The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, May 02, 1902, Image 2

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THE GIBSON RE CRD. OFFICIAL OR AN OF THE COUNTY, J. W. WHITELEY. Manager. B. H. HAWKINS tidltor. Entered at the Poatoffice in Gibson, G»., as Second Claes Mail if alter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On« y«»c.,........... Ii/n. Sit ... monfu#....... Tfor«t«t mootiu ....... „ Addreu all Communications to t THE RECORD, — GIBBON. GA. MAY 2. 11)02 - We are afraid the farmers will gel too good u stand of cotton. You candidates must corns across with the cash if you want your name put on the ticket. ----- Tho trusts, great scolts! Is ev erytlnng and everybody going to get into them? Well, wo trust in the trusts that we may not suf tor. The two Bills met in joint de bate over in Lmcolnton Monday. We understand the fur flow every way. Wo wish the boys would loch horns here Saturday. Messrs. R. A . Dixon and 1”. L. Fool are the candidates for Coro ner. They say thine is not enough money in the office to put their announcements in tho pi par, so they will not appear m print. T. W. Hardwick, the oppouupt of \V. H. Fleming for Congress, is booked to speak at the court house to-morrow afternoon. Ho will doubtless have a large cro.vd of hearers, ns ho is known to be a splendid speaker. Sun Jones, Lon Broughton* and Scab Wright tiro a team that can’t be easily downed. We would like for the hoys to coins by Gibson and tell us a few things. Wo are pretty sure wo would have to pull Sam off of some of tho hot heads around Gibson. Mark Johnson, candidate for State School Commissioner, has a supplement to go out with t|ns is sue of tho Record; which gives his platform. We have read it care fully, iiml we tlmiK ita bound on®. We usk our readers to portmo it ■carefully Bator© thoy pledge their support to nny other ■candidate. Terrell, feeling unable to en gage a controvetsy with Guerry, lias sicked Warner Hill, his mali nger on him, and it npiwtrs to us that Air. Hill is a great deal smarter man than Mr. Terrell. We think things arc running hack wards.-Hill seems to be more capable of filling the gubernato rial chair than Terrel, or at least he can beat Terrell asking ques tions. But let them go ns they will, wo will not weep muih if WO do have to eat the crow. Tho farmers who had to buy •corn ut a dollar per bushel 1 and meat at ten cents per pound this year should reflect a good while before planting all their boat land hi cotton and depend ui a few lie res of their poorest land yield ing them n sufficient supply of corn. They may, if they do, ex perienoe the same sad fate they did this year. Of course wo know most farmers are going to plant their best land in cotton, but they should divide it up and plant some in earn. If a man will sow gram on good land, alter he gathers lus grain ho etui ninko a fair yield ot corn, which surely, the two crops will pay better than a cotton crop at seven cents per pound. It will not do to depend ;n the cotton crop alone. Plant corn, pens, po tatoes, sugar euno ami gram and you will not have so much to buy, but will have your cotton crop ■clear. 'Reveals ACreat Secret. It is often asked how such start ling cures, lhat puzzla the best physicians, are effected by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption. Here’s the secret. It cute out the phlegm and leetted mucus, and lets the life giving oxvgen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals tttfliuned, rough-worn throat nmt lungs. Hard {colds und stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King’s New Dis covery, thoinost infallible remedy for all Throat Lung di..... •>.' Guaranteed bottle 60r and bottles fro© a; W, . e Uj Fleming atthohson. Thomson, On., April 25,—I have been recalling passages in speech delivered by Hon. Wm Fleming at the court house in on the 28rd inst., for {the distinguished speaker seemed intent only on a systemat ic answer to Mr. Hardwick's alle gations, bo-was eloquent at times forceful from start to finish, I have never seen an audience that manifested a livelier iuteres in the subject matter ot a H|>eech, or one so deeply interested ns to give no evidence of being weary the whole two hour* and forty minutes Mr. Fleming spoke, With no one to lead the ap platiso, or to suggest by a Jmnd dap, as is oFten done, just where applause should come in, the UU dunce, moved by unanswerable hfRuniefit, or by a burst of gen l| ine eloquence, applauded fre quently and heartily. Mr. Fleming was at Ills beat.He made Btfocotiviuling a presentn- 1,0,1 his case, in the matter of