The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, September 19, 1902, Image 2

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TttE GIBSON RECRD. — OFFICFAL Ot?AN THE coun rx; J. W. Will CELEYv Manager. B. H, HAWKINS Ldlton. Filtered at the Boaboffice in, Gihson^ fia., as Glass Mail Matter. SUBSCRIPTION RACES: Wne fear., x nMiniha,.-.... •V l» Wf«ult* , . .2^. Addreaa all Communication* to THE KECGRDv * GIBHON-G L 8 EP: 19 1H02 Tilts cookftjpeMi Una froze tip the %vr terworks- that we-were- to* Itave iu Gibson,. You lazy fdlbtrs cotton is catch *ng it now. Yotucuii’t exp»«t it eo stay dirv atuli fair oil the lime. The ShiidhrsviMe II'ern!U'‘‘gidJ up Bint got” Ifwt week. Et was* cer tiikd'y a, credit te-9hutleri»vil3b tuid W. :»hing ton: comity.. The t’iinc is yet ripe-for- sowing, turnip*, and yon know Imw well 1 they come- iu when, everything else is gone. The- old blue stem can’t survive tho liarali winters Here of late. The white llhpiddicntm of Ala bama Uhw at the negroes this week and unseated ovey.onc of them in the convention. The lino is being drawn as it should' lie nil ovon the United Slates,. Tite*cotton* market ts about ttlie most uncertain thing: we know ot. Wo are almost af raid’ to quote the price,, will change before we can. print out' piupeHK .*W The farmers (eli us that they have gathered the most'ot their cotton and a good many have sold it as fiimt ns they gathered it. It will certainty he a short crop, and' it will be gathered nearly a month sooner than any previous crop.. The next. Legiststaire■ would do well to pit»s<o 8 «-biii’or resolution, lo-wit: resolved not to meet again in ton years,, and play quit and •omo home. Their constituents would feel grateful to tltentifou a long t ime if they would* do- 1 hits The ’possum limit or’ horn can be heard fur. and near those’nights if it is unlawful fo, catch them. ’the legislator that diubliad, this law should bo run out of the state ns we understand the asylum full up. The v* »v idea! Go off ami crawl in a hole and pull the fiolii in behind you. Wo don’t need you in our, business,. Charles H. Smith,.Betterknown as “Rill Arp," is critically ill at his homo ,iu Carters; illo-, (in. Thousands ot good peopie nre sad dened exlronialV to- learn ofi his illness, and profoundHv hope that the Almighty will spare this good man's life.. We see-no ratiHoSi wily some- of our good formers don’t get the dairy Inismss# right. We see occasionally where are- being; op erated very successfully iu our neighboring* counties.. We can m do as well as they. Cal 1 be go him- been for suite on this market tor more titan n month and wo [notice a lot of iarmers buying Uiottu These farnuis should raise-t hem tor suite instead of depending op buying them. If they would try they could raise just, as line ones as these we buy, and it wouldn’t cost but very lit tle to do it*. W« understand that Mr. C. P. Dixon anticipates- putting, in a grist- mill at hie-gin. in the near future. We see no reason.why it would:) , . , t pay, and , , it would ,, be . a great convenience and neoonuno datum, to the pal none-ot the and it would cetlainliy do no harm t»i towards the upbuilding, of. town. ,, Corn shuck .1 mgs, cane ,. and other big hallabaloos will all the go now iu a tew days, nod rhe-old corn whoop will lie music to the care of the good old* former as he Jpt epares the great pile of* corn* foe Uie me ay shuck ers. In fact it will make any body think of the gooil old times thtut we use to have. HAY VALUABLE. Tim peoj^Ja Hwmnd here are gatli eritig and Mooing away an til u;i d'auce of hay, which is. a good tegru They have realized the ful ly of buyiiig (ton< at a high price and uJlowuig their hay to stay in the (h ide and waste, W'h have ,got t« get a suJfstiiute for corn. We can’t depend. 011 it alone us feed –>r our stock, and sooner we learn to raise hay, auiift andituher v.aJ uable torage, t lie-bet ben it will be for us. Wo can't exyect the price of corn, to decline very much HIM ik the dmimnd for il. grows less, luid t»he only way to. make miuid less is to raise a yy eater for age crop; and not depemL on the wiesti rn people to, fill our eottn critiH.. Et a 11 pc aw ho us that we could till our corn, cribs with corn smokehouses, with meat cheaper than the western corn miners and pork packers could till them for us; and we must do it it we intend to live any way. We should iniutc a closer study of agyicukhim pay less attention to the prices of coinoicdotie* we cun, raise.