The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, October 12, 1921, Image 1

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Published to Furnish the People of Glascock County a Weekly Newspaper and as a Medium for the Advancement of the Public Good. VOL. XXVII. NO. 49. CUTTING FUNDS CUTS WORK Twenty-Four Thousand One Hundred And Fifty-Nine Dollars Of The Fund For 1921. The appropriation of the State Board of Health for 1922 and 1923 was cut by the Legislature. This cut, with the withdrawal of federal aid to venereal disease control work, gives the State Board of Health $24,159.00 less money than they are operating with this year. It Is hard to conceive how this work can be carried on in the same pro portion as at present; in fact, it can not be done. The Venereal Disease Control Division of the Board has been cut 60%; this means that this De partment cannot do much more than continue its free Wasserman Depart ment and possibly furnish Keidel blood tubes to the physicians. This, as we view it, is no less than a public ca lamity. The State Board of Health, *o far as the central unit is concerned, had their appropriation cut $9,590. When you consider the growth of the population and the constantly increas ing demands on the Laboratory, you will realize that this really means a decrease in the capacity of the work of the State Board of Health, of about 20%; in other words, it was estimated by Dr. Thos. F. Abercrombie, the Sec retary and Commissioner of Health, that to keep pace with our increase of population and consequent danger from infectious and communicable dis eases incident to the natural conges tion of people, he would have to have ten thousand dollars more money for 1922 and 1923 than for last year and this. This, It seem3 to the editor of this paper, was a very modest and rea sonable conclusion. The appeal of Dr. Abercrombie to the appropriation committee was for $100,959,09. This was made after very careful estimates had been made hav ing in view the financial condition of the State and of the people who pay the tax, keeping constantly in mind the actual demands on him by the peo ple and the physicians of his State, with the fact that the lowered rso sistance of our people from the neces sity tor economy that all must prac tice, the possibility of an increase in the communicable diseases and a pos sibility of pellagra Increasing. We can Imagine his grief and surprise when the committee recommended an ap propriation for the entire work of $67,- 600.00; the appropriation for this year had been $80,690.00. The friends of the people and those legislators who were interested in the prevention of disease, some of them being members of the appropriation committee from the floor of the House succeeded in getting this raised to $81,- 431.00. Many realized that this sum wa3 entirely inadequate for the work of the health department, and interest- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA JAMES H, BATTLE Warrenton, Ga. Office Phone 28 Dwelling Phone 39 INSURANCE Established in 1900 FIRE TORNADO AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY BOLL WEEVIL LIVESTOCK Companies that have been doing Insurance bus iness in Warren and Glascock counties for a hundred years. All Josses for twenty years have been paid promptly. Can you ask for any better? Do you wish any more? The cable of public confidence of which no strand has ever been broken. See Battle before the fire GIBSON RECORD GIBSON. WE] Li 1 ESDAY, GA., OCT. 12, 1921. ed themselves in having the Senate increase the amount at least to the figure of this year, but history of all time was broken when the Senate adopted the House Bill without the changing of a word, the dotting of an i or the crossing of a t. We think, in justice to our State Board of Health, our people, and the physicians espeeialy, should know the facts, and if you are not able to get from this Board the co-operation that you think you should, you should re member that they are doing the very best they can and wrestling with a shortage of $24,159.00. It is more than likely that the dis tribution of free Arsphenamine will have to be discontinued, and that the funds will admit of very little diphthe ria antitoxin being given the poor This is no less than a public calamity, as a few doses of 606 will control the spread of Syphilis and a few thousand units of antitoxin will save a life Our State hae many people in it who are not able to pay for these reme dies. The work of the Board will have to be curtailed in other respects as well. We are quite sure that it will function as best it can, and with the smalt appropriation at Its disposal will be the means of preventing much ill ness and the curing of many who are sick through its diagnostic work at the Laboratory. A Good Physic When you want a physic that is mild and gentle in effect, easy to take and certain to act, take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are excellent. $ A<tvAniM«snu PROTECTION OF WOMEN REFUSED Legislature Falls to Pass Necessary Law. The protection of the young women of our State against venereal infec tion that was sought in a bill by Mr Moore, of Appling County, In the re cent legislature was defeated because of h lack of a constitutional majority, The'vote on this mu was 65 for and 65 against; it requires 100 votes to pass such a law. The bill was called up at a very inopportune time, on Mon day morning before a number of mem bers of the House arrived. Splendid work in favor of the enactment of this measure Into a law was done by tlia various organizations of the good worn en of Atlanta and a few outside of the city. The bill will be again offered at the next session, and, in the interim, It ie hoped that ait who are interested in the matter. Will do some effective work. The First Side Saddles. Side saddles were Invented about the middle of the Sixteenth century by Catherine de Medici, Previously It had been the custom for ladles to ride on a cushion and to support the feet on a piece of board. PARIS SATIN COAT FOR FAU. I m m n '-23 N 'v< : - ; XK- , ft; r> v mm >7 re< i ' n' """ : " % W,.'