The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, January 13, 1815, Image 4

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COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD. On the ist Tuesday in February next , at the Court-house in Elbert on, in Elbert county, between Hoe hours of ten and three o'clock, the fol lowing property , or as much thereof as will satisfy the taxes due there on., together with the cost—viz : HREE hundred & fifty acres of land in Elbert county, granted to John Coleman and others, lying on Coody’s creek, adjoining James Harcher; levied on as the property ot Micajah Anthony to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 22 Dollars c 7 cents. Also One hundred and eighty-seven a cres of land in Elbert county, gran ted to Walker Richardson lying on Deep creek, adjoining Wm. Penn ; and 400 acres in said county, grant ed to James Tuttle, lying on Deep creek, adjoining the heirs of Elling ton ; levied on as the property of Robert Kennedy, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —due, 14 dollars. Also One hundred acres of land in Elbert county, granted to Vann, dying on Cedar creek, adjoining James Banks; levied upon as the property of William McGuire, to fatisfy his tax for 1813-— tax due, x Dollar 67 cents. Also Fifty acres of land in Elbert county, granted to Ralph Banks, lying on Cedar creek, adjoining Daniel Ross ; levied on as the prop -■crty of Francis Powell, fen. to fat isfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 60 cents. Also One hundred and thirty acres of land in Elbert county, granted to William Hatcher, lying on Deep creek, adjoining Samuel Bentley; levied on as the property of Charles Wallis, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due, 73 cents. Also Two hundred two & a half acres of land in Wilkinson county, lying in the 22d diftritt, No. 77, granted to Miilachiah Coker, and levied on as his property to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 83 cents. Also Ninety acres of land in Elbert county, lying on Deep creek, ad joining William Faulkner ; levied on as the property of John Nix, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 — tax due 64 cents. Also Two hundred two & a half acres of land lying in the firft district of Baldwin county, No. 14, granted to Lewis McClane ; levied upon as the property of Henry Cabinefs, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 — tax due, 82 cents. Also One negro man by the name of January ; levied on as the property of Jefle Thompson, to fatisfy his tax as a defaulter for thirteen years, viz. from the year 1800 to 1812, inciufive—tax due,i 76 dollars 24 2 4 cents. Also One hundred & forty-three acres of land in Elbert county, adjoining C. Sandiuge, lying on Beaverdam creek; levied on as the property of Moses Presley, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due i-dollar 60 cents. Also Pour hundred & ninety acres of land in the sn3 diftriel of Wayne county, No. 169; levied on as the property of Andrew Miller, to fdt isfy his tax for the year 181 due 78 cents. Also One 60 saw cotton-gin ; levied on as the property of John Tabor, 1 to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 | —tax due 2 dollars 6 1-4 cents. Also Three hundred and fifty acres of land in Elbert county, granted to James Brock, lying on Shoal creek, adjoining Charles Berryman ; lev ied upon as the property of James Brock, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 56 centfc. A1 so A free man of colour by name of Peter Harper, will be hired out for a term of time that will fatisfy his tax as a defaulter for 1813 — tax due, 8 dollars 53 cents. JOHN WILLIS, Tax-Colle&or, Elbert county. December 2, 1814. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOI.D, On the first Tuesday in February next at the Court House in Elbert coun ty, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, the following pro perty — viz. nr I. WO hundred acres of land, more or lets, in Elbert county, well improved on the waters of the Bea verdam creek, adjoining Francis Satteru'hite, formerly occupied by Benjamin Higginbotham, deceiifed, Also ninety-i'even acres of land, more or Id's, in said county, adjoin ing the above and Thomas S. Car ter—Also ninety-four acres of land, more or Ids, adjoining the above and James Carter; levied on as the property ot Benjamin Higginboth am, deceal'ed, to fatisfy two execu tions one in favor of Wm. Woods surviving copartner against Ben jamin G. Higginbotham, executor of Benjamin Higginbotham, dec.