The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, May 16, 1902, Image 2

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THE GIBSON RECRD. OFFICIAL OR AN OF THE countx, mm ~ f. W. WrilTELEY, Manager. B. II. HAWKINS Editor. mn f rqw"; Entered at the Postofflce in Gibson, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. ~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: <Hw T«tr................... . t t . , 9tMO. W* montl*#............* . .....y* Tkrr**month* .......__________ •*V jpWjJpS-.MSyp Address *11 THE RECORD, GIBSON, GA. MAY J6,'1902 Brother Caiiclidnte, don’t clniii everything in sight, you maybe mft out of sight. It is quite likely that children will tell lies and smoke so long a# ctller of their parents do. Yv'e would like to hoar DuPont Gncrry speak in Gibson We v uiit to hear all of them before the jn imary. Wonder who the slate makers have slated for governor t wo years >nee? Look sharp, boys, slates do lngufc. There will he sotUo shake-ups among the candidates of the IVhs ' r iiglris ns well as those running f or governor, 'Lime housewives g'-t so ccouo utica! tliut t ev are trying to roust their husbands. The earthquakes are not, so scarce now. One killed thirty thousand people utt the islauu of Martinique last Saturday. The campaign has got to a point now where it is hard to tell who will be elected. Wo think till par ties are afraid they will be defeat td. There area let, of men going nrouiui over the country trying to proaah who ought to (*itiief pill more ftro into their sermons or more sermons into the tiro. In a recent battle in which eight were killed, otto B ier weighing over BOO pound was killed, Kitch ener reported:“We only lost eight but the Boer loss was heavy.’Poftt. The Kentucky preacher who coughed tip n rusty mu! while he was preaching would have had the largest congregation in tho state if he had nnnmmoed Jwbat would happen. There are nnnv people w ho do not go to church from re ligions motives exclusively. The American woman who mar ried a rich Russian count, then n British officer and then the 10 - pear-old son ol a wealthy Japa nese in Proliant has shown the t lie world what an American wid ow can do. 8 I 10 can have a rich husband or one that is both rich and ymtng whenever she is inclin ed to marry. Rev. Mr. llillyer delivered a Tempcreuoe Lecture at t ho Bap tistchurch last Httmlay night to one ol the largest .audiences that hu* assembled iu a church in Gib son iu a long time. His lecture was as good ns we ever heard, find the audience seemed to endorse every word lie said. John W. Gates gives this formu la t*-r making money, “Use cotc* moil souse. attend strictly to bus iness, keep your month shut.” *Cr ns applied to the game at which John VV. is an adept, “know when to go iu and when to stav out, skin your cards iustead of playing your hand open, let your clnm do the talking. Those conn tie* m the lentil con gn-ssinnal district that are talking about rotation in olTice, might be interested iu tlu» fact that it will take 41 v*;ars to get around each county in the district to have 1 he eongnssinan two terms. As it is by no means likely that such a rotation can be nccomplised. the probability is tbit it will be u great deal longer Wore sort* of 1 lie counties get, t ere turn. w!ml 1 wav ’ then tl, ® ‘V would .;, the people 'T 1 of Glascock, , Lincoln, T , Tnliaicrro, McDuffie or any other count vibe Wnetlted bv having a congressman trom Washington rather than PricUmond?