.., >■ ■ V m r ' Baa m ' a fJ A criss-cross pattern of (lathes trims this *atin coat for late autumn wear. A broad oriental sa*h it thr sole fattening. CARE OF NEW SILK HOSIERY —« Stockings of the Finer Quality Should Be Carefully Washed as Stan as Taken Off. Mi The way you treat silk sto< w> tla8 , lot do with a ®° re t0 the pvay wear tuau prk!e —usually. Sometimes, of course, they are J ust such a poor quality that t,ley aren 't worth taking care of. But usually care tells more with silk stock ln *® than 11 41068 wltl1 almost anything el8e - To beglD wlth neV6r let 8,lk 8t4K;k ' lae * 116 8011641 toT a week. They; rot. once raoisture has permeated them, The thing to do Is to wash them out aa S00D as you take 1116111 oft - 0f course, this Is usually too much trou bl6 - Nevertheless, It Is the thing to do. And, of course, they-shouldn’t be worn more than a day at a time—no more than a day without washing, that means. Furthermore, It is said by a woman who wears her silk stockings longer than most of us do that they should be washed in cold water, and that no soap should be used. This seems rath er strenuous treatment, But In her case, at least. It works out well, and perhaps It is the best way to do. Another woman who Is never trou bled with runs in the legs of her silk btockings finds that stitching a harrow piece of black silk Inside the stocking at the top prevents the runs from com ing. The garter fastening goes through the extra thickness made by this silk —which, by the way, should be thin silk—and so does cot pierce the fabric of the stocking. A Remarkable Record Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ha* a remarkable record. It has been in use for colds, croup and whooping cough for almost half a century and has con stantly grown in favor and popularity as its good qualities became better known. It is the standard and main reliance ior these diseases in thous ands of homes. The fact* that it can always be depended npon and is safe and pleasant to take are greatly in its favor when it is wanted for children. ♦ 4*« Patching Hole*. Sifted coal ashes, sand and wheat flour, mixed with water, make an ex cellent mortar for patching boles when the plaster Is broken. Use fwo parts ashes and sand to one of flour. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who ore In a “run down” con dition will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, It Is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Tonic and Blood Puri fier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the Inflammation and restor ing normal conditions. ~;a -• All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Chesey – Co., Toledo, Ohio. Farm Implement of Value. Our- word- hoe. in the French "houe,” has its root in the verb to hew or to cut, and so the implement designed for stirring up the soli, cut ting weeds, and singling ont turnips and other root crops is called the boe. Horse-drawn implements with adjust able tongues like cultivators, bave been called horse-hoes, but they are hoes only in name. The true hoe Is the blade with a handle at right an Ele, wielded by a man’s two hu cis. It is the friend of true farming—of mixed farming, at any rate. The brighter .the. hoe* on a farm, the few er the weed* that go to seed. Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any *»*£:■* other cigarette at the price. Liggett – Myers Tobacco Co. Che 4 ield ClCTAR E TTE s of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended o 'JM He SOVflSlSfB ! AIRz> – i CBS I I $ % TO XX lift . 12 i t 'Mk mmrm 0b j t n \ A Lcf S ^SouTHEASrERK^ J/r CHtRMtC* >. =# F"Aiag ADDRESS — R.M STUIPL1N $ SOX SEC»ET»*Y 1006 X -ATLANTA . V he Pair Pre-eminent in Exclusive Features GRAND CIRCUIT RACES Representing the top-notch turf performers of the world. WORLD’S CHAMPIONSHIP AUTOMOBILE RACES With the most daring Dirt Track Drivers and the Fastest Cars In the World. SPECTACULAR FREE ACT PROGRAM Every Big and Novel Free Act worth while. WORTHAM’8 WORLD’S BEST SHOWS On their first trip to the South will bring the greatest aggregation of midway attractions and amusement devices the show world affords, which, combined with Lakewood’s permanent attractions, will make the greatest Midway at any Fair In the World! GEORGEOUS PYROTECHNIC DISPLAYSI Wonderful pyrotechnic program prepared and fired by special artists. BE 8URE TO SEE THE BIG OSTRICH FARM EXHIBIT. K“.;£SSr'"“ : £££ H. G. HASTINGS, Pree. ■ its..... m 10 Y f + >t’<* Brave in Patches. There are odd inconsistencies In physical courage, too,” says a writer in Punch. 1 know a V. C. who can’t oring himself to bait a hook with a wonu, he shudders so; and you all remember Phil May’s picture of the circus hand who took refuge from his wife in the lions' den. I myself am moderately brave—1 have been down Stairs with only a poker to investigate uoises In the night—but nothing would get me on to the back of a horse. An other man will have a tooth out with out gas; but rau 20 miles rather than make a public speech. Even the brave are brave only in patches.” NATIONAL HOG AND CATTLE SHOW Through co-operation with the Southern Cattle men’s Association and the Southern Swine Growers’ Association, the Southeastern Pair will again feature the National Hog and Cattle Show, assuring the greatest assembly of pure bred Cattle and Swine ever exhibited in the United States. INTERNATIONAL CLUB STOCK JUDGING CON TEST Which created so much attention last year from all parts of the world, will again be an exclusive feature of the Southeastern Fair. M ^HORTICULTUR b 1 ts of agr.culture and Boys’ and Girls’ Club exhibits will be staged on a greater scale than ever before. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIBITS A comprehensive display of War and Navy Fea tures. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS ’ CMws , *’Bsa t R. M STRIPLIN, Sec. $1.00 PERYEAR Make Odd Collections. 11 le eccentricities of collectors make amusing reading. Kate Vaughan, the famous English dancer, used to collect penny toys. Small cannon had an –t traction for Lord Powerscourt, while Miss Rothschild had a partiality for pipes. Dolls, women’s stockings, hang man’s ropes, and instruments of tor ture fascinate some collectors, while others spend time eud money In ac quiring royal relics—the handkerchief on which Cliurles I blew his nose, the table napkin on which William {XI wiped his hands, the teacup from which George ill drank tea.—London Mall.