The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, January 20, 1815, Image 4

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COLLECTOR'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD. On the Ist Tuesday in February next , at the Court-house in JLlberton , //? Elbert county , between the hours cf ten and three o'clock, the fol lowing property , or much thereof as will satisfy the taxes due there oh, together with the cost—viz ; “"J HREE hundred & fifty acres cfland in Elbert county, granted j (o John Coleman and others, lying on Goody's creek, adjoining James Hatcher; levied on as the property of Micajah Anthony to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 22 Dollars 57 rent:;. Aiso One hundred and eightyfeven a -of land in Elbert county, gran ted to Walker Richardson lying on Deep creek, adjoining Wm, Penn; and 400 acres in said county, grant ed >0 James Tuttle, lying on Deep creek, adjoining the heirs of Elling ton ; levied on as the property of Robert Kennedy, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —due, 14 dollars. Also One hundred acrs of land m Eibert county, granted to Vann, lying on Cedar creek, adjoining James Banks; levied upon as the property of William McGuire, to fatisfy his tax for 1813 —tax due, i Dollar 6y cents. Also Fifty acres of land in Elbert county, granted to Ralph Banks, lying on Cedar creek, adjoining Daniel Ross; levied on as the prop erty of Francis Powell, fen. to fat isfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 60 cents. Also One hundred and thirty acres of land in Elt# xounty, granted to William Hatcfier, lying on Deep creek, adjoining Samuel Bentley; levied on as the property of Charles Wallis, to fatitfy his tax &r the year 1813—tax due, 73 cents. Also Two hundred of land in Wilkinson county, lying in the 22d diftrift, No. 77, granted to Malachiah Coker, and levied on as his property to fatisfy his tax tor the year 1813—tax due 83 cents. Also Ninety acres of land in Elbert county, lying on Deep creek, ad joining William Faulkner; levied vvn as the property of John Nix, to 1 : -fy his tax for the year 1813—- due 64 cents. Also Two hundred two & a half acres c ,r ?and lying in the firfl diftrift of i klwiri county, No. 14, granted v Lewis McClane; levied upon as the property of Henry Cabinefs, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813—* ♦ax due, 82 cents. Also One negro man by the name of January ; levied on as the property of Jesse Thompson, to fatisfy his sax as a defaulter for thirteen years, viz. from the year 1800 to 1812, cnclufive—tax due, 176 dollars 24 3 4 cents. Also x j One hundred & forty-three acres of land in Elbert county, adjoining C. Sandidge, lying on Beaverdam 1 creek; levied qn as the property of Mofcs Presley, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 1 dollar <*■o cents. Also F*m hundred Pc ninefv vttc*, of lar.d in the JTid diitntt cfWayfifc county, No. 169; levied on as the property of Andrew Miller, to &t ----isfy his tax for the year 181.3 —tax due 78 cents. Also One 60 saw cotton-gin ; levied on as the property'of John Tabor, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax due 2 dollars 6 1-4 cent?. Also Three hundred and fifty acre:, of land .in Elbert county, granted to James Brock, lying on Shoal creek* adjoining Charles Berryman ; lev ied upon as the property of James Brock, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813—tax due 56 cents. Also A free man of colour by name of Peter Harper, will be hired out for a term of time that will fatisfy’ his tax as a defaulter for 1813— tax due, 8 dollars 53 cents. JOHN WILIAS* Tax-Colleftor, Elbert county. December!, 1814. SHERIFF'S SALE, WILL BE SOLD, Ob the first Tuesday in February next at the Court house in Wilkes county , between the hours cf ten and three J clock ytbefollowing property—viz oNE hundred acres of land, more or lei’s, in Wilkes county, on the waters of Long creek, adjoining Joseph Adams, and others; where on Southey Littleton lived at the time of the levy, taken as the pro perty of Andrew Crayton, to fatisfy sundry executions from the Justices court—executed and returned to Thomas Wootten former Sheriff, by Reuben Favor, constable, and by him returned to me as his successor in office. Conditions—-Cash. JOHN DYSON, Sheriff. January 6, 1815. SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL BE 6OLD, On the first Tuesday in February next at the Court-house in IViuces county , between the hours of ten fcr three o’clock, the followhg proper • ty—viz. r~wri 1 EN negroes (to wit.) Eleanor and her two children, Seaborn and Matilda; Sylvia and her two chil dren, Orry and Sopha; Milly and her three children, Eliza, Mary, and Warren; taken as the property of William Goolfby, to fatisfy sun dry executions—pointed out by the plaintiff's attorney, Also One bay horfc, two forrei mares, one forrei colt, and one bay filly, one yoke of oxen and cart, ahd sixty or seventy barrels of Corn; taken as the property of John Brad ford, to fatisfy two executions in favor of Benjamin Wootten, against said Bradford and Jesse Cox pointed out by said Cox. , Als ° One negro boy by the name oi 1 Will, about eighteen years old