The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, May 09, 1902, Image 3

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V«J CAW7 TAEC McLeans Liver and Kidney. i AND KEEP SSCK ti it’s Headaches, Backaches, Kheumatism Biliousness, Diabetes, that troubles or Dyspepsia you* ©f.j.H.McLeau teM _ ,. ky v *11 dr«f gists. Prepared „ only byTfc* Medicine Co..Si.Laiia. Wo. i FOR SALE BY THE GIBSON RECORD. Local Items Picked Up Hera Ami Thera For The Eu tertaiuiueut Of Our Hea ders. Come lei’s go a Ashing. The creek is in tine shape. Of course Ouerry w ill carry this county. C. H. Logue of Spread was in town last Saturday. Col. Hatcher of Wrightsvilla was in Gibsou on business Tuesday. Don’t forget us when you thump the watermelons. Save us a rasher. Several from here attended services at Jit. Zion church vesterdav. T. A. Walden and H. A. Williams visited the Charleston Exposition this week. Tt niil soon l>e time to plant peas, end everybody should plant lots of them. G. V. Logue and wife of Jefferson coautv were visitors in Gibson last Haturda", Me have yet to find a remedy to nnd a remedy to prevent the pear tree from blighting. Rev. Mr. Jordan failed to ft!! bin appointment at the Methodist chnroh last Sunday night on account of rain. Wa understand that the Indies wh» sold ice cream last Saturday for the benefit of the parsonage done very well. Editor Snider of the Mitchell Ban ner, was a visitor in Gibson last Mon day. Mr. Snider, though blind, is un interesting talker, and is a splendid entertainer. Hon. T. W. Hardwick passed through Gibson yesterday afternoon enronte to Handersvillo from n paigit tour through Warren and Mc Duffie counties. We received our first copy of (he AVarreuton Reporter last week and welcomed it to our sanctum. It is a neat, newsy short, and we w ish its ed itors, Scruggs Bros., unbounded suc cess. It. now Hetms that the Sandersville Progress has learned the name of the county in the state which Guerry will carry, and the name is about, io be Washington from what wo can learn. G1138# the Progress will make no fur ther inquiries on this line. \V« learn w ith regret that Mr. Lew is Johnson of the Southern part of Warren county lost his dwelling by last Sunday at noon. Wo under etaud it caught from the kitchen atoye. He saved the most of his fur niture, They BRy it has just been 22 years since his house ivas burned be fore. We haye announcements of the dif ferent candidates for office in this pa per, and a!) of them are good We wouldn’t pretend to advise our lead or s who to vote for-—especially when there are no more party linos.— We feu! that the beat l •' will be elec tail to office, and we dun justi fled to dictate to our re a Jars who they should suppoi t We expect to vote for onr choice regardless of past party affiliations, nnd hope the other voters will do likewise. Either of the candidates would make goyd officers. Mr. Joseph Howell, a 'former citi zen of this county, was knocked off Richmond Factory pond trestle and killed by the Augusta Southern train yesterday morning. Mr. Howell was cro»ein» the trestle a foot, aud never discovered the approaching engine un til it was tcr> close to escape. Mr. Howell was a brother of Messrs, Frank and Wm. Howell of this coun ty and was well thought of by all who knew him. He leaves a family and numbers of frtends to mourn his Iona, to whom the IiOeord extends sympa thy. It i» with profound sorrow that we have to chronicle the untimely death of Airs., Thos, Dawson which occurred nt her home about two miles west of Gibson last Tuesday night. She had no warning whatever of the attack which took her spirit *to a brighter world. She had just gotten up from the supper table, not feeling the least bit sick, and fell over dead. Sbo was the wife of Mr. Thos. Dawson; a high ly fanner of this county. She leaves several children aud a host of relatives and friends to wliom the Record ex tends sympathy. Her remains were laid to rest in Mill Creek Church Cem etery Wednesday afternoon. MY ANSWERS. The following are my answers to questions propounded to me by a Temperance Society, 1st. “Would you vote for a local bill creating a dispensary iu a dry county?” I answer no. 2nd “Would you vote for » gen •ral Dispensary Bill, allowing the vo ters of a dry county to ^create a dis pensary?” “Would I answer no. for- Jocnl -3rd. yon vote a bill, allowing the voters of a wet coun ty to oreate a dispensary?” I answer yes. the Wright Dispensary I voted for Bill in the last Legislature because it - was the best prohibition measure .be fore that body. All prohibition mem bers of the