—Augusta Chronice CONGRESSMAN fi mincT SRE'AKS-t^V ' > ■'!•' MAY. .. t ui.V cock county r.% f i’h conn )■ mw; Gibsdn nt 8 O'clock m the after* noon of Saturday th» 24th which is one week fi-oiu row. Hr. will HpVak in the t liei «st of his candidacy for re-elect i m to Cong ess, ami eloquene spanker, 1 liopcopte will doubtless turn out in a largo crowd to hear him. He will show up Ins Congressional recoid and lift,J£ardwick’s legislative record, and will doubt!* s* show clearly to every one of herrcia that the course pursued by him in I ho National Congress was a good one, and that he has faithfully and intelligently represented constituents, despite the claims to the Contrary of Ins opponent. Now that we have all heard Mr. Hnrdwicx Jet’s turn out arid hear Mr. Fleming next Saturday week. Any of us can spate that, much time. Remember the date: May 24. Everybody is inwfted. II seems that Terrell has done ___ some , bad ( voting in the i , . . lit in self. It uovv appear* from ftts record that he did all in 1 01 ’ to (lot-put t llO ‘ ‘t lir^o mtlo law, which prevents Utesale of liquor ithin t.tiew nulcs of , any church . . <»r school house. This proves that Im is 1 he friend to the farmers. . , of . the Senators , , a inniortty voted ns he diil (but, thunk (iod ' there . ........i ware only eight ptohilntiou* i si ists of th« Terrell type in the yen ale) a barroom could have been openod , up right , around , our conn try school hottsca which would have ruined every nirul school in the state and yet Mr. Terrell is up pealing to tts oonntryjtes to sup port liitn. Clan we do it? .The people should answer no How can ho expect support from those who ho worked so hard while he was in their ser vice? The people are pot going to deceived. Terrell is-not smart to set a trap that will both, the liquor men and the prohibitionists. Well boys, the time to nomi nate a Senator for the 18th Hena tonal district is two years wo mean Glascock’s time, then ., you might 1 . be 1,1 kinder yotiieye around to J,.0k up Ntntnhlolinibif, for wo don’t this opportunity often (and wo are not certain of it 1 his and , we ought ... to put , in a good man, a man who hit a the coinage Ilia couvicliaiis. W’o <!on’t Vvant to bt'Ht.Av this honor upon u man when we see no hope for good mreturn. DoKalb New Era: For inslanco. it is all very easy for Mr. Warner Hill to declare with 111 s hand on Ins hwut and Ins ores raised to . benveu that Mr. lei ell is paving • his railroad fare hue ft little man, But what an embarrassing cotidi tion migltt *mst* it he were obliged bo fore you. Mr. Terell opposed tho I fee pass cWstoiu or not? And again, “Have you always paid jonr way cn the railroad, Mr. dVrel.? If not, when did you begin it? If von ham heretofore used passes and only recently quit why did you quit* The United Slates senate Wed nesday passed a lull providing that thut the circuit court of appeals of the fifth judicial circuit ot the United States shall hold at least ouo term annually in dOgmmugiun the lirst Monday of October each year. Great, is At huita, , Our local politics are getting as warm ns you please-vunner than some of the candidates wish to see them. \ married 'woman can always have her audience at home wilh going lo the lecture platform, 11 X’Vnd oGh^^ngn." u^ writes Champ Clark, Missouri s brilliant congressinaii, “from overwork, nervous j, tension, loss and voi.etaht hpatkmg body ImVnVtbe'nrgrtim Tn inv were out of order, lint bottles of , Electric Bitters ,u ’ nl1 rignt. it s* the tiest i nr,,,,nd »'«*»«»•» ever sold over a | druggist’s .5«wii count, r.' Ob-r worked ruil nicii and weak, Imalrii stekty warned gain splendid tty from Eletrtc htrert. ih-m. Only bUc. Unaraut d v niu l). ; ■ K SR? !?'