The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, February 03, 1815, Image 1
THE FRIEND AND MONITOR, T,U dollars per cnnum f ~\ \ glume I.J A2* Hks&ikifc ’ n, - A -#•, % Ase 5 . ?: j§ VVashington Hotel, P U.LEVIH. ECHOLS,! ■%! PRESENTS his compliments to his friends and Jg* vi; the public 111 general, and informs them that having py y-i: purchased the premises formerly occupied by Major :l> ■•u Worsham as a tavern, will continue to entertain E M genteel travellers and boarders on reasonable terms, id T He feels a degree of confidence when he invites f M strangers to Ins house, as he 13 determined by the If 5 most unremitted attention to his business, to merit rs Jgs their patronage. N. R. tie takes this metliod of informing his V *'• -f friends and the public in general, that he has removed !P and, ; his STORE to the north end of his present residence, & yL where he intends keeping a constant supply of fresh - £ V goods, which he will dispose of cheap for cash Or V cotton. %•- :jT ]1 A I D P. HILLIIOUS £ h a car air for the appoint ir ml lieutenant Colonel to i'n regiment of second class Ti / itia , in General Daniels’ division. . AfTLY SOON. A. BARGAIN may be had m the plantaton beloging to the estate of Robert MJRea, deceased, containing 400 acres within four miles (A’ Wash ington. R. H. M’Rea, January 27, 1815. Lx t. LAST NOTICE. ..AcET persons indebted to me are informed, that expence and trouble may be avoided bv making immediate navment cf their respective notes and accompts, as no longer indul gence will be given. William Grant. J anuary 2 7 th , 1815. Administrator’s Sale. Will be Sold. N Wednesday, the flrfi day of March next, at the late residence of James Ruffe!!, deceased, in Lin coln county.—-All the personal pro perty of said deceased, confiding of Uorfes, Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep, iiGukhold and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, a quantity of wheat, with sundry other articles too tedious to mention. Also two NEGROES will be hired for the ensuing year. The terms will be made known on the day of sale. SARAH RUSSELL, adm’x. BENJAMIN RUSSELL, January ao, 1815. ?drn’r. PUBLISHED, (weekly) BY JOHN’ K M. CHARLTON. WASHINGTON , (Geo*.)—FRIDAY, FEBRUARY- St rs, 1815. Administrator’s Sale WILL .BE SOLI;, On Thursday the ninth day cf March next, at the late residence of Major John A. Patterson* dec. in Wilkes county. —All.the pet fori* al property of said deceased, con fiding of two waggons, horses and harness, two Rills, and several oth er articles too tedious to mention. Twelve months credit will be given, by the purchaser giving bonds with approved fecuriry. JOHN W. COOPER, January 27, 1814. adrrdr. Georgia-* -Og let horpe county. By Matt been, Rainey, Clerk cf the coart of Ordinary for said county. HERE AS Polly King, ap plies for letters of adniiniftration on the ertate of Bennett King, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Angular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the next court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county of Oglethorpe, then and there to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 16th day cf J'anuary, 181^. Matthew Rainey, c. c. o. GEORGIA, Oglethorpe county. By Matthew Rainey clerk of the court of Ordinary, for said count-;. WHEREAS John Noell, ap plies for letters of adminidration on the effate of Robert Noell, dec. These are therefore to cite and ndmoniih all and Angular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased to be and appeal at the next court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefaid, to fhe\\’ cause (if any they have) why fakn letters should not be granted. | 1 Given under my hand this : (■re day of y anuary, 1815. JHT Matthew Rainey, c. &m. VIRTUE, LIBERTY, AND SCIENCE. UOLLECiOR’s SALE. ft. WILL BE SOLD. Oe //>c Tuesday in April next, at the Court-house in Washington , Wilkes county , between the hours of 4cn and three o'clock, the fol lowing property , or nu thereof as will satisfy the taxes clue there on. together with the cost —viz : r~jr\ J[ WO hundred two and an half acres cf land, more or less, third qurfi'ty, No. 170, in the third dif trid of Wilkinion county, granted to Rock rick Eafley, and