The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, October 25, 1922, Image 1

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rts s; BR •s u Cu © if* 3 S |M • cn B- -a rt X, rt © b3 © m Vi ft o n r- Cl © 3 a •4? m. 3* »■- 25.' » s« ■s •es 1 Vi 2 g. i t * ■ a n <T 3 ft C3 o Cr rt ■ 3 21 c» o a "3 VOL. XXVIII. NO. 50 T. D. A. S. News (SPECIAL) It occurred to me that the peo ple of Warren county might be interested in what we are doing at the Tenth A. and M. School. We have 271 acres of land, one hundred and twenty in cultivation and one hufidred and fifty-one in pastures and woods. There are three main buildings: Girls’ dorm itoty (kitchen and dining hall combined); bo vs’ dormitory and academic building; two barns and shoos, a shelter for farm tools, a garage. The school has forty registered Poland China hogs and twelve Duroc; thirty-five goats and one pair of sheep, thirty-six barred rock (registered) chickens, five head of work stock, forty graded Jersey cows and four registered Jerseys. All of the above are in splendid condition. We have in small grain forty two acres, in corn fifty-five acres, cotton six, garden five, orchard four, potatoes four, peas seven acres. Most of our farm has pro duced two crops this year, eighty three acres having leguminous crops. Our campus contains six acres of college ground firmlv sodded with Bermuda grass, and a land ” y of a Get r> a, 8pe* —. . here in the summer and tnaie a blueprint of the campus. Many shrubs afid plants are being pit out to beautify it in every way. There are a number of pe can and fruit trees on it, too. Enough potatoes were raised last year to last eight months We raise most everything that is used in the dining |hall. Experiments are canted out every year, con ducted by the different classes, as: Feitilizer tests, cotton variety tests and corn variety tests. The boys are required to do nine hours of work per week. They not only get the scentific training but they get the practice In field work. A seventy-ton capacity site has just been completed. A dairy barn is being constructed by the boys, under the direction of Prof. C. B. Davis. The silo was built by the boys also. Our curriculum has been raised and we are now in the A1 accred ited list. Our Domestic Science depart ment is one of the best in the State. It has been strengthened very much in the past year. The girls of the different classes pre pare the desserts for the dining hall. Our enrollment is better this year than last. We have more than doubled last year’s enroll ment. The enrollment bv classes is as follows: Senior 24 12 Boys 12 Girls Junior 23 11 “ 12 “ §ophomore 32 22 " 10 w Freshmen 31 20 “ 11 *’ We are glad to enroll in school this week George McConnell, brsther-in-law of Prof. C. B. Da vis: Prof, and Mrs. Davis went to Macon last Ftiday to meet him. New students are coming in every How Better Than Pills? The question has been asked - In what way are Chamberlain’s Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and liver Pills’r Our answer is. they are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is so gentle that one hard ly realizes that it Is produced by a medicine. Then, they not only move the bowels but improve the appetite aud strengthen the digestion UAvwtiawnweti o CO 50 ■ GIBSON. GA., WEDNESDAY,OCJ. 25, 1922. week, the Senior class being one of the largest in the history of the school. We are planning to have an ex hibit at the Hancock County Fair, The Domestic Science and Agri culture classes are working very diligently getting exhibits ready for the fair. The Christian Endeavor Soci ety. under the leadership of Miss Alice Beall, very delightfully em tertained the student body|and faculty on last Friday evening with an old-fashioned "tackey party,” from 7 to 10. Those on the sick list last week were Misses Frances Waller, Jes sie Mae Harrell, Myrtle Hall, Man Blood