The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, June 14, 1922, Image 1

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to Furnish the People ol Glascock County a Weekly aud as * Mcdium *« r thc Advancement oi Public Good. VOL. XXVtll. NO. 31. Uncle Watt’s ^ori/j 030 XL THE FIRST TIME «T S CONFESS that the thought of death always raises gooseflesh on me,” said the melancholy boarder. “The only comfort Is that a man die* but once." “That’s what makes It «o unpleas ant," observed the star boarder. “If a man died at reg ular intervals, say once a year, he'd soon get used to It, and regard it I I as part of the day’s work. A man dies and that’s the end of him, so far as this world is concera e<i. He has no r | chance to come hack and bore hi* _ friends with a long story about It. If he had that chance it would make a great differ ence. The ordinary citizen will under go anything, if he can sit around and talk about it afterward. “The first time we are up against anything disagreeable always Is the aworst. We can get used to anything, and enjoy snythlng. If we have enough of It. We are boro opttmlsts. my dear Mrs. Jiggers, always looking around for a grain of comfort, and manufac turing one if there la none In sight. Til never forget the first time I went to see the dentist on professional business. I had been entertaining a rip-snorting toother-tie for several days. The agony jras so great that it would stlce to . . «h y w i s r * «vwi It ly the l m f . , i 1 * * 2 .” wo P. ..... ■ tfc , . , . that h •miSm mmm Mi Ag-V - , pbSSvIKj MU m m «| . A 1 r * m $ 'SrA–fW H r%; i m ' ■ • GIBSON RECO y I w OiBSON. UA„ WEDNESDAY' , JUNE 14. asks and god ANSWERS QUESTIONS ON SPIRITISM AND OCCULTISM By Th* Layman’* Home Missionary Movement, 1327 Snyder Ave* Philadelphia, Pa How have tho falton angel*, in aplr. ttiam and occwltitm, impersonated the dead? m (1) Ip Spiritism, 1 8am. 2S: T, It :!#, 19: Saul said unto hla servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar japlrit. Hla servants said to him. Be hold, there la a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Eo-dor Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring np unto thee? * Ami he said. Bring me up Samuel. And when the woman saw (the representation ofl Samuel, she . . spake to Saul . . . And the Wing said nnto her . . . What pawest thou? And the woman said unto SauL I saw an old roan .» . . covered with a mantle. And Saul per ceived (con- IndedJ ♦het t It was Samuel, And [the, reprieiec tat ion of[ Samuel said to Saul. ’ Why hast thou dls 'quieted m«, to bring me up? And Saul answered, I am s»re distressed: . , anawereth . and God Is departed from tVn^qMd injji, ant. me no more. SamudHjPl [the representation ofj Lord will also deliver Israel With the* into the hand of th* Philistines: -and tomorrow shaft, thou and warms be with me. (21 To Occultism, Act* 111: Iff; certain damael possessed with a*spirit iof divination ... brought**her mtakers much gain bv sontbsaylig. How Impereotrrted-sjmuel? do wa know |h»t tha tatter angels anJjjfeis Jervantr (!) God wS would have nothing wl® Saul t Sam. Th *, Iy M ft# ■■ dmth m itfnnons 9-dor. 0 Chron. . . 10 T w «n rb the JPx. witch wn -i- - rfhoo, fS, M–H *' * m . trn: A the fen'ngei nut saws I iixs sa in 1 Sack evil In r h« It tft.w 1 is; A th* r i i. I vs ■ . Writ E cai • not cla n ire ' ABBHM 2J.)I0ME id ■ te 2 i-’-y. I – » oy Afhet are the Scriptur lly enjolnet punishments of their devotees? Lev. ‘20: 271 A to tin also or womar that hath a familiar spirit . . . shall anrely be put to death. 1 Chron 10: 13: So Saul died . . . for ask ing counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of It. Mai. 3: 5: J. will be a" swift witness against the sorcerers ... saith the Lord of hosts. Rev. 21 : 8: Sorcerers . . shall have their part in the lake which burneth with Are and brimstone, which ts the second death. , What should be our attitude to wart spiritism and occultism? (1) Avoidance, lleut. 