Newspaper Page Text
6dl££CTbfl’fl SALS
Oti the ist Tuesday in February next,
at the Court-house in Elberton, in
Elbert county, between the hours
if ten and three o*clock, the-fol
lowing property , or as much thereof
as will satisfy the taxes due there
on. together With the cost — ■'viz:
HREE hundred & fifty acres
Cffland in Elbert county, granted
to John Coleman and others, lying
on Coody’s creek, adjoining James
Hatcher; levied on as the property
ot Micajah Anthony to fatisfy his
tax for the year 1813 —tax due 2-2
Dollars 57 cents.
One hundred and eighty-seven a
cres of land in Elbert county, gran
ted to Walker Richardson lying on
Deep creek, adjoining Wm. Penn j
•and 400 acres in said county, grant
ed to James Tuttle, lying on Deep
creek, adjoining the heirs of Elling
ton ; levied on as the property of
Robert Kennedy, to fatisfy his tax
Tor the year 1813 —due, 14 dollars.
One hundred acres of land in
‘Elbert county, granted to Vann,
lying on Cedar creek, adjoining
James Banks; levied upon as the
property of William McGuire, to
fatisfy his tax for 1813 —tax due,
1 Dollar 67 cents.
Fifty acres of land in Elbert
county, granted to Ralph Banks,
lying on Cedar creek, adjoining
Daniel Ross; levied on as the prop
erty of Francis Powell, fen. to fat
fsfy his tax for the year 1813 —tax
due .69 cents.
v Also
One hundred and thirty acres cf
land in Elbert county, granted to
William Hatcher, lying on Deep
‘creek, adjoining Samuel Bentley;
levied on as the property of Charles
Wallis, to fatisfy his tax for the
Two hundred two & a half acres
of land in Wilkinson county, lying
in the 22d diftrift, No. 77, granted
to Malachiah Coker, and levied on
ss his property to fatisfy his tax for
the year 1813 —tax due 83 cents.
Ninety acres of land in Elbert
county, lying Deep creek, ad
joining William Faulkner; levied
on as the property of John Nix, to
fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —
tax due 64 cents.
Two hundred two 8c a half acres
of land lying in the firft diftrift of
Baldwin county, No. 14, granted
to Lewis McClane ; levied upon as
the property of Henry Cabinefs, to
fatisfy his tax for the year 1813 —
\ tax due, 82 cents.
\ Also
One negro man by the name of
i January ; levied on as the property
of Jesse Thompson, to fatisfy his
tax as a defaulter for thirteen years,
f viz. from the year 1800 to 1812,
j * inclusive—tax due, 176 dollars 24
D 3-4 cents.
V v Also
7 One hundred & forty-three acres
*af land in Elbert county, adjoining
V C. Sandidge, lying on Beaverdam
creek; levied on as the property
.of Moses Presley, to fatisfy his tax
, for the year 1813 —tax due j dollar
\jso cents.
Four hundred & ninety acres of
iaud in diftriftbf W^yne
county, No. 169; levied on as the
property of Andrew Miller, to fat
isfy his tax* for the year 1813 —tax
due 78 cents.
One 60 saw cotton-gin ; levied
on as the property of John Tabor,
to fatisfy his tax for the year 1813
—tax due 2 dollars 61 -4 cents.
Three hundred and fifty acres of
land in Elbert’county, granted to
James Brock, lying on Shoal creek,
adjoining Charles Berryman ; lev
ied upon as the property of James
Brock, to fatisfy his tax for the
year 1813 —tax due 56 cents.
Also |
A free man of colour by name 1
of Peter Harper, will be hired out
for a term of time that will fatisfy
his tax as a defaulter for 1813—-
tax due, 8 dollars 53 cents.
Tax-Colleftor, Elbert county.
December 2, 1814.
On the first Tuesday in February next j
at the Court-house in Wilkes county , i
between the hours of ten and three j
o'dock,thefollowing property—viz.
oNE hundred acres of land, 1
more or less, in Wilkes county, on j
the waters of Long creek, adjoining i
Joseph Adams and others; where- !
on Southey Littleton lived at the
time of the levy, taken as the pro
perty of Andrew Crayton, to fatisfy
sundry executions from the jultices
court —executed and returned to
Thomas Wootten former Sheriff,
by Reuben Favor, constable, and by,
him returned to me as his successor
in office.
Conditions — Cash.
JOHN DYSON, Sheriff.
January 6, 1815.
— .. ■ , ,
On the first Tuesday in February next
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county ,, between the hours of ten ‘id
three o'clock, the following proper*
ty — viz.
ft EN negroes (to wit.) Eleanor
and her two children, Seaborn and
Matilda; Sylvia and her two chil
dren, Orry and Sopha; Milly and
her three children, Eliza, Mary,
and Warren ; taken as the property
of William Goolfby, to fatisfy lun
dry executions—pointed out by the
plaintiff’s attorney.
One bay hone, two sorrel mares,
one sorrel colt, and one Lay filly,
one yoke of oxen and cart, and
sixty or feverty barrels of Corn j
taken as the property of John Brad
ford, to fatisfy two executions in
favor of Benjamin Wootten, against
said Bradford and Jesse Cox
pointed out by said Cox.
