The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, January 04, 1922, Image 1

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Published to Furnish the People of Glascock County a Weekly Newspaper and as a Medium for the Advancement of the Public Good. VOL. XXVIII. NO. 8 . Uncle Waif’5 \ysw -, Yfll INEXPERIENCE «4\TOUNG X thought BIOMENSNTDBR’S she going to wife get was M#h quick,” observed the druggist. “She read somewhere that there la •wimoua profit In raising Incubator chickens, so she bought an Incubator and then filled It with storage eggs All the women in the neighborhood are grinning over tt, and they have 1 joked about It ao | R much Belmensnyder that Mrs flies Into a pae atom whenever the matter la men tioned.” . “1 know Just | how she feels” void the village “larch. “l’eo «e about the Oil nexperlence. It Ja hat we can’t help It. If a man mokes a break through his own chucks ucadedress, he can laugh over it and pretend he enjoys tt; but If he makes a mistake simply because he doesn’t know any better, he Is full of mortification from the roof of bis hat down. It seems to jar hi* vanity. “About , the most humiliating experi ence a man can have Is to get stung to a horse trade. The average man doesn’t know anything about a horse. He-can see If It has four legs and a tall and a pair of eyes, but he la ob livious to all the things that make * horse a good one or a poor one. If; he gets the worst end of a trade he •houtd be a philosopher, and say that while he isn’t a success at swapping Plugs, he can tftod up « phonograph or stoke a furnace better than any man In the country. But he gets mad, and the fact that he was atuck in such a trade leaves a sore place that never heal*. “I can remember a, break my first wife made when we were newly mar ried. She tovfteei some folks to dinner, and, after much deliberation, decided to have a roast duck as the chief <ti«h and told the hired girl to go ahead and prepare the bird. Now, a duck Is mighty fine eating, what there is of It, hut there is mighty little substance to tt A duck Is a mere shelL It doesn’t rim to meat at all. A good hungry man could eat three ducks at a sit ting and look around for more. “My wife, who had lived at hotels and boarding houses all her life, sup posed a duck was a solid chunk of meat, and thought there would be enough of the bird left, after the din ner, to keep us to cold meat for a week. Well, there were eight people at that dinner party, and each one had a piece of duck about the size of a one-cent stamp. "Everybody but my wife thought the mistake was funny, but the most su perficial observer could see at a glance that her heart was broken. She tried her blamedest to smile, but right In the middle of the effort she broke off with a yell, and left the room to weep a few stanzas and she never did recover from that humiliation. I tried time and again to convince her that there was nothing to be ashamed of to such a misadventure, but she thought the finger of scorn would be leveled at her as long as she lived. “I can't sit here nnd moralize to thl* ■train all day, but I feel Just as slek as anybody when I make a break. When the mayor was burled three years ago there was a big procession to his honor. A lot of mounted men led the parade, and If you were look tog you doubtless saw me. 1 was tiding a big black horse, when the big black horse wasn’t riding me. I never supposed there was any trick to riding a horse, so when they asked ms to sit on a foaming charger I didn't hesitate a minute. I got seasick be fore I was on th* nag two intents*. and I let go the lines end bung to it* mane and tbs fool horse cavorted ell over the street, so that I looked like the Idiot who tries to ride a trick mule at the circus. “My evolutions simply broke up that funeral parade and turned It Into a Joy ride. I really wasn’t to blame to any way, but whenever I think of tbs episode a cold sweat breaks out on me, and I feel like offering myself to the first comer for seventeen cents." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORIA £D O —m mKmomm i- 5Q rv GIBSON. GA., WEDNESDAY. JAN. 4. 1922. FARM POULTRY PREVENT BREAKAGE OF EGGS Plana for Making Ksttsr Crates fsr Shipping Hava Keen Worked Out hy Special late. (Prepared fey the trotted States Desert* meat ef agrioulture.) “Handling Eggs for Preftt“ (a the title of a little mimeographed circular issued by the food research laboratory of the bureau of chemistry, United States Department of Agrtculture which gives directions and drawing* for the construction of egg eases and outlines method* fer packing the eggs so as to reduce loss from breakage while In transit from the producers to consuming centers. The specialists to the food roaearcb laboratory have made a atady of math ode for packing and shipping egga to order to reduce the great losses from breakage that have occurred in the padt. This work baa beea dog* to all parts of tho country In ee-operation with railroad* end with egg shippers. OSTi __ SMOOT in k I •AT Ml mi tVTAMr iiliiisiaii j new muM na* siaa oa. .