13: 14: For these nations which thou shtilt possess hearkened unto observers of limes, and unto diviners: hut as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do. (2) Opposition. Rph. 8: 12: We wrestle against wicked spirit! (margin 1 In high places. By What moans can our realstanct overcome them? (1) By (he armor of God, Bph. 6: IS: Wherefore ‘site unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may he able to withstand In the evil day. (2) The Word of God, Eph. Bi 17: And take , , . the Swi rd ef the Sprllt, which Is the Wtrd of God. (8) Pray er, Metl. 3: 18: t-ead ns not Into temp tation; but deliver ns from ev#. ■ Z*. -- m M m ago doctors, as else, thought, chills ... loped in a person b* ‘sm-e of bed air, the drink in* nr Impure water, or the eating of certain unripe fruits and raw vegeta bles. Lit lie or m Importance was at tached to the presence of the mosquito, ehcept that the bite of certain t.vpea were very amtoylhg and even painful. **- ■"My of the fact that s (chillsAnd fevon can be trans its no other way than the blta ;«**l».*pecle of mosquito, the F0 ?*P!b|b ?'¥)• e : mosquitoes can breed only i*. srater, the surface of which Is ratter still, the best plan is to dost 5 drainage all such bodies of wa drainage is! impossible a film or (preferably a mixture of equal parts ol crude oil and kerosene) sprayed on the surface of the water each week will destroy the larvae, or wiggle-tails. The stocking of permanent bodies of water with top feeding minnows fgambudia affinls) fa effective, since this part icq. l«r fish highly developed appetite ^larvae. These can fee c any parts of the state, t do of hiunty Boards of Health: Itrtar hatcheries. Upon Aj State Board of Health will luyfi it’of the nearest hatchery to you In order to k * mosquito out «f the house tK 3r Hcrocning.of the house Is veryT i Pon ant Every opening should he fn fly covered with wire gauze, with f m«s h (not larger than one-sixteenth -of a n inch (No. vs mesh). Mqch money his been wasted OB screening of Nos-. 10, 12 and 14 mesh, through which the difficulty. mosquito can crawl with but little On large planjatiom*, lumber and turpentine camps, many houses are often found in such condition as to ne would rebuilding before screening be of any advantage. In such the use of quinine as a prophylactic la *\t much Importance. In case a person fit bitten by an infect od Mosquito 10 grains of quinine taken day (preferably at bed time) la suflcient to protect the adult, chil dren are given smaller doses, the ac tual amount depending upon the age. - *-------—- JJu - Administration of Salvarsan and Neosalvaisan has become so simpli fied it is now a routine office proce dure for the physician. The patient is not Incapacitated'for work. Salvarsan and Neoealvarsan are sup plied at teas than half tho prices which prevailed beforg Ihe walr. Speculation and profiteering in thesq chemicals is now a thing of the past. - ' r “J 1 ' ' " — The mlscroscope and diagnostic lab oratory have lifted medicine out ot quackery and guesswork into scientific accuracy and precision. Many are atlll unaware of the change. Veneral disease is mostly due to un cleanliness and abuse of Nature's laws. Immorality breeds venereal disease wad undermines the mental and bodily stucture. Tetanus Antitoxin during the War sav^d thousands from lockjaw and death. The Tetanus germ, found in ground dirt and animal environs, gains entry through lacerated wounds and burns. Thouse house fly is a modest cuss, ile never seeks for fame; He has no bus’nes in the soup, But he gets there Just the carDe —Journal A. M. A. nMOND ts READY 16 GREETVETERANS *K ond mond. has Vs, called June tor 5.—(Special)— the remnants of that t army which defended her for four years and by the thousands will thd survivors answer the summons to be iere on June 19, 29, 21 and 22. The last three days are those fixed for the welcoming and entertainment of the United Confederate Veteran* at their 32d annual reunion. June 19 hash eon set as the date for beginning the ceremonies which will engage the •UeolJon of the Confederated Southern u X ial Association and of Sons of Co erp,te Veterans. U kjpjt Fjrispnrgtkme care of the are enormous now complete number for of TOitors who are expected to attend the reunion. The veterans will be made comfortable at the hotels, with IrleSkd* or relative* *nd In prlva^ *otwe. Provide Comfortable Quarters. Upon their arrival at the railroad stations in this c‘ty, each veteran