The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, August 30, 1922, Image 1

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Published to Furnish the People of Glascock County a Weekly Newspaper and as a Medium for the Advancement of the Public Good. VOL. XXVIII. NO. 42 Grand Jury General Presentments August Term, 1922, Glascock Superior Court We, the Grand Jury chosen and sworn to serve at the August Term Glascock County Superior Court, 1922, do hereby make ilse following General Presentments: We recommend that E. E. Grif fin be appointed as a member ot the Board of Education to fill the unexpired term of Thos. G. Kent. We recommend that D. L. Bras aell be appointed to succeed him self as Ex Officio J. P. of UB7th Dist., G. M. G. C. We recommend that Leon L Peebles and W. Tom Kitchens be appointed to examine records of the k county and report to next Grand Jury and that they be paid $2.00 per day for their services. We find the court house in good condition except window lights. We find the jail in an unsanitary condition and not fit for use or occupation. We find the book* of the Justice of Peace and Notary Republics of each Militia District has been properly and neatly kept with this exception. The Justice of the Peace of the 1169th District has not itemized his cost bill on account of docket book used not being sufficient in size. We rec ommend that tbis Justice purchase a docket book not to exeeed $3,00 in cost and present bill to proper authorities for payment. We find also this Justice of the Peace has bo form book. , We recommend that be confer with the State U book, £* * We recommWd that the new Board of County Commissioners transact all business by issuing county warrants supported by an itemized statement. We further recommend that all money coming into or going out of county Kinds from any source be bandied through the County Treasurer. We find the county in a deplor able condition financially. We find from the Auditors report ac ces<*able assets for county to be only $257 63, against this we find the indebtedness of our county to COMMITTEE’S REPORT We, the committee aopointed by February, 1922, Grand Jury to examine county records beg leave to submit the following report: We have examined tbe records of the County School Superin tendent and find; Debits Amount on hand August 1921 report.......... .. ....$ 21.27 Amount received from State since August 1921.. ... 8,785 50 Amount received from county since August 1921 _ .... 4,378.23 Amount received from public subscriptions.______ ... 3,435.00 Amount borrowed............................ ... 12,196.55 Amount received freight overcharge............ 88 80 Amount received from J. P. Allen, former C. S. S. 14 90 $28,920.25 Credits Paid out on proper vouchers... $27,659.93 Credit discounts state warrants 240.06 Balance on hand this report..... 1,020.96 $28,920.25 We have examined the records of the Tax Collector and find : County Tax debits Amount county tax on digest 1921.. .$15,267.78 Amount county tax not on digest.. 91.22 Amount interest collected on fi fa’s 16.99 Amount corporation tax........... 2,127.13 $17,503.11 CREDITS Amount turned over to County Treasurer ... $14,765.88 Amount corporation tax unpaid............ 2,075.61 Amount insolvent taxes.................... 252 86 Amount commission........................ 388 01 Balance on hand......................... 20.75 $17,503.11 School Fund debits Amount school tax on digest............. $4,490.52 Amount school tax collected not on digest 26,75 GIBSON RECORD GIBSON. GA., WEDNESDAY. AUG. 30. 1922. be $18,102.86—of tbis amount $8,000 is for court house bonds; uupakl warrants of county $9,280.36; unpaid jury scrips $822.00. Fellow countrymen, where will vour county soon go at this rate? We recommend that the new Board of Commis sioners take under consideration submitting a bond issue to take care g( the financial condition. ltbas come to our attention that the jury rooms on the upper floor of the court house have been used for private purposes or living quarters. This does not on ly endanger the building to de struction by fire, but makes it un fit for tbe purposes for which they are intended. We therefore respectfully ask that tbe Sheriff, who is the proper custodian, re fuse to permit any further prac tice of this nature, We further request that the Sheriff make such repairs to tbe windows and other parts of the building'as may be necessary and present the bill of cost of same to the proper au thority. We attach herewith a report of tbe committee appointed by pre vious Grand Jury to examine the county records and adopt the same aa a part of our report. It has come to the attention of this body that district court house erf 1169th District has been moved from or-urna! location and that same ts now % lands of part**. We request that Com missioner see into this matter and establish titles. We recommend that jurors and bailiffs be paid $2 00 per day for their services. We recommend that the Audi tors report be preserved as part of the records of the county. We further recommend that these General Presentments be published in Gibson Record and that tbe editor be paid $3 00 for same. Amount corporation tax 649.07 $5,166.34 CREDITS Amount turned over to C. S. S........ ........$4,341.18 Amount commission.................. 89.16 Amount insolvent taxes............. 74.54 Amount corporation tax unpaid....... 