duty performed, that his audience hastened to manifest their appro* val of his congress. Even where Mr. Fleming, in or to fully meet Mr. Hardwick’s (hut ho was n “political nonenity in Congress,” had to read letters from such a Democrat ic leader as the late Mr. Wilson of West Virginia, a cabinet officer under Mr. Cleveland, and other eminent citizens, he did this 80 deftly the audience felt he had no (o indulge in mere egotism. accepted the compliment given their congressman as a c(,m plinicnt to the entire district. The speech was a strong one de livered in fine style. Jt made a powerful impression, No man who heard it, doubts, if he ever doubled the splendid ability and the great usefulness of Congr C3K man Fleming, A’o mini who heard the speech holds any view oilier than that, interests of the people of the lenlli district can be lust sub by retaining Mr. Fleming’s not only f:>r tho ensuing two years, hut just ns long as he be willing to serve tho peo in Augusta Chron icle. DR. It. i, fl.NCEKLEY. (At,uni Correspondent to Angimu, Chronicle) Atlanta, ISit,-, April 20.—Dr. T. J- M. Kelley, who rcprc.sented Ulnscock in tho last Legislature, wns a welcome visitor at tho enpi tot to-day. He was here looking after some pension business, for Ids people. Asked about tho congressional sit uation in his county, he said: ’Personally, I ain for Hardwick hut of course, it is difficult to for cast the result of the election’ t l Concerning the gubernatorial situation m lus county, lie said: “I 1 tom wluxt 1 can gather the sentiment of my county is for Guerry. *» Dr. Kelley mado a strong fight lor cutting down extravagant leg islation 111 the last house, Ho still believes that this is the mount question 111 Georgia to-dav. Discussing that phase of the litieal question iu tho slate to-day lie-said • ( » I made that tight in the lust house , ns every vote l east, and on inis subjoct, as the Journal will straw, was in favor of cutting down extravagant appropriations. “Home of them are as follows: First opposition In the $500,000 appropriation to tho Atlanta de pot bill; #15,000 to the Vnu Epps Akin digest law; the, Ilnyes-ScoU Bogus bond con vent ton bills; the Soldier’s home lull, as 1 believed it was best to let the pensions go direct to the soldiers and let their families get the benefit of it. As to equal taxation 1 have «|. ways stood, and now stand on a conservative platform. - I am not the . against corporations: but rep roseut t hat groat class of middle people who believe that all the people should pnv their part the expenses of the government, “Let me reiterate, I am convinced, from my experience in Gig last legislature that tho great and overshadowing issue in tile next house will be tax reform— u, at JB . to w!ieve lhe , 1 1( , f „ )n P' , .,. burile, . , > s ^exeesstve , taxes.” The brutish WeyJer of Spam li °' ,n | D * r, * on " ith our brutish g»*v*rals in the Philippines. They nivpiuclicmg more brutalitv than erer did. DAN GROSVEHGR SAYS "*I g Peruna is an Excellent Spring Remedy—I am as Weft-as Ever.” VA {ra-— fllir* •'' v * - ^ A' t 'Si W:'*m Wmm wk "' UumV' for V v- m HlKl! ■ o',i X mm ; ' ." \\ ... 223 .5 :\ fs._ DON. DAN. A. (JU08VEN0B, OF THE FAMOUS OHIO FAMILY. ITori. . Dan. A. flrosvcnor, Deputy Auditor for tho War Department, in a written from Washington, D. < „ says: « Allow me to express my gratitude to you tor the benefit derived from one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and l am now as well as ever. Besides being 6nc ot the verv hast remedy.^ ' ^ tonics it is an excellent catarrh dan. a. grosvenor. Ill a recent letter ho says; 1 consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when 1 wrote you last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances ail over the country asking me if my certificate is genuine. 1 invariably answer, yes.’’—Dan. A. Grosvenor. A County Cmnnilnaimior’, Letter. Hon. John Williams, County Commit (doner,of 517 West Second street, Duluth, Minn., soya tho following in regard to Peruna: “ Aa a remedy for catarrh T cun cheer fully recommend Peruna. 