The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, January 27, 1815, Image 2
1 >:‘1~ ‘ffi ’/ ---’ tjoV>~ •K 1 Washington Hotel/ If 1 LEVI H. ECHOLS,! PRESENTS hrs compliments to his friends and the public in general, and informs them that having *g* purchased the premises formerly occupied by Major W Worsham as a tavern, will continue to entertain jj genteel travellers and hoarders on reasonable terms, ff j|| He feels a degree of confidence when he invites -2j strangers to his house, as he is determined by the ffj’ most unremitted attention to his business, to merit 11* thoir patronage- *’ |J ■sh. N. B. He takes this method of informing his <9Jf ~ : ml friends and the public in general, that he has removed :S? ‘jj: his STORE to the north end of His present residence, sl^ 2 where he intends keeping a constant supply of fresh Ip goods, which he will dispose of cheap for cash or H “59 cotton. ‘iSS C? APPLY SOOK. A BARGAIN may be had in the plantaton beloging to the estate of Robert M.‘Rea, deceasdtl, containing 400 acres within fotir miles of Wash ’irtgton. R. It. M’Rea, -January 27, 1815. ExT. LAST NOTICE. ; persons indebtlcl to me are informed, that expence and trouble may be avoided by making immediate payment of their respective notes and accompts, as no longer indul gence will be given, William Grant. January 27 t/i, 1815. —w—■— ■ ■— m n’ ■■ ■ ■■■ mmm* ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ‘W ■■■ —mi Administrator’s Sale. Will be Sold. ON Wednesday, the firft day of March next, at the late ltfidence of James Ruffeli, deceased, in Lin coln county.—All the perfanal pro perty of said deceased, confiding of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, a quantity of wheat, with fuadry other articles Coo tedious to mention. Also two NEGROES will be hired for the ensuing year. The terms will be made known on the day of sale. SARAH RUSSELL, adtn’x. BENJAMIN RUSSELL, January 20, 1815. adrn’r. • Georgia, Wilkes county, — By Da vid Terrell, clerk of the mat of Ordinary for said county . HEREAS Wm. Simpson applies for letters of administration on the estate of John Wingfield, deceased. Thele are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the next court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefaid, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 1 6th day (ts January, 1815. A Terrell, C€.o, David P. Hilikouse Is a candidate for the appoint ment of Lieutenant Colonel to the regiment of second class militia , in General Daniels’ , division, — y—ib— * Administrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, Thursday the ninth day of March next, at the late rtlidence of Major John A. Patterson, dec. in Wilkes county. All the person al property of laid deceased, con fitting of.two waggons, horses and harness, two ftilh, and several oth er articles too tedious to mentions Twelve months credit will be given, by the purchaser giving bonds with approved security. JOHN W. COOPEP, January 27, 1814, adrrdr. Notice perfoos having demands against the estate of Wm. Hughes, deceased, are required to bring them in properly authenticated within the time preferibed by law, and an thole indebted, to make im mediate payment to Barnard H. Hughes, ) qualified John Dyson, If > Ex- Thomas ‘Lasley , j ecuiors. January 27, 181 y. 3w. GEORGIA, Oglethorpe County. RT Matthew Rainey, Clerk cf the Court of Ordinary for said county. WHEREAS George Lump kin and Christopher Bowen, ap plies for letters of adminift ration on the estate of Robert M < Gary, dec. These ate therefore to cite and, ’ admonish all arid singular the kind ’ red and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the next Court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county of Oglethorpe, then and there to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should net be granted. Given under *y hand this 5/ D day of January , 1815. Matthew Ramey, e. c. ©. Clean Linen Cf Cotton rags Are wanted at this office — For which a good price will he Qifien in- cffnh fir merchandise. €f>LL£CTtfß's SALE. ; WILL RE SOLD. —- On the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court-house in Washington, in Wilkes county , between the hours cf ten t and three o'clock, the fol lowingproperty, or as much thereof as will satisfy the taxes due tkerc cn, together with the cost—viz : Tw O hundred two and an half acres of land, more or less, third quality, No. 170, in the third dif tridl of Wilkinson county, granted to Roderick Eafley, and levied on as the property of said Eafiey, to fatisfv his tax for the year 1813 tax due 1 dollar, 12 1-2 cents. Also Two hundred two ar i an half acres of pine land, mor; or less, ly ing in the second