The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, December 07, 1921, Image 1

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VOL. XXVIII. NO. 5. RIGHT MEASURES TO KILL DODDER Experts Say Discovery of This Parasite on Farm Is No Cause for Serious Alarm. PUN FOR ITS EXTERMINATION Pert Doee Not Cause Damage If Rem. edies Are Applied Before It Gets Foothold—Prevent Seed From Maturing. Prepared by the United States Depert inent of Agriculture. If remedies to exterminate dodder— the parasitic plant infesting closer, al falfa, and some other plants—are ap plied before It gets a foothold, the pert does not cause serious damage. If, however, dodder la permitted to de velop unmolested, radical measures will be necessary In order to control It, During recent years, specialists of the department say, an Increase In the number of complaints of dodder have hpen received from all parts of the United KfSites. They add, however, that the discovery of this parasite on the farm should not be the occasion of serious alarm, but rather for the employment of a well-conceived and systematic plan for Its extermination. Starts In Small Patches. During the first season of fnfesfa tlon, In clover or alfalfa, dodder !.v occurs In small scattered areas. As Is the case in combating all weeds, It Is essential that dodder should not be permitted to mature seed, and such small Infested areas should be mowed and the dodder removed or burned In the field to prevent the development of seed. If seed has formed, burning the patches of dodder Is the only rem edy, since It kills not only the plants hut also any seeds which may be ly ing on the surface ef the soH. It Infestation IS so great that patch treatment cannot be depended upon, ft will be necessary, In order to free the farm of the pest, either to plow the crop under or utilise It for hay before seed has formed. In the latter case, the aftermath left on the field should be closely grazed, for which purpose sheep are especially useful. If the Infestation is general and threatens Bert oV,sly to damage succeeding crops. It may be necessary, according to the bulletin, to cut the crop, allow It to dry, and burn It In the field In order that all dodder seed may be destroyed. LOGICAL ADVICE! Strike at the root of weak ness is logical advice to those rundown in vitality. Scott’s Emulsion nourishes the body, tones the blood and helps build strength. Scott (k Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. ——ALSO MAKERS OF KMfOIDS (Tablets or Granules) for INDSGEST10N Your— FIRE INSU RANC E MUST NOT be overlooked even though you allow srsme thir-gs to go undone. WE WRITE for strong, reliable companies and render the very best service. FOWLER – RICKETSON Over Jarnagin’s Drug Store Phone 111 Warrenton, Ga. RECORD Published to Furnish the People of Glascock County a Weekly Newspaper and as a Medium for the Advancement of the Public Good. GIBSON. GA., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 1921. Inferior Seed Blamed. As with all weeds, preventing Intro duction on the farm Is far easier than eradication after It has once gained a foothold. It Is usually introduced by the use ot Impure seed, and a bul letln urges that farmers learn to dls tlnguisb dodder seed so that they can i if t • Protect Alfalfa Fields Against Dodder by Proper Contrel Msaaures. recognise It when they are purchasing clover and alfalfa seed. For adequate examination, a magnifying glass is necessary. There is a wide range in size of dodder seed, but in general they are usually dull-coated with roughened or minutely pitted sur faces, and usually have two or three flat surfaces, while the seeds of clover are usually smooth, rounded, and pos sess a certain luster. Furthermore,'' the scar on dodder seed usually Is vtery inconspicuous, whereas the scar on leguminous seeds Is dearly evident, When animals are allowed to graze where dodder grows, they should not have access to fields not Infested, since they are likely to spread the weed by means of pieces of stems ad hering to their coats and hoofs. On land which contains the seeds of dod der, the bullettn suggests the use of a flve-year cropping system consisting of plants which are not damaged by the pest, and recommends the follow ing plants: Corn, soy beans, velvet beans, cow-pons, and small grains such as oats, wheat, and rye. Sugar beets, onions, flax, and a few other cultivat ed plants are subject to dodder In festation, but clover and alfalfa are Its Important hosts. BASIC DUALITIES IS LAYERS First Is Constitutional Vigor and Other Is Early Maturity— Easy Then to Get Eggs. There nre two absolutely basic qual ities In all great layers. The first Is constitutional vigor, The other Is early maturity. With these two qual ifies It Is easy, with good care, to get a satisfactory egg yield. