would have felt like stabbing
me through the heart, and, what is
more she never would have forgotten
nor forgiven.—Boston Transcript.
This world it 1 b a fleeting show,
Where some secure the best
And some encounter “S. R. Q
And never get a rest.
But they who stand in tired array.
As well as they who sit
In rapt attention long to stay,
The show has made a hit.
Washington Star.
A Non-SlnUabl* Boat.
Experiments arc being made on a device
to prevent boats from water-tight sinking. doors By turning in
it wheel several are
stantly closed. If it is a suecess It will mako
ocean travel ns free from danger as Hostet
ter’s Stomach Bitters does the road through
life. It is a specific remedy for stomach ills,
such as belching, fiatulenoy, heartburn, in
digestion, dyspepsia and constipation, it Is
also a splendid blood purifier and preven
tive of In grippe, malaria, fever and ague.
Be sure to try it.
A person with a good sight c«n see an
Other person’s eyes at a distance of eighty
Tettor 1* Terrible,
But Tatterlne cures It, '"My wife nas had
Tetter for twenty years, and Tetterino is the
only thing that does her good. Send a box."
—A, j. Cruno, Crane, Miss. 6O0. a box by
mail from J. T. Bhuptrlne, Savannah, Ga.,
your druggist don’t keep it.
London Among who the .Uventy-four 100 inhabitant* old nine- of
arc over years
teen arc women.
Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy is a liquid
preparation and knooke all tablet* out. It
cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Vertigo, Full
ness of Stomach, Headache. 50o. Druggist*.
It doesn’t take a dentist to hurt one’*
A»k Your Dealer For Alton’* Foot-Ka»e,
V powder to shako into yourslioes; rests the
•net. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore,
Hot, Callous, Aehiug, Sweating Feet and In
growing Nulls. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes new
01 tight shoes easy. At all druggists and
shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample mailed Fees.
Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
The average price of gloves for export
n Italy i* cents a nair.
How’* THU?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
nny ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., „ Toledo, . . O. „
We, the undersigned, have known F. J .Che
ney for the last 15 years, and liolleve him per
fectly honorable In all business transaction*
and financially able to carry out any
tion made by their firm. Druggists,Toledo, ,
A Tbpax, Wholesale ,
Ohio. Wholesale
gists, Toledo, Ohio. internally,
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
ing directly upon the blood and mucous
faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hairs Family Pills ar e the best.
Most spiders have eight eyes,
some species have only six.
Half- Sick
“ I first used 1848. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla then I
in the fall of Since
have taken it every spring and as a
blood - purify medicine.” in g nerve
strengthening S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feci run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
■ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
It’s a regular nerve blood
lifter, a perfect
builder. }l.t0 a bottle. AlUr*i|t*ts.
Ask your doctor what ho thinks this of Ayer's grand
Sarsaparilla, lie knows all about
old family medicine Follow his tulvice and
we will be satisfied Tsowell* Mass.
J. C. AYUR Co.,
m® ' BEST for'; the BOWEtS
'Ur. lOf.
Genuine Stamped C C C. Never sold in
Bewwre of the dealer who tries to sell
"something just as good."
o Cur?s
l o ------ Headache,
j o
to’ Doe* Not Affect «he Heart.
Sold by Druggists, IX an 1 25o bottle.
Halzer’* ffiper»0)b.b*«.; Music Crush,<1 *.76 tor 6001 sbrll*. b*. -$6.60for Be*t to 10001
Distinguished Soldier and States
man Goes to His Reward.
Much Beloved and Honored Son of
South Carolina Crosses Over the
Dark River at His Home
in Columbia. .
A special from Columbia, S. C, says:
General Wade Hampton died Friday
morning at 9 o'clock from valvular dis
ease of the heart. He had been uncon
scious for several hours.
The general had Just passed his
eighty-fourth birthday. Twice the past
winter ho has had attacks that greatly
weakened him, but he rallied wonder
fully on both occasions.
