The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, July 18, 1902, Image 2

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THE GIBSON RECRD. OFFICIAL OR AN OF THE cotiN rx, J. W. WHITELEY, Manager. t B. H. HAWKINS Editor. 'Ttatered at the Poatoffice in Gibson, Gft.', Second Class Mail Matter. .. ................ JUS.J. 5’ ASCRIPTION RATES: , * v c »ae year ..... i-m *i ... fi/w. -fct* «in lx* . ■JO. . Tf.r#* W»c*nth# . . Address All Communicaf Jons to THE RECORD. GIBSON. GA. JULY 18 1902 Standing guessing how much other |M«opi<> are worth will never (111 your own pockets. The Kentuckian who drowned himself in-a barrel of whisky evi dently died in good Blunts. We saw a man the other day who Bind he could neither sit down nor stand up - If lie tells the truth lie lies. If all the tolks are like us, Cleveland could go away back and set down. We don’t used him in our ranks, Rosavelt would find in Booker Washington a suitable miming niato in 1001, That would be a good way m winch to establish the fact that he isn’t a hypocrite. —Sparta Ishmnulito. It will soon bo up to Mr. Ter nd ] to live Up to but platform, But we suppose ho will do like the rest, of them : when lie goes into take his sent lie will leave his plat . form outside, The boys have gone back on their pledge are grumbling about the warm weather. They may freeze mxt winter for it, ui.d wo are not going .to mention this wuuthnr then either. We term this went her very pleasant in a re* 1 'rcgerutor. A negro man 05 years old np nliod at tho oonrt-liouso Batiirdny for I icon s to ’marry tho seventh tune. He hud buried six wives' nnd said lie was ready for tlm seventh lion von. Tho woman he is to to> irv has out-lived six hus bands. 1 he (<ld man reuiaiked^ * it s g" ii|e to bo mp Utni tuek twixt us as to which buries tother.” - Ex At a big fin in Cincinnati the other night one of the firemen threatened to turn tho hose on n young woman who Kept getting in • tho way. Sho replied: “I’ll turn them myseif when 1 get home. 1 was excited so I did’t notice how 1 was putting thorn on." Wo saw George Beall, the brainy little editor of tho Wire Grass Blade, last week. He v as out shaking handwjjwith the “dear people," presenting hi* easo for their consideration at tho polls on t lie 28rd inst. George wants to represent old Emanuel in the Geor gia Legislature, and from what we oouid learn it seems that his efforts will be crowned with SIJ»V cess on tho eve of the primary. The colored brother is gradually making Ins presence.felt, in n so cial way , in Pennyslvumn. At Pottstown the otherevening u col ored man ot the name of Adams %vas present at the marriage of »v vouug white couple. When the ceremony had been performed Adams insisted on kissing the bride. The newly-made hndo objectod, whereupon Adams drew his razor and cut lus throat. An exchange pointly says “A drunken man ttaggored into church on Sunday uml sat down- in the pew qf one of .the deacons. The preacher was ^discoursing about prevalent popular vices. SoonJm exclaimed: ’ Whore.ris the druuk ard?’ TUudrunkon man man was juel far enough gono to think the coll pereonal.eo rising heavily, re plied' ’Here I am,’mot remained standing whiledruukard’s charac ter aud fate were eloquent ly por trayed' A fsw uunuetn later thoJpreachor reach nnothe |>oint his discourse, asked. • Where’s the hypocrite?’ gently nudging his neighbor the druukaid said, i n an aubible whisper; ’Stand up con. lie means yon this time. Stand up and tike it like u man ju»t asldid’ It will do you good. THE EDITOR. He is one that requires the pa tience ot Job, raore-lJinii all men living, save the true minister uf the Gospel. He must be brave enough to put himself up as a tar get to be shot at, and must look for a fight ns soon as he begins . Ho must please everybody am’, nobody pleane'hiin, only by chance His paper must come by railroad time, whether the train arrives or not. It must be tilled with the sort ot no vs that suit his readers. He must not say a word against anybody, or ii« will be in fora light, lie must lonrnof Ins sub scribers what to sav, how and when to say, it, or they will raise a >ow and stop the paper for revenge. He must rise early and sit up late si tidying how best to meet these difficulties ttudtlo hb duly, and if the Creator of all things has not endowed him with knowledge, power and wisdom sufficient tor all llifese things, he will hear from the critics. Young man, do not bo discour aged or disgusted. The editor must live as long as (lie world stands. He is a fellow wo eiili’t do without .