The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, May 24, 1922, Image 1

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VOL. XXVtII. NO. 28. A GREAT NATIONAL PARK FOR 0 o n H ; at A# big*** development' pro ject* yet proposed in Georgia is the contem plated by the United establishment Steles Government of a great recreational park in the mountain* of Hsfa «*ham. Town#, Rs aad bn*, Fannin, White Lumpkin where dm countiee, thousand* government of ae*r own* seres of land in its na yLffc–us tkmal forest reserve. Itxds' fsir to become s national summer jw Briiwfc moun- C*ts tains, not? it with vsertitpniste ‘"nfc Jbeauty ho j : fact th* c«b be found in the Georgia mountain*. Whet the establish ment of such a p nould mem to Male mated, eannol lor, if. be ; | i -S – development at expense, and it would attract into Georgia thousands of visitors from every .action of the country. Aad ia to wo ara brought face t„ f«. with .noth., res son why the Mate of Cmwgia should complete ler highway sv*. tem tem, for lor if jl such auch a a recreational re r ationaj nark park i. t* to to ha af kensfit ta Georgians, it mutt be mads accetaihle to them. Very little of to foratt reservation can be reached by th. raiJro.d. 0 f the state. The develop , A TtoTectTon *• P'lir"** nee 'T' ! l, d k Pemi r c»”n be‘ mX^l* blafor tha thousands of tourist that would sl*k aad repose fa “the hills of Habersham” Cacottaa^ ha. done, and as Tennessee has doaa, and build a system of roads that eaa be used th. year ’round by these pleasure seekers who spend money wher ever they go. A stretch of «-ren mile, of the state highway system run. hem through to reaer — - *• Yu *• heed $20,000 with which to help Jttve this section,- but the counties through which this rosd runs cannot match the fr At as l money aad the state has no funds SLEEP REQUIREMENTS OF CHILDREN. No child nutrition worker, says fee U. 8. Public Heal h Service, can hope to get satisfactory results without in slating on enough sleep for her hunger" STSdirK JS?5£!"~J5 and make children nervous and fidgety. The Service commends the following precepts just issued by the London County Council: School children aged four years need twelve hour* sleep a daj; aged five to seven, J1 to 12 hours; eight to eleven, 10 to J1 hours; and twelve to fourteen, 9 to 10 hours. Chiidron grow mainly while sleeping or resting. Do you want yours to grow up stunted? Tired children learn badly and often drift to the bottom of the class. Do you want yours to grow up stupid ? When children go to bed fate their sleep is often disturbed by dreams and they do not get complete rest. Do you want yours to sleep badly and become nervous? Sufficient sleep draws a child onward and upward in school and fa home life; Insufficient sleep drags it backward and downward; which way do you want your child to go? Tiresome children are often only tired children; test the truth of this That * neighbor's child ts sent to bed late ta not a good reason for sending your child to bed fate; two wrongs do not make a right. Going to bed fate fa a bad habit, which may be dif. t fault to Wire; persevere till you sue peed In curing it. IT’S SCREEN TIME NOW Flies and mosquitoes are coming; in fact, the advance guard has already arrived. Insure your health and comfort by using our substantially built DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS. Prices on application. Augusta Lumber Company AmusU, Qa. m ■■ 11 : P“bti.l, c j l, Furui.fa the People ol Glascock County * Weekly Ncw–apc, ,„d „ . Mediool |„ thc ol chc Public Good. OIBSON. GA„ WEDNESDAY. MAY 24.1922. - J Tini i icr ........................ ***** with which to match it, so the whole plan is delayed. When the bond issue for good roads. which the Georgia Good RoaJs Assorts lion i, championing, i. passed, „d ,he *«• highway syttem completed the mo.m *V" S north *? ?