house and Senate voted for the Bill, believing that it would edy the whisxay evil Itospt. T. J. M. Kelley. HardwicI; ± Kelley. THEY SPOKE TO A" GOOD CROWD AT THE COURT HOUSE IX GIBSON LAST SAT UHDAT. A good crowd of hearers listen ed to tiie ]x litical speaking at the court house last Bat ‘ny l >v Dr. T. J. M. Kelley, candidate foi the r Legislature , from _ tills , county, and T. W. Hardwick, candidate for Congress from the 10th distric. Both the sneakers were intro duced by Hon. W. K. i oguo. Dr. Kelley led oft with an ap peal to the people to elect men to the legislature who would use their every efforts to protect the peopl* from excessive taxation ; men who would raiso their voice in the in terest of the common people on every issue that might arise. Ilo showed, by the record , where he voted ami spoke against every un necessary appropriation that came before the last house, and prom ised if re-ele ited, to continue the same course, Mr. Hardwick followed with an appeal to the people for support. He spoke for over an hour, at tacking Congressman Fleming’s record at intervals. He referred to Mr. Fleming as the Colossus of Rhodes, but we must say it was a pleasant speech, clear of person alities, and both Fleming men and Hardwick men seemed to enjoy J it. CHILDREN’S DAY. “Children’s Day“ at the Meth odist church lust Sunday was en joyed immensely by the large crowd who gathered at the church to witness the carrying out of the pleasant and interesting program. ie gweet little children acted their part well, which was a j ov to their parents and theenliie population of the town. The ox ercises worn conducted under the auspices of Mr. W, U. Logue and Miss Florine Logue, wlio deserves much credit for their efforts. \V. E. Mumford was to have addressed the children, but failed to come and Rev. Mr. Scruggs ad dressed the children in his stead. He, while unprepared, gave tin. children an interesting and in st rue live lecture. He coniplimen ted tlie little girls Ipr ' being at ten **• live at Sunday School and retire imuided the buys for failing to attend, {arresting the fault on their fathers. Mr. A. B. Sams, representing the Savannah Morning News, passed through North Georgia Gibeonjtlm vieithis woek, enrouto to to mother who is quite feeble. Mrs. A. B. Sams nnd children are visiting friends and relatives iu Gib son this ween, We have the announcement h of J . F Rivers and W. Terrell Kitchens for Tax Receiver in this issue. They are both nice men. Reveals ACreat Secret. It is often asked how such start ling cures, that piizzla ‘.he best physicians, lire effected by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption. Here’s the secret. It cuts out the phlegm uml genn-nf feetted mucus, and lots the life giving oxvgen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals inflamed, cough-worn throat nnd lungs. Hard {colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King’s New Dis covery, tlie most infallible remedy for nil Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottle 50c and $1.00. bottles free at Whiteley J. V. Whiteley haw just received one hundred suits of boys clothing to go at less than factory prices, Gome soon, they are going fast. Won’t Eoliow Advice After Paying for It. In a recent article apromert physiciah says, ’’If is next to im possible for tlie physicians to get his patients to carry out any pre- diet scribed course of hygiene or to tlie smallert extent;|he lias but one resort left, namely, Jtlie drug treatment.” When medicines are used for chronic coin lipation, tlie most mild and gentle obtainable such ns Chambehiin’s St.imnco cfc Liver blets, should he employed. Their use is not followed by coil stipation as they leave the bowels in a natural and healthy condition F { by Wliffcley GEORGIA—Glascock County T. J. Harden, Execuoon upon the estate of D. 1. Harden lute of said County, deceased, having fi!)d his . pe- all tition for discharge, this is to cite persons j concerned to show against the granting of this discharge, at the regular teim of the court og dinary for said county to be held oh fiirst Monday iu June 1902. This 7th day of May 1902 Ordinary J. C, English FOR TREASURE. I anounco myself a emulate for re-pff.'t on to the office of Treas urer of Jiascok County subject to white Primrry of June 5th. My record in past is my platform With many, thanks to my friends for past favors. Very Respt H. A. Williams, FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself n eandi dute f> r re-election f ■> the office of sheriff, subject to the Prtnarv ; ’ hanking the people for past favors ana loping