—With bis bible in ono hand and his pen in the other the world will move on in prosper* ity, and his name will ring to the uttermost part of the earth • Still better it will ring in heaven ; for without the editor the country wouhl.suon lapse into heathenism and idolatry-whieh is the case to day with too many.—Hence, Jet iisnll do the best we can, men. women and children, for the ad vaucemcut of tin; educational (le partment, seeing tho great need. \ admire the expression of Conf inisHioiier Duggan when ho snid it mattered little how they taught Lot us sea to that.*—It is fa God send truth oil this subject—W m. M. Am.kx, In Sparta Ishinuelilq. Certain To Pay When Pursued Steadily. The mfn who tills his laud with any m per appreciation of the possibilities of hm calling, who is never satisfied with what lias been done in his line, but is ever looking forward to what may yet be accomplished upon his field bv thought, labor and earnest en deavor, is sure to win—is Jon re .in the end to realise the promise which his hopes have raised. < While they.e.umot absolutely n j I , 0 j| ) j 8 f or | u »o as a producer a t, every point, lie can so fnreon tro , ltaB to secure fur himself yasfe* ly greater profits and more satis factory results than ho would re hy merely following the ha bitual thoughtless routine of the mdett'erent farmer. No calling of the iiresent day holds out more Haltering induce to our enterprising young than does agrculture. Farm* r.ot, onh to length of life, but also to that happiness contentment which freedon from speculative shomes, thu of trade, and the oven more uncertain iosults of most will not permit those who follow them to enjoy. it is rare that the farmer becomes suddenly rich, yet is it us rare that he becomes suddenly poor. The terrible vicissitudes of speculative persists ho escape. The failure of one crop, if he farms intelligently an cultivates assiduously, will hurt his pros pects but little. Ills wheat may be destroyed, while his corn may be left; hi*oats may fail, but his is all right; his barely may but his sorghum will take through, Nor is any one fail the end of his .hopes. It he be true tanner, he will be sure to have one resort still loft—Iris flock his herds. His {pastures ate there, nnd with them there should bo uo such word as fail. An exchange says about, trees that. “There is evident a growing interest in shade trees.” This would L 10 gratifying if true gener ally, but unfortunately it is not sod'ur as Burke county is concern ed. The beautiful groves and lanes with shade-trees that once graied ftn d ornamented the homos aud plantations of this old aud pictur esque county have disappeared >vud uo effortifaro being made t. P'nnte them again. The destrnc- 1,011 °* those trees is pure undsim pl« vandalism which tlm owners “f the property sanctioned for a of ,ruu Dubious They will do almost anything for a little Cotton, be 11 cheiipa^dirt. CONGR ESSMAN QB QWLEY Uses Pe-ru-na if His Family For Catarrhal and Nervous Affections. gv/.f.'?:':' w <2 5S T, ■ — :v M W- 1 r I I V. K I m u f-. W- ■T s ... it m % i Li s Jit w. ! iiM $ is I s :? * M l s ; s 1 li 1 •â€“X i ] ;iv : tv WM ’LL I HP e£± ’LL. X r- iflr J. CONOR B Crowley. ESS MAN 5 . fW- m Hon. Joseph B. Crowley, Congressman from Illinois, writes Irom Robinson, HI., the following praise tor the great catarrhal tonic, Peruna. Congressman Crowley says: “After giving Peruna a fair trial / can cheerfully your remedy to anyone suffering with epughs, colds and la grippe, and all catarrhal complaints. “Mrs. Crowley has taken a numbef of bottles of Peruna on account of nervous troubles. It has proven a strong tonic and last ing cure. I can cheerfully recommend lt.”—J. B. CROWLEY. No other remedy invented by man over received as much praise from of high station as Peruna. Over members of Congress havo tried It recommended It to suffering They ukj it themselves to guard the effects of the intense strain of life; to ward off I ho ill effects of changeable climate of Washington. They keep it in their homes for family use. They recommend it to their bor.