Today every town in South Carolina
is mourning the man who, considering
his combined services and achieve
ments in peace as well as war, is con
sidered the state’s greatest son.
The end came somewhat unexpect
edly, as it was only within the preced
ing thirty-six hours he w%s known to
be seriously ill. A few days ago the
general, after rallying from an attack
was able to take a drive about the city.
He Talked of Battles.
• The general’s last moments were
painless. During the last few days he
had been talking constantly to long
departed friends and had again led to
victory the noble legion that followed
him to battle as a veritable war god.
Immediately the news spread over
town, schools were dismissed, social
functions called off and the bell® tolled.
By noon the state house and confed
erate monument were draped in black.
The secretary of the treasury ordered
the flag at half mast
Strong efforts were made to get the
family to consent to a state funeral,
but the general’s wish was that the
last ceremonies should be as unosten
tatious as possible.
Proclamation by Governor.
Governor McSweeney Issued the fol
lowing proclamation:
"Whereas, The Honorable Wade
Hampton, a former governor of South
Carolina and a United States senator,
died at his home Jn Columbia this
morning, at ten minutes before 6
o’clock, full of years and of honor;
therefore I, M. B. McBweeney, gover
nor of South Carolina, in recognition of
his distinguished services to his people
and his country, throughout his long
and honored career, and in further
recognition of his broad statesmanship
and true nobility of character and
high patriotism and devotion to duty
and his state, do request that on
morrow, Saturday, all public offices in
the state of South Carolina be cloned,
and, as a further testimonial to his
worth, that the flags of the state and
of the United States be put at half
mast on the state capitol and all other
public buildings in the state, and re
main in that position until the funeral
services are held.”
Hampton as a Statesman.
Few figures that arose ia the civil
war period to take a large part in
that struggle and to act an even more
difficult part In the restoration of home
rule in the south challenged and won
so completely the confidence and
of the people of the south as did
He won brilliant and lasting
as a commander of the
cavalry and has a permanent place
history as one of the great quartet
which J. E. B. Stuart, N. B. Forest
Joseph Wheeler are the other
bers. But splendid as was his war
ord, his services to his section and
nation in a time that triad men’s
perhaps more severely than did
armed conflict between the north
the south, were greater.
But for his wonderfully cool
his admirable judgment and his
lute determination during the
cations which occurred during the
test over the presidency and
rule of South Carolina ensuing
the presidential .election of 1876
would surely have been a very
trouble, if not armed conflict
the people who felt that they had
right to control the domestic
of the southern states and had
solved to do so. Great as are
of Wade Hampton to fame as a
he is surely entitled to a still
place as a practical statesman and
preserver of national peace.
Because of his career during the
litical storms of 1876 and-1877, he
came a recognized leader of the
ted States senate the very
that he entered that body.
Shooting of Negro By a
Causes Small-Sized Riot.
Negroes and whites clashed in
heart of the tenderloi ndistrlct of
York Friday night and as a
some twelve or fifteen of the
were badly beaten up.
The cause of this small-sized
riot was the shooting of Holmes
ley, a young negro, by a bicycle
Carnegie May Give a Million.
Public announcement will be
after the official installation
nies in Columbia college of a
cent money gift to that institution
Andrew Carnegie. There is good
son to believe that It is not far short
—President Roosevelt has decided
investigate the charges of cruelty
the Philippines. General Jacob
and other officers, accused of
sreNCE8 ™ »eni*l.
Declares the Southern Will net Con
trol the Louisviile and Nashville,
Directly Nor Indirectly.
A New York special says: George
W. Perkins, a member of the banking
house of J. Plerpont Morgan – Co.,
gave out the following statement at
midnight Tuesday night:
“At the request of Messrs. Harris,
Gates .– Co., who on their own inde
pendent account have recently made
large purchases of Louisville and Nash
ville railroad stock, Messrs. J. P. Mor
gan – Co., as bankers, have consented
to,take control of the stock so pur
chased and to receive the same on de
“They have so consented solely to re
lieve the general financial condition
and not for the benefit of any railway
company. The Southern railway has
no interest, direct or indirect, present
or prospective, in this stock or in its
purchase or deposit. Messrs. J. P.