to merit the same m the future. E . L. Braddy, T announce myself a candidate for Bherilf, subject to the white primary of June the 5. My plat form is to perform the duties of the oliie ns prescribed by Jaw. B. T.Ivey. To the voters of Glascock County I announce myself a candidate for (he < fflco of Sheriff subject to' the White Primary of June 5th, I earnestly ask the support of all the people. W. \V. KITCHENS FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a can didate tor ’Pax Collector, subject to the white primary of June the 5. I will appreciate Hie support of all the voters. W. R. Lognn, Jr. FOR TAX RECEIVER. Conscious of perfuming my whole dut y as your humble servant 1 hercbv announce my candid-icy for re-election to the office ot Tax Receiver subject to-primary, than king my friends for past support and hoping to rhorit the same in the future, 1 ani Gratefully il. yours, J. Witcher At the sob.citat.ion of friends, I hereby announce myself a ctindi date for the office of Tax Receiver o r Glascock county, subject to the primary, promising if elected, to discharge the duties of the office to the best, of my ability. R, L. Walden. Thereby announce myself a can didute for the office of Tax Receiv er, subject to the White Primary of June the 5th, and ask the sup port of the .people. If elected this office I a’latl"use dilligmice in the performance of my M*. whole du tv. J. SWINT. Tq The People of Glascock Co. 1 I announce mvselt a canidate for the office i.f Tax Receiver Subject to the White Primary June 5th. W. Terrell Kitchens J desire to inform the Voters of County, that I have, af careful consideration decided to become a canidate for the office .teceiver of tax returns. to the vole of the White Pri mary of Juno 5th. If elected I will li,s. my every efforts to per form the duties of the office in a faithful manner. Hoping to re your support, I am Very respectfully, | • J. F. llivsrs, FOR CLERK. Feeling grateful to tlie people for past favors Shown me and ask ing a continuance of (heir patron age in future I hereby “aimouncu myself a canidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior court of Glascock County subject to the primary. Thomas, A. Walden To the People of Glascock Connty. I hereby announce my candida cy for re-election to tips Legisla ture, subject to the primary June 5th, and ask the support of all the people. If elected I shall con tinue my light for Ballot Reform and Lower Taxation, and shall do all in my power to make you an honest and courageous Represen tative. Gratefully yours, T. J. M. KELLEY. WHISKEY $1,35 Per Gallon. Mention this paper and send private Price list Write: Winston Dis. Co., Winston, N. C. Lowest Priced Whiskey Hous'd 1 ■*•*<*' . u 0 CENTS J 't, ,-j CENTS - U m jgg 5HI m w 'S'- i m ffl ... Wi m Agents Wanted! ....LIFE OF.... T. DeWitt Talmage >'■? his 60ll > Rev Frank I'eWitt Tal mage Herald and Only asso^iatejeditors book endorsed of Christian by Tul niage family. Enormous profit for agents who act quickly, Outfit ten cents. Write immediately CLARK – CO •» 222 S. 4 th St. Philadelphia, Fa. Meutin this paper. Tax Notice. I will he at the following named P^ces for the purpose of Leceiv U1 » * ax Returns «>t Glascock conn ly for the year 1902. FIRST ROUND. Gibson, Saturday April 12 Mitchell, Friday, ” is Kdgehill, Friday, ,. og SECOND ROUND. Gibson, Saturday, May 8 Uary‘8 Mill, Fridav May 12 Mitchell, Saturday, “ 17 Edgehill, Friday, “ 28 THIRD ROUND. Q j hson Saturday, June 21 Fdgeliill, Friday, “ Usry’s Mill. Thursday “ 12 Mitchell, Saturday, “ 14 SPECIAL NOTICE. I will bo afcBastonville June 20 A. M, nt Denton’s June 20, 1’. M. at Beallesprings, Thursday, .1 vine 25, at Agrioohi, Friday Jtuie 18, Books close June 23th, I will he in Gibson on that day J, Il WILCHKR, R. T. R. G. G. 9 s Popular Clothing Sore Makes Big Reductions. Ten Cents Cotton is nothing in Comparison to the money can save by purohiising your Clothing, Underwear, ami other eppnrel from us. Wo have made enormous reductions on all Goods ‘ Special Reduction on Overcoats—All Sizes and Styles, I. C. Levy’s Son – Co., 838 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. What We Charge We charge a little more for our goods than it costs to produce them We are not “cheap” Manufacturers how ever. Things have got to be done just as well as brains and brawn can do them before they are good enough for our customers. anything The great item in the cost of is the labor in making it. Skilled workmen com mand good pay, but they do more and bette /a ork than the unskilled. That is why it is cheaper to pay good wages to good men, than poor wages to poor men. Our business is b{g. That makes our pri ces little. The,.more orders we fill, the lower down our prices go. A small profit on each of many sales is a source of a larger income than a big profit on each of a few sales. As the toy * said: “A lot of littles makes one big.” Chas. F. Degen, Mgr. E .... For Sale By J. W. WHITELEY, Gibson. Ga. No Loss Of Time I have sold .Chamberlain’* Colic Cholera a Diarrhoea Kcnn.dey for years and would rather he out >1 coffee and sugar than it. I sold live bottles of it vesterdav tothns hers Unit could go no faiher, and they are at work again this morn mg.