levied on as the property of laid Eafley, to fatisfy his tax lor the year 1813 — tax due 1 dollar, 12 1-2 cents. Aiso Two hundred two and an half acres of pine land, more or less, ly ing in the second diilrid of \Vilk in Iph county, No. 197, granted to Lucy H Wynn, and levied on as ‘ner property, to fatisfy her tax for the year 1813—rax due 3 dollars and 99 cents. A La One hundred acres of land, more nr Tfs, third quality, in Oglethorpe covvy, on the Waters of Long creek, adjoining Woodruff, granted to Trueba’d, and levied on as the property of Andrew Oaten, to fat isfy his tax for the year 1813 tax du * 6 dollars 97 CvUts. ‘THOMAS ANDERSON, Tax Collector , Wilkes county. I January 27, 1813. j SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, On the first Tuesday m March next , at the Court-House in Wilkes coun ty, between the hours of ten and three o'clock , the following proper ty—viz :■ Y"V_ . . \ Jf'.Nn negro man named J;m, fifty-feven years of age, also one waggon at this time unfiniflicd, I taken as the property of George Walton, to fatisfy an execution in i favor of George Walton. Conditions Cash . William Johnson, D. S'. January 27, 1815. NOTICE. N INE months after date appli cation will be made to the honora ble the Inferior court of Greene county, for leave to fell five hun dred and forty-five acres of land, more or less, in fa id county, being the real eflateof Wm. Veafey, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. ’ ANN VEASEY, January 27, 1815. Executrix. MISS BURNS HAVING purchased a set i OI tools for W ATCH—MAKING, |will repair watches when pre sented to her at Mrs. Hill house’s, her place of residence ’ --"-Washington. Tn.-e'v 13 ].a; half yearly. - bud ted States’ Congress. IN SENATE. Thursday, January 12. The Senatorial committee have not yet been able to prepare their report tm the amendments of the* 1 Houfe'of Representatives, to the Bank Bill. Saturday , January i4. The Senate resumed the coniid eration of the report of their fele# committee on the amendments re ceived from the Houle of Represen tatives to the bill “■ to incorporate the fubferibers to the Bank .of the United States cf America ” On the proposition to make the fixed capital of the Bank thirty five fin (lead of thirty millions, as pro posed by the House) there were- For the increase —Mdfrs. Ander son, Barbour, Bibb... Chafe, Condi:, Giles, Kerr, Lacocfc, Morrow, Ro berts, Smith, Tair, Taylor, Turner, Varnum, Walker, Wharton.—l 7 Against it —Messrs. Brown, Dag gett, Dana, Eronientin, Gaillard- German, Gere, Hori'ey, Hunter, King, Lambert, Mason, Thompson/ Wells.— 14. On the proposition to encreafr by five millions the amounnt o\ public debt on war flock to be sub fcribable to the batik, the vote waStf precisely the fame as the above. AJter making further progress i:;. the difeuflion the Senate adjourned, before they had gone through th: 5 # bill. Monday , January 16. The Senate were engaged near!/ the whole of the day on the amend-, inents to the National Bank bill j, which iuhp.Cl they finifhed just be fore adjournment. They have a greed to the amendments of the’ lloufe, amended by increafmg the capital five millions, so as to make if thirty-five, and reinflating the fec tiou to authorife the bank, in ca£. of necessity, to iufpend payment i*. fpecife. non SR OF REPRESENT A FIVES. Monday , January 16. The several bills ordered on SaN urday to be engr oiled for a third reading, were read a third time and puffed. [[Among these was the bill authorising the raffing of lixteen. companies of rangers, to serve as mounted men or otherwise, for the defence of the frontiers of the Uni ted States, and to repeal the a£ts now in force for that purpofe.j South-Carolina has placet* at the difpolition of the government of the United States, 260,(100 dol lars, to pay the troops in that quar* ter, to be puffed to the credit of the date in anticipation of its quota of the direct tax. v The honorable particulars of this tranfa&ion (hall be recorded. State troops.— -The legisla ture of South-Carolina has puffed a law to raise a brigade of date troop?, ami elected Daniel Elliott Huger , brigadier-general. Such examples merit the attention of every itafp H the Unio*!.— Charleston paper, * ’ [Number 4,