ta ken as the property of Melheck Turner, deceased, to fatisfy an exe * cution in favor of Maquire and Lepreftre, vs. the executors of said deceased—pointed out by the exec utors. Terms — Cash. THOMAS WOOT'iEN,D,S. ’ January 6, r.S*s. ; ‘ P: E MOT AL. jr T M X IIE fubferiber has removed his ffore to the house formerly oc ! c-ipied by S. B. Head, and having J recently made fome additions to his STOCK OF GOODS, is now enabled to offer to his cuft oruers and the public as good an ft/fortmer.t of Groceries, Dry Goods Sc Crockery-ware, as tlic times will admit of, and will very thankfully acknowledge their JOSEPH W. ROBINSON. Walhington, SOth December. LIST of LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Qffiee, Washington, Geo. 3‘?st December, 1814, LdWARD BLACK, £; James Bilbo, 3; Frederick Bali, William Beard, Dr. Clement Biliingflea, W. W. Baldwin, Mrs. Elizabeth Clements, Wm Corntlifon, John Carter, John K. M. Charlton, Mrs. Nancy Crim, Smart Cuyler, Spen cer Carlton, Butler Cooke, 2; Job Calleway, Isaac Dickin, Wm. Davidson, David Ellington, Simeon Ellington, Mrs. Sally Elliott, James Finley, Ilham Fullin, Wm. Fa vours, mrs. Tabitha Grelham, John Graham, Dr. Gillum, 2; William Gatrell, Henry & Lewis Gonald, Richard Herring, mrs. Sarah Hur ley, John Hill, mrs. Harvey, Eze kiel Harris, James Hammett, Mi chael Hindfman, Rebecca Head, Solomon Harper, Wm. Hawkins, John C. Johnson, Walter Jones, Wm. Johnson, David Kerr, John Landrum, Thomas Lafley,- Wm. Lavender, L.’ Mountcaftle, Lewis Monel, Edward Moore, mrs. Nan -1 cy Martin, Stephen Malone, John Noland, O. H. Prince, Mrs. Ann Pray, Bazel Pinkfton, mrs. Eliza Pate, 2; Benjamin Powell, Archi lious Roby, 2; Michael Rudulph, MefTrs. Scott & Thompson, —■< Snelfon, Wm. S. Taylor, Thomas Tramet, John Thompson, Dr. Jas. Tinlley, Mary Tucker, Peggy Wil liams, Captain H. Williams, Eliza Weaver, mrs. Mary Wilde, Rev. Thomas Williams, 3 ; mrs. Sarah Williams, Robert Watts, major Ja cob Wood, Simon Weticer, Luke Watson. JAMES WINGFIELD, | January 6, 1815. Post-Master. Administrator's Sale. ; Will be Sold, !On Saturday the 18th of Feb ; ruary next, at the late residence of | William Leverett, dec. in Wilkes county. —All the personal property ; of said deceased, confiding of hor | fes, cattle, sheep, hogs, household I and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, &c. &c. Terms of the sale I will be made known on that day. ABRAHAM.LEVERETT, January 6, 1815. adm'r. * ‘"*■ *"■’ “ r , Administrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, On Friday the 17th day of February next, at the late residence of Nathan Holtzclaw, deceased, i& Wilkes county. —One HORSE, BRIDLE and SADDLE, it being the property of Ambrose Beasley, deceased. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. ROY LAND BEASLEY, January 13, *Bi£. adro'f. mrs. r/cvri-n CjJ RATEFUL to her patroa> ! for their liberal feipperr, solicits a * further continuation of it, and in > forms them (he has removed her ! fchool to the house lately occupied I by Mr. Henry T. Anthony, where ■ she will receive twenty pupils and I four boaraers oniy. Her terms are , altered to the following ; Day Scholars, Jst cials, ’ dotk.r^ | {jper quarter) 2d clafi 4 del 1 art Sd ciafs 3 dollars ! Boarding and tuition, in cluding the French lan guage—per year— ! 00 do!. Boarding & tuition m the 2d and 3d clatles, 80 doi. (payable quarterly in advance.) Music, per year, 44 dob Drawing and painting, 22 dob French, to day scholars, 22 dci^ Waffling, per year, 9 cob Each pupil to find her bedding Examinations three times a \e.s To thofc parents and guardian* who are anxious to have their forjs (who attend the Rev. Mr P A) taught French, Mrs F*ow--n r. forms Vill receive ter ?'% pils On Wednesday evening and Saturday morning, for inftrudnr.g them in the French language. Terms— 6 dollars per quarts in advance. —I-I I .1 ■ !■— —i ‘ 1 , > l**. . CAT Mr. Hall has left with me the watches of his cuj tomers, who are earnestly de sired no call fbr them ah ecor. as possible. - Mr. HALL requeffs me to make, his mod grateful acknowledge ments to his numerous cuffonv and the public in general for the very extentive patronage and c > .n ----dence with which he has been A vored during his residence in Waffu ington, and which nothing coulJ have induced him to relinquifn but his ill health and the necessity .f his presence at the NorthwW 5 n fome private affairs of the moft cuC, tressing nature. He proposes to ?• turn as fooa as those affairs area fettled. .w *** The subscriber has watc Ciirystalb of all sizes. JEREMIAH LOBDELL, January 6th, 1814, ’ r “ ‘ n , Administrator’s Sale. Will be Sold, On Friday, the ryth day of February next, at the plantation whereon Nathan Holtzclaw, dec. formerly resided.—AH the personal est ate of said deceased, on a credit of twelve months. JINCY HOLTZCLAW, January 13, 1815. adtn’s. MISS BURNS HAVING purchased a set of tools for Watch—making, will repair watches when pre sented to her at Mrs. Hill house’s, her place of residence j —Washington, Dec’r 1814. Clean Jrinen and Cottoiv | RAGS Are wanted at this office — ; For which a good price will he i given in cash or merchandizeA | Dlxni: Indentures, for