worth and Susie Tucker. Cars from Sparta come out ev ery Sunday morning to carry the pupils into Sparta to Sunday school and church. % Every Sunday afternoon we have Sunday school here. Occa sionally we have the pleasure of having the different preachers from Sparta and elsewhere out to preach to us. On last Wednesday, the 11th. the Senior girls entertained the faculty with a luncheon. Among the prominent visitors of the past week were Dr. J. E Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. W. I Harley of Sparta, tnd Mr. E. A Edward? teacher of Science aijj Agriculture, of S«ndersv»U.e School. Miss Hattie Davis, violin instru tor, of Sandersville High School; Dr. and Mrs. Yaibough; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bone and little Fran ces Bone, of Milledgeville, visited ouc school on Sunday evening and remained with us for supper. Mr. Bone is our trustee from Baldwin county. He was very much pleased with the work of the school Prof, and Mrs. 0 W. Moran, of Sparta, were among the visitois here this week. On Sunday afternoon at four o’clock the following program was rendered by the voice pupils of Mrs. Forrester and the piano pupils of Miss Beall: Song, Audi ence—America; Special Song Swing low Sweet Chariot; Solo, The Old Rugged Cross—Josh Rol lins ; Special Song—Saved by Grace ; Piano Solo—Carrie Beall; Song by Audience—Throw Out the Life Line; Male Quartet - Tell Mother I’ll Be There; Solo, The Holy City—Mrs. Forrester; Spec ial Song—Nobody Knows;.Closing Prayer—Prof. C. W. Moran. We were glad to have at this program a large number of visitors. Misses Drake, Beall and Wood spent Saturday in Macori shop ping. Our faculty consists of:—Luther Elrod, A. B., University of Geor gia, Principal; C. B, Davis, B.S. A., S ate College of Agriculture, Ani mal Husbandry; M. W. McKee, State Normal School, State Col lege of Agriculture. Horticulture; Fred Maxwell, A. B , Young Har ris, Science; Mrs R, C. Wilson. A. B., Wesleyan, History; R. N. Smith, Emory, Shop and English; “Cold in the Head’’ Is an acute attack of. Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent “colds in the head” will find that the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of System, thus reducing the tlon All and drcgglsts. rostering Circulars normal free. condli^B F. 3. Cheney – Co., Toledo O v Miss Anna Belle Drake, S„ State Normal; Domestic Science School, State College of AgricuF ture; Miss Alice Beall, Gedrgia State College for Women, Music; i,„ Mrs h. p J, B Forrester, x A. a B., r. Bessie r> • Tift, Voiee; Mrs, Burnette Moore, Gecr 8 ia State College for Wo.en, Basketrv; Miss Alberta Wood, B S, State Normal Schtgl, Secre* tarv rarj, Miss miss Pnrahel coranel Seale Seals, R B. «! State Normal School, Supply; Mrs Lelia Wimpy, Matron. Prof. R N Smith and family a: e at Grovetown attending the burial of Mrs. Ramsey, mother of Mrs, Smith. AMONG BEXDEDBLOUSES m 0 m HRBPji • * nit h ik flkj ~r L- U mm N ; / \ o. : . .. . . One of those pretty crepe de chine a rich embroil are wit), usi * ;\r m I I Nt, .r s \ 8 The m R Will be During Jubilee Week m Our Display Rooms. Don’t Miss It ! STA h Lpea' td Continental Tiinkin Rear ft j tirtikm Bearid j ffont and ps*ri. Spicer Univeq StiLjui p Joint*. ’ Selective Tranamhcion, three Sinciie speeds fqjftird. pud reverse. ‘ Plr.ts Pise Clutch. Half-elliptic Turing*. Ciiswart Va^pucn Gas Feed With Tank at Rear. Electric StorageJBsttery.' Cidfeir.g by Standard Generator with Stroamlil^^dy. One-man " AKE OUR PLACE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Whjptever you come to Augusta and especially during Jubilee Week. We will provide ample parfir.g cpace, gladly furnish you with directions and will try to make your visit a pleasant one. Wefare -J* home folks. AGENCY FOR YOUR COUNTY OPEN TO A LIVE DEALER. £. . . N 5 eatbers Motors Co.,inc. 315-^19 ELLIS