diikrict of Wilk iufon county, No. 197, granted to Lucy R. Wynn, and levied on as her property, to fatisfy her tax for thp year 1813 —tax due 2 Jollam •and 99 cents. Also One hundred acres of land, more or less, third quality, in Oglethorpe county, on the waters of Long creek, adjoining Woodruff, granted to Trueball, and levied on as* the property of Andrew Craten, to fat isly his tax for the year 1813— tax due 6 dollars 07 cents. THOMAS ANDERSON, Tax Collector, Wtikes county- January 27, 1815. SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, Cm the first Tuesday tn March next, at the Court-House in Wilkes coun ty, between the hours cf ten and three o'clock, the following proper ty — viz: C J*NF. negro man named Jim, nfty-feven years of age, also one waggon at this time unfinifhed, taken as the property of George Walton, to fatisfy an execution in favor cf George Walton. Conditions Cash. William Johnson, D. S. January 27, 1815. NOTICE- NiNE-ornhs after date appli. cation will be made to the honora ble the Inferior court of Greene county, for leave to fell five hun dred and forty-five acres of land, more or less, in said county, being the real estate o£ Wm. Teafey, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. ANN VEASEY, January 27, 1815. Executrix. r -t r GEORGIA, Oglethorpe county . By Matthew Rainey clerk of the court cf Ordinary, for said county. HEREAS John Noell, ap plies for letters of administration on the estate cf Robert Noell, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and lingular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased to be and appeal at the next court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefaid, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. • Given under my band this 1 £ib day cf January, 1815. “ r Matthew Rainey, C. c- o. Bla.ik Deeds for sale—-,n,office, OletaiA—Ogletharp2 county. ‘ By Matt hem. Raines, Clerk of the court of Ordinary, for sail e ratty. VV HEREAS Polly King, ap plies for iettor? of aJn iniftration on the estate of Etnr.ett King, dec. These are therefore to cite and admor.ifh all and singular the kin dred and creditors of Lid deceafed* to be and appear* at the next co: n of Ordinary to be held in aiv’ K * the county of Ogietborpe. rh * : there to shew caufe,((if. f cr y ri f have) why said lette-r f. ouki t ‘i be granted. Given unde?’ ‘ey la: ! tats 1 \ ‘• day of January, 1 * r r Matthew Presehi%nt3 cf the Q::r i GEORGIA. At a Superior Court hel * in .: ‘i for the county of Wilkes, Janu ary term, 1815. present the Hen. Toung Gresham. WE the Grand Jury for thf. county of Wilkes, at January term* 1815, present as a grievance— That the road leading from Washington to Wiiliamfon , ‘s mil l , has been negle&ed for the want of Cornmiffioners in Capt. diftridl; they therefore recommend that the Inferior court cf this conn. 1 ty, appoint commiilioners in said diftrift. Secondly—We present as a griev ance of an alarming nature, that the Patrol laws are not enforced ac cording to their teno;% and we ear nestly recommend to those officers and Patroles to whom the execu tion of those laws are entrusted, to be watchful and vigilant in the di.h charge ot their duty, and we fur ther earnestly entreat the reprefeu tatives from this counry, at the next fefiion oK the Legifljture, to ufo their beff endeavors to effect a total revision of the Patrol iaws low ill force in this state. Thirdly—We recommend that the honorable the Inferior court proceed to the purchase of a T. c rr Lots in the town of Walhc i .. suitable to eretil a Court-Houh; a’ i Jail upon. We with confide net make this recommetidation, as i .-.. find from the information wb; ty we have derived from the Clerks Book of entries, the county fund* to be ample for the effectuation J so desirable an ob;ocf. We recommend that the forego ing preftntments be advertised ; . 44 The Friend y Monitor.” Bolling Anthony, r. m. William Tripktt, § Thomas Gresham, James Sprat ling Jones, Thomas Talbot. § Abner Wellbornc , Francis Gartrell,\john I). Leonard t William Gill , § Arch'd. Gresham^ John 11 ‘ingfield, § Johnson Wellborn David Simpson, %R. Tarter , Daniel Owens, A, Simjr.s, Gilbert Hay, § Osborne Stens', Wm, G. Gilbert, \joel Chirers. In adverting to the lare conduct of the Executive and Judiciary tk> partments cf thegov|rnment, in rea lation to the alleviating fiftein, we believe there is offered in the refill? of their deliberations, jufl cause ct congratulation, to the In a government like ours where the right of opinion is secured to all, and where that opinion is lion est iv’ and modestly expressed, we flat'r r ourselves in the cxercifi of tbr/ right, no re?.fcrrjb!e *!TT.brag ci'w TTifef