— the other in favor ot the executors of Middleton Woods, deceased, vs. the fame. Also One sorrel mare about twelve years old ; levied on as the property of John Daniel, to fatisfy an execu tion in favor of Stewart Cunning ham. Conditions Cash. THOMAS A. BANKS, D. S. January 6, 1815. MISS BURNS HAVING purchased a set of tools for Watch-making, will repair watches when pre sented to her at Mrs. Hill house’s, her place of residence —Washington, Dec’r 1814. GENTEEL BOARDING FOR Young Ladies, may be ob tained, on reasonable terms, by ap plication to Mrs. Minton, at the house lately occupied by Mr. R.ob ert Mcßea, in Washington. Clean Linen and Cotton R AGS Are wanted at this office — For which a good price will be given in cash or merchandize. Blank Indentures, for sale. I RULE NISI On the .petition of Dennis and Williams, letting forth a mortgage made to them by Laukiin (other wise Lachlan) M‘Curry, of certain land in this county in the said mort gage deferibed, conditioned for the payment by the said Laukiin to the petitioners, at a time now palled, ot a sum ot money ot which there now remains due the sum of one thous and and eighteen dollars and forty cents, with interefl thereon from the date ot the said mortgage ; and praying a rule tor payment or fore- ! clolure —lt is Ordered , That Lauch- | lan Johnlon, and John M‘Donaid, adminifirators of the said Laukiin, do pay into this court the laid sum of money with interefl and colts, before the expiration ot twelve months, or the equity of redemp tion of and to the laid land will be thenceforth forecloied. And it is further Ordered, That this rule be pubiilhed at least once in eveiy month until the time appointed tor the said payment, or served on the said adminiltrators or their lpecial .agent at least fix months previous to the said time. Georgia — Elbert Superior court, APRIL ‘TERM — 181 4. I certify the foregoing to be a truo copy from the minutes, the 18th of April, 1814. Wm : WOODS, clerk. April 30, 1814. ’ NOTICE. Psf INE months after date, appli cation will be made to the honora ble Inferior court ot Wilkes county for leave to fell one lot of land (No. —,) in the town of Walhing ton, lately occupied by William H. Corbett, deceased, and fold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Thomas Terrell, 7 ~ vJ< James Wingfield, 3 lS * September 24, 1814 NOTTCTL INE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Inferior court of Wilkes county, for leave to fell three trails of land, (to wit) one tract in Wilkes coun ty, on the waters of F idling creek, containing two hundred acres, ad joining Barney Zimmerman, and others—alio one other tradt, con taining one hundred and forty acres in said county, on the waters of Soap creek, adjoining Hammons, and others—also .one other tradl of land, containing two hundred two and a halt acres, No. 312, (in the 7th district formerly Wilkinson county,) now Telfair, being the whole of the real eliate of Job Hu guley, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. George Iluguley, Sc Alley Iluguley, adm’rs. October 8, 1814. NOTICE the expiration of nine months application will be made ro the honorable Inferior court of Wilkes county, for leave to fell a trad of land in said county, con taining three hundred and ninety acres, (more or less) it being the real estate of John Weaver, dec. to be fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Elizabeth Weaver, adm’x. Richard Sappington, t-chn’r. October 8, 1814. NOTICE. I £N nine months from the date hereof, application w ill be made for leave (to the honorable Inferior court of Wilkes county) to fell two j hundred and eighty acies cf land ’ in said county, on the waters of Camp cre.k; adjoining Halliday and others ; it being the real estate of Francis Murphcy, dec- h r rhe benefit of the In.-sri and crcditurs of said deceased. Richefon Looker, aamV-C October 8, 181 4. NOTICE Jn nine months from the c hereof application will be nfade the honorable rhe Inferior court Wilkes county, fur leave to ftl 1 . acres of land, f .id county, ad joining Duncan Bohannon and o thers, on the waters cf Newford creek ; being the real estate < t Wih liam Richardson, deceased, for du. benefit of the heirs and creditor -. ;; said deceased. Wm. RICHARDSON, May 7, 1814. adnv’r, 1 ■ 1 * •■*■*<* <H NOTICE. \ T INE months after date applb cation will be made to the honora b!e Inferior court of Wilkes courry for leave to fell fifty acres of land more or less, cn Long creek in the said county, it being the real estate of Hannah Hendtrlen, minor, dec. for the benefit of her legatees. Hannah Henderson, May 24, 181 4. adm’x. N NOTICE. INE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Inferior court of Oglethorpe county, for leave to fell a tract of land in the 15th diftrift of Wilkin son county, No. 295 —containing 202 and an half acres; being the real estate of Britain House, deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ALSEY HARTSFIELD, November 9, 1811. adrn’i* NOTICE. KT LINE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble Inferior court of Wilkes county for leave to fell 202 1-2 acres of land in Putnam county, on the wa ters of Lick creek, adjoining Wm & Hardy Pace—if being the real estate of James Tolle, dec. for the benefit of his heirs & creditors. Priscilla Tolle, adm’x James Tolle, adm’r. July 9th, 1814. * J Georgia, Wilkes county,— By D - Terrell , clerk of the court / Ordinary for said county. i HERE AS Martha W applies for letters of adtuinifira 1 on the estate of Bennett V deceased. These are therefore to cite at. admonish all and singular the dred and creditors ot said to be and appear at the next court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefaid, to shew cause, (if any they have) why laid letters should granted. Given under my hand this 2 d day : cf January, 181 1 . “ D.Terrell,C.C..Q,