Morgan – Co. are acting with the cor
dial consent of Messrs. August Bel
mont – Co.”
On this statement being shown to
August Belmont, at his residence, he
read it over carefully and then gave
out the following typewritten state
“I have been aware of the negotia
tions by which J. P. Morgan – Co.
have consented to take control and de
posit of the stock of the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad Company pur
chased by Harris, Gates – Co. The
statement by Messrs. J. P. Morgan –
Co., just made public, has my unquali
fied approval and there will be no con
test for the control of the Louisville
and Nashville Company.”
That the Southern Railway Company
will have considerable to say as to the
future of the Louisville and Nashville
became the conviction of most Wall
street men before the close of the day.
but President Spencer, when asked as
to the future relations of the Southern
and the Louisville and Nashville, made
this statement:
“The Southern railway had no Inter
est in the purchase, of the Louisville
and Nashville stock, and it will have
no Interest in it at any time in the fu
ture, The Louisville and Nashville
will not pass to the Southern railway.’
“Neither directly nor indirectly?”
“No. neither directly nor indirectly,
in any shape, manner or form wth the
Southern railway have anything to do
•with the Louisville and Nashville.”
Brother Ministers Pay Noble Tribute
to Dead Soldier of the Cross.
Funeral services were held at the
Church of the Covenant at Washing
ton Monday afternoon over the body
of Rev. Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage. The
large church was crowded to the doors.
Rev. Teunis S. Hamlin, pastor of the
Church of the Covenant, and Rev. Drs.
Thomas Chalmers Easton, of Washing
tern; S. J. Nicols and James Demarest,
tooth of Brooklyn, offl'piatgd. The flora!
offerings were numerous, mostly of
lilies of the valley and white roses, in
cluding a wreath sent from the white
house by President and Mrs. Roose
Te it,
After the family had entered the
male quartet sang “Lead, Kindly
Light," a favorite hymn of Dr. Tal
mage, and during the services sang
“Beyond the Smiling and the Weep-
3ng," and “It Is Well with My Soul."
3>r. Hamlin, in his address, pictured
Dr. Talmage as one of the great clergy
men of the century.
Dr. Kaston said that Beecher, Spur
geon and Talmage were the three
greatest preachers of the century,
that the last named was the prince of
the pulpit.
Dr. Nicols referred to the dead
philanthropic deeds and characterized
him as a brave heart, and noble
dier of the cross.
The casket remained in the church
until late in the evening, when it was
placed on a special car attached to the
Pennsylvania train leaving for New
York at 12:10 o’clock Wednesday
night. The remains were interred
Thursday morning at Greenwood
tery. in Brooklyn, after services con
ducted by the Rev. Dr. Howard Suy
dam, of Rhinebeck. N. Y.
Hitch Said to Have Occurred in
ish-Boer Peace Negotiations.
The London Daily Mail of Tuesday
morning says it understands a serious
hitch has occurred in the peace
tiations in South Africa. What
ens to stop the negotiations is the
ernment declines to place the
cape rebels upon the same footing
the burghers with respect to
and is not inclined to withdraw
banishment proclamation. These
tures are regarded by the Boers
two cardinal points in the
minimum of terms.
Carpenters’ Unions in Tampa,
Begin Contest With Contractors.
The carpenters’ unions of
Fla., inaugurated an eight-hour
Tuesday. Fully half of the
tors of the city refused to accede
the demands thus made. Several
dren men were accordingly
out of employment. '
All of the labor unions In Tampa
backing the carpenters
Directors of Columbus Iron
Make Gratifying Announcement.
The Columbus (Ga.) Iron
Company directors held a
Tuesday afternoon and later gave
the important and gratifying
that the whole of the burned
of the plant Is to be rebuil at once.