* ,h p fa mg 0 f central and Muth Georgia will » become a playground for the thousands of tourist who would come to this cli the ^ . our° ^ winter, md wnid enrich state the money they would spend. The Wes, long ago recognized the value of fffrmanent all the-year-’round road* and sUWJsrjif’JSWffi arterta £sJt We ** fvcry yi3T < *l>cnd millions of enough build-good highways. pmgS to Georgia Can issue bonds in the sum that «** he retired by the automobile license *? d gasoline tax and build the 5,500 miles in the state syttem without extra tax OB th « P*PP le ' Would >' ^ tootth it ^ the molo mUeo ,1cm L romU? •wfll •jsaterarrrjys free Georgia from her limitations and permit her to issue bonds to build these roads, vdopej in tea years the state will have de beyond our fondest dream,. Whooping Cough This is » very dangerous disease, Particularly to children under five y« ars ° f tt K e - but when no paregoric, codeine or other opiate is given, is easily cured by giving Chamberlain’s «»*«•*'• **«• that >»- muat run lta course, not know mg that the time is very much short e ned, and that there is little danger # roln the tne disease disease when wnen this tnts remedv remedy N is 2' , ven H ba» been used in many ept - demies of whooping cough, with pro nounced success. It is safe and pleas- 10 t„i, l 0 t Uttsr an Persuasion. “Did you know.” said Mr. Dolan, “the poet says there are sermons In stones?” “No.” replied Mr. Rafferty, "though 1 do cflii to mind that a brick bat has here and there been a tem porarily eAvririeine argument.” - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CA STO R I A Cures Malaria, Chills. Fever, Bilious Fevei Colds and LaGrippe County Line News By two old maids Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Anderson and children of McDuffie, spent Tuesday with the former’s mother, Mrs. L. J. Raburn. * Those present at the home of Mr. J. F. Lampp Thursday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Palmer and children of Thomson and Mrs. A J. C. Huff, Miss Maud Huff and Miss Peacl Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palmer and children spent last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Huff. Mr. Jim Owen spent Monday night as a guest of Mi. and Mrs. T. B. Owen Mr. and Mrs. M. A Harrison and Children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harrison Sunday last. Mr. A. J. Huff and Mr. J. F. Lampp spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lampp of Spread. Mr. Floyd Huff dined with Mr. an Mrs. Henry Guy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paulond children os Dearing visited Mr. Daniel Phillips and family Sunday, Those present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A " J * iuff ! a *. t .f, unda * wer ® Mrs. J, H. Hobbs , and children, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Owen and son Warren, Jim Arrington, Misses Pearl Huff, Ma bel and Mattie Lee Owen and Mr. Jim Hobbs. r o "11“ V ^ A thr0U _____. h « our midst last Monday. Misses Marie and Edna Hobbs spent las Sundav » unda y with With Miss Mice Beulah Ronl.k May r- In- 8 lett - Mr - F1 °yd Huff and Mr. T. B. Owen; e “ t ® rt '? n * d a number of their friend* with a fish fry . at Huffs bridge last Saturday night and all report a nice time and plenty of fish. Tltoae pres Hubbs and childen, Mr. and Mrs. T. die Harrison. ^ »“« ^ Mas. A. YV. Hobos aud daughters, Oddessa and Ladella, spent last Fri day a f terll00n with Mrs A , Huff u '' Messrs Floyd Huff, Lindsey Neal, and Mt'o YVhilaker called „n Misses st,“» ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs spent last last Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. W S. Anderson Mrs. T. B Owen and son, Warren, Miss Pearl Huff and Mr, Lee Guy spent last Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Huff. Messrs. J. D. and Lonnie Dismuke made a business trip to Thomson last Saturday. JAMES H. BATTLE Warrenton, Ga. Office Phone 28 Dwelling Phone 39 INSURANCE Established in 1900 FIRE TORNADO AUTOMOBILE CAUSALTY BOLL WEEVIL LIVESTOCK Companies (hat have been doing Insurance bus iness in Warren* and Glascock counties for a hundred years. AU losses for twenty years have been paid promptly. Can you ask for any better? Do you wish any more? The cable of public confidence of which no ^strand has ever l b.en broken. See Battle before the fire Mitchell News | REGULAR CORRESPONDENT fished | Mr. J. T. Coleman, of Agricola, his mother here Friday. I Mr. John Wilcher was here Sat urday. 