will be met. hy a member of the Reunion Committee, given an identification card, and assigned to .quarters, if previous arrangements for accommo dml Ions have not been made. How ever, Brigadier-Genera! Jo Lane Stern, chairman of the Reunion Committee, urges that all visitors make their re* •rvatlons before coming to Richmond; applying to the hotels or to the In formation and Quarter* Posltvffice Box No. 885, Richmond quarters in private home* and board ing houses. R»«*on»b1e cost, from 11.26 to <42 B«r day for logging and breakfast, ygl prevail In private homes. Dinner and •tapper, with the compliment* of the Ctty of Richmond and the Common? wealth of Virginia, will be supplied Confederate veterans wh%df sire them OB |une 20, 21 and 22. Vk Elaborate Program greatest reunion In the history of tho Clhlted Confederate Veteran#, pno of the most impressive exercises in wfflph the veterans will take part will be the laying of the corner stone for the»‘Matthew Fontaine Maury monu ment. Addresses will he delivered by some of the South’s greatest orators, there wlU be a great parade and review, bend concerts, a Confederate ban and dozens of other features designed par ticularly to entertain and please the Old South's heroes. Why Suffer from Rheumatism? Do you know that nine out of every ten cases ;of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment: The pain may be relieved by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment, which makes sleep and rest possible, and that certainly means a great deal to uny one afflicted with rheumatism, AS nrt Mercury Swiftest Planet. Mercury, the swiftest traveler among the planets, moves through space at the rate of thirty miles a second. A SQUARE MEAL Is something we all like, and no matter .How good Ihe “fixins” it takes GOOD biscuit *t> round out things. LWY If you know there is BALLARD’S flour in —waw the then know rocal pantry, you the square is started right. ,s* LUXURY SUNSET lii,:-. OBELISK RICHMOND GROCERY CO. Distributors - Augusta, Cia. IV Sold by All Good Grocers 6 'D.^two Little Robert end one-half years old, of Franklin, has a ten-year SttfSZfl u'thSfS place, and whatever Gordie says or does is all right. Robert's mother had been telling him about Christmas, and w »»y It was celebrated. ^ De evening after a strenuous, day ot P lfl y Vrlth the big couBln, when •wa.fKfSWmV , JMMPtiy P, “ th0 is News, ‘W* .. 1 gOTP I Ring * "Ah shuah f , ’’ s acnl , . ored pugilist to his - as they squared off. “Ah whs b in’ gloves on.” “Maybe you was,” rlfit' mi the er; “and Ah reckons yet die de same way.”v .Mff 1 Walter—Was **»*.% the dinner cooked suit you, sir? L . Diner-Yes, aU but the hill. Just “■*..................... Ue. OHiia fOR;F4 a Cry CAS' % 1A ' : : .......■ %■"'' ■ Ssvea After Long Immqrslon. People have been resnsfitii'eri after heing under water as long a.-, 41) min »»»« JAME o lit ■: BATTLE Warrentonj Ga. Mg m. Office Phone 28 Dwelling Pho* a ‘ INSURANC Established in 1900 FIRE TORNADO AUTOMOBILE CAUSALTY BOLL WEEVIL LIVESTOCK Companies that have been doing Insurance bus I ? ipess in Warren Ind Glascock counties for a hundred years. All losses for twenty years • ' *' t i ive been paid promptly. Xan you ask for any itter?- Dio you wish any more? The cable of public confidence of which no strand has ever b'-en broken. See Battle before the fire J1.00 PER VEA* DOIl’t Tak6 A GlRIlCe ___ Gibson People Should let in Time 1 ,mC --- If you suffer from backache 5 ' If you have.headaches, dizzy =*• If the kidney secretions are ir s-— Thousands recommend Doan’s Kid hey Pills. .; And hundreds reside right in tb s «t ad tire statement of this near resident: Mrs. W r T. Moseley, 404 Pine ■ aynesboro, G»., says : "I have ta rn Doan’s Kidney PHIs for quite a .17 years, that is, whenever my kic - iys were out of order. They have -ays proven a w–nderful me^ictne 11 would advise anyone who is troubled with kidney comphint to give Doan's a trial.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim i>ly ask for a kidney retuedy-get Doan’^ Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs Moseley had. Foster-Milbuiu to. Mfi*. Buffalo, N. T. ' i- < *ov«nMMMnmat» Cures Malaria, Chills Fever, Bilious Fevei 1 Colds and LaOrippe