-H. «. fiiei.pb, Plymouth. Oklahoma. As will be seen by the shove I lie thershers weie able to keep on with their work with out losing a singl day’s time. Ton should keep a bottle of ibis Koniedv l vour homo. For sale by Whiteley, Cotton is o good price now, but we are afraid it will not be so go–d next full. Dock Gross ^ Libel for Di p- • j vorce in Glas Ei.cipdi(|Gross t l cock Court , February Superior A term, 1902 It appearing to lire court that ■Defehdont in above stated case does not reside in this, state [and that it is necessary To perfect ser vices upon him l.y publication. it. is therefore!ordered that the said Lueindie Gross is hereby com manded to he and appear at the next term of this court to answer above stated complaint, and that said service bo so made by pub ■ lishing this order in the newspn per m Glascock ebunty in which I gfarffi Sales are advertised, twice a month for two ,months' ' This February 19, 1902 Horace M. Hokled, [Judgs Northern Circuit Reliable Jewelry ! Our Stock of Holliday Goods is very i Large. We carry nothing biff the finest of Jewelery, Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, and all kinds of goods suited to Christmas. Sent For Our New Catalogue; WM. SCHWEIOERT – CO. 1 THE JEWELER, 702 Broad Street Augusta, da’ RW RAILWAY the cun jit mnnivr.r CF TRJ1DZ J2JKB- TZy* VEL. the Frincinal COTamarcF.l C‘4> vrs ami LeaU'u a- d J' Iuhoucj lW,Ortc cf the st’-i.i watii I.’h.s '4. NORTH EJzST and WEST. Vcstifami^ Trntot), Through Sloeplnj;«C«r9 between Nni’ YorJf iNcuv O rie^ sir, vttt A. text ft at. Ci>vcis>rsafti Flor.d* vi-t a:u^ via As-lxeville. Now YorSC oanJ ZHatii 1 r*, f vU Lynrhb-'r^, Darvi’ •» oriel h f Or via x-cf, j-.x-—. Sava •> nuh. .Staler or Z>io. wp>Ciir Service cm c I1‘ Trains, Exc^Xlorxt fei vk:o o.rr.-d Lew to T coua AoutL. Carohnn Imev-Sta e itnd WcC' j. *■ u'.k *- ■ • ICixpofl ion. Winter Tourist to all Resorts now on : roducod /'or detailed infornraiion , liieraiure . time iaOies, rates, etc., cjjply io f.tcrtfiv cr u-hM S. U. 12 ELDWIOK, W. H.T/.YI.OS, General Pnstcaprer Gen. Pass. SigCK-it LE/LiAuRiidii, L. C, Sitlaatu, Ga. IL. tv. nUVT, j. rr.AM 0 Lie. Passenger JZgeni, district Puii. S'r'-t, Charleston, S. C, Ji. t It- 1 a ■ ■ u 8EERUAHY IO. 1003. DENTAL NOTICE, I willl be at Avera the first four days in April, at Mitchell the 0, 7 – 8 of April, at Agricola the 9, 10 – 11 of April, in Gibson the week beginning May 5th, 1902. T. 0. GIBSON, Dentist Dr. Salter’s EYE LOTION, For Sore Eyes has no equal. will cure any case of sore eyes m a short time. It does not pain tlie eyes when applied, therefore it is the best Eye Lotion made for children. Only 25c per bottle. AH dealers sell it. Dear Mother. Don’t let your baby suffer nnd cry with Colic when n few drops ot Dr. ricnenors Antiseptic, . . diluted and sweetened will give most, instant relief. Non-poisonous, and therefore Harmless. Tastes like peppermint call'dy aud baby will take it without “kick.” A silver half dollar get a bottle from J. W. WHITELEY Let If as Scott’s Emulsion io not good medicine for fat folk 0 We have never tried giving to a real fat person. We You see Scott’s Emu', builds new flesh. F people don’t want it. SUvi people don’t need it. But if you are thin Sc«. Emulsion is the medicine you. It doesn’t tire you o There is no strain. The v is all natural and easy, just take the medicine that’s all there is to it. The next thing you kr. y OU f ee j — y 0U eat bet — and you weigh more. It a quiet worker. Send for free sample. SCOTT – J30WNE, Chemists, ,oq I'earl Si., N. 50 c aud $1 . 00 ; all druggists. DUCn FRAMES. Door Frames are made phthi. atsr . i» transoms, or with transo; .* and sideFtflnsj also —either fhreci for jamb, wood Wi*ff» back or without h^ildingc ir ransoms or Win;*’ nropet ly constructed, a door frame of ..iv Kind should contain good materia*, • onua well lilted, all strong, square and properly braced. We make all of ours that way. AUGUSTA LUMBER €0., of the h <1