The foundry and plow handle
tory, which were not destroyed in
conflagration, will resume
within a week.
Cnr«* Ecxems, Itchlns Homon, Scab*,
Carbuncle*. Pimple*. Etc.
Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is a certain
and sure cure tor Eczema, Itching Skin,
Humors, Scabs, Scales, watery Blisters, Pim
ples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Car
buncles, Prickling Pain in the Skin, Old Eat
ing Sores, Ulcers, Scrofula, Superating Swell
ings, Blood Poison, Cancer and all Blood
Diseases. Botanic Blood Balm cures the
worst and most deep-seatod cases by enrioh
ing, purifying and vitalizing the blood,
thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the
skin; heals every sore and gives the rich
glow of health to the skin. Druggists *1
per large bottle. To prove Blood it cures Balm Bloody Co.,
Balm sent free by writing
12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble
and free medical advice also sent In sealed
letter. B. B. B. sent at once prepaid.
Sir Jung Bahadur, Prime Minister of the
King of Nepaul, wears a hat made of dia
monds worth *2,500,000 with a big ruby
perched on top.
FITS perm anently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. 42 trial bottle and treatlsefre*
Dr B. H. Kl ine, Ltd., 931 Arch St., P hlla., Pa.
It takes the constant labor of 60,000 peo
ple to make matches for the world.
All goods are alike to Pctsam Fadeless
Dves, as they color all fibers at one boiling
Sold by all d ruggists
There are about 900,000 more women
than men in the German empire.
I do not believe Ptso's Cure for Consump
tion has an Trinity equal for coughs and colds— -Jobs
F. Bom, Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900.
Thirty-two million tons of - water roll
over the cliff at Niagara every hour.
An electric carriage call has been de
vised, which is to be adopted at London
theatres and other public buildings.
Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way, and it is mainly a ques
tion of right-living, with all the term implies, but the efforts which strengthen the system,
the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are important, each in a way, while it is
also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsani
tary conditions. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the
medicinal agents used should bo of the best quality and of known value, and the one remedy
which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxative, is—Syrup of Figs—manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co.
With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char
acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to
the heart, and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con
stipated condition of tlio system, take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the aches and
pajns, the colds and headaches and the depression duo to inactivity of the bowels. In ease of
any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician, but when a laxative is required
remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with
the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for salo by all reliable druggists. Trice fifty
cents per bottle.
The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial efTects of the plants used in the
combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and
uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative. All the members of the family
from the youngest to the most advanced in years may nse it whenever a laxative i3 needed and
share alike in its beneficial effects. We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of
known valne, but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that it acts gently
and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, in any way, ns it is free from every ob
jeetionablo quality or substance. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to bay the
genuine and the full name of the Co. -California Fig Syrup Co.—is printed on the front of every
(Qisiiwim (?
San Francisco, Cal. N. Y.
Louisville, Ky. New York,
Havana 8S 9
Filler WB m
Ztii !>
l A 4 lip® 3
lO ?
You cant buy a Cigar of better
quality for 10 cents each.
. improve the appearance of
k all women, stout or slim, tall, short, or
medium. Ask your dealer about them.
8 .
1^^ MASS.
outshoot all other black powder shells, because they are mads
better and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of
powder, shot and wadding. Try them and you will be convinced.
WE PAY R. R. FARE and under $5,000
Deposit, Guarantee
COST. Write Quick to GA.-AI.A.
Consider the Insult offered the intelligence of
thinking people remedy when will the claim all diseases? is made that Xo,
anr one It* cure
wall, think of and send for our book telling
all about 2* Special Remedies for special dis
eased conditions, and our Family Medicine
Cases, a postal card will secure the b>ok
and a sample of Dr. Johnson’s ' After T)i nner
Fill.” Agents wanted. Tue Home Remedy
Ca, Austell Ilullding. Atlanta, Ga.