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S O A S T O R I A When You Are Constipated, To insure a healthy action of the bowels and correct disorders of the liver, take two of Chamberlain's Tab lets immediately after snpper. They will not only cause a gentle move ment of the bowels, without unpleas ant effi-cts, but banish (hat dull, stu ii feednu, (hat often accompanies constipation. FULL OF * > His Nuptial Race Not “for Maid* ___,, .. . PrGViOUS WinROPS. „ Instead of Getting Widow With Sevan* Oh* Child, Got Woman With ( Children and Two Husband*', j New York.—Meyer Maueris marital life was just one surprise after an other. He told the Supreme court about It when he asked for an annulments ills- |f the match and recited the list of expected events that came to him,'*ftr he was duly wed. When he married Becky Mauer^h* •ays, she represented herself as u «^U Another ow with child one child. Surprise the home, No. tSt l-jN came to lng hfs wife “mnminn." ! Surprise No. 2—Second child can along later, also child of wife. b “How come?” asked Meyer. “Thought you only had one child?” “Oh, I merely forgot to tell you about this one,” said his wife. m Surprise No. 3—Third child, also added starter, comes along to live wl'h mother. Surprise No. 4—Fourth unheralded Infant adds Itself to home circle. “How much of a family have I?” asked Meyer. * Surprise No. 5—“There are tv, o more," said the missus, and the family grew from the one listed child to hhmmmp. seven. No. fl—Meyer . H; discovered Surprise that Mrs. Mauer had two other lining husbands and then he decided to -let the Supreme court put an end to his family surprise party. , , “It Is s case of fraud and misrepre sentation." he said in asking annul ment. "Here I thought I was getting a widow with one child and I find that I got a woman with seven chil dren and two husbands.” LIKE “4TK” AT HELGO LAN Continuous Blasting In Big German Fortress Sounds Like Celebration. Helgoland, Germany.—Every day is a Fourth of July celebration on this little rocky island. And not a “safe and sane” celebration at that. At sunrise the 1,000 German work men who are dynamiting the pet fort ress and naval hurbor of Kaiser Wil liam set off their blasts. The bom bardment keeps up througout the day. Charges of TNT make the water in the harbor spout up like geysers In Yetlftwstone park and the big gun pits on the summit of the rocky cliff give an occasional roar like Vesuvius and belch great clouds of black smoke and pulverized concrete. For two years more the work of de vastation will continue. It took the kaiser eight years to build the great fortress and harbor which defended the Kiel canal and afforded Germany’s navy a base close to England. It cost Germany 60,000,000 -marks ($12,- 500,000). The cost of dismantling, which Germany also must bear In ac cordance with the terms of the Ver sailles treaty, will probably be about 4,000,000 gold marks ($1,000,000). FRANCE AGAIN ADMITS BOOZE Lets Down Bart to Whisky and Qln to Satisfy Demands of the Tourists. Paris.—The French government has been compelled to permit the importa tion Into France of a limited amount of whisky and gin so as to satisfy the demands of the tourists here from foreign countries. Such Imports had been prohibited since the war and, as a result, the prices of cocktails and higballs soared In proportion as the supply of gin and w'hisky diminished. Foreigners residing here have made desperate efforts to obtain good whisky from England and Scotland and have been compelled to pay extremely high prices for it. Reports of a great amount 4 of smuggling Indicate that the foreigners have about as much difficulty obtaining their farorita brand of whisky as they do In America. For Eczema, Tetter ank Salt Rheum. The intense Itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly al layed by Chamberlain’s Salve. 666 will break a Gold, Fever and Grippe quicker than anything we know.preventinnpneumonia $1.00 PER YEAR $900 The Lowest Price Yet Quoted On the International 8-16 Tractor ' •>». 1*. 5* -SA‘ vO flpW )>} m b THE INTERNATIONAL 8-16 is un questionably the best buy in the two- 11 plow tractor class. As the price has been made regardless of manufacturing i / costs, guarantee the Harvester to maintain Company it. does not t 16 feet tn DON’T GOAD the sweltering ffy-pes tered horses through hot weather plow ing and seeding when an 8-16 will do the work better at a big saving of time and labor. It will also do your fall and winter belt work. HARPER-LOCKETT COMPANY WARRENTOz GEORGIA Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett – Myers Tobacco Co. Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos— blended