1 know what it ia to suffer from that terrible disease and I feel that it is my duty to speak a Whooping Cough. A woman who lias cxiierience with tlnsdisonso, tells how to pre vent any dangerous consequences from it. Sho says: Our time© .chiUlr^n look whoopingcuugh last sum three mo,, ottr old, baby boy being only moths and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plumpness and came out m much better health than other children whose parents Jdid not use this remedy. Our oldest little gni would cull last Uy for cough syrup between whuops-Jessie Fiiikej edy IIijpl, Springville, Ala This Rem is for sale by Wliiteley. Another card this week. It’s J. M. Suint for Tax Receiver. Sciatic Rheummatisin Cured After Jiourteen Years of Suffering' “lliavnlieen affiietetl with sciat ic rheumatism for forfoen years,’’ says Josh Edgar, of Uennontown, Cal' “1 was aide to be around but oonstunfyjsulVered. tliing J tretl evi ry I could hear >f and at last was told to try Chamberlain’s Fain Balm, which I did and was immediately lelieved amt in a short time curod, and 1 am hap- 1 >V to say it lias not sincu ret urn.” " 1,Y »»t t use Jiliis liniment and 11 ’ s tursal ° The Sunday schools of this place are on a boom. j„ g^p™^?dK!«g ami asBiiniJatmg food. For them Dr. King,s New Life Fills work won ders. They tope and regulate the a A e diiI0Slivt; mgans, gently expel nil poisons from system, enrich the blood, improve ad petal o, imuo healthy flush, Only 25c a Wliiteley A shower nceasionaily with the hot sunshine and cops will show you how to gut "out, from about here. Stand Like a Stc ne Wall. Between your children and the tortures ,of itching and se.vldiieead or other skin diseases.- Hew? why, by usirg Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, greatest healer. Quickest cure Ulcers, Fevers Sores. Salt Itheum, Cuts. f° Burns or {Bruises. r Pdo 8 - -5c at W’h.telcy Remember you will have to pay i your. Dollar and a half by inst, | THOUSANDS SAVED BY < For Consumption. Coughs, Colds and all THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. This wonderful medicine cures Bronchitis, Consumption, Coughs, Hny Asthma, Pneumonia, Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippo, iugCough. Hoarseness, Sore ThroatandWhoop- bottle Every guaranteed NO CURE. NO PAY. PRICE 50c. sml : 1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE good word for th*> tonin that brought me immediate relief. Peruna cured me of a bad case of catqjrrh and t know it will cure any other sufferer from that dis ease.”—John Williams, Miss Mattie L. dutld. President TUI not* A oung People’s Christian Temper aneo Union, in a recent letter from engo,IU., says: N. S. Hodges cfe Co., ■ ‘Mitchell, Ga. Coffins – Caskets FOR -Young awl Old. Complete Line Always On Hand. N. S. Hodges –, Co H. H C0SKERY, 733 and 735 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia Carriages, buggies, Wagons, Harness oaddiery, c jji Carnage r' • and j w Wagon t ■ iv.aterial. , ,, ficrnlock , , and , White Oak Sole Leather, Harness Leather and Rubber Belting. Blacksmith Babcock's and Woodworker's Tools, Agents for Fine Vehicles, Also Jno House W. Masury Paints. – Sons Notice To Contractors and Home Builders. Having purchased a large stock Ivefore the advance in prices 2 medal goods ] nut prepared to fill all orders at lowest market prices, lor Tin plate Soldi r, Zinc, Copper, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron, Corrugated Iron Tarred Rocking and Building Paper. tores, Ranges, Mantels, Tiling and Gratei Galvanized Iron Cornices and Sheet Meta! W ork A Specialty. --REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE Slusky, 1009 AUGUSTA, Broad Str GA. ia __ V FI'S** 1 IIW a W.sJ’akW* * We have the finest line of Spring and Summer Goods. Ever brought to Augusta, and the prices are the most reason able in every ..way. Call and inspect cur stock before ing elsewhere. Summer Shirts. Hats, Suits, and Underwear. J. Willie Levy, “Outfitter *9 844 Broad St. Augusta, Ga. “l tlxsbt if Pervna has a rival in an the remedies recommended to -day for catarrh of the system/ A remedy that will cure catarrh of the stomach will cure the same condition of the mucous membrane anywhere. / have found it the best remedy l have ever tried for catarrh, and believing it v/erthy my endorsement l gladly accord it.—Mattie L. Guild. A Cont-rraaman'* letter, Hon. W. P. Brownlow, Congressman from Tennessee, writes from Wash ington, D. C., the following: “ I have suffered from catarrh of the stomach for several years, and for the past twelve months Was in an exceed ingly critical condition. My attention was called to your Peruna, and I began to use it, and my Improvement was noticeable after tho first tftroe days. I have taken throe bottles of the medicine and I feel satisfied that I am now almost, if not permanently, cured. In connec tion with the 1 5 ana, I have used your Manalic for biliousness and torpid liver. I regard it as tho best medicine for this that I have over used. Having Wen benefited so much myself, I give this statement, that others may bo benefited.”