Newspaper Page Text
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• FRIDAY, March 3d.
Cs* In the 45th line of the second
column and third page of our last pa
per the •word prescribed will be
foundy which should be ascribed.
I We present in our columns of to
1 day, various articles on the fubjeft
of peace, which places its truth be
yond a doubt: we prefutn# by the
next mail, to be enabled to furnifh
our readers with the official ratifica
tion. Congress on the 16th ihft.
fat with closed doors—the fubjedl
of debate was the negociation, and
from letters received here from
Washington, dated the 18th inst.
there can be little doubt entertain
ed but Congress will be unanimous
in their reception of the treaty, and
that reception highly favourable.
sjr The gentleman who request
ed the Justices convened through
the medium of this paper on the 2d
Saturday in this month, is requeft
fid to call and leave his name.
The young gentlemen of Wafh
tngton and its vicinity are request
ed to attend at the Library room,
(Monday evening at 3 o’clock)—
The obje& of this meeting is to
form by-laws and regulations for
the better organization of a Society
to be entitled THE THESPIAN
It is contemplated on this eve
ning to fele& fome suitable dram
<na for immediate representation for
the benefit of the public buildings.
$ y It is hoped that the innocent
diversion of the Dramma, in which
the various principles and paflions
pf the foul are so confpicuoully por
trayed, will be considered by the
rational parr of the community, as
Cto immoral or unprofitable waste
of time: For what can be more
laudable than holding the mirror up
Cos nature, (Hewing virtue its own
image and vice its own folly. The
Dramma does this; or it leaves on
the mind, a recolie&ion sweet, if
not improving; strong, if not con
vidfing, and by exhibiting the con
fraft of virtue and vice, serves as a
Heacon to guide the giddy and the
young from-thofe rocks on which
they often ftnke.and fink as wrecks
(qrever. A
£s* Several CoiAhuicica tions,
and much interesting mafljer, are una
voidably crowded out.
In New-Bedford, Mass. the U.S.
Collector, proceeded to fell the re
al estate of 30 persons for the Di
rect Taxes—No person would bid
and the property wos knoced off
Cos the United States.
The people of the town of New
buryport, have addressed a spirited
remonstrance to ‘the Legislature of
Massachusetts, aginft the oppressive
flieafures of the general govern
ment, and pledged their hearts and
hands to aid in carrying into effeC
any measures which the Legislature
many adopt to refill them. The
remonstrance was read and com
The subscriber has just received
8 frefh supply of goods, amongst
which is a quantity of Iron Wire,
of different sizes—suitable for rid
'dles or screens. ,
Lefri H. Echblg*
Washington, March £•
3ffl£RfFP*s SALE.
On the first Tuesday in April neat*
at the Court-house in Elbert county ,
between the hours of ten and three
Two feather beds, bedsteads &
furniture, 7 split-bottom chairs, 1
spinning wheel, 1 clock reel and
sundry other artiles of household &
kitchen furniture, together with
sundry articles of farming ute ris—
all in the poffefion of Peter St-'v. ?.11 -
levied on as the property lo'in
Tabor, to fatify sundry executions.
Two cows and 1 yearling, two
likely two year old heifers ; levied
on as the property of Robert Rice,
to fatisfy executions favor of
Thomas Oliver, and others.
Conditions cash.
March 3, 1815.
On the first Tuesday in April next ,
at the Court-House in Elbert coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
three o'clock, the following pro
Three negroes, a woman by the
name of Alfa, and her two children
John & Matilda, in my poffefion ;
levied on as the property of R hod
eric Eafley, Junr. to fatisfy an ex
ecution in faVor of Win. Chifohn.
Two negroes, a man by the name
of Simms, pointed out by the de
fendant, the other a girl, by the
name of Hannah, both in the pos
session of Matthew J. Willis, Senr.
levied on as the property of Mica
jah Anthony, to fatify an execution
in favor of William C, Stokes.
On hundred and twenty fivo
acres of land more or less, well im
proved, in Elbert county on Pick
ings creek, adjoining James Lock
hart and others; levied on as the
property of Ephram Allen, to fatisfy
an execution in favor of William
One negroe boy by the name of
Miles; levied on as the property
of Jesse Thompson, to fatify 2 ex
ecutions, one in favor of John Tit
tle, the other in favor of Thomas
Cook, Efqr. & John Childs, conft.
for cost, and in the poffefion of the
Four hundred acres of land,
j more or less, in Elbert county,
j well improved, with a fifty saw
cotton mafhine on said premises, on
| the waters of Wawhach creek, ad
joining James Morison and others j
levied on as the property of Eliza
beth Whitman, to fatisfy an execu
: tion in favor of Young Bohannon,
One negroe man, by the name
of Jacob j levied on as the property
of Jesse Thompson, to fatisfy sun
dry executions issued from thejuf
tices court, returned to me by John
Nash, constable.
Four negroes, viz. Pheby and
Edney, tow* women in the poffefion
of Freeborn Luce, Amey and her
child Clark, in the poffefion of
George Cook, F.sqr. levied cn as
the property of Lewis Irons, to fa
tify sundry executions issued from
the Justices court, returned tp me
by. Rpntym Cook* coll* *.
I A *
, .iv;sv
Orie negroe girl Alfred, in the
poffeflion of Freeborn Luce ; levied
on as the property of Lewis Iron, to
fatisfy three executions in favor of
Thomas Stokes, E. H. Cumtning&
Robt. Thompson. Conditions cash.