-;, and they do not hesitate In print to declare their appreciation and endorsement of this greatest of modern remedies. ’Tlia Curse of the South is disease of malarial origin, Lees Chill St Fever cure i* gnaraiitedto cure Chills aud fe ver. The priee In itlga tlna remedy within the the reach of all.. Price only 25ot*. The merchants will refund the price if it fails to cure. Tho recent rains have helped crops wonderfully through this section amt it is now considered that a good yield of corn will bo realized. GKORGIA-G 1 ascock Connty Elizabeth Shepimrd having made application for twelve months sunport out of estate ot William Sheppard, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show Cause before the court the of first Ordinary of said county on Why Monday in August 19 02, said application should not be granted. This 28th duv June 1902. J. C. Eiurhsh Ordinary GEORGIA-ULAbUOUK County Robert Land having made ap plication for twelve mouths sup port. out of estate of Anna Land . and appraisers duly appointed to to set apart the same having filed their return all poisons concerned aro hereby required to show cause before tho con id of Ordinary of said county on thedlrst Monday in August 1902, why said application should not be granted. This 80th day June 1902. J. C. English CV Ordinary, WHISKEY $1J35 Pex' Gallon. Mention this paper and scud for private Price list. Write: Winston Dis. Co., Winston, N. C. Lowest Priced Wluskoy House •IS r_ ss iuu - ' h CtlARANTEE. NROflfTHLLS and all dlseasas arising: from In dlgestlon. Thay will purify your blood and make your complexion aa FAIR AS A LILY. They aro gelatin coated. PWCE 26 CENTS. It is exactly as Congressman Crowley says: “Peruna is a swift and sure rem edy for coughs, colds and la grippe and all catarrhal complaints. J t Is an excel lent remedy in all nervous troubles. It nevoT fails to prove itself a powerful tonic and a lasting cure.” This is what Congressman Crowley nays, anti this is what thousands of other people are say ing all oyer the United States. Congressman Romulus Z. Lianey from Taylorsville, N. C., writes: “My secre tary had a.» bad a ease of catarrh a?i I ever saw, and since he has taken one N. S. Hodges – Co., , Mitchell, Ga 6WEns cfe Caskets TPriT? Jp vj£\> -Young and Old. Complete Line Always On Hand. N. S. Hodges Co H. H C0SKERY, 733 and 735 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia Carriages, buggies, Wagons, Harness S tcc h iy C;ij’;re and agon Material. Hemlock White Oak Sole Leather, Harness Leather and Rubber Belting. Blacksmith and Woodworker's Tools, Agents for Babcock's Fine Vehicles, Also Jno asury – Sons House Paints. Notice To Contractors and Home Builders. Having purchased a large stock before the advance in prices ;> metal goods I am prepared to till all orders at lowest market prices. tor Tin plate Solder, Zinc, Copper, Black and Galvanized Sheet Iron, Corrugated Iron Tarred Rocking and Building Paper. toves, Ranges, Mantels, Tiling and Gratec. Galvanized Iron Cornices and Sheet Metal,Work A Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE- David Slutsky 5 1009 AUGUSTA, Broad St GA. rue To The Public. We have the finest line of Spring and Summer Goods. Lver brought to Augusta, and the prices are the most reason able in every way. Call and inspect our stock before purchas in £ elsewhere. Summer Shirts, Hats, Suits, and Underwear. J, Willie Levy, “Outfitter,” 844 Brtxad St,. Augusta, Ga. bottle of Pertma he seems like a different man.”—Romulus Z. Lianey. Congressman A. T. Goodvyn, “ihavenovr Robin son Springs, Ala^ writes: used one bottle of Peruna and am a well man today.—A. T. Gfoodwya, U. 8. Senator W. N, Roach from Larf morc, N. D., writes:* ‘I have used Pe runa as a tonic. It has greatly helped me in strength, vigor and appetite." Congressman II. AV. Ogden from Ben tor, La., writes: “ I can conscientiously recommend your Peruna.”—II. \V. Ogden, Congressman II. W. Smith from Mnr physboro, Ill., writes: ‘‘I have taken one bottle of Peruna for my catarrh and I feel very much benefited.”—<ieo. W. Smith. Congressman David Meekison from Napoleon, O., writes: ”1 have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head.”—David Meekison. Senator Mallory, of Pensacola, Fla,, writes: ‘‘I have used your excellent remedy, Peruna, and have recommended it both as a tonic and a safe catarrh rem edy."