‘Jf your crib is full of corn, your Ihum full of liny you don’t gut frightened out of yiiur wits when, you pick up a newspaper andi see conn qpoted at one dokhtr per bushel, liny nt xwenty-two, dblhus- per ton and meat at fifteen cents per pound, ewemif you hitveni’t a pound 06 cotton or. a cent of money on, place;-for you. will know that vim,' have'already got wliat you are liged to have, Then if yom wilt pay any attention to your ens they will lay plenty, eggs buy t he little'articles yotti besides you ought to sell lots- ot butter. Blue Hill Dots;. “BY AUXT SUSAN” Tfie temperature has fallen sc. era!’degrees, the rich foliage the of trees is turning brown, nnd’the nittvarance ot the heavens is con siderably changed, dl: of which ate indicative of an ended sun> nmr. Mr. D. J. F. Harden who has been ill for several days with ma larial fever, is new convalescent. We hope to hear of Ins complete restoration ii,ti an early date.. Rev. J. It. Purvis boarded the train nt Spread last Saturday for Kevsville to assist in n few days meeting at that place. Wc iw'e glhdto state that Miss Litinie Howell, who hats lieen ill for a few days is up again, As we look across the broad holds, white wit lit he fleecy staple, we are reminded of the biblical saying; ‘ ‘The harvest, is groat and the laborers are tew.” Sirs Virgil; Kitchens has been Inis been indisposed hut is much improved, now. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin Chalk or died last Sid utxl ay its remains were interred at t he Pleas ant Hliiktcemetery Saturday after noon. Its mother preceded in about three months. We extend sympathy to the grief stricken family and relatives; Mr. MiaMihew Aldred of Warren county was among us ut Pleasant Hill last Saturday night and Sun duy. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Hit man Harrison died last Saturday and was interred at the Kitchens graveyard Sunday movntttg'. Fora bad tastes in the mouth take Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets. For side by Wliite _ i. ley. A 5#d Disappoint men,. laoffective liver medicine is a disappointment., but you don’t want to purge, strain and break the glands of the stomach and bowels. DeWiM’s Little Early Risegs nave disappoint. They clean the system* ofi all poison and, putrid matter and do it s > gently that, one enjoys the pleasant effect s Tney are a tonic to the live. Cure i.dioueness, torpid liver and pre vent fever. Wlutuley Bawane. Of The Knife No progesaion has advanced* more rapidly of late than surgery but U ahould not be used except* where absolutely necessary. In l8P8 of pilw .^niple-, it i» st-ldom noodctl. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Unequalled cure tyiiokly and per manentbv. for cuts, bums, bruises, woundo-akin disease Accept no counterfoils.. “1 was so troubled with bleeeing piles Unit I lost much blood, aim. strength,” says 1. G. Phillips; Paris, fill. ‘DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Talve cured me ib iu. a short time," Mi.otlifs an.d heals. \V ; hitelay PE-RIHIA T FRIEND is THE % - V So Says Mrs. Rose, of New York City, And Tens of Thousands of Other Women. i /S » r\ ! gi ■aj BRS ag gjF mm ;v Npwig 'i k isikhe.:!w;-,. Jill FI ! ! ■; • : . t Mm ESsfl mm. e–> 4 Mi ill VHM -j !■ , mm ■ ■'i I.'// r- ;C Lt I p 1 mPPP gjlwi 3 : ■vu * Mrs. Jennie Rose, 362 W. Twenty-Second Street, New York City, writes: The. Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.: Gentlemen: “Peruna fa a blessing to suffering women. I suffered with female trouble since I began menstruation, and every month 1 suffered two and three days of untold agony, and had to arrange my work and duties so as be In. bed every month lor two days at least. “My brother was cured of Bright's Disease from the use of Peruna and so I determined to try It for my trouble. “Imagine my great joy when I found that It relieved me quite a bit the Brat month and / was entirely without pain during ■ that period after having used Peruna only four months. * * This Is about two years ago and all during " that time I have suffered no ' vain, I . can now come and , go as I , like ... and . consider Peruna _ woman’s , best , . Mend , , and wish that every suffering woman might know that she can tlndi through the use of this medicine." Truly yours, MRS. JENNIE ROSE. DotPt forget to bring:your cor tou seed to Whit cloy. Wo have jpst received an order from tlie Mayor of Adrian fo print, the good town job. code,. which is a ■pretty A OKItTAlX.omtK FUJI UV8KNTKNTKI1Y. AND DIAlt-HHOKA, “Some years aao t was one of a ■party that inteittlcd making a long biovelo trip,” says K. L. Taylor of Now Albany, Bradford County, Pa. 4 ‘I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea, and was about to give up the trip wen Editor Ward of tlm JatcevvBlo Messehger, sugges ted that I take a.dose of Chamber Iain's Coho.Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy. I purchased a bottle and took two- doses, one before starling and one successfully on. the route. I made the trip atu nevon felt any ill effect, Agan last summer I was almost com pletely run down wide an attack of dvsententeay... I bought a bot tle ot this same remedy and this time one dose cured me.” FOR SALE—©u easy terms, to i»i|)onsiblH parties, tracts,'from a number at gaud fanning 70 240 acres each, on the But ley Place, (5 1-2 nit lbs from Louisville, uu. (modi roads, good water good health, well located, conven ient to grist mill and public gin. Apply to K. E. Ponder, aa. t or F. U. Bnttev, Oil June 20 1802. : 7 4 o .V- H' >*> Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestunts and' digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It, allows you to eat all the food you want, Themostsensitive stomw.ha-ean take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have beeu cured'after evervthing else failed. It ' is uneuu'illud for all stomach troubles. It can’t help good but do you Pr,-parwl only by S.U. Ib'Vm X-Co., t'liU'tnto Tiie> bottleeoaudasSSAUawM!theeCc. —■ l.— Dr. Salter’s EYE LOTION, Fop Sore Eyes lias no equal. It will cure any case of sore eves 111 a short time. It does- not pam thetyes when applied, therefor* it is the best Eye Lotion made to children. Only 2f»e per botth All dealers sell it. Mrs; Ellen; Thompson; Battle- Town, * “When T wrote yon for advice I was very bad off. When E Deceived your letter I commenced using Pertma and it did jnsf wliat yon said it would, I-have a: cough for about fifteen years and your medicine has done me more good than anything I have ever used. I am so thaukfni to you for your advice to me.”—Mrs: Ellen Thompson. Mrs. James Eighmoy, Grape, Mich., writes: “I have Been troubled with pain be fore and during my monthlies ever since I was seventeen.. I‘ -was also, troubled with other female weakness. I took your treatment, and aim now well, and thank-yon for your kind’ advices”—Mrs. James Eighmoy. j Mrs..John Meyers, Erharh, ©., writes: “ I have been a sufferer from chrome catarrh for years and have thereby lost the sense of smell entirely. I had four of the best physicians in this vicinity without receiving any benefit whatever. ••Now lam once mores well woman. I find Peruna to be the beat: medicine in the world as it has done me more good than my physician could have done tor me. My friends say I look ten years younger. I tell them that Peruna did It. f can’t thank you enough for your tree advice..”—Airs. John Meyers. Mrs. Ida Baker, Portsmouth, O., writes: “I am glad to say that X am well. I have taken Peruna and: feel'better than I hare for ten years; have gained twelve pounds and am still gaining. When I wrote to you for advice I had given up all hope of being well, again, and I feel that ih has saved- my life.”—Mrs. Ida Baker. Alice Scott, of Franklin, Ky.,.in a let iter to I)r. Hartman,, says: “For seven long years I had been a constant sufferer from catarrh of the pelvic organs which resulted in dis placement of the uterus. X wrote you telling you ail my complaints from the beginning to the present,, mode happy and much encouraged every time by your kind and fatherly letters of advice and instruction. X am now a strong woman weighing 118 pounds.”