9 Miss Rosa Gibson and Miss La Wanna Geiger were in town a f hile Saturday afternoon. I Miss Estelle Wilcher spent the east Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. |lbert Wilcher here. |aturday I Miss Okla Kitchens was here afternoon, j Messrs. George Lamb and Wil liam Ivey, of Gibson, were pleas ant visitors here Sunday. . Mr. : Lit Harrell and daughter, of V §f gricola. iy afternoon. were here a while m Satur | hirned Miss borne Thera to Underwood Dublin after has spend- re ing a while here. Mr. T, J. Hawkins was in town Saturday afternoon. Mr. B. C. Kitchens has returned tp his pleasant home here from pi Uy uri °* r; I Mrs. Lenard Underwood and daughter, Mattie Kate, were here a while Friday. Mr. Jabe Hilson was here Sat urday. Miss MISS fcSSie Facip Mae Map (Trivvlp UTIZZle WSS wao a a pleasant Visitor of Miss Carrie Mae Coleman here Sunday, Mr. * ‘ Carvie * Killebrew ft-Uieorew and and Mr Mr. f . ibursday ewiS Thigpen evening, were visitors here ,rs -«*"■ Nn ™ “ «■» »> k - ■ Mr S- P- M. Cawley, who been ''M"* her mother, Mrs. Black, of Blythe, has returned home, Mrs. W. T. Kitchens went to HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it— cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure any other disease. HALL’S liquid, CATARRH MEDICINE is a taken internally, and acts through the blood upon thus the mucous surfaces of the system, storing reducing the inflammation and re normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney – Co,, Toledo, Ohio. Davisboro Thursday. Mrs. Charlie Jourden spent last Friday with Mr. add Mrs. Carlton Grizzle. Mr, Leon Harrell was here a while Sunday, Miss Berdice Downs and Miss Mary Lou Kitchens were pleasant week-end visitors here. Mrs. W. L. Coleman, wh'6 has been in Warrenton, has returned home. AH the boys and girls come and join our B. Y. P. U. We haVe the meetings every Friday evening. All are invited to join. Lumbago . There is a rheumatism of the mus cles of the back, it comps on sudden ly and is quite painful, livery move ment aggravates the disease. Go to bed, keep quiet and have Chamber lain’s Liniment applied and a quick recovery may be expected. Mrs. F. J. Dann, Urockport, N. Yi, writes; "Ican honestly say that Chamberlain’s Lini ment cured me of Lumbago a year ago last summer. When I began using it, I was flat on my bat k in bed and could not turn to the left or right. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment in the house and this was applied to m> back. It promptly drove away the pains and aches.” SHU usually leave a trail of weakness. Build up on Scott’s Emulsion It promptly, pleasantly and effectually add* strength to the budy 1 -vw It builds up resistance! Scott A Bowne Bloom field. H. ) 22~i Jk - ' A - i\v J WRKLEYS ' 4rd – J He 6 This new sugar-coated delights’%3 gum old.\ young and 4 . \ It “melts in your A mouth” and the gum iu th^e ^ center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe month and throat. There are the other WRIGLEY friends to choose from, too: Em si £2 'll *1. <5 A i 4 $1.00 PER YEAR Her Experience “I was never able to bake a good cake until using Royal. I find other pow ders leave a bitter taste.” Mrs. C. P. ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Pitre Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book —ft’s FREE. Royal Baking Pow darCo.,126WilliamSt.,NewYork The Care of Jewell. It Is slated by good authority that the safest way to carry Jewels Is ia a belt, made for the purpose, around the waist. This Is not exposed and is secure, if reasonable care la taken In adjusting it, and It is not uncom fortable. The worst possible way l» to put them In a jewel case. The business of duplicating strings of pearls is at present a profitable In dustry of the Riviera towns, Tim imitations are worn aud the are Ite^Jn the safe_ ^Utoletcher’s cry CASTORIA