March 3, 1815.
*■ ...... .. ..
Collector’s Sale.
Will be sold to the highest bidder , on
the firist Tuesday in May next ,
at the Court House in Elbert county ,
between the usual hours , the fol
lowing property, or so much there
of as will be sufficent to satisfy
the Tax duefor 1812.
One house and lot in Petersburg,
the property of Alexander Pope,
agent for the Petersburg Mercantile
store. Tax due 24 dollars 75 cts.
Also ( :
One trail of land in Elbert
county, on the waters of Wahatch
ey creek, adjoining James Morrison
and others, containing one hundred
acres, returned by Nathan W.
Whitman. Tax due for 1811 and
1812—3 dollars 27 cents.
One tra£l of 50 acres on the wa
ters of Davis creek, Elberf county,
adjoining Sarah Lowremore, re
turned by William Hathcock.—
Tax due 41 cents.
One tract of 50 acres on the wa
ters of Deep creek, Elbert county,
adjoining Wtn. Lunsford, return’d
by John Stone. Tax due 41 cts.
March 3, t 8 15,
’ On the first Tuesday in April next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten £sf
three o'clock , the following proper
ty — viz.
ITwo Negroes (to wit) Bob and
Tenor, Bob fifty years old, Tenor
I 45 do. Taken as the property cj
j Joseph Anthony deed, to fatisfy an
execution in favour cf Robert
Moore for Moses Haynes vs. :he
Executors of said deceased.
Two Negroes (to wit) Nelly 40
years old and Jacob £5 do. taken,
as the property of William Over
ftreet to fatisfy sundry executions
in favour of James Carter & others
vs. said Overftreet pointed out by
One Negro woman named Chios
35 or 40 years old, one waggon 8c
t.wo horses, taken as the property of
Vincent B. Low, to fatisfy sun
dry executions in favour of Lewis
Prudehomme and others vs. said
Low, pointed out by defendant.
One Negro woman named Amy
35 years old, taken as the property
of Christopher Binns to fatisfy sun
dry executions vs. said Binns, in
favour cf William & Felix Gilbert
and others, pointed out by defend
One hundred and fifty acres of
land, (more or less) in Wilkes
’ county on the waters of Upton creek
adjoining William Thornton and
others, whereon John Jones now
lives, with the improvements there
on, taken as the property of Solo
mon Thornton to fatisfy an execu
tion in favonr of John Hill & Cos.
against: Sotoman Thornton & Re
nv Cole, pointed on: bv plaintiffs-
/VI so
One Negro girl fix years old, y;
ken as the property of Benjamiir
Smith, to fatisfy sundry executions*
from the Justice’s court. Execu*
1 ted and returned to me by Jeffe*
Williams Constable.
Conditions Calh;
Will be Sold,
On the first Tuesday in April nestis
dt the Court-House in Wilke
countyy between the hours of tea
and three o'clock , the following
property —viz :
Will be fold on the firft Tuet>
day in April next at Wilkes Court*
house, the following property, viz,.
Seven Negroes, Mary, a woman
about 28 years old, and her fix’
children (viz.) Sucky, about four
teen years old, Nancy, about twelve
Oliver ten, Miles seven, Georg©
five and Fanny three years old, tg
ken by virtue of an execution in
favour of Thomas Grant adm’r.
Dcbonis non , of James Ballard deed-*
against Fanny Gafford Executes
of Thomas Gafford deed,—point*
ed out by the Executrix*
One old negro woman named
Nan, taken under execution from
a Justice as the property Wm. Ar*
thur deed, in favour of John Dicls
en levied on by John Gibson cour
liable and returned to me.
March 2d 1815.
GEORGIA, Oglethorpe County.
By Matthew Rainey , Clerk cf
the Court of Ordinary for said county*.
WHEREAS Robert Freeman,
applies for letters of Ad ininiftration,
on the estate of Hubbard Harrifs,
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and Angular the kind ?
red and creditor* of said deceafed
to be and appear at the next Court
of Ordinary to be held in and fo*
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to (hew cause, (if any they
have) why laid letters Ihpuld
be granted.
Given under my hand this \s;k
day of Febuary, 1815.
Matthew Rainey, c. c. 6,
To Sell or Rent
My house and lots in Wafiiingu.
ton, adjoining the Printing Office#
j David P. Hillbousek
My JACK will (land the Spring*
Season at my Plantaton at the rediv
ced price of fix dollars the Season,
and eight dollars the insurance. v
March 3d 1815. A. LIP HAM.
Whereas Charles A. Hill of Lau
rence county, hath presented a moft
fraudulent account against me and
j obtained surreptitiously a fettlemeni
! of the fame with my friend Bcnja-
I min Sherrod Esq. to whom I ant’
! under many obligations—This is to
! give notice to all persons that
• though I am fatisfied Mr. Sherrod
j a&ed from the molt friendly mo*’
tives in giving, on or about the 18th
instant, his note of hand as my a*
gent to the said Hill, for 660 dol
lars, 53 cents and an half, I am
constrained in justice to myfelf to
declare the fall; that I have never
authorised Mr. Sherrod by any
power of attorney to make this fet
tiement, and that I confider the
said note of hand as not obligatory
on me. John MTntosh.
Washington, Feb. air;,-1815