The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, January 13, 1815, Image 3

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The Friend and Monitor. i'a % y -& -/*: fi y- &if $$ & v* & i Friday, Jan.uart 13th. WITH a degree of fatisfacbion ■ Kkun felt before, we iftue this day ■ i the world, the nr 11 number of THE FRIEND and MONITOR. The fathfaclion we feel on this oc eafion, a rife 3 from an impreflion ! that our labour vTI not prove in vain—that it will realize the expee talien and wiffi forced by a liberal community. —lt arises from a belief, that, whatever deficiency may be observed in the plan of Editorial 1 correct ncT, the patrons of the TRIEND AND MONITOR will justly attribute it, to inexperience and youth* and not to a heart that vocild knowingly pursue error.— ‘The political features of this paper, \j those who have, not read its pro ;pe£tus we would observe, arc such as ftiouki characterize every one in the union, viz. unanimity , ■patriotism , morality . . Fellow*Citizens, the storm of war has gathered around us 1 a fo reign and unprincipled enemy as sisted by an intestine league, labour ing under the ruinous influence of Hallucination, threaten to subvert our country,every good heart should now feel, and every strong arm draw for the general preservation. * Tod in his blefiings and mercies isas placed us in a country scarcely iurpaffed by Eden at its primeval hour j has hitherto conducted ns with triumph through the storm of battle, in pursuance of the fiat of his eternal justice which regulate ‘-Ed preferibe to every nation on the earth, its distinct right and privi cge. Under this conviction, fanc vioned by the smiles of Heaven, Wliting for our otvn, not for the aggrandizement of a king or despot, “f we recced, if we fiacken in the •mrve of. virtuous resistance, be f mif ory and the curse of posterity entail ed on our own heads. NEU ’ ARRANGEMENT! WASHINGTON, Ga. 4th January, 1815. HAVING transfered, by sale, the printing office and establishment of the “ Monitor ” to John K. M. Charlton, my authority and labor as the proprietor and the ed ‘ itor, now ceases. The paper here tofore pubiifhed under the title of the 44 Monitor,” will hereafter as sume that of :i The Friend and Monitor,” and the fubteribers to the former will continue to receive the latter, until they shall 0.-der to “he contrary. fa resigning the duties which t ’have hitherto difeharged, to the .care and performance of Mr. Chfirl *on, I feel confident that the pat rons of the “ Monitor” will profit by the exchange—his natural and acquired abilities entitle him, in his present engagement, to the support and encouragement of the public ; and the friends of the “ Monitor ” are refpe&folly defiled to extend “heir patronage to “The Friend & ) Monitor.” The political complex ion of the paper will be continued by Mr. Charlton, upon -the fame liberal principle of repubiicanii’m, as heretofore preserved by me. It rs proposed to be The Friend to the firm fuppoiter of union and liberty, and Monitor to the giddy and errinV * evolutionizer. Upon such priori* pies, I r wiffi The h iaud & Monitor every poflible success, and afic for it, the liberal patronage of a liberal public. DAVID P. HILLHOUSE. £.’/ Pcrtons indebted to me for fubfeription or advertising, are de sired -to make speedy settlement.—- The receipt of Mr. M. J. Rudolph, at the office of 44 The Friend and ! Monitor,” will be good for any j payment made to him for my use. D. P, Hii.lhouse, THE FRIEND and MONITOR Is pubiifhed at the fame office j and upon the fame types & paper of the Monitor. The terms will be three dollars per yea**, pay able half yearly, in advance ; —of course, on the receipt of the firft number, one dollar and fifty cents will be due from each lubicriber. Papers will be left at the Printing office or Poll-office, or lent in neigh borhood packets, for delivery to fubferibers, on the day of publica tion ; which will be on Friday of every week. Subscribers to The Friend will be furnifiled as directed, with 44 The Friend and Monitor which will be distributed also to fubferibers tc the Monitor , ualefs they {hail give contrary orders. Advertising and j O other printing, will be executed, n-s punflually, and upon the fame con ditions, as heretofore performed In. the Pflonitor office. Advertising & job printing of non-fubferibers mull be paid for in advance. JOHN CHARLTON, Wafhbgtcn, January 4th, J 8 1T 1 ! m EXPLANATION, AS molt of our county fubferib ers have at various tines, exprefled their ignorance of diplomatic plira fes—the following is a transition of them : Sine Qua Non —An indispensable condition; literally, without that, nothing. Status you , Status quo ante helium •—the state in which, the state of both before the war. Ultimatum —a final proposal cr ! refolutiou. Uii Possidetis —as you pofiefs, present situation. ON the 2nd Inst. Thomas An derson was re-elected Tax Collec tor, and Tho’s McLaughlin was re-ele&ed Receiver of { ax Returns for Wilkes county. THE following gentlemen are o o defied aldermen of this town for the enluing year : ‘i hos. Terrell Wm. Sansom, Dan’l -Stone, A. ’ H. Gibson and Levi H. Echols. - DIED—On the 26th in ft. Mrs. i Elizabeth MTendon, in the 56th year of her age, wife of Mr. ifaac M Ter don of this county, • Died, on the sth inst. Andrew Jackson Evans, infant son of . Capt. John C. Evans, of this county I ’ Administrator’s Sale, j Will be Sold, | Friday, the ipth day of February next, at the plantation whereon Nathan Holtzclavv, dec. formerly resided.