633.33 Balance on hand..................... 28.13 $5,166.34 We find the books of the Clerk of the Court, Ordinary and the Sheriff neatly kept. We find the records show no bonds recorded given by officers of the county except Tax Collector's and Tax Receiver’s bonds. We have made no examination of the books of the County Com missioner, except the road tax records, because of the fact there is an audit being made now of all his other records and same will be ready for the inspection of the Grand Jui|y. We find upon examination of his road tax records : Amount of cash collected $252.00; 84 persons having paid cash; 43 persons hav ing paid corn, meat, etc.; 269 persons ot) list having not paid at all. Records kept very indefinite and almost impossible to give an accu rate statement We have made no examination of the County Treasurer’s rec ords because they have just been audited and we are informed that a full report will be made to the Grand Jury. Orestes L. Kelley. Leon L. Peebles. Committee. AUDITOR’S REPORT: OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER We have carefully verified the records kept by this official. Only a few clerical error# were discovered which were corrected. The balance,in the County Treas ury Aug. 10, 1922 by funds is as fol lows : General Fund $1,240 76; Road Fund Overdrawn $903.06; Pau per Fund Overdrawn $80.06, making a net cash balance of $257.63 accoun ted for as follows : Bank of Gibson a * nk ot $69. wi* in hands of Treasurer $163.73. We have suggested to this official a few minor changes that would im prove his records, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF ROADS AND REVENUES The records of this office were found in very good shape, though several clerical errors were discov ered. We note that Mr. Sammon i © i o 0X0X0 Silvertown Cord Tire Umt in the long war A Genuine SILVERTOWN Cord —30 x 3!4 for $13.50 The Mine material*, construction and workmsnship as in all other sizes of Silvertowns. The same high quality, long wear, long service and complete de pendability guaranteed by die GOODRICH otto quality standard. Your tire dealer will supply ywm today and save you money. The SSvertown 30 x 314. For the I Ford, Maxwell, Chevrolet, Wittpw Overland and other light ears. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY, Ak~m, OUa ESTABLISHED 1870 for AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES, TRUCKS drew two warrants payable to him self covering his salary as Commis sioner for the year 1920 as follows : Aug It 1920 Warrant No. 1999 for $321.00 and Dec. 23 1920 Warrant No. 285 for $580.00 making a total of $J01.$0. Mr. Sammon’s salary is $65.00 per month, or $780.00 per year. He is therefore overpaid for the that 1920 in the sum of $121.00. We . re dm 1 •• mtorJM m on s ot i June T922 to $40.00 per month. There appears on the records of the County Treasurer a warrant registered in the name of Mr. J. W. Whiteley for $690.00 which we understand was in payment for a Tractor. This warrant did not appear on the records of the Commissioner. We note that it has been the prac tice of the Commissioner to draw warrants in payment of the County’s bills and arrange with local parties to finance them. Some of there trans actions were not carried through the records of the County Treasurer. This is a bad practice as it subjects the office of Cemmissioner to criti cism and in fact all transactions of a financial nature should be handled thru the County Treasurer. We could not locate the Road Tax Collector’s stubs foe Road Tax col lected. We could not therefore make an independent verification of road tax collected. Road Tax Collector’s stubs and statement of road tax col lected should be preserved, regard less as to how paid, whether in cash or with Corn, Syrup or other farm products. We mention the above in order that this office may be impressed with the importance of keeping a full and complete record of every trans action. OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR The records of this official were found to have been well kept. A small balance is shown due the coun ty for the year 1921, $4.35 which is due to errors in calculations. OFFICE OF CLERK OF THE COURT The records of this official were found to have been kept in a very in telligent manner. The balance of Insolvent Cost due the Officials is as follows: Solicitor General $745,00; Sheriff $369.55; Clerk $407.30. This is less than one half the amount shown as due Aug. 1» 1920, the date of our previous examination. GENERAL COMMENT We did not examine the records of 3 ntfur,,Sheriff, Ordinary “«»***•' or County Supt ,*«•<-*---« com We find that unpaid warrants drawn by the Commissioner of Roads and Revenues amount to $9,280.36. Un paid Jury Scrip $822.00. Total $10,102.36. The accrued Interest on your bon ded debt to August 10th is $235.00 We again desire to stress the im portance of a record of disburse ments in the Office of your County Commissioner in order that more de tailed information may be had con cerning expenditures, without the necessity of picking this out from the minute book. Every courtesy was extended dur- IT’S SCREEN TIME NOW Flics and mosquitoes are coming; in fact, the advance guard has already arrived. Insure your health and comfort by using our substantially built DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS. Prices on application. Augusta Lumber Company Augusta, Ga. JAMES H. BATTLE Warrenton, Ga. Office Phone 28 Dwelling Phone 28 INSURANCE Established in 1900 FIRE TORNADO AUTOMOBILE CAUSALTY LIVE STOCK Companies that have been doing Insurance bus iness in Warren and Glascock counties for a hundred years. All losses for twenty years have been paid promptly. Can you ask for any better? Do you wish any more? The cable of public confidence of which no strand has ever been broken. 5ee Battle Before The Fire $1.00 YEAR ing the course of this examination. Respectfully submitted, Wm H. JAMES – Co. Certified Public Accountants. Respectfully submitted. W. Terrell Kitchens, Foreman. Martin L. Logue, Clerk. Joseph A. Hopkins Orestes L. Kelley Leyi Kitchens John M. Morgan James L. Morris Robert T. McGraw Wilson Glover U. A. Wilcher Thos. G. Kent Chas H. Wilcher Thos. J. M. Kelley Henry C. Kitchens James T. McNeal Wems B. Wasden Joseph H. Cooper James H. Thigpen Robert McNair H. Madison Kent John B Land Clinton N. Hiison JoseDh F. Rabun Ordered that the within General Presentments be entered upon the minutes of the court and pub lished as recommended. This August 23ra, 1922. E. T. SHURLEV, J. S. C. T. C. No Substitute Offered. Say wliat you will about druggists offering something “just as good” be cause it pays a better profit, the fact still stands that ninety nine out of a hundred OruggeSts recommend Cham berlaitTs Ciifie tmd'Oiarrhoea Remedy, when the best medicine for diarrhoea Is asked for, and do so because they know from what their customers say of it, that it can be depended upon. LA<tv«rtdwHn<mU Arabian Vinegar Finest. Tbe vinegar made by the Arabs 1# s#!d to be far superior to any other. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of