—Alice Hiiott. If you domed derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a lull statement of your case and lio will b lea , cd to ^ , lls valuable ttU . vict! Address Ilr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium; Goiumbas, Ohio. DAVISON – FARGO, * - COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GA. S L’EAR!S – P i I XT I ISR, HbUkukMooHNi To J- h. Uh*, COTTON FACTORS AND COJMMISSION 3IERCANTS. Warehouse audJSulaeruoin 101 uml. 103 An-tutosh Bt., Cor. IteyuoUls, CA. Will continue the business in its various lirnnckos. Advances of Bagging, Ties, met Family tSuppiies at lowest market |>riue». l.iberal Cash advances made on Colton or other Produce iu Store. Consign ments of all Field and Farm Produce solicited, Ample laeillties and long experience will guarantee satisfaction. Personal attention given to selling, weighing, and storing all eon. signuieuts. Charges for selling and storing \eiy reasonable. Phinizv – Co, COTTON FACTORS KVD‘ Commissionn Merchants Augusta, Ga. A. .T. Saunas. A>. HI DeVaughn. Salinas – DeVaughn, Cotton Factors, 845-847 Reynolds St. Augusta, S3 05 Georgia. Personal Attention given to all Bra nches of the Busines s.. Nixon – Danforth, COTTON FACTORS, AVGUSTA, GA. Coitsfgnmeirts of cotton solfcftecf. Strict attentfo* given to weights and sales* Cotton Stored at a Reasonable Rate. Attention, Good Dressers! We Have a Good: Thing and Want Everybody to Know it. >5 We have secured the exclusive right *2*j for this vicinity to take orders for the L famous tailoring of 4 STRAUSS BROS., \ Chicago. We are now displaying their na west samples of Fine Woolens and urge : > everyone interested in , good clothes to call and J? p'vj inspect them. We show i NEARLY 5 0 0 PATTERNS, I * by far the largest line in- the coun try, con ™,, •kj.f |l|j steds, sisting caaeimerea, of many exclusive Scotches, effects clays, in serges, wor eto. STRAUSS BROS, make the kind of clothes you like to wear,—accurately tailored, perfect fitting, distinctly above the ordinary, yet prices are no higher than you have paid for inferior goods. They guarantee absolute satisfaction and with it goes our unqualified endorsement. We shall be glad to have you call and you. will be glad you came. J.W.WhiteXey, Value The New est Style In A ssgusta. The Imv price store saves, jam money on every article you have to l#uv. No mattes wliat prices others make, you will find the lowest price* here LADIES CLOAKS » Kura, Skirts, Underwear, ffocks. Wrappers-. Silks and Dress Good* 25 per cant, we save you on all' above lines-. 200 pair Nottingham* Race -ynrtain*,. £2,00 value $i .<>9 2L0 pair Ciuny Luce Curtfoiii tp2.f»0 quality $LfiO. 20t4pair hue Lnee Curtains at-26.per cent, ofi price.. Home Made Geo mi a sud S. C. Cazpets^ ffde for stout final color carpets ;j60c for extra super-wool Carpet* tor wool stair Carpets, f;0O It ugs ii t f)Dc on the dollar.. Elide v wear cheaper thou any place in town, You save money on w.huV you- buy of P. D. HORKAN – CO •t Augusta, Ga. It Makes Its Mark - I! rr wherever used, and among ( m ^S| good housekeepers standard our flour high is y i V.*. the highest oi uuality. Bread; cakes, pies, biscuit, pastry,, made from this g excellent brand of flour;, have * >. r - lightness, sweetness and flavor g? given by 1 no other flour.. It is I A m’ \\ v WJ the beft to use tear any kind of baking,. COPVUlQl Arrington Bros – Co • •• <>03 Broad Street, Angirsta Qa, Lea*let*» In All Kiml* Of tiroceries ami Breailatufts . Augusta Southern Railroad Co„ Schedule Effective January 26,. 1902. ltead Down Bead Up No 27. No 29. No 43, No.26 No 44 No S* Ex Sun Sun *nlv Ex Sum Bastera Tim# Ex.Sun Et Suu Sun on. P M AM A 3J AM PM P M 3 20 930 7 15 Lv. Augusta. Ar • 00 8 00 8 10 6 04 9U3 8 15 14 Heghzibah : 15 6 47 6 2# 6 22 9 44 9 00. Keyaville : 44, f 55 4 54 6 57 10 06 • 29 : \S lens 2 7 21 6 22 4 14 7.35 10 43 10 29 : Gibson. 2 49 4 36 8 69- 7.56 11 02 11 00 : Mitchell • 6 29 4 08 8 89 8 35 11 67 11 58 : Saiidarsville 5 40 2 63 2 50 8 55 12 10 12 10' (4 Teunille 5 30 2 4 0 2 40 Clos# conncctiona at Augusta.with Soutbarn Railway for alt poiats and #4 Teunilla with Ceatral of Georgia and W . k T. B. U. FRED B POPE. EA'dAR L. FLEMING. POPE A* FLEMING COTTON FACTORS. AUflL'STA SA Farmers Consignments Especially Solicited.