—Stephen R. Mallory. Senator M. C. Butler, cx-Govcrnor of South Carolina, writes: **I can recom mend Pemna for dyspepsia and stomach trouble.”—M. C. Butler. Senator W.V. Sullivan from Oxford, Miss., writes: “I take pleasure in re commending y our great national cat arrh euro, Peruna, as the best I have ever tried.”—'W. V. Sullivan. Senator J. M. Thurston from Omaha, Nob., writes: “Peruna entirely relieved me of a very irritating cough.”—J. M, Thurston, Congressman H. G. Worthington from Nevada, writes: “ I have taken one bot tie of Peruna and tt has benefited me immensely.”—H. G. Worthington. Congressman Howard from Ft. Payne, Ala., writes: “I have taken Peruna for la grippe, and I take pleasure in recant mending Peruna r.s on excellent rem cdy,”—M. \V. Howard. Congressman Wiltia Brewer from Hayaesvillc, Ala., writes: “ I have used ono bottle of Peruna for lassitude, K-wtlUs Brewer " 0 m>OMimemUns If you do not dertvo prompt nnd satir faotory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your ease and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable nd vico gratis. Address Hr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Attention. Good Dressers! We Have a Good Thing and Want Everybody to Know it. We have secured the exclusive right *». for this vicinity to take orders for the I famous tailoring of STRAUSS BROS., Chicago. We are now h rw displaying their newest S w samples cf Fine Woolens and urge everyone interested in \ S–3 good clothes to call and ^ inspect them. We show I NEARLY 5 3 0 PATTERNS, 1 ■ by far the largest line in the country, con sisting of many exclusive effects in wor steds, cassimeres, Scotches, clays, serges, 7 etc. STRAUSS BROS, make the kind j of clothes j-ou like to -wear,—accurately j j tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you have paid for inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction i and with it goes our unqualified endorsement. We shall be glad to have you call and you will be glad you came. J W Whiteley, j Best Value The Ne k - est Style In A ugmta . Tlie low price store saves von money on every article you Itava to buy. No matter what prices others make, you w ill find the lowest prices here LADIES CLOAKS 9 Furs, Skirts, Underwear, Sacks, Wrappers, Silks and Dress Goods 25 per cent, we save yon on all above lines. 200 pair Notinghgm I. ace ciirtuiut, $2,(X> vnltie $1.09 200 j air Ciutiv Lace Curtains, *2,60 quality *1.50 . 200.pair tine Lace Curtains at 25 per cent, of price. Home Made Georula cud S. C. Carpets. 80c forjytout fust color carpets*,.50c for extra super-wool Carpet* .’5c for wool stair.Carpet a. 600 Bugs jit 50c on the dollar, Under wear cheaper limn any place in town. You save money ou what you buy of P. D. HORKAN – CO M Augusta, Ga. It Makes Its Mark wl/rever used, and am»n 2 , km good housekeepers our flour is m the highest standard. ot high TCmk uuality. Bread, cakes, pits, 'JTL biscuit, pastry, made iro:n this lightness,'sweetness excellent brand cf flour, have flavor a §3f j lATmm and given by no other flour. It is the baking. beft to use lor any kind of “2 • <M*w fly Arrington Bros – Co.. 903 Broad Street, Angusta Cia, Lo.i tjfs lu All Kiads Ot Grtworie.* and Brsadstufii PERSONAL. If that tall, good-looking young man, of about 25, who was yah l.v trying to find a new Suit to fit and please him will come iiere any Ulw Letwecn T A, M .and 0 B. M, liewiil learn something to Ins ad vantage. SUITS. In all the now patterns of this season stylos-just as neat ami just us your heart cun desiro-at $5.00 TO $28. And plenty of them to suit everybody, Bov’s Knee Pants Suit *^ uo Hollar and Fifty Cents to Tt n Dollar. OUR MOTTO: BETTER QUALITY EOR LE5S MONEY. E. S. McCreary – CO •9 Clothiers, Halters, Furnishers, 71(5 Broad Stei t, AUGUSTA, GA Augusta Southern Railroad Co. Schedule Effective January 26, 1902. Read Down Read l T p No 27. No 29. No 43. No 26 No 41 No 28 Rx Sun Hun ouly Rx Suu, Eastern Time ou I* M A M A M P M V M 5 20 8 30 715 Lv. Augusta Ar 9 8 00 S 10 6 01 9 13 8 15 “ Uegbziitah “ • 47 5 25 G 22 9 41 8 09 4 : Kevsvitls “ r 55 4 54 G 57 10 06 » 29 «4 Wisus 5 Ji l T: 4 7 35 10 43 10 29 Gibson 4 36 8 59 7 53 11 02 11 00 Mitchell 4 08 3 39 8 35 11 57 11 58 Stndersville 2 53 2 50 8 55 12 10 12 10 Tennille “ 2 4 0 2 40 . Close connections at Augusta with Southern Railway for all points at Teaoiile .vith Csn tra! cf Georgia aud V.. A T. 11. K.