STREET. . AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. PHONE 621. Red Cross Roll Call Heard World Around The Annual . Roll _ „ Call _ „ of , the .. Amerl caa Red Cross for registration of the membership tor 1923 win begin on kSJKJ so. The grxind work for thia »tu p«aou» task of re-enroiim* the mem her,hlp throughout the world has been uw ln a plan f(>r the flr9t corapIete aud comp-ehenslve system of reglstra ii«s of the Red Cross membership in all Its 8,300 active Chapters at home and abroad. An important feature of the round the-world Roll Call campaign will be a universal effort to re-enllst the serv ice of war-time Red Cross workers In the peace program by their partici pation in the Roll Call. In this way the vast army of volunteers will once more affiliate with the work of the Red Cross lults manifold phases. Co operation also has been assured by Government and private maritime In terests designed in, a deep-sea Roll Call that 18 to reach every member or potential member In every part of the world who may be en voyage or temporarily In any port.' Thousands of Chapters will adopt the home canvass plan of enrollment which originated in Pittsburgh, where last year It resulted in a increase of 60 pec cent. All recards in this year’s campaign will be kept ct standard alee cards to be tiled by each Chapter for future use. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Always Mats __ _— ths Bjgnsm m of STAR MODELS AND PRICES e e • ;...S8S5 .Starter and Demountable Rime aso Runabcut, plain .. • • ...... Vf-*" • » 319 Runabout, Starter and Demountable Rime ; M . 414 Touriiyg, plain ..... . . . . . .T : : ... 348 Touring, Starter and Demountable Rim* .... : a • e e • . 443 Coupe, Starter and 'Demountable Rims ..0. • • e • • * 580 Sedan, Starter and Demountable Rim*...... 845 Station Wagon, Starter and Demountable Rims 810 Delivery Wagon, Starter and Demountable Rims 810 All Prices are FOB Detroit. LADY GOT SO WEAK GOULD SCARCELY STAND Alter Suffering From Many Female Troubles This Lady Heard el Ml and Took It, She Says, “Until I Was WelL” "OOME TIME AGO,” says Mrs. ^ Buena McFarland, oi R. F. D. 2, Bostic, N. C., "I suffered a great deal with weakness common to women. I had bearing-down pains, my sides and back hurt, and my limbs drew. I would get so weak in my knees I could scarcely stand. “I was vdry nervous, and could not rest. I didn’t feel like eating. I grew thin, and did not have ambition for any thing. "I had been trying other remedies ..., but did not get any better. “Some one told us of Cardui, and What it was recommended for. I also Plcturesque Sight, One' of the most picturesque sights In the world Is the elephants at work In the city of Rangoon,-Rt'the mouth of the Irrawaddy river, where the logs ar tlve. At Rangoon the logs'float In at an undisturbed inlet. Here they qre re leased from their inclosing- boom' chains. Then elephants take the logs' out of the water and pile In the mill .yards such logs as are pot required ' r toniglate s “I*ng, and which;may $1.00 PER YEAR took a Ladies Birthday Almanac and read of a case something tike mine. I told my husband to get it and I would try it. “J saw a great improvement after the the first bottle (of Cardui), so 1 kept it up until I was welt. Now I am the picture of health.” Thousands of other women have writ ten, to tell of the beneficial results ob tained by taking Cardui, and to recom mend it to others. Cardui has stood the test of extensive use, for more than forty years, in the treatment of troubles common to woman. Try it. AM ow ,, . 8 0 d Dlv «rslon, ® _ owIlnf? „ onte forbidden was by law. game was originally nine-plus, ,e f Wi g 'f T CHlled f n fl8: iMwhe, G the tlle deflation t’ame at ,i ^|A n8 ' by * taUlt ' e - aru *0 1 w ', The prohibition was f ftenvaL . ' d Withdrawn , and the game ' ecume ' er -'\ Popular. It was once * E < ’ P U *–“.« )ro g f a "' “ “ * ,, v , as