$'■ -WM- mm B b gPRiiO 'ftg lalrStJ ........, . ~vzu'. zsxrz -r. —:: ■ - izs– zta– s .* se^ac wc ag y SKSLX - /> / $m. Mmu A i i /2 /? ■*«£**– t S'*y t SB#®* t A z -• A A..1 A \ !\ . I I Hfl -Si s m M ..... s4 ;.Vi fW- ■ " r. if§\ I fW lip * IK l vA/ '/ v S - U * »J ■ 9 ~ Uri W ' Ilf /ftR.5. ; . - V| / BARBARA I j I KCpQfcjYO r t m ! \ gs m ^-Sk^ri 3#i i" ’j/r–K j i . JULIA yTmturA 9 M Its. IlAnD.VR* MCDONALD, Vv.z-i ileiYt of' wi H*. Lotiitf Blu-JS Club, writes t–a fellpwlcg; couwaitns Perena from 2547 Htroet, St.. Lauti, Me,: . ••It ti Y.-iJU feclingis of grafttode tot benefit* ri;-riyM !r -.m the «. , of Shat i dcsiro to procls’r .1 tj my experienc hopbc-: that i': .vPi C t somatu 1 "osttiuata. . r.*r 1 :, o juj , •‘Sawcrijxg f 6 r yea.:: with rvii poured to bo an tnenr–bly .;:r,Rdy, after a RJ ' e3t lag physicians without ray tv«arci’acnncedMl to try ‘ . •••.». bint< cp»lfeatl.purcha ti >. little, r F-n ■ h^lf of thecore : - m - I trU iiio r;:rj?ur:iol roffali*. I u;n td'BUiltg VirV a?Ht m y nan entirely weU. My««soaw>.seemed be catarrh of the Rtoaiach, end ,r. naai.caUng scn-iiloa,• and dm languid, ttred-ont Zxilvur. with- vrip s I 8 entirely U f/ !I ? 1 - left me, ana ray tunactlyo h: ^ or BM|8 w ,j jj, snlmeta wAi’\>n t sit which 1 owe ie tito c. •• of f'm” MliU BARBARA McDDNAI.D. j u :t!» V. Totter, of 2 ms rtre-u,>r.b. v.'Jtco, 1 i.Prcji-t ,..f the (teniuat Y«-rn V-’ e .:>■ Her oninten of i ortma is i.iroa ta iH ... v ^. : “Ota■ *'’IWaJi. Toiuv '■•■■O'..'.U's l tool) ha:! ifeAlun;:; U.t for Three* of «ur mcni>?rs Uava fecit wonderfully h«lps4. • One o£ Tito Ussitute incident to sprii* 0 / many varhtlea are oSpsciuUy by iho term ••pAvic catarrh." Any rzotrtcn w!.;h?ts *0 be advise ahonLl scad Dlevdbum tor if in first n-rmh’s VfHl ho cv.ppif d by Che doctor, final v/hat the above Id lies // ye* domf K-i-c've prompt ■ffcrtt#, yiyfK'ftc iiA/.strdcrr<f. Address Dr. liar, run, pt\ ■ . VVboepicy, Ceugi.n A unman who I as ex our it’nee with tlusdiaease, t:-Hs how to 'prc v«nt any .langes’uiw ennstspu iuies ! r*mt is, Bhe 1 Our tbs - G?iUi|‘.-n to.m. wupep- <gb >.«••’*■* HittniiSe., our .T).',,. ! " V 1 ,,v !- Hn-; , ^ JWTT* , t , Ti. wbmt,. ^ , .h ud 1 r■, ui* llntticdy, f they in-. 1 'ttiip"es.-- :tml cattle ■ , uu: I: iu !! U ' r : i 5 , parent .din nor. 1 >■ „,, aeilv J Gur okk-rt little w.ittM 1 at! lasti(’) fm «oit . 'vhuupo-ji in i'ntt:* v M\\ Ain J his UvJ»- 18 fwr u,U) l ’> U ' U ; ’' v * Some men are hardly to fay back borrnml Sciatic Rheumrastlsm Cured After I'fttirteeM Years of Suffam. 4 - “1 have beetrnl'i'icl.ed'"with ; 0 |.tn> u i>vni u-rn fur to. 1 . * g! ,vs Josh Ed.rur,- of(, nmu.iov. Cab ’1 was able to bu artumd but eoustunly sull'ered. 1 trod tluil « l Cu J* ul "‘ ur ^. iUid nt 1: ; ! , l Bam. luimrilialei’y Balm, whudi I dot and .was lelieVcd utni in. tv short lime cured, and 1 am hap py to-ay it ha.