— 1 W. P. Brownlow, Tenn. Mrs. Elmer Fleming,orator ot Reser voir Council No. m, Northwestern Le gion Of Honor, of Minneapolis, Minu., writes from 2535 Polk street, N. E.: “I have been r 1 troubled all my life with catarrh { – in my head. 1 ! took Peruna for ; 'k H about threet Si @ P* 1 months, and now think I am permanently 1 cured. 1 believe A that for catarrh in all its forme Peruna is tho Mrs. Elmer Fleming, medicine > Minneapolis, Minn. of tho U- -4 ago. It cures when r,U other remedies fail. I can heartily recommend peruna as a catarrh remedy.”—Mrs, Elmer Fleming, Treat Catarrh iu Spring. The spring is the time to treat catarrh, l:ok1 ’ wot wintPr weather often retards S"! thocuj-awiii txj prompt and permanent. There can be no failures if Peruna is taken intelligently during the favorable weather Of spring. As a systemic catarrh remedy Peruna eradicates catarrh from tho system wherever it may be located. 11 cures ca tarrh of tho stomach or bowels with tiio same certainty as catarrh of the head, Tf you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, wrftc at on CO iso Dr. Hartman, giving » full statement of your casc.'un.l im will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. c Addrcrs Dr. Hartman, President of Tin Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Attention, Good Dressers ! We Have a Good Thing and Want Everybody to Know it ¥ We have secured the exclusive right for this vicinity to take orders for the A ■ famous tailoring of K STRAUSS BROS., > t – 1 mm m– Chicago. displaying samples Woolens tkoir We of and newest are Fine urge now everyone interested in good clothes to call and inspect them. We show 9 NEARLY 5 0 0 PATTERNS, I II 11 by far the latest iinein the country, con !i sisting of many exclusive effects in wor steds, easameres, Scotches, clays, serges, i , ^ of etc. clothes STRAUSS you like fitting, BEGS, to wear,—accurately distinctly make the above kind tailored, perfect the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you have paid for inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction and with it goes our unqualified endorsement. We shall be glad to have you call and you will be glad you came. J W Vmkue The New est Style In A ugusta. Tli*‘ low price stors saves you money <>n every article you have buy. No matter what prices olhers^make, you will find the lowest prices here LADIES CLOAKS , Fins. Skirls, Ur.dci wear, Slicks, Wrappers, Silks and DretsGood* 25 per cent. we save you on all above lines. 200 pair Nolmghain Face eurtaint, $2,f 0 yaliis $1.00 200 pair Ciiiny Lac© Curtains, s»2.50 quality $i .50. 200 # pair hue Lite© Curtains at 25 par cent, of price. Homs Made Geo mi a mid S. C. Carpets. i’,()e for stunt fast color carpets ;T0c for extra'super-wool Carpet* line fer wool stair Carpets. UK) Rngs'at fiCo on ilie dollar, Under w ear cheaper thou any place in town, You save money on what you buy of P. D. KORKAN – CO., Augusta, Ga. It Makes Its Mark wherever used,, and arnon ? o^oj good housekeepers our flour is the highest standard of high uuality. Bread, cakes, pies, biscuit, pastry, made from this excellent trend efflour, have . lightness, sweetness and tlavor « |0 given by no Cher flour. I. is the fceft to use for any. kind of ^ baking. k • «;0»*YF|t.QNr' - Arrington Bros – Co.. 903 Broad St rest, Angustn Ga, L 0.1 let's In All Kinds O,' Groceries a id Brae lstufls PERSONAL. If that- fall, good-looking voting man, of about 25, who was vainly trving lo find a new Suit to fit and please him will come here any time between 7 A. M. and til'. M. he will loam something to lus a a vantage. SUITS. In all the new patterns of tins season styles—just as neat and just as your heart can desire— at $5.00 TO $28. And plentv of them to suit everybody, Boy’s Knee Pa 11 is Suit, One Dollar and Fifty Cents to Tt n Dollar. OUR MOTTO: BETTER QUALITY EOR LESS MONEY. E. S. McCreary – CO., G[otliiers, H itters, Furnishers, 716 Broad Steet, AUGUSTA, GA Augusta Southern Railrcad Co. Schedule Effective January 26 , 1902. Bead Down Read Up No 27. No 29. No 45. No 2G No 44 No 28 Ex Sun Sun only Ex Sun. Eastern Time Ex Sun Ex Sun Sun oa p m a m a m A M P M P M 4 30 9 30 7 15 Lv. Augusta Ar. 10 00 8 50 7 25 C 23 10 18 8 17 “ He^ltziltuh “ 9 04 7 1* 6 34 5 58 10 51 9 05 Kevsvillo “ 8 33 6 35 C(U G 28 11 13 9 48 11 AVreoa « 8 07 6 55 5 40 7 01 1150 1101 (4 Gibson 4 t 7 25 5 07 5 02 7 27 12 13 11 41 “ Alitchelt 7 01 4 41 4 40 8 18 1 05 1 15 “ Saudevsvil’e ft CIO 3 25 3 50 8 30 1 15 1 30 44 Tennille 44 G 00 3 10 3 40 Close connections at Augusta with Southern Railway for all points and at Tennille with Central of Georgia w:d AY. – T. R. It.