—Air the personal estate of said deceased, on a credit of tweivd months. JINCY HOLTZCLAW, /annary 13, 1815, adm**. AlivS. v_* ~ j (y RATEFUL to her ‘ patrons for their liberal support-. folicirs a further continuation of it, and in forms them ftie has removed her fchoo! to the heufa lately occupied by Mr. Ilenry f. Anthony, vvheie she will receive twenty pupils and foe: hoarders only. Her terms are altered to the following: Day Sct\+:rij Ist claTs* 5 dollars {jer quarter) 2d dais 4 dollars lid class 3 dollars Boarding and tuition, in cluding * e French lan guage—per year— 100 doh Boarding & tuition in the 2d and 3d dalles, 80 doh (payable quarterly in advance.) Millie, per year, 44do!s Drawing and painting, ! 22 dols French, to day scholars, 22 dols Waffling, per year, 0 dols Each pupil to find her bedding. Examinations three times a year. \ To thole ‘parents and guardians : who are anxious to have their lons ! (who attend the Rev. Mr. Reid) ’ .taught French, Mrs. Bowen in- I forms them she will receive ten pu i pi!s on Wedneiday evening and | Saturday morning, for inftrudting j them in the French language. Terms—6 dollars per quarter | tn advance, C~T Sir. II all has left with tic the. watches of his cus tomers, •wb’o are eanicsFiy de sired to call for them as soon as possible. Mr. IIALL requells me io make 1 .his ni,oft grateful acknowledge [ nieiits to his numerous cuftotners and the public in general for the very extend ve patronage and confi dence with which he has been fa ! vored during his residence in Walk ■j ington, and which nothing could have induced him to reiinqu’lh but ‘ his ill health and the necessity of his presence at the Northward in , ionic private affairs of the moft dis- I trefling nature. He proposes to re ; turn as soon as those affairs are fettled.- *F* The subscriber lias watch CHRY3TALI of all sizes. JEREMIAH LOBDELL. January 6th, 1814. WOTIfF months alter date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Inferior court of Wilkes county for leave to fell two hundred and thirty acres of land (more or left) in said county, on the waters of Fifhlng creek, adjoining the widow Bolton and others; it being the real estate of Obadiah Wynne, dec. and fold for the benefit of the heirs ’of said deceafc-d. WILLIAM BOOKER, jun. January 13, 1815. adru’r. • (• i ■ •Fy .• v Administrator’s Saie. WILL BE SOLD, ! On Friday the ijjth day of February next, at the late residence of Nathan Hohzclaw, deceased, in Wilkes county.--One HORSE, BRIDLE and SADDLE, it being the property of Ambrose Beafiey, deceased. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. ROY LAND BEASLEY, January 13, 1815, akn’r. ■GuCTIGIA. ?’ Near Camp Hope. J WE tvhefe names are hereunto iubferibed, do certify on honor that we have been particularly acquain ted w;'h the conduct of Captain Isaiah T. irvin of Wilkes coun ty, in laid state, since the twenty* firft day of November last, and vve never have seen any condudl: of the said Captain Isaiah T. Irvin un becoming an officer and a gentle man Samuel Groves, Lieut. Co! 4 Daniel Johnson, Major. William Smith, Major. Isham Thompson, Adjutant. Captains —Peter Lamar, Martin Booer, D. Gallefpy, Nehemiah Gariilon, John Walters, William Ilunderwood, Gaines Thompfou* Jones Kendrick. Lieutenants —Benjamin Clevei land, Janies Wade, fames Jones, James Wardlow, John Scott, Den nis Mahoney, William Deal, John Fergus, Moses Denman, Samuel B. Kutchinfon, Joel Freeman, Samuel Jeier, Elijah Roberts, William GiL more, llaac Austin, Mattliev T. Hamilton, Terry Runnels, John S- Walker, John Ferrell, Zachariah Smith, John Hollingfworth. Emigns —James Scoti, Janies Merrell, Larkin Barton, Horatio G. Brewer. **"**y^*— ■■■■ STATE OF GEORGIA. > ‘ . Near Camp Hope. 3 December 19 th, 1814. WE whose names are hereunto fublcribed v/as present with Captain ISAIAH T. IRVIN, and belong ing to the company or the said Isaiah T. Irvin, while or his march from Wilkes count/ o i Camp Hope, and we do fine-r iy j pledge our honors, that we r>: r j law any thing improper, or cor. fit | unbecoming an officer and a geo tie* j man, to the beftofour know! to j information and belief. (Signed) David Patterson, David All fcT., ! John Boswell, E. Isond, Olive;- A. Luckert, Woodard Framell, lgna- J lius A. Scott, J. Halkin, Rob ; Williams, Enoch Davis, William j Libafs, John Mallory, Nathaniel j Gamge, Thomas Morgan, William j Morgan, Howard Portwood, Pat ; rick Garland, Solomon P. Lc, * i James Wood, Charles Stroz; „ ! JHTe Johnson, jun. Wiley Acree, Cafwell Hubbert, Archibald Smith, Edmund Ogletree, Francis Wilk erson, Lemuel Chaffin, Jourdiri Tailer, Burrel Glaze, William If: Winfield, William Allison, Chris topher Hackle, George Theed, Daniel Scott, John W. Bates, Sam uel G. Mofele, Thomas Owen, John Cheney, David M'Guire, Lewis Miller, David Christopher Hiram Hubbert, Jonathan Mont gomery, John W. Poyner, John M‘Cluiky, John Bentley, Nicholas Grew, Richard Smith, James 7 ... vis, JohnGoin, A. T. Jonfom Bu ley Lunsford, Joseph Cambel, Al fay Gammage, James Cruse. Car inton Robertson, Samuel Bu: nfiae, Jest? johnfon. v I ... ■■ ■ I ■■ m..m ——- - *-* • LIBRARY. HE fubferibers to the Wash-, ington Library, are request J to meet at the Library Roonij on Saturday evening, the Slsfinftant, prepared to pay their annual tax, and elecf fome new officers. JOHN HALID AY, ,• * . /* y > O A