- mu s.n ■■■ return. ’ Vt i 1 'tln-'Ll.f‘I* •' tVin.'o " lev. Wit isjihfl wmo of uredl ct, hut an ill nature may t urn it. to vine gar. What Thja Eeik* N®ed Ts greater power of dig; n mg and assimilating food. For tin in J»p. nto'VhV Ute iJkt\sT.i\ o uigains g ! *Bily . expel all poisons from system, enrich the blood, improve ndpt ute. nniKO healthy Ilei'h, Only 20c a 'v^bitcley Unelo gam remiuds esof a young married man walking the ,h or with his new possessions. Stead;-like » Si*, ne Wait. Between your children an-.l the torture* of i>idling r-.u bm’.i.g ccyema, scaldimeuvi or ot nev skin diseasesHew’? ‘why, by using Buoklsn’s Arnica thrive, earth’s greatest healer. Quickest cure for 1 leers. Fevers Bmvs. Salt Rheum, \' _ *n> luhuiuLO s « * i,r * “ s - - " 1 “ M'd-'y THOUSANDS SAVED 3Y 8li. MIS*f3lri KliiG tilv"» lidk 5 j jiarntp. ;r*RU 5 tc-Pnnciirurfinn 1 '* V Pns. i-'L’l' -’b- 3 i’-dre A'‘’ J ' , This wonderful , Oic.treiuo ... S**«*Gonaumptipn.tx-.upi.s, Hronclutia, Asthma, Ck Huy Fever, Pleurisy, pf«rat'nesB 4 ^ore Ft 1 • w.t ana \ r koc um* kow* rniCH 50c. and S1. WTRSZ iS XZWtffc■ '■ ^ Art 0^ M'.Y-T?^ mi ----H yet' mMb 4*!'* S! m ■ m- •“sft m ! : 1 I ■ ‘'A03. 1 1 \kvk ’ VM Y HAT. AY f, m •- c Ay/ -l\ c. fi Gfeort co,rclrrh- f->r the ! I year. ta,;rh “X h’i'.-ij or Tib Jh <H‘ .-jl'Jk ?j£nsvt : nv~ h“o ..fc., .-spd it- t I* ••• r Cxjhji-leac-> iff ;:'fack #f :U ‘ and biv-ndlk:-r«> fettles 'cost-, -. restored m* m t al’h.e—Jails V. T/ ; i ••/. Mrs. Mary*9llardy, of a5s Vc. polk street, i It., writes: “l r~* it ny -.vary ^ - ttfm < , , 1 , . /-c* , . ; «*U' , 7 - - a groxt . : ' • . i.ui ash. vhWt aotisofsucfr hi y:;u« r u Aut-d . j( • *. ; r . v ... ,, v; . C : u ’ r ' y "A.'ter . ium.!: ■- r . ■ • I fox'd uiri; ' rSy-, and life test m7cefe- " ■■ "-V m , m p ebstov .BttW. T trtbd. PcT-as-, xs erntbar , – tiers worn;ci < It, VH to ((fty a co! .j ic to cure, bur I 'ISfys. e’:.* ’**.'! r f;. Ter % 3f^El» would. a–» v' V. in t’j'j former eoadt : tr; :i, B.y . i!T:5:;.-:*ut-d.:' 1 .-. 'J cn most «.t have;p C r «»4 SijS •V teftu tnt bcLiv 3 er 1 t. e-.irnpifTc-ly nn<! . f. ir-y nicdiclo-. f *rvr S.bol 53 4T» y I, 1 :uWs!loaa for 'aitcK-d for y--r.ra vitlicatncrh of : • ‘i-isb. i: • feesp .L-y trying to worms. Ailment a p-:cu!tsr to the to aggeaydion. All this class of affections are fifty described oa tk# tm ‘ f Dr, fiart -/■a V oct.’.-tite tor fm : - Jtnsst and nymprmz, dsrsHoa 0 / Y end Y-v,:. .... ic.<■•;•/ vizj. r/M be ?rc-rr-UcJ t– ef ck.rgs. ,'h tns medicine -.tecs:;sr:,y dlreetjbns iff !>•:-. fw : del. say of f^runa aw 3 c fi e–e ctfsts, sstkfm–si*' recutte frCra the vise of Psrar.a, w.-ia at to Or. >’RU?£ttMemidhtnvUi V fdess'.it'ioiv-c you br'r vs:. : j jlci.dvic:gratis. of The tSsthAan Sstsitarihet, Czhitzibtm, Ohio, w 4 fi*. * S–'JL | A *'| a ''«£%»■•- r icres c O .0 f UO., H O €j , 'Mitchell ft Cv * i ms c3 m tw ak IT -a OT w b . O C3 A/ U -g xJ'Jjh % HA , iuuM Ltd. ( ^ |\j ^ ‘4 V, ! i.cacres 1 % W ^ If'* 5 » , . ci ■ : ,T _ H 1-1 (*1 -- lS^% C* 9 r Ff^ T it \i ^ y T @ M rr «■ " ?–£ UStl 'TS£- Broad Street, -,«4' Align mMm. ■ ; , Georgia o C , kv rycn,;, .aarneg3 . - O-lkSUOT, Liyrhyi And Wagon i ... ‘ 1 WliftC C Be' wx. Bl.'.ckrmiih and V cdv cii ei ’sTcols, AgoniS for Babcock’s* I'.-ne VchitiiS, AltoJoo W. L Vsury ck Sv US t;.H.lS£ r.tsrds. .NolU.e To CtOiitr–ctOT.s and Home Builders. •Havifig .puYybfisf.-d a large slock before tho advance m prices 1 tnstu.l ’am ■pivj;:-.v,:d tdiiiUi all orders at lowest market price*, ; . ./ r, FL, k ami (otlvanv.'d Sheet Iron, Oomigntvd i.\*n Tarred R.-c’.h .;';ind Rtnldi:- . i’ap-r. -OYCF, ilawgei, i r-tftl .Tiling and Guivauia at Imu rnrnh'.