! . One negro boy by the name of
Will, about eighteen years old ; ta
ken as the property of Mefheck
Turner, deceased, to fatisfy an exe
cution in favor of Maquire and
Lepreftre, vs. the executors of said
deceased—pointed out by the exec
’ utors.
. Terms — Cash.
January 6, 18 iy,
■ ryy
JL H E fubferiher has removed
his store to the house formerly oc
cupied by S. B. Head, and having
recently made feme additions to his
is now enabled to effer to his cust
omers and the public as good an
affortmeut. of Groceries, Dry
, Goods & Crockery-ware, as
the times will admit of, and will
very thankfully acknowledge their
Wafliington, 30th December.
Administrator's Sale.
Will be Sold, |
Saturday the 18th of Feb
ruary next, at the late relidence of
William Leverett, dec. in Wilkes. 1
County. —All the personal property
of said deceased, confiding of hor
ses, cattle, (heep, hogs, household
and kitchen furniture, plantation
tools, &c. &c. Terms of the sale
will be made known on that day.
January 6, 1815. adm’r.
Administrator’s Sale.
On Friday the 17th day ct 1
February next, at the late residence
ot Nathan Holtzclaw, deceased, in
Wilkes county. —One HORSE,
BRIDLE and SADDLE, it being
the property of Ambrose Beasley,
deceased. Terms will be made
known on the day of sale.
January 13, 1815. * adm’r.
Cji RATEFUL to her patrons
for their liberal support, solicits a
further continuation of it, and in
forms them she has removed her
fchool to the house lately occupied
by Mr. Henry T. Anthony, where
she will receive twenty pupils and
four boarders only. Her terms are
altered to the following:
Day Scholars, lstclafs, 5 dollars
( per quarter ) 2d clals 4 dollars
3d class 3 dollars
Boarding and tuition, in
cluding the French lan
guage-—per year — 100 do!.
Boarding & tuition in the
2d and 3d classes, 80 dol.
(payable quarterly in advance.)
Music, per year, 44- dols
Drawing and painting, 22 dols
French, to day scholars, 22 dols
Washing, per year, 9 dols
Each pupil to find her bedding.
Examinations three times a year.
To those parents and guardians
who are anxious to have their sons
(who attend the Rev. Mr. Reid)
; taught French, Mrs* Bowen in
forms them the will receive ten pu
pils on Wednesday evening and
Saturday morning, for inftrufting
them in the French language,
j Terms—6 dollars per quarter
I in advance.
HAVING purchased a set
of tools for Watch-making,
will repair watches when pre
sented to her at Mrs. Mill
house’s, her place of residence
Washington, Dec'r 1811.
• - *- F
Administrators Sr-;-.
Will be Sold,
Friday, the 17th day of
February next, at the plantation
whereon Nathan “Holtzclaw, dec.
formerly redded.—All the personal
estate ot said deceased, on a credit
of Jwelve months.
January 13, 1815. ad:n'x
- ■ • - * - - -- - ■ I—■■■■! - ——■
Administrator’s Sale, y
Will be Solo, <
() N Wednesday, the 22r.d # day
ot February next, at the fubffrihers
house in Oglethorpe couoty, the
personal property ot Robert Phelps;
deceased, confiding of two likely
NEGROES, by order of the hon
orable Court ot Ordinary of said
R. O. HAYNES, adm’r.
January 20, 1815. >
O.N the petition of Dennis and
Williams, felting forth a a
mane to them by Lauklin (other
wise Lachlan) M‘Curry, of certain
land in this county in the said mort
gage deferibed, conditioned for the
payment by the laid Lauklin to thd
petitioners, at a time now palled, of
alum of money of which there now
remains due the turn of one thous
and and eighteen dollars and forty
cents, with interest thereon from
the date ot the said mortgage; and
praying a rule for pay met. t or fore
clofure—lt is Ordered, ThSr Lauch
lan Johnson, and John M‘Douaid,
administrators of the said Lauklin,
do pay into this court the laid turn
of money with interest and coils,
before the expiration of- twelve,
months, or the equity of redemp
tion of and to the laid land will be
thenceforth foreciofed. And it is
further Ordered, That this rule be
published at lead once in eveiy
month until the time appointed for
the said payment, or served on the
said adminiflrators or their fpeciat
agent at lead fix months previous
to the said time.
Georgia—Elbert Superior court , )
April rERM —1814.
I certify the foregoing to be ? trua
copy from the minutes, the ; Btf\
of April, 1814.
Wm: WOODS , clerk.
1 April 30, 1814.
I \T
• INE months after date appli
cation will be made ro the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes county,
for leave tc fell three t rafts of land,
(to wit) one traft in Wilkes coun
-1 ty, on the waters of Falling creek,
containing two hundred acres, ad
joining Barney Zimmerman, and
! others—also one other traft, ccn
| taining one hundred and forty
1 in said county, cm the wafers of
j Soap creek, adjoining Hammons,
! and others—also one oher traft of
land, containing tw’o hundred two
and a half acres, No 312. (in the
7th diflrift formerly Wilkinson
county,) now Telfair, Heine
whole of the real estate of Toh Hu
guley, dec. for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceafed*
George Huguley, h
Alley Huguley, adin’rs
Oftober 8, 1814.
-■•■U’ ‘ ■“ L ■■ ■ ■ ■■■*-
Blank Indentures, for sale-