* Th * Bi flht Method of Nailing Crate* Is Shown In Fig. 1, Propsf Methode of Pavkilig ln FHj 2, * and A—Poorly Mads and Packed Crate* Are Khtwn In Flo*. 6 and *. Experimental shipments to different kinds of shipping cases and with the different methods of packing the eggs to the cases have been made sad the results compared. An Instrument has been devised for measuring and re cording the shocks to which care con tain tog eggs were subjected while to Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application*, aa they cannot reach th* diseased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. HAI.I.’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is Caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumblin C sound or imperfect hearing, and when It Is entire ly closed Deafness Is the result Unless the Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed forever. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system, thus reducing the in flammation and restoring normal condi tions. Circulars t fee. All Druggists. F. J. Cheney – Co., Toledo. Ohio. Your— F I R t INSU RANC E MUST NOT be overlooked even though you allow some things to go undone. WE WRITE for strong, reliable companies and render the very beat service. FOWLER – RICKETSON Ovf*r Jarnagin’s Drug Store Phone 111 Warrenton, Ga. LOMBARD Foundry, Machine. Boiler work* and Mill Supply Store AUGUSTA. - - GA. Cotton, Oil, din, Saw, Gri*t, Fertilizer, Cane, Shingle Mill, Machinery Supplies and Repairs and Castings, Boilers, Flues, Stacks, Tanks, Pipes, Pumps and Fittings, Belting, Packing, Gasoline Engines, Wood Sawing and Pumping Outfits and Roofing. transit. ■ As a result of these experiment* the specialist* have redotamended methods of packing egg* which reduce breakki' to a minimum. These methods ha' been tried under a great variety of conditions, and have been Incorporated at requirements in the railroad and n> press classifications for the transpose tation of eggs. Nall* in place save claims, It la ters^t ly aatd; and, aa shown in figure the number and arrangement of them naceaaary In order to conform with the requirements of the express 3 consolidated freight classifications aa follows: Threepenny n»Us, cement costed, erttfe large beads. U Balls (or each side, s (or sach and, S to cantor, *1 nails (or bottom, 7 In each and, 7 in center. t n«ale (or top. e Is each end. (or Sush oleet. S malls (or top. | is each end, foe drop elect Egg packers srs advised to bo sure that they use the correct number ef When 6 paper-covered excelsior mats are used, flats should not be placed be tween the mats and the fillers. When ettpped tray* made of compressed pulp ate employed, it Is best te begin by placing one 25-cup filler, receiving aid*? <V waward, on the bottom of the case. Then place one 16-cup filler, receiving side upward on top, nsstlng it. Fill the cups wtth eggs and cover with one ltJ-cup filler. Then place one 35-cup filler, receiving side upward; fill cups with eggs and cover with a 23-tttf? filler. Improper pecking Invite* breakage, and figure 5 Illustrates s poorly packed ■*»*. Sometime* an extremely thlu ayer of excelsior, many tlmee a small -mount of loose paper, or perhaps lOthtng at all Is placed on the tot* and lottom. leaving the case loosely packed tnd the chances for breakage and ions re great. Very frequently such ppor v packed cases hare broken and n'm-d fitters and flats, and such a mM’ atton erectly Increases the prob iiillty of damags. Worth Considering I'he question is not so much how <>u contract a cold, but how to get •id of it with th • h-nct loss of time and convenience If you will consider '•p rience of others under similar C : ■ i n most ucceusful in checking their colds, in teir beginning, you will secure a hot le of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy wflhout delay, and use it faithfully. her* are muny fitnili. ~ who have this preparation successfully for and hold it in high esteem. It excellent. 666 break a Gold, Fever and quicker than anything now,preventing pneumonia $100 PER $900 The Lowest Price Yet Quoted On the International 8-16 Tradtor ! I i I ri-tras..-' / THE INTERNATIONAL 8-16 is un questionably the best buy in the two plow tractor class. As the price has been made regardless of manufacturing costs, the Harvester Company does not guarantee to maintain- it. DON'T GOAD the sweltering fly-pes tered horses through hot weather plow » ing and seeding when an 8-16 will do the work better at a big saving of time and labor. It will also do your fall and winter belt work. -.a • ,v-e all-.; harper-lockett company WARRENTON GEORGIA Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett – Mye:» Tobacco Co. 1 t~rfield » s CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended ( 'JH