-s ami Sheet Metal W ork A Specialty. ——-1!UFA 1U1N 0 FROM PIT Y DON E- Q| 11 Q 1V>9 Broad 3tr-e JL J C.O 2g yV-wA- W*1 i liO A V AUGU. TA, GA. 3 _____ To The Public. Wc have the finest line of Sprtii^ and Summer Goods E yet brcpfhi to A ugtisfa, an d the prices are the most able ill eve' / way. Call and inspect our stock before ing elsewhere. Summer S : is, 1 1: iz, Su’t?. st-.l VvAztvxzt. *Vf m a 9 $? Hi 8 b - 1118 Levy, “Outfitter,” 844 r Jrorul »-• c 1 r A ngtmtP., -Ga Attention, Good Dressers ! We Have a Good Thing and Want Everybody to Know it A We have secured the exclusive right r7 sjS <4 for this vicinity famous to take orders tailoring for the of 4 STRAUSS BROS., PL f/Sjrf > mi displaying Chicago. samples their Vfe cf.* newest are Fine now Woolens and urge flMr everyone interested iu good clothes to call and TP inspect them. We show a NEARLY 5 0 0 PATTERNS, by far the largest line in the country, con sisting of many exclusive effects in wor steds, cassimcres, Scotches, clays, serges, etc. STRAUSS BROS, make the kind of clothes you like to wear,—accurately tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you have paid for inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction and with it goes our unqualif iod endorsement. We shall be glad to have you call and you will be glad you came. J W 9 Bbsi Value The New> est Style In A ugmta* ■ T.Iih l/.w })vice stor^ saves yon monoy on every article you hav* liny. Xo matt**f what priocsHilhers make, y< r. will find thelow#»t hero LADIES CLOAKS, Fins. Shirts, ''i.del war. t'i.eV..;, Wrappers, Silks and Pm* Good* jut cent. tv» «a'-f you on all al-*\e lines. 2,10 pair Notingbam lau-e curttviut, value -tl.09 itH) ■■ pair Cinny Luce Curtains, *l' :nil ‘.y : 1 1 -CM pair line Lace Curtains at -o per cent. »l Home Made Oeorula-md S. C. Carpets. f.fv f r -lout List color carp, is- ;L r C<; Lt extra «tper-wool Carpets lor word stair Carpcis. cbO Rugs at 5Cc mi the dollar. t' ndt-r ,Vi ;:t- cr.i a Per thou at v [dace in town, Yon save money on what you btiv of P. D, HORKAN – CO * 9 Augusta, Ga. V II Makss Its Mirk uzzd, and Mm n ■oft'-** ‘ amort]; ;>! /■ ho;tsek 2 ;?.trs oar flour is highest standard d high Bread, cak;;, p:c3, : pastry, made from this brand of Hour, have zrc-'n t of . ^ belt to use for any kind -r-^y. X“- •> Arrington Bros – Co.. 903 Broad Street, Augusta Ga, La dais In AH Kta.H <J: G.-o.-ariai 'an 1 Brer IstnA* PERSONAL, If 1 but tali, good-looking young man, of about 25, who was vainly t rving to timt u new Suit to lit mid please him willcmnc here any tn.-.e I»etween 7 A. M. and 0 B. M. he will learn something to his ad vantage. SUITS. In all t he tw patterns of tins season sl.yles-just fts neat and just as vour heart can desire-at $5.00 TO $28. And pi ntv of them to suit every I * dv, Roy’s Pat. la Suit, Otic Dolbiranfl Fifty Cents io Ti i. Dollar. OUR MOTTC: BETTER QUALITY EOR LE5S MONEY. E. S. McCreary <– CO •9 Clothiers, Hatters, Furnisitcrs, TIG Bread Sleet, AUGUSTA, GA Augusta Southern Railroad Co. Schedule Effective January 26, 1902. Head Down Read Up No 27. No 29. No 45. No 26 No 44 No 28 Lx Sna Sau only Ex Sun. Eastern Time Ex San Ex Sun Sim oa P M A M A M A M P M I* M 4 31 9 80 7 15 Lv, Augusta Ar. 10 00 8 30 7 25 «2*5 1018 8 1* “ Hegkzibah “ 9 04 - 7 19 6 34 5 58 10 51 9 05 t: Kevsville “ 8 33 6 35 6 04 6 21 3113 9 48 <* Wrens n 8 07 5 55 5 10 7 05 11 50 11 01 Gibsoii t < 7 25 5 07 5 02 7 27 IS 13 11 41 4 4 Mitchell •i. 7 01 4 -41 4 40 8 18 1 05 1 15 “ Sandersvilte “ G 10 3 25 3 50 8 80 1 15 1 30 it Tennilio t i 6 00 3 10 3 40 Gloso conaeclions at Augusta with Soutl ein Railway for all points and at wnh Central of Qwijjiu and W, – T. It. It.